Pres. Obama begins post-SOTU tour in Idaho

How do I bookmark a thread for when Hillary reads her concession speech?

To who? Romney? Bwahahahaha.......don't worry about it, you won't be needing a bookmark........unless you're keeping all of Romney's concessions speeches.

No, to Lizzy Cheekbones, or maybe Duval Patrick or maybe to Michelle Obama

The People who own the DNC loathe and despise Hillary. She voted for Bush's AUMF, she hasn't shown up for the 2 Minute Hate against the 1 percent, as far as the owners are concerned, she's a Conservative.

It's fun to watch Righties degenerate like they are on this thread.

What Righties here have not noticed is how well the President was received in Idaho.

Bwahaha....Ernst said they were going to work hard to reverse the nation's direction...........I'm
We'll see.
There's no "we'll see" about would take an act of Congress to change the Presidential term....and we know Congress hasn't been doing much for the past 6 years.

Please tell me when Obama has obeyed the laws of this land? Adhered to the Constitution? Abided by the decisions of Congress? I'm telling you. We'll see. That was me being generous. The truth is, "you'll" see.

I don't know what you hear on Faux News, but if Obama wasn't obeying the laws of the land I'm sure the "impeachment" hungry Republicans would have already drawn up the impeachment papers......which they probably are working on, since undoing is what they focus on. And the only reason he doesn't abide to the decisions of Congress is because the only bills the Republicans pass in Congress have to do with screwing repealing Obamacare. Tell me, what are they planning to replace it with? What we had before? Yes, because we all know how well that was working.

And, I have already seen. Joni Ernst claimed that Republicans' goal was to take the country in a different direction.....probably the same direction that GW Bush did that work out for the country?
Obamcare is screwing America. That's why they pushed most of it back to after the next election. They passed the thing in 2009. What year is it? Why would a sane person not question this delay? Most of the taxes kick in next year. The group plan mandate kicks in after the 2016 election.

How convenient.
When you compare one person to ten other candidates that's not scientific. Throw in ten from each party you'll likely get a different result.

This is all just a campaign to depress Republican voters. Hillary isn't popular. She's been mostly in hiding. The less you're under the spotlight the more popular you become. Bush can attest to that.

Horseshit. When 34 pollsters from all over the spectrum are doing it, now with 253 polls and 861 matchups, of course it is. Had it been a poll with Hillary only against one candidate, you would use that as a reason to bitch that it's not "scientific".


Muddy, I can see through you.

I'm not a compulsive liar.

Remove your tongue from Hillary's fat butt and smell the coffee.
It's fun to watch Righties degenerate like they are on this thread.

What Righties here have not noticed is how well the President was received in Idaho.

Bwahaha....Ernst said they were going to work hard to reverse the nation's direction...........I'm
We'll see.
There's no "we'll see" about would take an act of Congress to change the Presidential term....and we know Congress hasn't been doing much for the past 6 years.

Please tell me when Obama has obeyed the laws of this land? Adhered to the Constitution? Abided by the decisions of Congress? I'm telling you. We'll see. That was me being generous. The truth is, "you'll" see.

I don't know what you hear on Faux News, but if Obama wasn't obeying the laws of the land I'm sure the "impeachment" hungry Republicans would have already drawn up the impeachment papers......which they probably are working on, since undoing is what they focus on. And the only reason he doesn't abide to the decisions of Congress is because the only bills the Republicans pass in Congress have to do with screwing repealing Obamacare. Tell me, what are they planning to replace it with? What we had before? Yes, because we all know how well that was working.

And, I have already seen. Joni Ernst claimed that Republicans' goal was to take the country in a different direction.....probably the same direction that GW Bush did that work out for the country?
Obamcare is screwing America. That's why they pushed most of it back to after the next election. They passed the thing in 2009. What year is it? Why would a sane person not question this delay? Most of the taxes kick in next year. The group plan mandate kicks in after the 2016 election.

How convenient.

I hear the Harvard professors are very upset about paying more for healthcare thanks to Obama. They had no idea it would effect "them" personally. Until then I guess it was okay. The same will happen once reality hits the people still supporting Obama - once they join everyone else under the bus? They will change their tune.
Hillary isn't popular.

Geez, is Faux News putting the quietus on Hilllary? Must really burn to read articles like these:

Jan. 22, 2015 at 11:05
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22 (UPI) -- Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has double-digit leads in presidential election polls against Republican candidates such as U.S. Senator Rand Paul, R-Ky., and former Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush.

In the Washington Post-ABC News telephone poll conducted between Jan. 12 and 15, Clinton, a Democrat, had a 13 percent lead over Republicans Paul, Bush and N.J. Gov. Chris Christie.

Clinton also had a 17 percent lead over former Gov. Mike Huckabee, R-Ark., and a 15 percent lead over 2012 Republican presidential candidate and former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney.

The polls also found that it makes no difference to 65 percent of people that Clinton is a woman -- one percent had no opinion, but 24 percent were more likely to vote for her because she's female and 10 percent were less likely.

Hillary Clinton beating Republican candidates in presidential election polls -
How do I bookmark a thread for when Hillary reads her concession speech?

To who? Romney? Bwahahahaha.......don't worry about it, you won't be needing a bookmark........unless you're keeping all of Romney's concessions speeches.

No, to Lizzy Cheekbones, or maybe Duval Patrick or maybe to Michelle Obama

The People who own the DNC loathe and despise Hillary. She voted for Bush's AUMF, she hasn't shown up for the 2 Minute Hate against the 1 percent, as far as the owners are concerned, she's a Conservative.

You're so delusional it isn't even should crawl out from under that rock at least one time.........:D
Obamcare is screwing America.

Really? Where do you get that kind of information?............hmmm, never mind, I know where you get it.....Republicans/conservatives will never cease to try and screw American citizens.

Sylvia Burwell, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees the law's implementation, said that Republican efforts to replace Obamacare are happening "despite increasing evidence that the law is working."

A Gallup survey showed that the percentage of Americans without health insurance fell 4.2 percentage points to just under 13 percent at the end of 2014.
RPT-U.S. healthcare executives say Obamacare is not going anywhere Reuters
Hillary isn't popular.

Geez, is Faux News putting the quietus on Hilllary? Must really burn to read articles like these:

Jan. 22, 2015 at 11:05
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22 (UPI) -- Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has double-digit leads in presidential election polls against Republican candidates such as U.S. Senator Rand Paul, R-Ky., and former Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush.

In the Washington Post-ABC News telephone poll conducted between Jan. 12 and 15, Clinton, a Democrat, had a 13 percent lead over Republicans Paul, Bush and N.J. Gov. Chris Christie.

Clinton also had a 17 percent lead over former Gov. Mike Huckabee, R-Ark., and a 15 percent lead over 2012 Republican presidential candidate and former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney.

The polls also found that it makes no difference to 65 percent of people that Clinton is a woman -- one percent had no opinion, but 24 percent were more likely to vote for her because she's female and 10 percent were less likely.

Hillary Clinton beating Republican candidates in presidential election polls -

Republicans in general aren't popular. They don't get favorable coverage from anyone, even Fox. Rush is their worst critic. Hillary has been hiding since Benghazi. People have short attention spans
Obamcare is screwing America.

Really? Where do you get that kind of information?............hmmm, never mind, I know where you get it.....Republicans/conservatives will never cease to try and screw American citizens.

Sylvia Burwell, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees the law's implementation, said that Republican efforts to replace Obamacare are happening "despite increasing evidence that the law is working."

A Gallup survey showed that the percentage of Americans without health insurance fell 4.2 percentage points to just under 13 percent at the end of 2014.
RPT-U.S. healthcare executives say Obamacare is not going anywhere Reuters

Obamacare is a disaster. It wasn't meant to work. Single-payer was the original goal, but when Obamacare screws up healthcare people will be calling for any solution. In walks single-payer, government run shitty coverage, death-panels, just give us your paycheck and we'll tell you what's left of it, health care.
Hillary isn't popular.

Geez, is Faux News putting the quietus on Hilllary? Must really burn to read articles like these:

Jan. 22, 2015 at 11:05
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22 (UPI) -- Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has double-digit leads in presidential election polls against Republican candidates such as U.S. Senator Rand Paul, R-Ky., and former Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush.

In the Washington Post-ABC News telephone poll conducted between Jan. 12 and 15, Clinton, a Democrat, had a 13 percent lead over Republicans Paul, Bush and N.J. Gov. Chris Christie.

Clinton also had a 17 percent lead over former Gov. Mike Huckabee, R-Ark., and a 15 percent lead over 2012 Republican presidential candidate and former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney.

The polls also found that it makes no difference to 65 percent of people that Clinton is a woman -- one percent had no opinion, but 24 percent were more likely to vote for her because she's female and 10 percent were less likely.

Hillary Clinton beating Republican candidates in presidential election polls -

Republicans in general aren't popular.
You can say that again.....if it wasn't for gerrymandering and the fact that Dems don't come out for mid-term elections, they probably wouldn't have gotten so many seats in 2014.

They don't get favorable coverage from anyone, even Fox.
Of that, I'm pretty sure is not true. Faux always sides with them....tries to make it the Dem's fault.

Rush is their worst critic.
He only gets mad at them when they don't attack in the manner that Rush would like for them to.....but Rush would circle the wagons around them if push came to shove....he criticizes Dems even worse.

Hillary has been hiding since Benghazi.
She's not hiding. Republicans couldn't pin any wrong doing on her no matter how many times they tried, and they tried many times. She's gearing up for next year.....:)

People have short attention spans
Well, for the most part, they do. But Republicans won't quit reminding them......but only things that don't affect them.
How do I bookmark a thread for when Hillary reads her concession speech?

To who? Romney? Bwahahahaha.......don't worry about it, you won't be needing a bookmark........unless you're keeping all of Romney's concessions speeches.

No, to Lizzy Cheekbones, or maybe Duval Patrick or maybe to Michelle Obama

The People who own the DNC loathe and despise Hillary. She voted for Bush's AUMF, she hasn't shown up for the 2 Minute Hate against the 1 percent, as far as the owners are concerned, she's a Conservative.

How do I bookmark a thread for when Hillary reads her concession speech?

To who? Romney? Bwahahahaha.......don't worry about it, you won't be needing a bookmark........unless you're keeping all of Romney's concessions speeches.

No, to Lizzy Cheekbones, or maybe Duval Patrick or maybe to Michelle Obama

The People who own the DNC loathe and despise Hillary. She voted for Bush's AUMF, she hasn't shown up for the 2 Minute Hate against the 1 percent, as far as the owners are concerned, she's a Conservative.

You're so delusional it isn't even should crawl out from under that rock at least one time.........:D

We'll see
Hillary isn't popular.

Geez, is Faux News putting the quietus on Hilllary? Must really burn to read articles like these:

Jan. 22, 2015 at 11:05
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22 (UPI) -- Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has double-digit leads in presidential election polls against Republican candidates such as U.S. Senator Rand Paul, R-Ky., and former Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush.

In the Washington Post-ABC News telephone poll conducted between Jan. 12 and 15, Clinton, a Democrat, had a 13 percent lead over Republicans Paul, Bush and N.J. Gov. Chris Christie.

Clinton also had a 17 percent lead over former Gov. Mike Huckabee, R-Ark., and a 15 percent lead over 2012 Republican presidential candidate and former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney.

The polls also found that it makes no difference to 65 percent of people that Clinton is a woman -- one percent had no opinion, but 24 percent were more likely to vote for her because she's female and 10 percent were less likely.

Hillary Clinton beating Republican candidates in presidential election polls -

Republicans in general aren't popular.
You can say that again.....if it wasn't for gerrymandering and the fact that Dems don't come out for mid-term elections, they probably wouldn't have gotten so many seats in 2014.

They don't get favorable coverage from anyone, even Fox.
Of that, I'm pretty sure is not true. Faux always sides with them....tries to make it the Dem's fault.

Rush is their worst critic.
He only gets mad at them when they don't attack in the manner that Rush would like for them to.....but Rush would circle the wagons around them if push came to shove....he criticizes Dems even worse.

Hillary has been hiding since Benghazi.
She's not hiding. Republicans couldn't pin any wrong doing on her no matter how many times they tried, and they tried many times. She's gearing up for next year.....:)

People have short attention spans
Well, for the most part, they do. But Republicans won't quit reminding them......but only things that don't affect them.

Fact: Republicans under the Boner leadership aren't viewed highly. So why did they clean up in the last election?
Some folks were asked if they saw MLK give his speech Tuesday. Many wouldn't say "isn't he dead?"

Some said they saw the speech. Either they're not paying attention or they're a bunch of compulsive liars.
Why is Obama pushing an agenda that has zero chance of being enacted?

Because it boxes in the GOP. If they obstruct his agenda they hurt themselves with the voters in 2016.

It was a very smart move on Obama's part because it set the bar that the GOP must meet or be judged a failure. No wonder they were so ticked off afterwards. :lol:
Why is Obama pushing an agenda that has zero chance of being enacted?

Because it boxes in the GOP. If they obstruct his agenda they hurt themselves with the voters in 2016.

It was a very smart move on Obama's part because it set the bar that the GOP must meet or be judged a failure. No wonder they were so ticked off afterwards. :lol:

Yepp. Absolutely.

Once again, we have the case where the President acts, the GOP "kneejerkingly" reacts.

With some EOs, the President has now forced the issue of Immigration Reform, and I am quite sure that the Latino community is watching how this plays out with GREAT interest. The GOP is now pretty much fucked, because if it shows even the slightest willingness to even compromise, then it loses it's ultra racist, ultra bigoted Conservative base, which is now prolly the majority of the circa 25% of Americans who identify as Republicans.

In addition, President Obama's chess move vis-a-vis Cuba opens a can of worms for the GOP, most of all in Florida, which has a huge contingent of Cuban-Latinos who have been waiting for years for this moment. Badmouth the re-opening of relations to that small Island and risk permanently losing the Cuban-Latino vote in Florida permanently. The GOP just lost the Cuban vote in Florida in the 2012 GE, for the first time in recorded polling history where Latinos were also part of the surveys. If the GOP loses Florida and it slowly becomes part of the Blue Wall, then things look very bleak for the GOP on the presidential level for many years to come. And I mean - many.
Why is Obama pushing an agenda that has zero chance of being enacted?

Because it boxes in the GOP. If they obstruct his agenda they hurt themselves with the voters in 2016.

It was a very smart move on Obama's part because it set the bar that the GOP must meet or be judged a failure. No wonder they were so ticked off afterwards. :lol:

Yepp. Absolutely.

Once again, we have the case where the President acts, the GOP "kneejerkingly" reacts.

With some EOs, the President has now forced the issue of Immigration Reform, and I am quite sure that the Latino community is watching how this plays out with GREAT interest. The GOP is now pretty much fucked, because if it shows even the slightest willingness to even compromise, then it loses it's ultra racist, ultra bigoted Conservative base, which is now prolly the majority of the circa 25% of Americans who identify as Republicans.

In addition, President Obama's chess move vis-a-vis Cuba opens a can of worms for the GOP, most of all in Florida, which has a huge contingent of Cuban-Latinos who have been waiting for years for this moment. Badmouth the re-opening of relations to that small Island and risk permanently losing the Cuban-Latino vote in Florida permanently. The GOP just lost the Cuban vote in Florida in the 2012 GE, for the first time in recorded polling history where Latinos were also part of the surveys. If the GOP loses Florida and it slowly becomes part of the Blue Wall, then things look very bleak for the GOP on the presidential level for many years to come. And I mean - many.

Looking back at the SOTU it struck me that Obama has done something significant that won't be apparent for a couple of years and only once it has started will people realize that it was this SOTU that was the pivotal point.

For decades now the political pendulum has been moving to the right to the point where the Dems were first dragged into the center and then over towards the moderate right. But Obama stopped that momentum in the SOTU by boldly outlining a future that moves back towards the left. He essentially dared the GOP to either move to the left or be stranded as the nation moves to the left because the demographics are headed in that direction.

In essence he just added to his legacy as the man who tore down the red wall of Republicanism and opened the gates to a better future for all Americans under blue skies. No, it won't happen overnight but it is inevitable and by 2022 or 2024 it will be obvious to all in my opinion. By then the GOP will be reinventing itself by embracing everything that Obama said in the SOTU.
Hillary isn't popular.

Geez, is Faux News putting the quietus on Hilllary? Must really burn to read articles like these:

Jan. 22, 2015 at 11:05
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22 (UPI) -- Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has double-digit leads in presidential election polls against Republican candidates such as U.S. Senator Rand Paul, R-Ky., and former Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush.

In the Washington Post-ABC News telephone poll conducted between Jan. 12 and 15, Clinton, a Democrat, had a 13 percent lead over Republicans Paul, Bush and N.J. Gov. Chris Christie.

Clinton also had a 17 percent lead over former Gov. Mike Huckabee, R-Ark., and a 15 percent lead over 2012 Republican presidential candidate and former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney.

The polls also found that it makes no difference to 65 percent of people that Clinton is a woman -- one percent had no opinion, but 24 percent were more likely to vote for her because she's female and 10 percent were less likely.

Hillary Clinton beating Republican candidates in presidential election polls -

Republicans in general aren't popular.
You can say that again.....if it wasn't for gerrymandering and the fact that Dems don't come out for mid-term elections, they probably wouldn't have gotten so many seats in 2014.

They don't get favorable coverage from anyone, even Fox.
Of that, I'm pretty sure is not true. Faux always sides with them....tries to make it the Dem's fault.

Rush is their worst critic.
He only gets mad at them when they don't attack in the manner that Rush would like for them to.....but Rush would circle the wagons around them if push came to shove....he criticizes Dems even worse.

Hillary has been hiding since Benghazi.
She's not hiding. Republicans couldn't pin any wrong doing on her no matter how many times they tried, and they tried many times. She's gearing up for next year.....:)

People have short attention spans
Well, for the most part, they do. But Republicans won't quit reminding them......but only things that don't affect them.

Fact: Republicans under the Boner leadership aren't viewed highly. So why did they clean up in the last election?

Gerry mandering......and Democrats don't seem to come out for the mid-term elections.
It's fun to watch Righties degenerate like they are on this thread.

What Righties here have not noticed is how well the President was received in Idaho.

Wow, a picked crowd and Stat thinks he was well received. Give us a break.
It's fun to watch Righties degenerate like they are on this thread.

What Righties here have not noticed is how well the President was received in Idaho.

Wow, a picked crowd and Stat thinks he was well received. Give us a break.

Idaho is not a monolithic red state.

Boise is a different world politically than the rest of Idaho redvoter

Boise is a largely Democratic and with a growing Latino population it will gradually change over the long run. Obama is someone who thinks and acts in the long term.

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