Pres. Obama begins post-SOTU tour in Idaho

It owes Wall Street more per resident than almost every other state.

Gosh! The Wall Street Casino Bosses swindled billions out of CA retirement funds leaving the state on the hook. In a fair and just society the Wall Street Casino Bosses would be doing hard time and their assets used to repay the CA taxpayers for what was stolen.

Unfortunately the Libertarian GOP won't hear of that happening so instead the CA taxpayers are stuck with the bill for the GOP's malfeasance.

Yes, they did. And you would have thought that the Obummer admin would at least try and put some of those scumbags in prison, but no. Too many of them are IN his admin (especially scumbags from Goldman) and they want to profit from the corruption too.

Since the Libertarian GOP deregulated the Wall Street Casino their swindling of the state pension funds wasn't technically illegal so no, the Obama admin could not put them behind bars where they belong, more's the pity.
Oh, and just for shits and grins, the one and only poll of the great state of Idaho to-date, Hillary Clinton (D) vs. prospective GOP challengers:

522 LV, MoE = +/-4.3

Christie (R) 44
Clinton (D) 33
margin: Christie +11

Cruz (R) 50

Clinton (D) 34
margin: Cruz +16

Bush, J (R) 50
Clinton (D) 33

margin: Bush +17

Huckabee (R) 52

Clinton (D) 34
margin: Huckabee +18

Paul (R) 52
Clinton (D) 33
margin: Paul +19

So, in a state where we assume that Hillary Clinton will have no chance at all, the margins range from +11 to +19 for the GOP. Sounds impressive. Only, here are the margins of the last 16 presidential cycles in ruby-red Idaho:

2012: Romney +31.69%
2008: Mccain +25.30%
2004: Bush 43 +38.12%
2000: Bush 43 +39.53%
1996: Dole +18.64% (three-man race)
1992: Bush 41 +13.61% (three-man race)
1998: Bush 41 +26.07%
1984: Reagan +45.97%
1980: Reagan +41.27%
1976: Ford +22.76%
1972: Nixon +38.20%
1968: Nixon +26.13% (three-man race)
1964: LBJ +1.83%
1960: Nixon +7.67%
1956: Eisenhower +22.39%
1952: Eisenhower +31.00%

Idaho is a 15 for 16 GOP state since 1952, soon to be 64 years. Of those 15 cycles where the GOP won this state, 7 of those wins are +30-or-above wins. In most of the cycles where the GOP won this state with +25 or less, the Democrat won the national election: 2008, 1996, 1992, 1976 and 1960. The exceptions are 1956 and now, 2012. It took a +24 national win for LBJ in 1964 to just barely pull this state over the line and into the Democratic column, so no one is expecting Hillary to win Idaho. But these current margins for the GOP are WAY under where they should be, even in an election where the GOP is in trouble.

To compare, the one 2012 Idaho poll, Obama vs. Romney:

Google Sheets - create and edit spreadsheets online for free.

Mason-Dixon / Idaho Statesman

Romney 63 / Obama 27, margin: Romney +36
Actual result: Romney +31.69%

And in 2008, there were 7 Idaho polls, Obama vs McCain

Statistikhengst s ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2013 and beyond FINAL POLL CONVERGENCE No. 12

The final poll:

Harstad (10/31/2008):

McCain 55 / Obama 32, margin: McCain +23
(Actual result: McCain +25.30%)

In short, the current Idaho margins for the entire GOP crew are WAY too small, considering the electoral history of this state. If these values hold through 2016 with similar polling, then that would be an indication that Hillary is headed for a large national landslide.

Oh, and at the PPP link above, check out the internals for the womens' vote...
You're just rooting for a team. The hell with issues and their impact on your life. If rooting for your favorite sports team means that you'd lose most of your disposable income for the ensuing eight years you'd still root for them. Blind conditioning.
You should not be allowed to vote.
Idaho is not a monolithic red state.

Boise is a different world politically than the rest of Idaho redvoter

Boise is a largely Democratic and with a growing Latino population it will gradually change over the long run. Obama is someone who thinks and acts in the long term.

Yes, I know all of that. Trainloads of Californians have been abandoning that state due to its effed up situation, and dragging their idiotic beliefs to other states, trying to screw them up as well. Californians are like locusts, they destroy one field, then move on to the next, and the next, and the next.


There are no home grown Dems in Idaho because that would be unimaginable? Not one of them who can think for themselves and figure out that the Libertarian GOP and their Wall Street Casino Lords and Masters are screwing them and their kids and grandkids out of their future?

Of course there are. A good friend of mine lives in Nampa, like me, he too is a Dem, but California Dems are different. They have a high percentage of progressives in their ranks, and progressives are mindless destroyers of individual rights.

They are followers of a dictatorial philosophy that is counter to every Democrat ideal I know of. They don't believe in individual rights and responsibilities but instead believe in the all reaching power of the State.

You are demonizing an entire state for what you perceive to be "mindless destroyers of individual rights".

So now the onus is on you to substantiate that claim and prove that they have "destroyed individual rights".

The evidence is in all the people, and businesses, that are abandoning the State for more friendly climes.

Assumes facts not in evidence.
It owes Wall Street more per resident than almost every other state.

Gosh! The Wall Street Casino Bosses swindled billions out of CA retirement funds leaving the state on the hook. In a fair and just society the Wall Street Casino Bosses would be doing hard time and their assets used to repay the CA taxpayers for what was stolen.

Unfortunately the Libertarian GOP won't hear of that happening so instead the CA taxpayers are stuck with the bill for the GOP's malfeasance.

Yes, they did. And you would have thought that the Obummer admin would at least try and put some of those scumbags in prison, but no. Too many of them are IN his admin (especially scumbags from Goldman) and they want to profit from the corruption too.

Since the Libertarian GOP deregulated the Wall Street Casino their swindling of the state pension funds wasn't technically illegal so no, the Obama admin could not put them behind bars where they belong, more's the pity.

Riiiiiight, the Dems had no impact on that at allllll......:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
It owes Wall Street more per resident than almost every other state.

Gosh! The Wall Street Casino Bosses swindled billions out of CA retirement funds leaving the state on the hook. In a fair and just society the Wall Street Casino Bosses would be doing hard time and their assets used to repay the CA taxpayers for what was stolen.

Unfortunately the Libertarian GOP won't hear of that happening so instead the CA taxpayers are stuck with the bill for the GOP's malfeasance.

Yes, they did. And you would have thought that the Obummer admin would at least try and put some of those scumbags in prison, but no. Too many of them are IN his admin (especially scumbags from Goldman) and they want to profit from the corruption too.

Since the Libertarian GOP deregulated the Wall Street Casino their swindling of the state pension funds wasn't technically illegal so no, the Obama admin could not put them behind bars where they belong, more's the pity.

Riiiiiight, the Dems had no impact on that at allllll......:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Name the deregulation bills that were proposed by the Dems.
Idaho is not a monolithic red state.

Boise is a different world politically than the rest of Idaho redvoter

Boise is a largely Democratic and with a growing Latino population it will gradually change over the long run. Obama is someone who thinks and acts in the long term.

Yes, I know all of that. Trainloads of Californians have been abandoning that state due to its effed up situation, and dragging their idiotic beliefs to other states, trying to screw them up as well. Californians are like locusts, they destroy one field, then move on to the next, and the next, and the next.


There are no home grown Dems in Idaho because that would be unimaginable? Not one of them who can think for themselves and figure out that the Libertarian GOP and their Wall Street Casino Lords and Masters are screwing them and their kids and grandkids out of their future?

Of course there are. A good friend of mine lives in Nampa, like me, he too is a Dem, but California Dems are different. They have a high percentage of progressives in their ranks, and progressives are mindless destroyers of individual rights.

They are followers of a dictatorial philosophy that is counter to every Democrat ideal I know of. They don't believe in individual rights and responsibilities but instead believe in the all reaching power of the State.

You are demonizing an entire state for what you perceive to be "mindless destroyers of individual rights".

So now the onus is on you to substantiate that claim and prove that they have "destroyed individual rights".

The evidence is in all the people, and businesses, that are abandoning the State for more friendly climes.

Latest possible stats on California:

California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

From all of 2013.

The population of the US grew by +2.4% from 2010 to 2014.

The population of California grew by +2.9% from 2010 to 2014.

This means that the population of California grew MORE, percentually, than the national average.

There is a website that claims to be for 2014-2015:

California Population demographics 2014 2015

But it uses 2010 stats.

The US Census Bureau is the definitive source for population and demographic information in our Union.

So, where is your evidence? If the population in California is 2.9% larger at the end of 2013 than it was in 2010, where's the population drain?

I call bullshit.
Yes, I know all of that. Trainloads of Californians have been abandoning that state due to its effed up situation, and dragging their idiotic beliefs to other states, trying to screw them up as well. Californians are like locusts, they destroy one field, then move on to the next, and the next, and the next.


There are no home grown Dems in Idaho because that would be unimaginable? Not one of them who can think for themselves and figure out that the Libertarian GOP and their Wall Street Casino Lords and Masters are screwing them and their kids and grandkids out of their future?

Of course there are. A good friend of mine lives in Nampa, like me, he too is a Dem, but California Dems are different. They have a high percentage of progressives in their ranks, and progressives are mindless destroyers of individual rights.

They are followers of a dictatorial philosophy that is counter to every Democrat ideal I know of. They don't believe in individual rights and responsibilities but instead believe in the all reaching power of the State.

You are demonizing an entire state for what you perceive to be "mindless destroyers of individual rights".

So now the onus is on you to substantiate that claim and prove that they have "destroyed individual rights".

The evidence is in all the people, and businesses, that are abandoning the State for more friendly climes.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Only if your head is planted firmly in the sand.

"Who moves

In 2011, 562,000 people left California, and 468,000 came, according to the census' American Community Survey. That means 120 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. Out-migration reached its peak in 2005, when 160 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. The California exodus rose with the housing bubble and subsided in the recession. Lower home values in 2008-11 made California more affordable, encouraging in-migration and discouraging out-migration, as well as pushing some California borrowers underwater, further discouraging out-migration.

Who leads the charge out of California? Even though California's richer residents face high tax rates, lower-income households are more likely to leave. From 2005 to 2011, California lost 158 people with household incomes under $20,000 for every 100 who arrived, and lost 165 for every 100 arrivals with household incomes between $20,000 and $40,000. In contrast, just slightly more people with household incomes in the $100,000-$200,000 range left than came to California (103 out per 100 in), and California actually gained a hair more people in the $200,000-plus range than it lost (99 out per 100 in). The rich aren't leaving California, but the poor and the middle class are."

Why people leave California - The Orange County Register

These are the people leaving California for Texas and Idaho and all points east. Idaho has bennefited greatly from the CA exodus.

Yes, I know all of that. Trainloads of Californians have been abandoning that state due to its effed up situation, and dragging their idiotic beliefs to other states, trying to screw them up as well. Californians are like locusts, they destroy one field, then move on to the next, and the next, and the next.


There are no home grown Dems in Idaho because that would be unimaginable? Not one of them who can think for themselves and figure out that the Libertarian GOP and their Wall Street Casino Lords and Masters are screwing them and their kids and grandkids out of their future?

Of course there are. A good friend of mine lives in Nampa, like me, he too is a Dem, but California Dems are different. They have a high percentage of progressives in their ranks, and progressives are mindless destroyers of individual rights.

They are followers of a dictatorial philosophy that is counter to every Democrat ideal I know of. They don't believe in individual rights and responsibilities but instead believe in the all reaching power of the State.

You are demonizing an entire state for what you perceive to be "mindless destroyers of individual rights".

So now the onus is on you to substantiate that claim and prove that they have "destroyed individual rights".

The evidence is in all the people, and businesses, that are abandoning the State for more friendly climes.

Latest possible stats on California:

California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

From all of 2013.

The population of the US grew by +2.4% from 2010 to 2014.

The population of California grew by +2.9% from 2010 to 2014.

This means that the population of California grew MORE, percentually, than the national average.

There is a website that claims to be for 2014-2015:

California Population demographics 2014 2015

But it uses 2010 stats.

The US Census Bureau is the definitive source for population and demographic information in our Union.

So, where is your evidence? If the population in California is 2.9% larger at the end of 2013 than it was in 2010, where's the population drain?

I call bullshit.

Yes, you are full of shit. Of that there is no doubt. But, now we are straying far, far off topic, so if you wish to continue in this vein, start another thread.

Who moves

In 2011, 562,000 people left California, and 468,000 came, according to the census' American Community Survey. That means 120 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. Out-migration reached its peak in 2005, when 160 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. The California exodus rose with the housing bubble and subsided in the recession. Lower home values in 2008-11 made California more affordable, encouraging in-migration and discouraging out-migration, as well as pushing some California borrowers underwater, further discouraging out-migration.

Who leads the charge out of California? Even though California's richer residents face high tax rates, lower-income households are more likely to leave. From 2005 to 2011, California lost 158 people with household incomes under $20,000 for every 100 who arrived, and lost 165 for every 100 arrivals with household incomes between $20,000 and $40,000. In contrast, just slightly more people with household incomes in the $100,000-$200,000 range left than came to California (103 out per 100 in), and California actually gained a hair more people in the $200,000-plus range than it lost (99 out per 100 in). The rich aren't leaving California, but the poor and the middle class are.

Why people leave California - The Orange County Register
Yes, I know all of that. Trainloads of Californians have been abandoning that state due to its effed up situation, and dragging their idiotic beliefs to other states, trying to screw them up as well. Californians are like locusts, they destroy one field, then move on to the next, and the next, and the next.


There are no home grown Dems in Idaho because that would be unimaginable? Not one of them who can think for themselves and figure out that the Libertarian GOP and their Wall Street Casino Lords and Masters are screwing them and their kids and grandkids out of their future?

Of course there are. A good friend of mine lives in Nampa, like me, he too is a Dem, but California Dems are different. They have a high percentage of progressives in their ranks, and progressives are mindless destroyers of individual rights.

They are followers of a dictatorial philosophy that is counter to every Democrat ideal I know of. They don't believe in individual rights and responsibilities but instead believe in the all reaching power of the State.

You are demonizing an entire state for what you perceive to be "mindless destroyers of individual rights".

So now the onus is on you to substantiate that claim and prove that they have "destroyed individual rights".

The evidence is in all the people, and businesses, that are abandoning the State for more friendly climes.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

That is exactly what you far left drones do, but hey what can you do when you are just following your programmed religious texts..

There are no home grown Dems in Idaho because that would be unimaginable? Not one of them who can think for themselves and figure out that the Libertarian GOP and their Wall Street Casino Lords and Masters are screwing them and their kids and grandkids out of their future?

Of course there are. A good friend of mine lives in Nampa, like me, he too is a Dem, but California Dems are different. They have a high percentage of progressives in their ranks, and progressives are mindless destroyers of individual rights.

They are followers of a dictatorial philosophy that is counter to every Democrat ideal I know of. They don't believe in individual rights and responsibilities but instead believe in the all reaching power of the State.

You are demonizing an entire state for what you perceive to be "mindless destroyers of individual rights".

So now the onus is on you to substantiate that claim and prove that they have "destroyed individual rights".

The evidence is in all the people, and businesses, that are abandoning the State for more friendly climes.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Only if your head is planted firmly in the sand.

"Who moves

In 2011, 562,000 people left California, and 468,000 came, according to the census' American Community Survey. That means 120 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. Out-migration reached its peak in 2005, when 160 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. The California exodus rose with the housing bubble and subsided in the recession. Lower home values in 2008-11 made California more affordable, encouraging in-migration and discouraging out-migration, as well as pushing some California borrowers underwater, further discouraging out-migration.

Who leads the charge out of California? Even though California's richer residents face high tax rates, lower-income households are more likely to leave. From 2005 to 2011, California lost 158 people with household incomes under $20,000 for every 100 who arrived, and lost 165 for every 100 arrivals with household incomes between $20,000 and $40,000. In contrast, just slightly more people with household incomes in the $100,000-$200,000 range left than came to California (103 out per 100 in), and California actually gained a hair more people in the $200,000-plus range than it lost (99 out per 100 in). The rich aren't leaving California, but the poor and the middle class are."

Why people leave California - The Orange County Register

These are the people leaving California for Texas and Idaho and all points east. Idaho has bennefited greatly from the CA exodus.


There are no home grown Dems in Idaho because that would be unimaginable? Not one of them who can think for themselves and figure out that the Libertarian GOP and their Wall Street Casino Lords and Masters are screwing them and their kids and grandkids out of their future?

Of course there are. A good friend of mine lives in Nampa, like me, he too is a Dem, but California Dems are different. They have a high percentage of progressives in their ranks, and progressives are mindless destroyers of individual rights.

They are followers of a dictatorial philosophy that is counter to every Democrat ideal I know of. They don't believe in individual rights and responsibilities but instead believe in the all reaching power of the State.

You are demonizing an entire state for what you perceive to be "mindless destroyers of individual rights".

So now the onus is on you to substantiate that claim and prove that they have "destroyed individual rights".

The evidence is in all the people, and businesses, that are abandoning the State for more friendly climes.

Latest possible stats on California:

California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

From all of 2013.

The population of the US grew by +2.4% from 2010 to 2014.

The population of California grew by +2.9% from 2010 to 2014.

This means that the population of California grew MORE, percentually, than the national average.

There is a website that claims to be for 2014-2015:

California Population demographics 2014 2015

But it uses 2010 stats.

The US Census Bureau is the definitive source for population and demographic information in our Union.

So, where is your evidence? If the population in California is 2.9% larger at the end of 2013 than it was in 2010, where's the population drain?

I call bullshit.

Yes, you are full of shit. Of that there is no doubt. But, now we are straying far, far off topic, so if you wish to continue in this vein, start another thread.

Who moves

In 2011, 562,000 people left California, and 468,000 came, according to the census' American Community Survey. That means 120 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. Out-migration reached its peak in 2005, when 160 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. The California exodus rose with the housing bubble and subsided in the recession. Lower home values in 2008-11 made California more affordable, encouraging in-migration and discouraging out-migration, as well as pushing some California borrowers underwater, further discouraging out-migration.

Who leads the charge out of California? Even though California's richer residents face high tax rates, lower-income households are more likely to leave. From 2005 to 2011, California lost 158 people with household incomes under $20,000 for every 100 who arrived, and lost 165 for every 100 arrivals with household incomes between $20,000 and $40,000. In contrast, just slightly more people with household incomes in the $100,000-$200,000 range left than came to California (103 out per 100 in), and California actually gained a hair more people in the $200,000-plus range than it lost (99 out per 100 in). The rich aren't leaving California, but the poor and the middle class are.

Why people leave California - The Orange County Register

Your figures are from 2011!

Stat provided figures from 2013 showing a 2.9% increase in population.

Your source was a blogger.

Who is more credible?
Of course there are. A good friend of mine lives in Nampa, like me, he too is a Dem, but California Dems are different. They have a high percentage of progressives in their ranks, and progressives are mindless destroyers of individual rights.

They are followers of a dictatorial philosophy that is counter to every Democrat ideal I know of. They don't believe in individual rights and responsibilities but instead believe in the all reaching power of the State.

You are demonizing an entire state for what you perceive to be "mindless destroyers of individual rights".

So now the onus is on you to substantiate that claim and prove that they have "destroyed individual rights".

The evidence is in all the people, and businesses, that are abandoning the State for more friendly climes.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Only if your head is planted firmly in the sand.

"Who moves

In 2011, 562,000 people left California, and 468,000 came, according to the census' American Community Survey. That means 120 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. Out-migration reached its peak in 2005, when 160 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. The California exodus rose with the housing bubble and subsided in the recession. Lower home values in 2008-11 made California more affordable, encouraging in-migration and discouraging out-migration, as well as pushing some California borrowers underwater, further discouraging out-migration.

Who leads the charge out of California? Even though California's richer residents face high tax rates, lower-income households are more likely to leave. From 2005 to 2011, California lost 158 people with household incomes under $20,000 for every 100 who arrived, and lost 165 for every 100 arrivals with household incomes between $20,000 and $40,000. In contrast, just slightly more people with household incomes in the $100,000-$200,000 range left than came to California (103 out per 100 in), and California actually gained a hair more people in the $200,000-plus range than it lost (99 out per 100 in). The rich aren't leaving California, but the poor and the middle class are."

Why people leave California - The Orange County Register

These are the people leaving California for Texas and Idaho and all points east. Idaho has bennefited greatly from the CA exodus.

Of course there are. A good friend of mine lives in Nampa, like me, he too is a Dem, but California Dems are different. They have a high percentage of progressives in their ranks, and progressives are mindless destroyers of individual rights.

They are followers of a dictatorial philosophy that is counter to every Democrat ideal I know of. They don't believe in individual rights and responsibilities but instead believe in the all reaching power of the State.

You are demonizing an entire state for what you perceive to be "mindless destroyers of individual rights".

So now the onus is on you to substantiate that claim and prove that they have "destroyed individual rights".

The evidence is in all the people, and businesses, that are abandoning the State for more friendly climes.

Latest possible stats on California:

California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

From all of 2013.

The population of the US grew by +2.4% from 2010 to 2014.

The population of California grew by +2.9% from 2010 to 2014.

This means that the population of California grew MORE, percentually, than the national average.

There is a website that claims to be for 2014-2015:

California Population demographics 2014 2015

But it uses 2010 stats.

The US Census Bureau is the definitive source for population and demographic information in our Union.

So, where is your evidence? If the population in California is 2.9% larger at the end of 2013 than it was in 2010, where's the population drain?

I call bullshit.

Yes, you are full of shit. Of that there is no doubt. But, now we are straying far, far off topic, so if you wish to continue in this vein, start another thread.

Who moves

In 2011, 562,000 people left California, and 468,000 came, according to the census' American Community Survey. That means 120 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. Out-migration reached its peak in 2005, when 160 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. The California exodus rose with the housing bubble and subsided in the recession. Lower home values in 2008-11 made California more affordable, encouraging in-migration and discouraging out-migration, as well as pushing some California borrowers underwater, further discouraging out-migration.

Who leads the charge out of California? Even though California's richer residents face high tax rates, lower-income households are more likely to leave. From 2005 to 2011, California lost 158 people with household incomes under $20,000 for every 100 who arrived, and lost 165 for every 100 arrivals with household incomes between $20,000 and $40,000. In contrast, just slightly more people with household incomes in the $100,000-$200,000 range left than came to California (103 out per 100 in), and California actually gained a hair more people in the $200,000-plus range than it lost (99 out per 100 in). The rich aren't leaving California, but the poor and the middle class are.

Why people leave California - The Orange County Register

Your figures are from 2011!

Stat provided figures from 2013 showing a 2.9% increase in population.

Your source was a blogger.

Who is more credible?
Of course there are. A good friend of mine lives in Nampa, like me, he too is a Dem, but California Dems are different. They have a high percentage of progressives in their ranks, and progressives are mindless destroyers of individual rights.

They are followers of a dictatorial philosophy that is counter to every Democrat ideal I know of. They don't believe in individual rights and responsibilities but instead believe in the all reaching power of the State.

You are demonizing an entire state for what you perceive to be "mindless destroyers of individual rights".

So now the onus is on you to substantiate that claim and prove that they have "destroyed individual rights".

The evidence is in all the people, and businesses, that are abandoning the State for more friendly climes.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Only if your head is planted firmly in the sand.

"Who moves

In 2011, 562,000 people left California, and 468,000 came, according to the census' American Community Survey. That means 120 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. Out-migration reached its peak in 2005, when 160 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. The California exodus rose with the housing bubble and subsided in the recession. Lower home values in 2008-11 made California more affordable, encouraging in-migration and discouraging out-migration, as well as pushing some California borrowers underwater, further discouraging out-migration.

Who leads the charge out of California? Even though California's richer residents face high tax rates, lower-income households are more likely to leave. From 2005 to 2011, California lost 158 people with household incomes under $20,000 for every 100 who arrived, and lost 165 for every 100 arrivals with household incomes between $20,000 and $40,000. In contrast, just slightly more people with household incomes in the $100,000-$200,000 range left than came to California (103 out per 100 in), and California actually gained a hair more people in the $200,000-plus range than it lost (99 out per 100 in). The rich aren't leaving California, but the poor and the middle class are."

Why people leave California - The Orange County Register

These are the people leaving California for Texas and Idaho and all points east. Idaho has bennefited greatly from the CA exodus.

Of course there are. A good friend of mine lives in Nampa, like me, he too is a Dem, but California Dems are different. They have a high percentage of progressives in their ranks, and progressives are mindless destroyers of individual rights.

They are followers of a dictatorial philosophy that is counter to every Democrat ideal I know of. They don't believe in individual rights and responsibilities but instead believe in the all reaching power of the State.

You are demonizing an entire state for what you perceive to be "mindless destroyers of individual rights".

So now the onus is on you to substantiate that claim and prove that they have "destroyed individual rights".

The evidence is in all the people, and businesses, that are abandoning the State for more friendly climes.

Latest possible stats on California:

California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

From all of 2013.

The population of the US grew by +2.4% from 2010 to 2014.

The population of California grew by +2.9% from 2010 to 2014.

This means that the population of California grew MORE, percentually, than the national average.

There is a website that claims to be for 2014-2015:

California Population demographics 2014 2015

But it uses 2010 stats.

The US Census Bureau is the definitive source for population and demographic information in our Union.

So, where is your evidence? If the population in California is 2.9% larger at the end of 2013 than it was in 2010, where's the population drain?

I call bullshit.

Yes, you are full of shit. Of that there is no doubt. But, now we are straying far, far off topic, so if you wish to continue in this vein, start another thread.

Who moves

In 2011, 562,000 people left California, and 468,000 came, according to the census' American Community Survey. That means 120 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. Out-migration reached its peak in 2005, when 160 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. The California exodus rose with the housing bubble and subsided in the recession. Lower home values in 2008-11 made California more affordable, encouraging in-migration and discouraging out-migration, as well as pushing some California borrowers underwater, further discouraging out-migration.

Who leads the charge out of California? Even though California's richer residents face high tax rates, lower-income households are more likely to leave. From 2005 to 2011, California lost 158 people with household incomes under $20,000 for every 100 who arrived, and lost 165 for every 100 arrivals with household incomes between $20,000 and $40,000. In contrast, just slightly more people with household incomes in the $100,000-$200,000 range left than came to California (103 out per 100 in), and California actually gained a hair more people in the $200,000-plus range than it lost (99 out per 100 in). The rich aren't leaving California, but the poor and the middle class are.

Why people leave California - The Orange County Register

Your figures are from 2011!

Stat provided figures from 2013 showing a 2.9% increase in population.

Your source was a blogger.

Who is more credible?

Are you really that stupid? From his post and link

"But it uses 2010 stats."

And the guy is a reporter for the Orange County newspaper.

Get a clue. I understand you and your clown buddy are BBF,s but really. At some point you should learn to read.
You are demonizing an entire state for what you perceive to be "mindless destroyers of individual rights".

So now the onus is on you to substantiate that claim and prove that they have "destroyed individual rights".

The evidence is in all the people, and businesses, that are abandoning the State for more friendly climes.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Only if your head is planted firmly in the sand.

"Who moves

In 2011, 562,000 people left California, and 468,000 came, according to the census' American Community Survey. That means 120 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. Out-migration reached its peak in 2005, when 160 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. The California exodus rose with the housing bubble and subsided in the recession. Lower home values in 2008-11 made California more affordable, encouraging in-migration and discouraging out-migration, as well as pushing some California borrowers underwater, further discouraging out-migration.

Who leads the charge out of California? Even though California's richer residents face high tax rates, lower-income households are more likely to leave. From 2005 to 2011, California lost 158 people with household incomes under $20,000 for every 100 who arrived, and lost 165 for every 100 arrivals with household incomes between $20,000 and $40,000. In contrast, just slightly more people with household incomes in the $100,000-$200,000 range left than came to California (103 out per 100 in), and California actually gained a hair more people in the $200,000-plus range than it lost (99 out per 100 in). The rich aren't leaving California, but the poor and the middle class are."

Why people leave California - The Orange County Register

These are the people leaving California for Texas and Idaho and all points east. Idaho has bennefited greatly from the CA exodus.

You are demonizing an entire state for what you perceive to be "mindless destroyers of individual rights".

So now the onus is on you to substantiate that claim and prove that they have "destroyed individual rights".

The evidence is in all the people, and businesses, that are abandoning the State for more friendly climes.

Latest possible stats on California:

California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

From all of 2013.

The population of the US grew by +2.4% from 2010 to 2014.

The population of California grew by +2.9% from 2010 to 2014.

This means that the population of California grew MORE, percentually, than the national average.

There is a website that claims to be for 2014-2015:

California Population demographics 2014 2015

But it uses 2010 stats.

The US Census Bureau is the definitive source for population and demographic information in our Union.

So, where is your evidence? If the population in California is 2.9% larger at the end of 2013 than it was in 2010, where's the population drain?

I call bullshit.

Yes, you are full of shit. Of that there is no doubt. But, now we are straying far, far off topic, so if you wish to continue in this vein, start another thread.

Who moves

In 2011, 562,000 people left California, and 468,000 came, according to the census' American Community Survey. That means 120 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. Out-migration reached its peak in 2005, when 160 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. The California exodus rose with the housing bubble and subsided in the recession. Lower home values in 2008-11 made California more affordable, encouraging in-migration and discouraging out-migration, as well as pushing some California borrowers underwater, further discouraging out-migration.

Who leads the charge out of California? Even though California's richer residents face high tax rates, lower-income households are more likely to leave. From 2005 to 2011, California lost 158 people with household incomes under $20,000 for every 100 who arrived, and lost 165 for every 100 arrivals with household incomes between $20,000 and $40,000. In contrast, just slightly more people with household incomes in the $100,000-$200,000 range left than came to California (103 out per 100 in), and California actually gained a hair more people in the $200,000-plus range than it lost (99 out per 100 in). The rich aren't leaving California, but the poor and the middle class are.

Why people leave California - The Orange County Register

Your figures are from 2011!

Stat provided figures from 2013 showing a 2.9% increase in population.

Your source was a blogger.

Who is more credible?
You are demonizing an entire state for what you perceive to be "mindless destroyers of individual rights".

So now the onus is on you to substantiate that claim and prove that they have "destroyed individual rights".

The evidence is in all the people, and businesses, that are abandoning the State for more friendly climes.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Only if your head is planted firmly in the sand.

"Who moves

In 2011, 562,000 people left California, and 468,000 came, according to the census' American Community Survey. That means 120 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. Out-migration reached its peak in 2005, when 160 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. The California exodus rose with the housing bubble and subsided in the recession. Lower home values in 2008-11 made California more affordable, encouraging in-migration and discouraging out-migration, as well as pushing some California borrowers underwater, further discouraging out-migration.

Who leads the charge out of California? Even though California's richer residents face high tax rates, lower-income households are more likely to leave. From 2005 to 2011, California lost 158 people with household incomes under $20,000 for every 100 who arrived, and lost 165 for every 100 arrivals with household incomes between $20,000 and $40,000. In contrast, just slightly more people with household incomes in the $100,000-$200,000 range left than came to California (103 out per 100 in), and California actually gained a hair more people in the $200,000-plus range than it lost (99 out per 100 in). The rich aren't leaving California, but the poor and the middle class are."

Why people leave California - The Orange County Register

These are the people leaving California for Texas and Idaho and all points east. Idaho has bennefited greatly from the CA exodus.

You are demonizing an entire state for what you perceive to be "mindless destroyers of individual rights".

So now the onus is on you to substantiate that claim and prove that they have "destroyed individual rights".

The evidence is in all the people, and businesses, that are abandoning the State for more friendly climes.

Latest possible stats on California:

California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

From all of 2013.

The population of the US grew by +2.4% from 2010 to 2014.

The population of California grew by +2.9% from 2010 to 2014.

This means that the population of California grew MORE, percentually, than the national average.

There is a website that claims to be for 2014-2015:

California Population demographics 2014 2015

But it uses 2010 stats.

The US Census Bureau is the definitive source for population and demographic information in our Union.

So, where is your evidence? If the population in California is 2.9% larger at the end of 2013 than it was in 2010, where's the population drain?

I call bullshit.

Yes, you are full of shit. Of that there is no doubt. But, now we are straying far, far off topic, so if you wish to continue in this vein, start another thread.

Who moves

In 2011, 562,000 people left California, and 468,000 came, according to the census' American Community Survey. That means 120 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. Out-migration reached its peak in 2005, when 160 people moved out of California for every 100 people who moved in. The California exodus rose with the housing bubble and subsided in the recession. Lower home values in 2008-11 made California more affordable, encouraging in-migration and discouraging out-migration, as well as pushing some California borrowers underwater, further discouraging out-migration.

Who leads the charge out of California? Even though California's richer residents face high tax rates, lower-income households are more likely to leave. From 2005 to 2011, California lost 158 people with household incomes under $20,000 for every 100 who arrived, and lost 165 for every 100 arrivals with household incomes between $20,000 and $40,000. In contrast, just slightly more people with household incomes in the $100,000-$200,000 range left than came to California (103 out per 100 in), and California actually gained a hair more people in the $200,000-plus range than it lost (99 out per 100 in). The rich aren't leaving California, but the poor and the middle class are.

Why people leave California - The Orange County Register

Your figures are from 2011!

Stat provided figures from 2013 showing a 2.9% increase in population.

Your source was a blogger.

Who is more credible?

Are you really that stupid? From his post and link

"But it uses 2010 stats."

And the guy is a reporter for the Orange County newspaper.

Get a clue. I understand you and your clown buddy are BBF,s but really. At some point you should learn to read.

No, you absolute fool. I said that the Census Bureau data from 2013 is the definitive data. The data from the other site, I clearly said, was from 2010 and therefore not up to date. You are not telling the truth.

Here, I will reproduce all of what I wrote, since you deliberately took it out of context:

"Latest possible stats on California:

California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

From all of 2013.

The population of the US grew by +2.4% from 2010 to 2014.

The population of California grew by +2.9% from 2010 to 2014.

This means that the population of California grew MORE, percentually, than the national average.

There is a website that claims to be for 2014-2015:

California Population demographics 2014 2015

But it uses 2010 stats.

The US Census Bureau is the definitive source for population and demographic information in our Union.

So, where is your evidence? If the population in California is 2.9% larger at the end of 2013 than it was in 2010, where's the population drain?

I call bullshit."

I was referring to two entirely different websites. The only thing I did not do in the first sentence I made red was to write the word "also". One is definitive, the other is not. I think I made that pretty damned clear. All you are doing it trolling and attacking people personally.

Apparently, you need everything spoonfed to you in small bits.
Last edited:
I am going to re-write a posting of mine, because westwall is apparently too mentally weak to discern even the most obvious of differences:


Latest possible stats on California:

California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

From all of 2013.

The population of the US grew by +2.4% from 2010 to 2014.

The population of California grew by +2.9% from 2010 to 2014.

This means that the population of California grew MORE, percentually, than the national average.

There is another website, separate from the US Census website, that claims to be for 2014-2015:

California Population demographics 2014 2015

However, it uses the US Census Bureau statistics from 2010 and is therefore out of date.

The US Census Bureau is the definitive source for population and demographic information in our Union. The other website it not.

So, where is your evidence? If the population in California is 2.9% larger at the end of 2013 than it was in 2010, where's the population drain?

I call bullshit.

Last edited:
I am going to re-write a posting of mine, because westwall is apparently too mentally weak to discern even the most obvious of differences:


Latest possible stats on California:

California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

From all of 2013.

The population of the US grew by +2.4% from 2010 to 2014.

The population of California grew by +2.9% from 2010 to 2014.

This means that the population of California grew MORE, percentually, than the national average.

There is another website, separate from the US Census website, that claims to be for 2014-2015:

California Population demographics 2014 2015

However, it uses the US Census Bureau statistics from 2010 and is therefore out of date.

The US Census Bureau is the definitive source for population and demographic information in our Union. The other website it not.

So, where is your evidence? If the population in California is 2.9% larger at the end of 2013 than it was in 2010, where's the population drain?

I call bullshit.


Here's one more for your files....

  • First, there are more people leaving California than there are arriving there. 566,986 people left the Golden State in 2012, for states like Texas, Nevada, Washington, and Arizona, presumably for the lower cost of living.

Restless America state-to-state migration in 2012 vizynary
I am going to re-write a posting of mine, because westwall is apparently too mentally weak to discern even the most obvious of differences:


Latest possible stats on California:

California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

From all of 2013.

The population of the US grew by +2.4% from 2010 to 2014.

The population of California grew by +2.9% from 2010 to 2014.

This means that the population of California grew MORE, percentually, than the national average.

There is another website, separate from the US Census website, that claims to be for 2014-2015:

California Population demographics 2014 2015

However, it uses the US Census Bureau statistics from 2010 and is therefore out of date.

The US Census Bureau is the definitive source for population and demographic information in our Union. The other website it not.

So, where is your evidence? If the population in California is 2.9% larger at the end of 2013 than it was in 2010, where's the population drain?

I call bullshit.


Here's one more for your files....

  • First, there are more people leaving California than there are arriving there. 566,986 people left the Golden State in 2012, for states like Texas, Nevada, Washington, and Arizona, presumably for the lower cost of living.

Restless America state-to-state migration in 2012 vizynary

You link to statistics from 2012. I linked to statistics from the END of 2013, also from the Census Bureau. Now, which set of data do you think is more up-to-date, hmmm??? Take a minute and think about this one.....

Hmmmmm, which year comes later: 2012, or 2013?


That being said, the data visualization from the link using 2012 is a neat way of displaying data.

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