Prediction to the fate of Trump

Don't think for a minute that the Trumptards even recognize the historical meaning of Trump's words, a "worker's party". NAZI is short for National Socialist German WORKER'S party. Leninism, specifically created to provide the WORKERS with political consciousness and revolutionary leadership in order to usher in Communism.

Mao Zedong--the complete elimination of the intellectual class, a "worker's party" founded within the rural communities of China. Pol Pot in Cambodia, millions of executions, fully one in three of the men executed by a "worker's party".

Nope, when someone starts spouting off about a "worker's party" the most prudent thing to do is tar and feather their ass and ride them out of town on a rail. Yet these morons fall to their knees and worship Trump as if he was the second coming of Christ.

And maybe worst of all, Trump has no respect for the "workers". He laughs at them behind their backs. I mean how could he respect the "workers" when he has shafted hundreds, if not thousands of them, by refusing to pay his bills, stiffing them with his multiple bankruptcies. I mean how many "workers" have had to sue him in an attempt to get paid for their work, how many have sued him for unfair labor practices, how many have sued him for sexual harassment. Hell, he can't even pay for law enforcement services provided by municipalities in which he holds one of his massive rallies. Respect for workers? If you believe he respects workers you have to have your head so far up your ass that you will never see the light of day.

Nope, I keep waiting for someone, anyone, to step up and give that fatass self-absorbed DICK what he has needed his entire life. A good old-fashioned ass-kickin. Really, it should have been Mike Pence. And I swear, I will quit my job and work for Chris Christie's campaign full-time if he would just stroll across the debate stage and knock Trump into next week.

But here is the thing. You wouldn't have to lay a finger on his cowardly, tiny soft hands, never struck a lick of work his entire life, sorry ass. I mean come on. Ronald Reagan was a man's man. He rode horses, he split wood, he actually did represent "workers", his work for the Actor's union a case in point. George Bush Jr., damn, his home is impressive, he lives on a ranch, he knows how to use a chainsaw. Obama, OK, he hasn't struck a lick either but he is competitive on the basketball court, that works for me, and at 61 I can still dominate twenty year olds on the basketball court. Fat ass Trump plays golf, big damn whoop, what a pussy ass so-called sport, and even at that, he is a notorious cheater. How damn sad.

Nope, climb in his face and say "Boo" and he is shitting in his diaper and curling up in a fetal position. He is not a man, he is not even close. It is long past time that this nation kicked his sorry ass to the curb and let the cards play out. If we don't, then it will be a generation before the country recovers, maybe two generations. Trump may very well be the last gift the parasites called "Boomers" leave this country with. I hope you guys are proud of yourselves.
Hahaha name something trump wants to take
Why don't you concentrate on a republican candidate who is intelligent and decent?

Why don’t you? On a dem of course..Only problem is, there aren’t any.

You keep making promises, but here you are. BTW, you are also invited to link to one Trump bankruptcy, duck. Go for it, I'll wait.
There is no Trump, without the privately owned by Donald Trump, Trump Organization. No Trump Tower, no money, no high rises, no Resorts or Golf clubs, no private jets, NO NOTHING in Trump's world, without the Trump Organization.
That, of course, is what republicans would do.
After all, nearly 100% of todays GOP surrendered any sense of honor the moment that N-Word took office.
To a man they've spent the last 14 years lying, cheating, and destroying our political institutions.

He'll be convicted, you know that.
When he is the courts in every state will be clogged with lawsuits demanding his removal from the ballot under the 14th amendment.
trump will lose those cases and the SCOTUS will save the GOP from itself by upholding the findings.
The fact that we say "N word" is from propaganda and elite control of many governments.
The lies about Biden will be exposed. This accusation lacks evidence just like Trump's claims of a stolen election.
truly bothers you who I want to be president. hahahaahahahahahahahahahaha


6 times filed for bankruptcy.
good business practice when a business fails. It's very smart. Xiden wanted to give bankruptcy to all the student loans. Why?
think Know what Trump is thinking?


Your TDS is so severe you think you know what he's thinking.....hahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahha and you go further with it. Amazing.
You'll be crying in your beer again when he's indicted in Georgia on multiple felonies, where that orange pile of shit can't pardon himself if you idiots reelect him.

The best thing that Trump can do to avoid prison is to off himself.
you know that means nothing right?
good business practice when a business fails. It's very smart. Xiden wanted to give bankruptcy to all the student loans. Why?
A good practice to get as much cash as you can from the suckers then declare bankruptcy after pocketing said cash.

Doesn't make Trump smart, it makes him what we call him. A grifter and it makes you what he calls you. The mark.
There is no Trump, without the privately owned by Donald Trump, Trump Organization. No Trump Tower, no money, no high rises, no Resorts or Golf clubs, no private jets, NO NOTHING in Trump's world, without the Trump Organization.

A good practice to get as much cash as you can from the suckers then declare bankruptcy after pocketing said cash.

Doesn't make Trump smart, it makes him what we call him. A grifter and it makes you what he calls you. The mark.

I don't think it's a smart practice either, but Trump used other people's money.. He was protected.
There is no Trump, without the privately owned by Donald Trump, Trump Organization. No Trump Tower, no money, no high rises, no Resorts or Golf clubs, no private jets, NO NOTHING in Trump's world, without the Trump Organization.
Nice deflection. Where is the Trump bankruptcy? I imagine it is the same place as the Trump convictions.
good business practice when a business fails. It's very smart. Xiden wanted to give bankruptcy to all the student loans. Why?
I will tell you why. The American economy runs on consumer spending. And when that student debt is forgiven it takes money that would have been sent to financial institutions and their shareholders and puts it right back into the economy, paying for home mortgages, new cars, vacations, furniture and other durable goods. I mean the financial institutions now take about three times of the money in the economy as they did half a century ago and we are getting nothing for that. That is a problem.

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