Pres. Obama begins post-SOTU tour in Idaho

While the gang is all here I have a question and a comment. Obama was upset that no one authorized Bibi coming to speak to Congress in March. Does he not realize that Congress invited Bibi to speak and that it is totally up to Congress as to who comes? The executive branch has no part in any decision as to who comes to speak to Congress. Just who does he think he is imposing his will where it doesn't belong? Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge Bibi accepted the invitation to come and speak to Congress. He didn't ask to speak to Obama during his visit. So with that in mind, wasn't it Bibi who decided not to meet with Obama and not the other way around?

Can someone here confirm that for me? Thank you.
The American population is well over 300 million and only 9 million watched it? That is amazing!

Where did you get those figures? Faux News? He had well over 30 million viewers....and 98% of Republicans were at home sulking rather than watching.....because they care so much about the country.

A total crowd of 31.7 million watched Obama’s speech across 13 networks – about 1.6 million shy of last year’s address. Nielsen says this year’s network tally includes ABC, Al Jazeera America, Azteca, CBS, CNN, Fox, Fox Business Network, Fox News Channel, Galavision, MSNBC, MundoFox and NBC live, and Univision on tape delay.
State Of The Union Viewership Falls To 31.7 Million On All Networks Deadline

And what's more 51% of the viewers agreed with his speech.....that ought to tell Reps/cons something.

CNN ORC Poll SOTU more popular than last year -
Surprised our multicultural Liar in Chief would visit Idaho, since it was they who ruined the Miss Black America contest
We'll see.
There's no "we'll see" about would take an act of Congress to change the Presidential term....and we know Congress hasn't been doing much for the past 6 years.

Please tell me when Obama has obeyed the laws of this land? Adhered to the Constitution? Abided by the decisions of Congress? I'm telling you. We'll see. That was me being generous. The truth is, "you'll" see.
The American population is well over 300 million and only 9 million watched it? That is amazing!

Where did you get those figures? Faux News? He had well over 30 million viewers....and 98% of Republicans were at home sulking rather than watching.....because they care so much about the country.

A total crowd of 31.7 million watched Obama’s speech across 13 networks – about 1.6 million shy of last year’s address. Nielsen says this year’s network tally includes ABC, Al Jazeera America, Azteca, CBS, CNN, Fox, Fox Business Network, Fox News Channel, Galavision, MSNBC, MundoFox and NBC live, and Univision on tape delay.
State Of The Union Viewership Falls To 31.7 Million On All Networks Deadline

And what's more 51% of the viewers agreed with his speech.....that ought to tell Reps/cons something.

CNN ORC Poll SOTU more popular than last year -

and the main reason why this number is falling is because more and more Americans are watching things like the SOTU over the internet. And this is NOT in the statistics.
We'll see.
There's no "we'll see" about would take an act of Congress to change the Presidential term....and we know Congress hasn't been doing much for the past 6 years.

You know, Mertex - the real kicker about this is that the Republicans were so unbelievably pissed off that FDR won 4 terms from 1933 to what would have been 1949 (had he lived), and then Truman won a term all on his, that they got the support for a Constitutional Amendment for term limits for the President. I am cool with that. But as fate would have it, one of our very best presidents, from their party, Dwight D. Eisenhower, one of the most beloved president we ever had, was one of the first to express regret that his party set term-limits into action, because he would really have wanted a third term himself. In their anger, they cut off their nose to spite their face.

But it is what it is. 2 terms and that's that. And people who think that somehow, Obama is going to initiate martial law and somehow have a 3rd term - well, that is just batshit crazy. Totally batshit crazy.
It's fun to watch Righties degenerate like they are on this thread.

What Righties here have not noticed is how well the President was received in Idaho.

Bwahaha....Ernst said they were going to work hard to reverse the nation's direction...........I'm
We'll see.
There's no "we'll see" about would take an act of Congress to change the Presidential term....and we know Congress hasn't been doing much for the past 6 years.

Please tell me when Obama has obeyed the laws of this land? Adhered to the Constitution? Abided by the decisions of Congress? I'm telling you. We'll see. That was me being generous. The truth is, "you'll" see.

I don't know what you hear on Faux News, but if Obama wasn't obeying the laws of the land I'm sure the "impeachment" hungry Republicans would have already drawn up the impeachment papers......which they probably are working on, since undoing is what they focus on. And the only reason he doesn't abide to the decisions of Congress is because the only bills the Republicans pass in Congress have to do with screwing repealing Obamacare. Tell me, what are they planning to replace it with? What we had before? Yes, because we all know how well that was working.

And, I have already seen. Joni Ernst claimed that Republicans' goal was to take the country in a different direction.....probably the same direction that GW Bush did that work out for the country?
How do I bookmark a thread for when Hillary reads her concession speech?

To who? Romney? Bwahahahaha.......don't worry about it, you won't be needing a bookmark........unless you're keeping all of Romney's concessions speeches.
We'll see.
There's no "we'll see" about would take an act of Congress to change the Presidential term....and we know Congress hasn't been doing much for the past 6 years.

You know, Mertex - the real kicker about this is that the Republicans were so unbelievably pissed off that FDR won 4 terms from 1933 to what would have been 1949 (had he lived), and then Truman won a term all on his, that they got the support for a Constitutional Amendment for term limits for the President. I am cool with that. But as fate would have it, one of our very best presidents, from their party, Dwight D. Eisenhower, one of the most beloved president we ever had, was one of the first to express regret that his party set term-limits into action, because he would really have wanted a third term himself. In their anger, they cut off their nose to spite their face.

But it is what it is. 2 terms and that's that. And people who think that somehow, Obama is going to initiate martial law and somehow have a 3rd term - well, that is just batshit crazy. Totally batshit crazy.

We'll see.
We'll see.
There's no "we'll see" about would take an act of Congress to change the Presidential term....and we know Congress hasn't been doing much for the past 6 years.

You know, Mertex - the real kicker about this is that the Republicans were so unbelievably pissed off that FDR won 4 terms from 1933 to what would have been 1949 (had he lived), and then Truman won a term all on his, that they got the support for a Constitutional Amendment for term limits for the President. I am cool with that. But as fate would have it, one of our very best presidents, from their party, Dwight D. Eisenhower, one of the most beloved president we ever had, was one of the first to express regret that his party set term-limits into action, because he would really have wanted a third term himself. In their anger, they cut off their nose to spite their face.

But it is what it is. 2 terms and that's that. And people who think that somehow, Obama is going to initiate martial law and somehow have a 3rd term - well, that is just batshit crazy. Totally batshit crazy.

We'll see.

Uhm, ok....
When you compare one person to ten other candidates that's not scientific. Throw in ten from each party you'll likely get a different result.

This is all just a campaign to depress Republican voters. Hillary isn't popular. She's been mostly in hiding. The less you're under the spotlight the more popular you become. Bush can attest to that.
While the gang is all here I have a question and a comment. Obama was upset that no one authorized Bibi coming to speak to Congress in March. Does he not realize that Congress invited Bibi to speak and that it is totally up to Congress as to who comes? The executive branch has no part in any decision as to who comes to speak to Congress. Just who does he think he is imposing his will where it doesn't belong? Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge Bibi accepted the invitation to come and speak to Congress. He didn't ask to speak to Obama during his visit. So with that in mind, wasn't it Bibi who decided not to meet with Obama and not the other way around?

Can someone here confirm that for me? Thank you.
Israel decided that going around Obama from now on is more productive. (How ironic)

Obama treats him like shit and he's not supposed to be offended?
How do I bookmark a thread for when Hillary reads her concession speech?

To who? Romney? Bwahahahaha.......don't worry about it, you won't be needing a bookmark........unless you're keeping all of Romney's concessions speeches.

No, to Lizzy Cheekbones, or maybe Duval Patrick or maybe to Michelle Obama

The People who own the DNC loathe and despise Hillary. She voted for Bush's AUMF, she hasn't shown up for the 2 Minute Hate against the 1 percent, as far as the owners are concerned, she's a Conservative.
When you compare one person to ten other candidates that's not scientific. Throw in ten from each party you'll likely get a different result.

This is all just a campaign to depress Republican voters. Hillary isn't popular. She's been mostly in hiding. The less you're under the spotlight the more popular you become. Bush can attest to that.

Horseshit. When 34 pollsters from all over the spectrum are doing it, now with 253 polls and 861 matchups, of course it is. Had it been a poll with Hillary only against one candidate, you would use that as a reason to bitch that it's not "scientific".


Muddy, I can see through you.

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