Prediction to the fate of Trump

STFU, you're ignorant as hell. Please link to even ONE time Trump has filed for bankruptcy. Never happened. His businesses are not Trump. Fucking lying morons.
They score a point for every time they can reduce you to saying STFU my friend. If you can't make a case for Trump then you're only going to get ice cream cones, like the other schmucks we ignore.
They are making the assumption that if they can kangaroo Trump into jail or least get him convicted on Trumped up charges, voters will see the light and not vote for Trump. What they don't realize is the more they do this bullshit the more voters are put off by the abuse of power, particularly with the Independents favoring Trump over Biden more and more. And, the more they do this the more third parties look more attractive to Democrat voters.

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"
Wow, the stupid in that post is unbelievable. Here is the thing. Those that hide behind an LLC are PUSSIES. I have been operating my own business for three damn decades. I don't have to hide behind an LLC. I won't, I refuse, to do so. I am willing to put my McMansion on the line, Trump isn't. That makes him a PUSSY. And the fact that I won't hide behind that LLC gives me a real competitive advantage in the market I operate in, probably why I dominate it.
BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Where is the link to the PERSONAL bankruptcy that you cited happened multiple times?
On the one hand, the democrats seem to want to wait till the last minute to destroy Trump legally once and for all as close to the election as they can.

This will prevent any other candidate from gaining traction because Biden is such a horrible candidate.

On the other hand, if they don't he will be elected and pardon himself, so they won't allow that either.

So how close to the election will they wait to let their legal bombs fall on him?

Waiting too long will prevent them from using adequate propaganda in the media to help destroy him further.

How long do they need after the fact?

Could it be that he really committed crimes and will be possibly found guilty of them?
You keep making promises, but here you are. BTW, you are also invited to link to one Trump bankruptcy, duck. Go for it, I'll wait.
Trump has declared corporate bankruptcy 6 times my friend!

Say: Yeah but he didn't declare personal bankruptcy!!
And say: Another duck lie, mind your own business, and stfu!

There are no legal bombs. Dems are working as hard as they can to keep this fact hidden, hoping for some sort of Hail Mary play.

I don't get this.. I say there are plenty of "bombs" although I wouldn't call them that.. I call them Threats

but only uneducated, unthinking, low-IQ people really believe cnn and co.--esp RE the indictments. Any moron can see that all these indictments are thrown at Trump for political reasons, and anyone who puts up with their govt doing this to their chosen candidates... STUPID
1. President Trump is toast.

2. With at least four indictments, he will be crushed.

3. He will be chained to other felons and thrown into prison.

4. Dem hatred for him is so intense that Dem bigwigs may arrange for his Secret Service protection to be withdrawn.

5. No American politicians in the future will dare challenge the Establishment, lest they end up like President Trump.

6. Making him a martyr is the saddest chapter in American history, except for the totally unnecessary Civil War.
Do you think Trump will die Epstein style in jail?

Or will he be allowed to surf with Obama and subsequently never see him again?
IF -- that hasn't seemed to work to well for the dems over the past seven years of kangaroo courts.

We will see. I believe in innocence until proven guilty. Although I suspect many will refuse to believe the courts as they refuse to believe elections and refuse to believe news they don't like.

For some reason a lot of Americans have decided throw it all out and take the word of One Man over everything else.
Wow, the stupid in that post is unbelievable. Here is the thing. Those that hide behind an LLC are PUSSIES. I have been operating my own business for three damn decades. I don't have to hide behind an LLC. I won't, I refuse, to do so. I am willing to put my McMansion on the line, Trump isn't. That makes him a PUSSY. And the fact that I won't hide behind that LLC gives me a real competitive advantage in the market I operate in, probably why I dominate it.
One would presume that you feel the same about the numerous LLC`s created by Hunter and his many schemes as described by the testimonies of Archer, Bobulinsky and IRS agents Shapely and Ziegler.
I swear you people live in La-La Land.

Trump is a piece of shit, literally. He is. a con man. Nothing more and nothing less. He has been his entire life. And for the vast majority of Americans, well the man behind the curtain has been revealed. Trump's con no longer works, except for those so invested in him that they can't bring themselves to let go.

He is going to jail, you can bank on it. He will be convicted, probably multiple times on multiple counts. He has two reasons for running for president again. First and foremost, IT IS THE MONEY. I mean damn, forty million in legal expenses already paid for by his campaign. Really, it probably isn't that much, half of it was probably kicked back to him, where I come from, they call that money laundering. I can't wait to see his 2023 tax return. I will probably file a qui tam with it and then retire on the proceeds. God knows the IRS ain't going to do shit.

But the second reason is Trump is operating under the belief that he can pardon himself if he wins. And maybe he can, but I am here to tell you. If that happens Congress will quickly move to impeach him and they will be successful. Eventually, the majority of the Republican legislators will grow a set of balls and kick Trump's fatass to the curb. I mean where is the downside, are the Trumptards suddenly going to vote for Democrats?

I was never much of a Trump fan, but the painful truth is, from what I have seen of Trump, with paying off his whores and all, the Swamp is so much worse. Congress alone paid women some $17 million to keep quiet about sexual assaults over a decade, and they used taxpayer money to do it. Now compare that to Trump who had consensual affairs and paid her off to keep quiet using his own money. But the worst part of it all, we were never told who was guilty of the assaults in Congress. That is criminal.

The biggest con of all is how the political establishment uses such things as climate change to disembowel our freedoms along with our economy. The painful inflation we are experiencing now is all government created, with the help of governments all around the world with the Covid shutdowns and war on fossil fuels and massive spending, etc. The end of this is the destruction of the dollar and our freedoms.

Trump stuck his head in a fan and never knew what hit him.

Again, the Swamp is far worse than any mafia organization in human history.

Just look at the open disgrace of Biden and his boy to see that.
On the one hand, the democrats seem to want to wait till the last minute to destroy Trump legally once and for all as close to the election as they can.

This will prevent any other candidate from gaining traction because Biden is such a horrible candidate.

On the other hand, if they don't he will be elected and pardon himself, so they won't allow that either.

So how close to the election will they wait to let their legal bombs fall on him?

Waiting too long will prevent them from using adequate propaganda in the media to help destroy him further.

How long do they need after the fact?
Trump's asking for the cases to be delayed till after the election.
DoJ wants them in december 23.

I presume you're in favor of the DoJ request?
Trump's asking for the cases to be delayed till after the election.
DoJ wants them in december 23.

I presume you're in favor of the DoJ request?
Trump would not take over power until January, so that would work for the democrats.

They would put him in jail before he is able to pardon himself.

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