Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

Ummmmm, I think you can blame obama and his admin for this particular debacle. Whine at them......
Oh really? And what should have Obama done about this? You people whine about any government interference on the private market. What could he have done that you would be okay with?

It's his LAW you moron!
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

Ummmmm, I think you can blame obama and his admin for this particular debacle. Whine at them......
Oh really? And what should have Obama done about this? You people whine about any government interference on the private market. What could he have done that you would be okay with?

It's his LAW you moron!
It does have his name on it.
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

Ummmmm, I think you can blame obama and his admin for this particular debacle. Whine at them......
Oh really? And what should have Obama done about this? You people whine about any government interference on the private market. What could he have done that you would be okay with?

It's his LAW you moron!
Don't be dumb. He fought tooth and nail with congress to get the law passed. He had to make many concessions in the process. Don't be stupid in thinking you, any RW on this board, or republicans in office would have allowed Obama to force Big Pharma to cap their prices.
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

Ummmmm, I think you can blame obama and his admin for this particular debacle. Whine at them......
Oh really? And what should have Obama done about this? You people whine about any government interference on the private market. What could he have done that you would be okay with?

It's his LAW you moron!
Don't be dumb. He fought tooth and nail with congress to get the law passed. He had to make many concessions in the process. Don't be stupid in thinking you, any RW on this board, or republicans in office would have allowed Obama to force Big Pharma to cap their prices.

The only dumb person here is you. Obama fought like hell to get this abortion of a law passed and it FUCKS almost everybody over. Except the health insurance companies who are making money hand over fist thanks to obama and his help.

If you have a problem with medical costs COMPLAIN to HIM!
[QUOTE="JoeNormal, post: 13650060, member: 37583]Our medical industry makes government bloat look benign[/QUOTE]


Wow, that's some serious stupid, I bow to you, I couldn't think of anything that stupid to say if I tried.

I like how leftists always pick the most regulated industries to prove that free markets don't work. If you turned on your brain, you'd suddenly connect that with the more regulation the worse the industry is means the problem ... isn't the company ...

[QUOTE="JoeNormal, post: 13650060, member: 37583]Our medical industry makes government bloat look benign. Let me guess, you work in the medical industry.[/QUOTE]

I have, I'm in management and management consulting. I've worked some pharmaceuticals, for an HMO and done some work for BC/BS. But I work a lot more in financial services, energy and technology.

What about you? Let me guess, you frequently serve fries with it...
So you got total annihilation of the Republicans, Obamacare passed, and it's STILL the Republicans fault what happened under your watch and your plan? You people are un freaking believable.

If Obama shit in his pants, would that be the Republicans too?
I'm not suggesting that Obama fixed the problem. He did at least dramatically increase the numbered of Insured. I'm saying democrats like Bernie are the only ones doing anything about changing Big Pharma for the better. Republcans, as always, will not do jack shit about it.

If I bought cars with taxpayer money and gave them a way, I'd have increased the number of cars on the road too. The only people he insured were people he gave insurance too. And percentage wise, there weren't a lot of them. And the rest of us are paying through the nose for it both in increased medical costs and taxpayer money funding Obamacare welfare recipients.

None of you can explain the gain in that instead of paying their medical bills in ER rooms, now we're giving them insurance! That's better ... how?
Oh really? 18 million newly insured isn't a lot? You do realize that among the people who actually use ObamaCare, the favorability rating of the law is high.

Wow, people who are getting welfare like that they're getting other people's money? Who would have seen that coming? What a great day it is, thanks for letting me know about that completely unexpected event.

And 18 million is total enrollment, not newly insured as you claimed. Still, wow, the government massively took over healthcare for Americans in order to insure, 5% of the population! Wow!
Yep total enrollment. I guess that shows how popular the program is huh?

Funny how when government kills the competition, funds participants and fines people who don't play, their programs are "popular"
[QUOTE="JoeNormal, post: 13650060, member: 37583]Our medical industry makes government bloat look benign


Wow, that's some serious stupid, I bow to you, I couldn't think of anything that stupid to say if I tried.

I like how leftists always pick the most regulated industries to prove that free markets don't work. If you turned on your brain, you'd suddenly connect that with the more regulation the worse the industry is means the problem ... isn't the company ...

[QUOTE="JoeNormal, post: 13650060, member: 37583]Our medical industry makes government bloat look benign. Let me guess, you work in the medical industry.[/QUOTE]

I have, I'm in management and management consulting. I've worked some pharmaceuticals, for an HMO and done some work for BC/BS. But I work a lot more in financial services, energy and technology.

What about you? Let me guess, you frequently serve fries with it...[/QUOTE]

Wow, how did I guess. You know, the only people who see management as indispensable seem to managers. We're still reeling from the fucked up systems put in place by a consultant that our management had the bad sense to hire.

Let me ask you this, how is it that the socialized medicine in European countries achieves better outcomes for about half the cost per patient as in the US?
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I'm not suggesting that Obama fixed the problem. He did at least dramatically increase the numbered of Insured. I'm saying democrats like Bernie are the only ones doing anything about changing Big Pharma for the better. Republcans, as always, will not do jack shit about it.

If I bought cars with taxpayer money and gave them a way, I'd have increased the number of cars on the road too. The only people he insured were people he gave insurance too. And percentage wise, there weren't a lot of them. And the rest of us are paying through the nose for it both in increased medical costs and taxpayer money funding Obamacare welfare recipients.

None of you can explain the gain in that instead of paying their medical bills in ER rooms, now we're giving them insurance! That's better ... how?
Oh really? 18 million newly insured isn't a lot? You do realize that among the people who actually use ObamaCare, the favorability rating of the law is high.

Wow, people who are getting welfare like that they're getting other people's money? Who would have seen that coming? What a great day it is, thanks for letting me know about that completely unexpected event.

And 18 million is total enrollment, not newly insured as you claimed. Still, wow, the government massively took over healthcare for Americans in order to insure, 5% of the population! Wow!
Yep total enrollment. I guess that shows how popular the program is huh?

Funny how when government kills the competition, funds participants and fines people who don't play, their programs are "popular"
Christ do you honestly think medical prices will go down without government intervention?
If I bought cars with taxpayer money and gave them a way, I'd have increased the number of cars on the road too. The only people he insured were people he gave insurance too. And percentage wise, there weren't a lot of them. And the rest of us are paying through the nose for it both in increased medical costs and taxpayer money funding Obamacare welfare recipients.

None of you can explain the gain in that instead of paying their medical bills in ER rooms, now we're giving them insurance! That's better ... how?
Oh really? 18 million newly insured isn't a lot? You do realize that among the people who actually use ObamaCare, the favorability rating of the law is high.

Wow, people who are getting welfare like that they're getting other people's money? Who would have seen that coming? What a great day it is, thanks for letting me know about that completely unexpected event.

And 18 million is total enrollment, not newly insured as you claimed. Still, wow, the government massively took over healthcare for Americans in order to insure, 5% of the population! Wow!
Yep total enrollment. I guess that shows how popular the program is huh?

Funny how when government kills the competition, funds participants and fines people who don't play, their programs are "popular"
Christ do you honestly think medical prices will go down without government intervention?
Of course he does. I'm sure he thinks it's just a matter of time before trickle down works its magic too.
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

Ummmmm, I think you can blame obama and his admin for this particular debacle. Whine at them......
Oh really? And what should have Obama done about this? You people whine about any government interference on the private market. What could he have done that you would be okay with?

It's his LAW you moron!
Don't be dumb. He fought tooth and nail with congress to get the law passed. He had to make many concessions in the process. Don't be stupid in thinking you, any RW on this board, or republicans in office would have allowed Obama to force Big Pharma to cap their prices.

The only dumb person here is you. Obama fought like hell to get this abortion of a law passed and it FUCKS almost everybody over. Except the health insurance companies who are making money hand over fist thanks to obama and his help.

If you have a problem with medical costs COMPLAIN to HIM!
They're making more money because more people are insured. How they set their prices is entirely up to them. This isn't hard to figure out.
Oh really? 18 million newly insured isn't a lot? You do realize that among the people who actually use ObamaCare, the favorability rating of the law is high.

Wow, people who are getting welfare like that they're getting other people's money? Who would have seen that coming? What a great day it is, thanks for letting me know about that completely unexpected event.

And 18 million is total enrollment, not newly insured as you claimed. Still, wow, the government massively took over healthcare for Americans in order to insure, 5% of the population! Wow!
Yep total enrollment. I guess that shows how popular the program is huh?

Funny how when government kills the competition, funds participants and fines people who don't play, their programs are "popular"
Christ do you honestly think medical prices will go down without government intervention?
Of course he does. I'm sure he thinks it's just a matter of time before trickle down works its magic too.
The denial on this board is unbelievable.
Ummmmm, I think you can blame obama and his admin for this particular debacle. Whine at them......
Oh really? And what should have Obama done about this? You people whine about any government interference on the private market. What could he have done that you would be okay with?

It's his LAW you moron!
Don't be dumb. He fought tooth and nail with congress to get the law passed. He had to make many concessions in the process. Don't be stupid in thinking you, any RW on this board, or republicans in office would have allowed Obama to force Big Pharma to cap their prices.

The only dumb person here is you. Obama fought like hell to get this abortion of a law passed and it FUCKS almost everybody over. Except the health insurance companies who are making money hand over fist thanks to obama and his help.

If you have a problem with medical costs COMPLAIN to HIM!
They're making more money because more people are insured. How they set their prices is entirely up to them. This isn't hard to figure out.

No, they're making more money because they raised the premiums on everyone who is middle class to subsidize those who can't afford the now ridiculously high rates. I as a 70 year old man, am FORCED to pay for maternity coverage because what the hell, I just might figure out how to have a baby. Pretty damned unlikely but miracles do indeed happen.

But how nice for the insurance company who gets to charge me for a situation that can NEVER happen. Sounds like a winning combo to me. And you wanted it. Enjoy the suck, sucker.
Wow, people who are getting welfare like that they're getting other people's money? Who would have seen that coming? What a great day it is, thanks for letting me know about that completely unexpected event.

And 18 million is total enrollment, not newly insured as you claimed. Still, wow, the government massively took over healthcare for Americans in order to insure, 5% of the population! Wow!
Yep total enrollment. I guess that shows how popular the program is huh?

Funny how when government kills the competition, funds participants and fines people who don't play, their programs are "popular"
Christ do you honestly think medical prices will go down without government intervention?
Of course he does. I'm sure he thinks it's just a matter of time before trickle down works its magic too.
The denial on this board is unbelievable.

Yes, it is. How are you able to wipe your own ass? As bad as obama care is, and will continue to be, and will in fact get even worse, you DEMANDED it, and now you are complaining about it, yet you blame the repubs for YOUR law.

You are about as delusional as they come.
Oh really? And what should have Obama done about this? You people whine about any government interference on the private market. What could he have done that you would be okay with?

It's his LAW you moron!
Don't be dumb. He fought tooth and nail with congress to get the law passed. He had to make many concessions in the process. Don't be stupid in thinking you, any RW on this board, or republicans in office would have allowed Obama to force Big Pharma to cap their prices.

The only dumb person here is you. Obama fought like hell to get this abortion of a law passed and it FUCKS almost everybody over. Except the health insurance companies who are making money hand over fist thanks to obama and his help.

If you have a problem with medical costs COMPLAIN to HIM!
They're making more money because more people are insured. How they set their prices is entirely up to them. This isn't hard to figure out.

No, they're making more money because they raised the premiums on everyone who is middle class to subsidize those who can't afford the now ridiculously high rates. I as a 70 year old man, am FORCED to pay for maternity coverage because what the hell, I just might figure out how to have a baby. Pretty damned unlikely but miracles do indeed happen.

But how nice for the insurance company who gets to charge me for a situation that can NEVER happen. Sounds like a winning combo to me. And you wanted it. Enjoy the suck, sucker.
Where is this evidence that medical costs have gone up BECAUSE of ObamaCare?
Only government legislation can fix these problems.

Government legislation is what caused this to happen in the first place
And how could that possibly be? What has ObamaCare done to directly raise these prices? Also consider that this rise began before ObamaCare was passed.

First of all, ObamaCare was supposed to LOWER prices, not lower the increase, but that's a different discussion and I'm not even talking about that.

Pharmaceuticals are so expensive in this country because the same federal government you think is your lord and savior has granted them patent protections allowing them to have a monopoly on selling the drugs they created for 12 years so they charge out the ass for them to allegedly recoup their R&D costs. That's why when once the patent runs out and other companies can start manufacturing the generic, the price drops 90%.
It's his LAW you moron!
Don't be dumb. He fought tooth and nail with congress to get the law passed. He had to make many concessions in the process. Don't be stupid in thinking you, any RW on this board, or republicans in office would have allowed Obama to force Big Pharma to cap their prices.

The only dumb person here is you. Obama fought like hell to get this abortion of a law passed and it FUCKS almost everybody over. Except the health insurance companies who are making money hand over fist thanks to obama and his help.

If you have a problem with medical costs COMPLAIN to HIM!
They're making more money because more people are insured. How they set their prices is entirely up to them. This isn't hard to figure out.

No, they're making more money because they raised the premiums on everyone who is middle class to subsidize those who can't afford the now ridiculously high rates. I as a 70 year old man, am FORCED to pay for maternity coverage because what the hell, I just might figure out how to have a baby. Pretty damned unlikely but miracles do indeed happen.

But how nice for the insurance company who gets to charge me for a situation that can NEVER happen. Sounds like a winning combo to me. And you wanted it. Enjoy the suck, sucker.
Where is this evidence that medical costs have gone up BECAUSE of ObamaCare?

Denial IS your middle name isn't it!
Don't be dumb. He fought tooth and nail with congress to get the law passed. He had to make many concessions in the process. Don't be stupid in thinking you, any RW on this board, or republicans in office would have allowed Obama to force Big Pharma to cap their prices.

The only dumb person here is you. Obama fought like hell to get this abortion of a law passed and it FUCKS almost everybody over. Except the health insurance companies who are making money hand over fist thanks to obama and his help.

If you have a problem with medical costs COMPLAIN to HIM!
They're making more money because more people are insured. How they set their prices is entirely up to them. This isn't hard to figure out.

No, they're making more money because they raised the premiums on everyone who is middle class to subsidize those who can't afford the now ridiculously high rates. I as a 70 year old man, am FORCED to pay for maternity coverage because what the hell, I just might figure out how to have a baby. Pretty damned unlikely but miracles do indeed happen.

But how nice for the insurance company who gets to charge me for a situation that can NEVER happen. Sounds like a winning combo to me. And you wanted it. Enjoy the suck, sucker.
Where is this evidence that medical costs have gone up BECAUSE of ObamaCare?

Denial IS your middle name isn't it!
No I just have the critical thinking skills to understand causation. Inflation in the medical industry has been rising since before ObamaCare was passed. That's the point that matters.
Would not Nutty Old Uncle Bernie quickly nationalize the prescription drug industry and make all drugs free for everyone? Of course only existing ones. But that won't matter to liberals - the only important part is that they're all FREE!

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