Prediction to the fate of Trump

If Trump was Putin's friend he wouldn't have sanctioned/stopped NordStream2, would he? Trump wouldn't have given the Ukranians Javelin anti-tank missiles either, huh?
I don't know why Trump says stupid stuff about Putin, but the Bidens actually take money from Russians, that is more criminal than saying stupid stuff.

Agree Russia loses when Putin wages wars he can't win.

America wins when Trump is in the Whitehouse. America loses when Biden is in the Whitehouse.

Trump wanted to force the Europeans to buy more expensive natural gas from the US. Nordstream2 is a 3 billion dollar project that took eleven years to develop. Does Putin make sense to you? He's got to sell his gas. He needs the revenue. So now he's building another pipeline to China.


Quote me the findings about bribes and 5 million for Shokin firing. Don't forget to cite the criminal referrals.

Someone filing and FBI form about someone else telling them something on its own is not serious evidence. Republicans had Biden's financial records and found nothing about any of those supposed bribes.

Good luck.
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Trump wanted to force the Europeans to buy more expensive natural gas from the US. Nordstream2 is a 3 billion dollar project that took eleven years to develop. Does Putin make sense to you? He's got to sell his gas. He needs the revenue. So now he's building another pipeline to China.
Exactly right.
Except Trump didn't like US taxpayers paying to keep US troops in Europe to protect the EU from Russians, when the EU was funding the Russian military by buying their gas.
Putin does not make sense to me, unless his generals told him that the war in Ukraine would be over in days, and Putin took the bait.
The Russia-China pipeline has been under construction for about 8-years according to this link:

Quote me the findings about bribes and 5 million for Shokin firing. Don't forget to cite the criminal referrals.
Someone filing and FBI form about someone else telling them something on its own is not serious evidence. Republicans had Biden's financial records and found nothing about any of those supposed bribes. Good luck.
You'll see that during the Impeachment Trial.
If the fucking FBI did their jobs instead of covering up for the Bidens we'd have them in prison by now instead of in the WH.
You'll see that during the Impeachment Trial.
If the fucking FBI did their jobs instead of covering up for the Bidens we'd have them in prison by now instead of in the WH.

You are living in a fantasy land.

I will quote this post of yours in a year again to remind you of it.

6. Damage to Iraq? Saddam ruined Iraq not the US. ...

Example: Some of your soldiers drove against a corner in Babylon and destroyed it. This corner was there since about 4000 years. For "you" it was nothing else than dirt. I was astonsihed about me on my own that me personally made your respectless behavior in the eyes of the very old history of Babylon nearly as angry as the death of the many people who you killed in the Iraq.

... The US gave Iraq its freedom back from a horrible dictator.

The USA had not any justification for this war. You broke the international laws. No wonder that also every other idiot - such as Putin and Xi JinPing - think they have the right to break international laws. You introduced with this unbearable behavior only again the "law of the strongest" into world history. No wonder that everywhere in the world is disaster when the most powerful nations of the world do not like to live a valueable but only a powerful, criminal life.
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They score a point for every time they can reduce you to saying STFU my friend. If you can't make a case for Trump then you're only going to get ice cream cones, like the other schmucks we ignore.
He isn't required to prove that your lies aren't true, dumbass.
Trump wanted to force the Europeans to buy more expensive natural gas from the US. ...

What's nonsense. Angela Merkel offered him to build for a billion Euro a terminal for LNG from the USA - and suddenly Donald Trump did not like his own fake-project any longer and he stopped what he never really liked to do.

Germany - and also attitudes against a female boss of a country - were for him only important because many US-American men see in women only slaves and because most US-Americans hate Germany - brainwashed from the own never ending war propaganda.
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On the one hand, the democrats seem to want to wait till the last minute to destroy Trump legally once and for all as close to the election as they can.

This will prevent any other candidate from gaining traction because Biden is such a horrible candidate.

On the other hand, if they don't he will be elected and pardon himself, so they won't allow that either.

So how close to the election will they wait to let their legal bombs fall on him?

Waiting too long will prevent them from using adequate propaganda in the media to help destroy him further.

How long do they need after the fact?
This is no conspiracy, hater dupe. This is how slow justice is, especially when dealing with a political leader even if he has a total seditious scumbag con man POS.... Try real journalists sometime,,,
Example: Some of your soldiers drove against a corner in Babylon and destroyed it. This corner was there since about 4000 years. For "you" it was nothing else than dirt. I was astonished about me on my own that me personally made your disrespectful behavior in the eyes of the very old history of Babylon nearly as angry as the death of the many people who you killed in Iraq.

The USA had no justification for this war. You broke the international laws. No wonder that also every other idiot - such as Putin and Xi JinPing - think they have the right to break international laws. You introduced with this unbearable behavior only again the "law of the strongest" into world history. No wonder that everywhere in the world is disaster when the most powerful nations of the world do not like to live a valuable but only a powerful life.
1. I have no clue what a "corner" is? It was 4000 years old? Maybe you're confused about ISIS destroying statues and art?

2. The US did NOT go to war with Iraq against international law. The US was one member of a large coalition of countries.

3. Who are you talking to that gives you such misinformation?
On the one hand, the democrats seem to want to wait till the last minute to destroy Trump legally once and for all as close to the election as they can.

This will prevent any other candidate from gaining traction because Biden is such a horrible candidate.

On the other hand, if they don't he will be elected and pardon himself, so they won't allow that either.

So how close to the election will they wait to let their legal bombs fall on him?

Waiting too long will prevent them from using adequate propaganda in the media to help destroy him further.

How long do they need after the fact?
Donald Trump will die in prison with a dick up his ass!
Example: Some of your soldiers drove against a corner in Babylon and destroyed it. This corner was there since about 4000 years. For "you" it was nothing else than dirt. I was astonsihed about me on my own that me personalyl made your resepctess behavior in the eyes of the very old history of Babylon nearly as angry as the death of the many people who you killed in the Iraq.

The USA had not any justification for this war. You broke the international laws. No wonder that also every other idiot - such as Putin and Xi JinPing - think they have the right to break international laws. You introduced with this unbearable behavior only again the "law of the strongest" into world history. No wonder that everywhere in the world is disaster when the most powerful nations of the world do not like to live a valueable but only a powerful, criminal life.
The problem is always the same with the USA, the lying scumbag incompetent giveaway to the rich GOP like W Bush (Reagan Bush Bush Trump OMG) who started the stupidest war ever in Iraq, in so doing wrecking the war in Afghanistan, the second stupidest war ever. The idiot GOP allowed 9/11 by sheer incompetence and in 2000 and eight they ruined the world economy again with their corrupt deregulation real estate bubble and bust.. Same time you could also call it a Fox War since they pushed all the baloney that made it possible.
... to keep US troops in Germany to protect Germans from Russia. ...

Your soldiers never had the order to protect Germans from Russia. You soldiers had the order to wipe out Germany with nukes when whole Germany will cooperate with the Russian Soviets.
Your soldiers never had the order to protect Germans from Russia. You soldiers had the order to wipe out Germany with nukes when whole Germany will cooperate with the Russian Soviets.
As members of NATO the US and Germany are allies. No one is going to use nukes. Your opinions are ridiculously wrong.
You need better sources of information, try planet "Earth".

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