
Now that Hillary has been proven to be clean as a whistle and as pure as the wind driven snow, how will the next 8 years look under Hillary as POTUS?
When the next recession hits, Hillary won't be able to blame her immediate predecessor, so that will be refreshing. But since the tards managed to blame Jimmy Carter for the crash which happened on Bush's watch, I guess it won't be a stretch to blame Bush for the next recession.

Hell, the tards even managed to blame Obama for the 2008 crash! Isn't that amazing?

No one ever wants to look in the mirror for the person to blame. Despite that being who really is to blame for the messes we get ourselves into. People much prefer scapegoats rather than face the truth. So we blame negroes and Mexicans and whoever the last two or three Presidents of the opposite party were.

The appearance of Hillary's Presidency will depend on whether or not Congress flips Democratic. It all depends just how big a disaster the Trump march of the lemmings is.

If Hillary wins and gets a Democratic Senate, we can expect her to exhume Saul Alinsky and appoint him to the Supreme Court to replace Scalia. If that confirmation doesn't come through, she'll nominate Ali Saed Bin Ali El-Hoorie, of course. She hates America that much.

Clinton's opponents will be accused of being sexist pigs.

Her opponents will accuse her of being a secret wife of a Saudi Arabian prince before her hand even lifts from the Satanic Bible on Inauguration Day.

In short, it will be eight more years of the same old shit.

No, things will change.

Thinks always change
Drunks even slur online.

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