Pres Obama just called on congress to end oil subsidies

Tax incentives aren't subsidize. Is it really that difficult to use the appropriate language? Why do you feel the need to misrepresent reality?

Nor will increasing the cost of oil exploration and production result in lower prices. Even someone who midly pays attention in high school econ would know this.

When you increase the cost of producing something, you really think the consumer price is going down? That's makes about as much sense as keeping someone alive by putting a bullet in their brain.

I think we can all agree that Obama and congress should stop meddling in the free market and end oil company subsidies.

I mean they're only costing us a Solyndra and a half a year, right...oh wait...solyndra only cost half a billion dollars. It appears we're giving the oil companies 140 TIMES THAT EACH YEAR!

yet, no CON has accused Obama of "picking winners" by GIVING 70 BILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS A YEAR subsidizing an already PROFITABLE industry.

Just to play devils advocate....could you point to which oil company went belly up?

I think we can all agree that Obama and congress should stop meddling in the free market and end oil company subsidies.

I mean they're only costing us a Solyndra and a half a year, right...oh wait...solyndra only cost half a billion dollars. It appears we're giving the oil companies 140 TIMES THAT EACH YEAR!

yet, no CON has accused Obama of "picking winners" by GIVING 70 BILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS A YEAR subsidizing an already PROFITABLE industry.

Just to play devils advocate....could you point to which oil company went belly up?

And while he is at it, could he express the return to on investment back to us between Solyndra and any oil company in terms of energy unit produced?
Tax incentives aren't subsidize. Is it really that difficult to use the appropriate language? Why do you feel the need to misrepresent reality?

Nor will increasing the cost of oil exploration and production result in lower prices. Even someone who midly pays attention in high school econ would know this.

When you increase the cost of producing something, you really think the consumer price is going down? That's makes about as much sense as keeping someone alive by putting a bullet in their brain.

And neither is letting a temporary tax cut expire a tax increase.

the end result is what I am looking at, as should you vs playing spin.
He is trying to bring down gas prices while the pubs work to keep prices high.

Just one more reason for the rw's to want to get wealthy Mittens in the white house so our taxes can subsidies going to Big Business.

Idiot gullible dupes.

Of course he is. He needs to get the price down so idiots will vote for him.
Make oil exploration more expensive is a way to bring down gas prices?

Economic retard.


So, corporate wellfare is now a GOOD thing?

Just because your libtard talking points memo told you to say tax incentives for energy development is bad does not make it so. Think for yourself.

I'm sorry, please show me YOUR talking points that explain why any private industry should be treated more favorably over another by our federal government.
Tax incentives aren't subsidize. Is it really that difficult to use the appropriate language? Why do you feel the need to misrepresent reality?

Nor will increasing the cost of oil exploration and production result in lower prices. Even someone who midly pays attention in high school econ would know this.

When you increase the cost of producing something, you really think the consumer price is going down? That's makes about as much sense as keeping someone alive by putting a bullet in their brain.

And neither is letting a temporary tax cut expire a tax increase.

the end result is what I am looking at, as should you vs playing spin.

That is ridiculous and non-sequitur to the topic.
Tax incentives aren't subsidize. Is it really that difficult to use the appropriate language? Why do you feel the need to misrepresent reality?

Nor will increasing the cost of oil exploration and production result in lower prices. Even someone who midly pays attention in high school econ would know this.

When you increase the cost of producing something, you really think the consumer price is going down? That's makes about as much sense as keeping someone alive by putting a bullet in their brain.

And neither is letting a temporary tax cut expire a tax increase.

the end result is what I am looking at, as should you vs playing spin.

That is ridiculous and non-sequitur to the topic.

Speaking of temporary tax cuts, where the hell are all of those jobs Boehner and Canter promised would be created by the "job creators" if Obama extended them the tax cut?
How many people actually understand that 'big oil' is just being singled out and demogogued here, by the way?

'The tax deduction in question was enacted in 2004 and applies to all domestic manufacturers, not just oil and gas companies. It was designed to increase competitiveness in the face of the U.S.’s 35 percent corporate tax rate, among the highest in the developed world.

Democrats settled on the five biggest oil producers as their first target.'

Both Parties Get It Wrong on Big Oil Tax Breaks: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg
And neither is letting a temporary tax cut expire a tax increase.

the end result is what I am looking at, as should you vs playing spin.

That is ridiculous and non-sequitur to the topic.

Speaking of temporary tax cuts, where the hell are all of those jobs Boehner and Canter promised would be created by the "job creators" if Obama extended them the tax cut?

Those are the ones Obama is claiming he has created. Are you not paying attention?
How many people actually understand that 'big oil' is just being singled out and demogogued here, by the way?

'The tax deduction in question was enacted in 2004 and applies to all domestic manufacturers, not just oil and gas companies. It was designed to increase competitiveness in the face of the U.S.’s 35 percent corporate tax rate, among the highest in the developed world.

Democrats settled on the five biggest oil producers as their first target.'

Both Parties Get It Wrong on Big Oil Tax Breaks: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg

35% WOULD be one of the highest tax rates...if that's what corportaions actually PAID.

Perhaps you can tell me why/how GE got a tax refund last year if the tax rate is so onerous?
Oh because what they ACTUALLY PAY and what the statutory rate is are two VASTLY different things.

Once again, another CON is pwnt by repeating bullshit talking points he doesn't know to be true or not.

How embarrassing for him. It really made him look like a complete dolt and lying tool.

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Tax incentives aren't subsidize. Is it really that difficult to use the appropriate language? Why do you feel the need to misrepresent reality?

Nor will increasing the cost of oil exploration and production result in lower prices. Even someone who midly pays attention in high school econ would know this.

When you increase the cost of producing something, you really think the consumer price is going down? That's makes about as much sense as keeping someone alive by putting a bullet in their brain.

And neither is letting a temporary tax cut expire a tax increase.

the end result is what I am looking at, as should you vs playing spin.

The Repubs signed the *cough* "Pledge".

Don't let reality hit you in the ass on your way out, CONZ!

We're producing more oil.
Why aren't gas prices coming down?
CONZ repeatedly say that if we DRILL MORE, gas prices will come down.

Yet oil production is up and demand is down. BOTH of those should drive down oil prices.
SOMETHING is keeping them artificially high.

Gee, what could be driving up the price of gasoline when both supply is plentiful and demand is low?
Oh, speculators could drive up the price of oil. And isn't it a STRANGE yet WONDERFUL coincidence that when speculators drive up the price of oil, oil companies make more for delivering the same thing they were going to delivery anyways without incurring ANY additional cost.

Gee....another CON talking point shown to be a LIE.

I do not doube the role of speculators; George Soros, for example. At the same time, the way to drive down oil prices and neutralize speculators and incentivise oil and energy companies is a mult-pronged approach. No one answer is the answer. First, we need to drill more and build more refineries. We need viable alternative energy investments, not scams. Doing each of these will make everyone happy; including speculators as they can now hedge on downward spirals.

This multi-faceted approach will send a message to the market that the US is not dependent on foreign oil. For the record, let's review what the President's policies, actions, and positions have done to impact gas prices.......

- Take Credit for oil production on private lands that was already in the works under Bush
- Fund Brazil so that it can drill, drill, drill.
- Halt Keystone project which would have helped the US be less dependent on hostile nations for oil in favor of the friendliest ally we have (Canada).
- Tap SPR as a short term fix
- Hire an Energy Secretary who believes that US Gas prices should equal Europe.
- Fund multi-million risky, failing alternative energy ventures with US taxpayer dollars to can favor with The Green crowd.
- Tout ephemerals such as algae as viable energy source as if it were ready and proven to carry the US Economy in place of oil.

His mockery of drilling for more oil in the face of his own polices and positions and the results they have yielded is a big mockery itself.

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