Prepare Yourself for Blowback from Yemen

And you know that Yemen , a 50th rated military power , launched cruise missiles at "us" how?
They weren't successful. They are in proxy war with Iran on their side. Iran is sending/sent war ship to the sea.

The Pentagon told us. You have no grounds for not believing what they tell us.

Thats not what you said when you were told that hussein had weapons of mass destruction.
Does anyone know if the Ponce still has that close defense laser on it they were trialling
Prepare Yourself for Blowback from Yemen

If there is another terrorist attack on U.S. soil, this time because of the death and destruction that the U.S. government is wreaking in Yemen, I can already hear the laments and complaints of statist-Americans: “Oh my gosh, another terrorist attack against us! Why do the terrorists and the Muslims hate us for our freedom and values? Why can’t they see that we’re good people who just want to live our lives in peace? We must now give more power and more money to the Pentagon, CIA, and NSA so that they can keep us safe from those who hate us because we’re good.”

In other words, the last thing they’re going to acknowledge is that the Tomahawk missiles that the U.S. military fired against radar sites in Yemen yesterday, killing whoever happened to be manning those radar sites, will have had anything to do with retaliatory terrorism against the United States.

Once again, this time in Yemen, the Pentagon is playing the victim. It claims that it fired its missiles in self-defense after two incidents in which rebels in Yemen fired missiles at a U.S. Navy ship in the area.

But the Pentagon is not a victim and it didn’t fire those missiles and kill those Yemeni radar operators in self-defense. Instead, like its other interventions in Iraq, Libya, Syria, and elsewhere in the Middle East, it is an illegal participant in the ongoing conflict in Yemen."

The only blowback will be Obama on his knees in front of the ayatollah.
Thats not what you said when you were told that hussein had weapons of mass destruction.
That's exactly what I said. And it wasn't the Pentagon. It was Cheney. He is the one who said, “There is no doubt ...”

But there was doubt. That was worthy of prosecution. But Obama, being like all good Americans, didn't threaten to jail the outgoing party’s leadership.

Why shouldn't I believe my Vice President?
Prepare Yourself for Blowback from Yemen

If there is another terrorist attack on U.S. soil, this time because of the death and destruction that the U.S. government is wreaking in Yemen, I can already hear the laments and complaints of statist-Americans: “Oh my gosh, another terrorist attack against us! Why do the terrorists and the Muslims hate us for our freedom and values? Why can’t they see that we’re good people who just want to live our lives in peace? We must now give more power and more money to the Pentagon, CIA, and NSA so that they can keep us safe from those who hate us because we’re good.”

In other words, the last thing they’re going to acknowledge is that the Tomahawk missiles that the U.S. military fired against radar sites in Yemen yesterday, killing whoever happened to be manning those radar sites, will have had anything to do with retaliatory terrorism against the United States.

Once again, this time in Yemen, the Pentagon is playing the victim. It claims that it fired its missiles in self-defense after two incidents in which rebels in Yemen fired missiles at a U.S. Navy ship in the area.

But the Pentagon is not a victim and it didn’t fire those missiles and kill those Yemeni radar operators in self-defense. Instead, like its other interventions in Iraq, Libya, Syria, and elsewhere in the Middle East, it is an illegal participant in the ongoing conflict in Yemen."

The only blowback will be Obama on his knees in front of the ayatollah.
Praying for Trump as he and the Ayatollah can only watch as they see Trump being butt raped by Putin.

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