Prediction to the fate of Trump

Yeah that's what people do when faced with multiple federal court cases against them. Trust me, trump is shitting his pants. Just wait till he finds out who has rolled over on him. Expect multiple all caps messages when that occurs.
Pence didn't do the orange knuckle dragger any favors. He kept notes. Jack Smith has those notes. Jack Smith used Pence's notes to nail Trump's ass to the wall on some of the charges. Thanks, Mike! :abgg2q.jpg:
You'll be crying in your beer again when he's indicted in Georgia on multiple felonies, where that orange pile of shit can't pardon himself if you idiots reelect him.

The best thing that Trump can do to avoid prison is to off himself.
Like I've told all your moron buddies, indictments are not convictions. When you get one, we can talk. As for crying, that only happens in your addled brain. LMAO
On the one hand, the democrats seem to want to wait till the last minute to destroy Trump legally once and for all as close to the election as they can.

This will prevent any other candidate from gaining traction because Biden is such a horrible candidate.

On the other hand, if they don't he will be elected and pardon himself, so they won't allow that either.

So how close to the election will they wait to let their legal bombs fall on him?

Waiting too long will prevent them from using adequate propaganda in the media to help destroy him further.

How long do they need after the fact?
One amusing aspect of Trump's weird worshipers' falling for the Loser flailing his victim card to try to contrive a partisan political excuse is that the principles involved - Merrick Garland and Jack Smith - have never been Democrats, and most of the witnesses for the prosecution are Republicans - Trump appointees, even - and the impartial jury that hears the evidence will be subject to approval by both the defense and prosecution.

For the Trump cult, it will be a media show, of course, not a fact-based adjudication in the admirable tradition of American jurisprudence.

So, we now shall witness the appeal to the cerebral of objective, dispassionate empirical evidence vs fanatical, paranoidal dogma mired in intransigence focused upon the reptilian complex - an Apollonian vs Dionysian divertissement.

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And Clipper will whine, cry and howl at the moon while his head explodes. LOLOLOLOL
I have nothing to whine about, idiot. Pence is going to be a witness against Trump in this trial & when he raises his right hand he's going to nail his ass to the wall. Sooooooo, who do you think the jury will believe? Pence or that filthy lying pile of shit Trump?
Yeah, I've been hearing him say that for a long time when his hand is up your ass and your lips are moving. LMAO
You mad at Pence, bro? Wait until the trial when his testimony sends Trump to a Federal Penitentiary for 20 years.

Then you'll really really really be mad at him, cuz. :abgg2q.jpg:
You mad at Pence, bro? Wait until the trial when his testimony sends Trump to a Federal Penitentiary for 20 years.

Then you'll really really really be mad at him, cuz. :abgg2q.jpg:
Please link to anything that I have EVER posted about Pence. As for Trump going to jail, I give you the same five words I've given you on every other investigation, impeachment and indictment you've told me would jail him over the past seven years---You've got him this time. LOL, gets funnier every time I repeat it.
Then why are you on this thread whining? I agree that you have nothing to whine about, but here you are. Sounds like someone who is not at all sure that they are on the proper side.
Oh, I'm on the proper side all right. And it sure as hell ain't on Trump's who should be lined up against a wall for his coup attempt.
Oh, I'm on the proper side all right. And it sure as hell ain't on Trump's who should be lined up against a wall for his coup attempt.
You should be lined up along with Biden and every other commie democrat and tarred and feathered and run out of the country like you did to black folks for a few hundred years. You seem to be intimately acquainted with coups. After the 2020 election, why am I not surprised? BTW, good luck with getting a conviction with no evidence. You'd think you'd learn that doesn't work from past experience. Justice doesn't work on your feewings.
You should be lined up along with Biden and every other commie democrat and tarred and feathered and run out of the country like you did to black folks for a few hundred years. You seem to be intimately acquainted with coups. After the 2020 election, why am I not surprised?
Still mad, bro?

When Trump is in a Federal Penitentiary you can send him Care packages to share with his buddies like Stuey Rhodes.

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