Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

dude we have had a democrat prezbo for the past 7 years

why the fuck did he allow it to happen

at what point will you people get it

Not interfering with Prescription Prices...

Guess what the socialist Europeans don't do this... The Governments in Europe negotiate prices per country, now they are talking about going EU federal on one big collective bargaining...

In Spain, regular Diclofenac (pain killer) (e.g. Voltaren 100 mg) you are talking about 10 cent a tablet and no need for prescription... I think it is about $1 tablet (ish) in US...

The thing is under equality law as a regular person I have to be offered the same price as the government so the government negotiates price.. Now the laugh is because it is done on state (country level) and we all travel between comparing prices... We bitch like hell if we are not the cheapest (Ireland isn't because we have all the major big Pharma guys employing thousands in a small country)....

Government steps in here for good... Is everything Gov do good? No, but this is one good area.

"If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand." -- Milton Friedman
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

What should Republicans "do about it"? You are always screeching for somebody to "do something".
Good point. Both parties aren't doing to well for Americans these days

Agreed... I think we all to often ignore the problem, go right to the symptom and scream "FIX THIS"!!!! Take tuition for example, direct result of what happens whenyou thrown endless supplies of money at something via the student loan program.
What successful health care system would be better than what we have? Use an example of a better success.

OK asshole...

These Are The 36 Countries That Have Better Healthcare ...

US health care is the worst in the industrialized world and you can thank the corporations and slime like Florida governor Rick Scott.

Bullshit. That's WHO commie propaganda. "Better" means socialist, according to their standards.
After reading through a lot of comments concerning a speech given by a Saudi guy the other day I am pretty sure I do not want what they have in mind for this country. That "free college" and "free medical care" all those young hip Saudi's were praising just does not sound all that good to me.
Only government legislation can fix these problems.
And there it is.

I just don't understand why you tards haven't figured it out yet. Every time there is a problem, your congenital reflex is, "What's the government going to do about it?"

And then when you concentrate more power at the top of the government, you make it easier to be captured by special interests. Then, when it does get captured, your AMAZING response is, "We need MOAR GUVMINT!"

Yeah? And who's going to pay the difference?
All of us because healthy Americans instead of a few that can afford it is in all our best interests. Just like roads, schools, military, etc.

I fail to see how the health of a bum is going to effect me one way or another.
Other than my wallet of course. And since I'm paying they get the minimal amount of care.
Just like you would see how the education of a bum wouldn't matter. If there wasn't a public school system it would be pay if you can and there would be many with no education making our country a mockery. Is that what you want? Same with public health care. You want America to be full of people begging to go to the doctor? Healthy Americans is in our national interest, not just to be nice, to benefit everyone, including employers that will no longer have to keep paying insurance companies more and thier workers less.

Public education sucks and is nothing more than indoctrination program run by liberals,any failures sit square on democrats.

And again,I dont see where having healthy bums is a benefit.
Them roads suck too, full of potholes. Govt should be out of it. I don't have a kid, have to pay school taxes. Bunch of moochers with their stupid kids making me pay for it.
I always felt this way. pissed me off that I had to pay the school taxes too. I sent my one child through private school at my own expense. But then I know a family that has 12 kids, after all their spawn deductions they pay pretty much nothing yet their brood essentially takes up half a classroom by themselves.
I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
Nope no confiscation this isnt communism. Govt has a role in society though that will keep our capitalist system regualted and robust.
Our government has gone beyond the scope of what its role is allowed for in accordance with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. When our government allowed fraud to stand via erroneous record keeping and court committed fraud it went beyond the pail of justice. Adding insult to injury people within the government called me (the victim of major fraud and sabotage) a terrorist and gave the bankers a shitlad of taxpayers money. Now you just stated that the government had the right of confiscation. I disagree with you but if you can convince enough people that it is true with lies and deceit you may be able to convince some that you are correct. Personally though I will just call what you claim as bullshit and the more people that awaken to the fact that it is bullshit the more will agree with me and not you.

In defense of Bush he had no choice but to bailout the banksters and the auto industry. The banksters are extortionists and traitors.

Thats what happens when you deregulate the financial system.

It wasn't deregulated.

Are you stupid or do you just never not lie?

For the rest of you:

This is how the criminal elite rigged the economy.

Timeline of Key Events • 1978, Marquette vs. First of Omaha – Supreme Court allows banks to export the usury laws of their home state nationwide and sets off a competitive wave of deregulation, resulting in the complete elimination of usury rate ceilings in South Dakota and Delaware, among others.

• 1980, Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act – Legislation increases deposit insurance from $40,000 to $100,000, authorizes new authority to thrift institutions, and calls for the complete phase-out of interest rate ceilings on deposit accounts.

• 1982, Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act – Bill deregulates thrifts almost entirely, allowing commercial lending and providing for a new account to compete with money market mutual funds. This was a Reagan administration initiative that passed with strong bi-partisan support.

• 1987, FSLIC Insolvency – GAO declares the deposit insurance fund of the savings and loan industry to be insolvent as a result of mounting institutional failures.

• 1989, Financial Institutions Reform and Recovery Act – Act abolishes the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and FSLIC, transferring them to OTS and the FDIC, respectively. The plan also creates the Resolution Trust Corporation to resolve failed thrifts.

• 1994, Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act – This bill eliminated previous restrictions on interstate banking and branching. It passed with broad bipartisan support. 1973 1977 1980 1983 1987 1990 1993 1996 2000 2003 2006 2010 Marquette vs. First of Omaha Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act Garn-St. Germain Act FSLIC fund declared insolvent Financial Institutions Reform and Recovery Act Federal Reserve reinterprets Glass-Steagall Citicorp-Travelers merger Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repeals Glass-Steagall restrictions Commodity Futures Modernization Act SEC proposes voluntary regulation Subprime mortgage crisis Federal Reserve creates first special lending facility Bear Stearns collapses Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy Congress authorizes the TARP Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac placed in conservatorship PublicPrivate Investment Riegle-Neal Interstate Program Banking and Branching Efficiency Act CEPR A Short History of Financial Deregulation in the United States 2

• 1996, Fed Reinterprets Glass-Steagall – Federal Reserve reinterprets the Glass-Steagall Act several times, eventually allowing bank holding companies to earn up to 25 percent of their revenues in investment banking.

• 1998, Citicorp-Travelers Merger – Citigroup, Inc. merges a commercial bank with an insurance company that owns an investment bank to form the world’s largest financial services company.

• 1999, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act – With support from Fed Chairman Greenspan, Treasury Secretary Rubin and his successor Lawrence Summers, the bill repeals the Glass-Steagall Act completely.

• 2000, Commodity Futures Modernization Act – Passed with support from the Clinton Administration, including Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, and bi-partisan support in Congress. The bill prevented the Commodity Futures Trading Commission from regulating most over-the-counter derivative contracts, including credit default swaps.

• 2004, Voluntary Regulation – The SEC proposes a system of voluntary regulation under the Consolidated Supervised Entities program, allowing investment banks to hold less capital in reserve and increase leverage.

• 2007, Subprime Mortgage Crisis – Defaults on subprime loans send shockwaves throughout the secondary mortgage market and the entire financial system.

• December 2007, Term Auction Facility – Special liquidity facility of the Federal Reserve lends to depository institutions. Unlike lending through the discount window, there is no public disclosure on loans made through this facility.

• March 2008, Bear Stearns Collapse – The investment bank is sold to JP Morgan Chase with assistance from the Federal Reserve. • March 2008, Primary Dealer Facilities – Special lending facilities open the discount window to investment banks, accepting a broad range of asset-backed securities as collateral.

• July 2008, Housing and Economic Recovery Act – Provides guarantees on new mortgages to subprime borrowers and authorizes a new federal agency, the FHFA, which eventually places Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into conservatorship.

• September 2008, Lehman Brothers Collapse – Investment bank files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

• October 2008, Emergency Economic Stabilization Act – Bill authorizes the Treasury to establish the Troubled Asset Relief Program to purchase distressed mortgage-backed securities and inject capital into the nation’s banking system. Also increases deposit insurance from $100,000 to $250,000.

• Late 2008, Money Market Liquidity Facilities – Federal Reserve facilities created to facilitate the purchase of various money market instruments.

• March 2009, Public-Private Investment Program – Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner introduces his plan to subsidize the purchase of toxic assets with government guarantees.
Everything has gotten worse "in the last seven years" and incredibly the radical left manages to blame republicans. Self delusion must be in the liberal genes.
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

dude we have had a democrat prezbo for the past 7 years

why the fuck did he allow it to happen

at what point will you people get it

Not interfering with Prescription Prices...

Guess what the socialist Europeans don't do this... The Governments in Europe negotiate prices per country, now they are talking about going EU federal on one big collective bargaining...

In Spain, regular Diclofenac (pain killer) (e.g. Voltaren 100 mg) you are talking about 10 cent a tablet and no need for prescription... I think it is about $1 tablet (ish) in US...

The thing is under equality law as a regular person I have to be offered the same price as the government so the government negotiates price.. Now the laugh is because it is done on state (country level) and we all travel between comparing prices... We bitch like hell if we are not the cheapest (Ireland isn't because we have all the major big Pharma guys employing thousands in a small country)....

Government steps in here for good... Is everything Gov do good? No, but this is one good area.

Nope no confiscation this isnt communism. Govt has a role in society though that will keep our capitalist system regualted and robust.
Our government has gone beyond the scope of what its role is allowed for in accordance with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. When our government allowed fraud to stand via erroneous record keeping and court committed fraud it went beyond the pail of justice. Adding insult to injury people within the government called me (the victim of major fraud and sabotage) a terrorist and gave the bankers a shitlad of taxpayers money. Now you just stated that the government had the right of confiscation. I disagree with you but if you can convince enough people that it is true with lies and deceit you may be able to convince some that you are correct. Personally though I will just call what you claim as bullshit and the more people that awaken to the fact that it is bullshit the more will agree with me and not you.

In defense of Bush he had no choice but to bailout the banksters and the auto industry. The banksters are extortionists and traitors.

Thats what happens when you deregulate the financial system.

It wasn't deregulated.

Are you stupid or do you just never not lie?

For the rest of you:

This is how the criminal elite rigged the economy.

Timeline of Key Events • 1978, Marquette vs. First of Omaha – Supreme Court allows banks to export the usury laws of their home state nationwide and sets off a competitive wave of deregulation, resulting in the complete elimination of usury rate ceilings in South Dakota and Delaware, among others.

• 1980, Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act – Legislation increases deposit insurance from $40,000 to $100,000, authorizes new authority to thrift institutions, and calls for the complete phase-out of interest rate ceilings on deposit accounts.

• 1982, Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act – Bill deregulates thrifts almost entirely, allowing commercial lending and providing for a new account to compete with money market mutual funds. This was a Reagan administration initiative that passed with strong bi-partisan support.

• 1987, FSLIC Insolvency – GAO declares the deposit insurance fund of the savings and loan industry to be insolvent as a result of mounting institutional failures.

• 1989, Financial Institutions Reform and Recovery Act – Act abolishes the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and FSLIC, transferring them to OTS and the FDIC, respectively. The plan also creates the Resolution Trust Corporation to resolve failed thrifts.

• 1994, Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act – This bill eliminated previous restrictions on interstate banking and branching. It passed with broad bipartisan support. 1973 1977 1980 1983 1987 1990 1993 1996 2000 2003 2006 2010 Marquette vs. First of Omaha Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act Garn-St. Germain Act FSLIC fund declared insolvent Financial Institutions Reform and Recovery Act Federal Reserve reinterprets Glass-Steagall Citicorp-Travelers merger Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repeals Glass-Steagall restrictions Commodity Futures Modernization Act SEC proposes voluntary regulation Subprime mortgage crisis Federal Reserve creates first special lending facility Bear Stearns collapses Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy Congress authorizes the TARP Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac placed in conservatorship PublicPrivate Investment Riegle-Neal Interstate Program Banking and Branching Efficiency Act CEPR A Short History of Financial Deregulation in the United States 2

• 1996, Fed Reinterprets Glass-Steagall – Federal Reserve reinterprets the Glass-Steagall Act several times, eventually allowing bank holding companies to earn up to 25 percent of their revenues in investment banking.

• 1998, Citicorp-Travelers Merger – Citigroup, Inc. merges a commercial bank with an insurance company that owns an investment bank to form the world’s largest financial services company.

• 1999, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act – With support from Fed Chairman Greenspan, Treasury Secretary Rubin and his successor Lawrence Summers, the bill repeals the Glass-Steagall Act completely.

• 2000, Commodity Futures Modernization Act – Passed with support from the Clinton Administration, including Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, and bi-partisan support in Congress. The bill prevented the Commodity Futures Trading Commission from regulating most over-the-counter derivative contracts, including credit default swaps.

• 2004, Voluntary Regulation – The SEC proposes a system of voluntary regulation under the Consolidated Supervised Entities program, allowing investment banks to hold less capital in reserve and increase leverage.

• 2007, Subprime Mortgage Crisis – Defaults on subprime loans send shockwaves throughout the secondary mortgage market and the entire financial system.

• December 2007, Term Auction Facility – Special liquidity facility of the Federal Reserve lends to depository institutions. Unlike lending through the discount window, there is no public disclosure on loans made through this facility.

• March 2008, Bear Stearns Collapse – The investment bank is sold to JP Morgan Chase with assistance from the Federal Reserve. • March 2008, Primary Dealer Facilities – Special lending facilities open the discount window to investment banks, accepting a broad range of asset-backed securities as collateral.

• July 2008, Housing and Economic Recovery Act – Provides guarantees on new mortgages to subprime borrowers and authorizes a new federal agency, the FHFA, which eventually places Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into conservatorship.

• September 2008, Lehman Brothers Collapse – Investment bank files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

• October 2008, Emergency Economic Stabilization Act – Bill authorizes the Treasury to establish the Troubled Asset Relief Program to purchase distressed mortgage-backed securities and inject capital into the nation’s banking system. Also increases deposit insurance from $100,000 to $250,000.

• Late 2008, Money Market Liquidity Facilities – Federal Reserve facilities created to facilitate the purchase of various money market instruments.

• March 2009, Public-Private Investment Program – Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner introduces his plan to subsidize the purchase of toxic assets with government guarantees.

Commie propaganda. Your interpretation of events is questionable, to say the least.
Nope no confiscation this isnt communism. Govt has a role in society though that will keep our capitalist system regualted and robust.
Do you have a good clothespin to keep the smell out of your nose from that wheelbarrow of shit you appear to push?

He's all good...he's going to invest in bit coins.
Nah I will stick to govt backed money, not the retarded libertarian solution.
why shouldn't people have a choice of which kind of money to use?
I didn't say they shouldn't.

You're government money would disappear within weeks if the government allowed private gold backed currencies to compete with it.
Let's look at what the Dims did.

They gave us Obamacare.

You know, the legislation Dims crammed down our throats even though Obama had to make immediate exemptions for his own law that he refused to follow.

You know, the legislation that Obama lied about in regards to reduced cost and keeping the same coverage etc.

The ink is not even dry from Obama's signing it into law and all we hear from Hillary and Bernie is the need to replace Obamacare with a single payer system.

You know what, instead of "getting things done" how about making sure that when you do "get things done" you actually stop lying about what it is your doing and stop screwing the American people like you did with Obama care which ended up being the largest tax increase on the Middle Class in US history? How about being accountable for the messes you make instead of just jumping into another massive piece of legislation?

I was laughing the other day as a woman I knew who was an avid Obama supporter was complaining that her insurance premiums when up an astounding $700. Never before had she seen such an increase. I just smiled and said, "If you think that's bad, wait till Bernie and Hillary get done with ya."

Yep, that really pissed her off.
Yep, those corporate health care costs will keep going up. And you will smile and smirk at people struggling to keep up with the prices like the dick that you are.

Wow, it turns out advancing the quality of medical care is expensive. Who saw that coming? We need to slow down research to the rate everyone can pay for it. Why cure or treat diseases if everyone can't afford it? no point in that
Yes we should let the cost and profits soar till no one can pay for it and a huge bubble bursts. And those sick people need to sell their house to pay. Nice sustainable plan you got there dumbass.

Obamacare was supposed to reduce the cost. When are you douche bags going to admit your schemes don't work?
Obamacare is flawed because it relies on public companies. They are a failure and obamacare is a shitty half measure to try and rein them in.

Government has such a long history of reducing costs...
So prescription drug prices go through the roof after the Unaffordable Health Care Act passes in a midnight closed door session, and of course the republicans are at fault.
Whats that great republican plan? Jack shit?

Non-sequtur. You got your way, you made it worse. That's the point. Stop deflecting
Nope. My way eliminates the corporate failure, obamacare props it up. Stop deflecting about the failure of corporate health care.

He's your guy.

The failure is of government, not corporations. If you're referring to socialized medicine, that puts the whole system in the hands of the culprit. Yeah, government's going to keep advancing medicine.

So you want to go back to log cabins and get rid of all this cable/satellite and go back to over the air 3 channels too? Life is too complicated
It's the govt's fault that private health care costs so much? You are a special kind of stupid. We don't have govt healthcare dumb fuck. How did the govt fuck it up when they dont run it?

Yes, it is the governments fault that healthcare costs so much. For one thing, more than half of all healthcare in this country is provided by the government. For another, government regulations drive up the cost of healthcare. The FDA is the reason that a new drug costs $1 billion to bring to market.

More government made it worse, so if you project that out, even more government will make it better. Doesn't that make intuitive sense?
Yep, those corporate health care costs will keep going up. And you will smile and smirk at people struggling to keep up with the prices like the dick that you are.

Wow, it turns out advancing the quality of medical care is expensive. Who saw that coming? We need to slow down research to the rate everyone can pay for it. Why cure or treat diseases if everyone can't afford it? no point in that
Yes we should let the cost and profits soar till no one can pay for it and a huge bubble bursts. And those sick people need to sell their house to pay. Nice sustainable plan you got there dumbass.

Obamacare was supposed to reduce the cost. When are you douche bags going to admit your schemes don't work?
Obamacare is flawed because it relies on public companies. They are a failure and obamacare is a shitty half measure to try and rein them in.

Right, once the state takes over the companies all will be well with the world.

The problem is, people in the private sector are concerned with making money, when in reality, we need people who don't care about making money that reside in government.. In fact, what they do best is run trillion dollar deficits.

And as Dick Cheney famously states, Reagan proved deficits don't matter. It's all monopoly money

Deficits only matter when Republicans are President, didn't you know that?
That he is. His argument is wow, you live in reality? That proves you wrong, you should go to jail or live in a cave or you don't believe what you are saying! Then liberals say they are the ones who live in reality, lol
Actually I am smarter than both of you. Bitcoin is a currency you could use but you make excuses saying you will go to prison. Time to take some responsibility and get of the govt tit.

I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
That he is. His argument is wow, you live in reality? That proves you wrong, you should go to jail or live in a cave or you don't believe what you are saying! Then liberals say they are the ones who live in reality, lol
Actually I am smarter than both of you. Bitcoin is a currency you could use but you make excuses saying you will go to prison. Time to take some responsibility and get of the govt tit.

I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
Nope no confiscation this isnt communism. Govt has a role in society though that will keep our capitalist system regualted and robust.
Our government has gone beyond the scope of what its role is allowed for in accordance with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. When our government allowed fraud to stand via erroneous record keeping and court committed fraud it went beyond the pail of justice. Adding insult to injury people within the government called me (the victim of major fraud and sabotage) a terrorist and gave the bankers a shitlad of taxpayers money. Now you just stated that the government had the right of confiscation. I disagree with you but if you can convince enough people that it is true with lies and deceit you may be able to convince some that you are correct. Personally though I will just call what you claim as bullshit and the more people that awaken to the fact that it is bullshit the more will agree with me and not you.

In defense of Bush he had no choice but to bailout the banksters and the auto industry. The banksters are extortionists and traitors.


Yes, obviously the politicians who ran up $20 trillion in debt are the ones equipped to manage money
Wow, it turns out advancing the quality of medical care is expensive. Who saw that coming? We need to slow down research to the rate everyone can pay for it. Why cure or treat diseases if everyone can't afford it? no point in that
Yes we should let the cost and profits soar till no one can pay for it and a huge bubble bursts. And those sick people need to sell their house to pay. Nice sustainable plan you got there dumbass.

Obamacare was supposed to reduce the cost. When are you douche bags going to admit your schemes don't work?
Obamacare is flawed because it relies on public companies. They are a failure and obamacare is a shitty half measure to try and rein them in.

Right, once the state takes over the companies all will be well with the world.

The problem is, people in the private sector are concerned with making money, when in reality, we need people who don't care about making money that reside in government.. In fact, what they do best is run trillion dollar deficits.

And as Dick Cheney famously states, Reagan proved deficits don't matter. It's all monopoly money
Its a combination of both people and government. I would not lay the blame solely on industry or government because they all helped in creating the mess.

Here is an issue to ponder;

Who helps the most people a plumber/pipefitter or a surgeon with an insurance company to make sure the bills get paid stay healthy?

Free markets fix that. Those companies that fail go under and are replaced by better companies
Nope. My way eliminates the corporate failure, obamacare props it up. Stop deflecting about the failure of corporate health care.

He's your guy.

The failure is of government, not corporations. If you're referring to socialized medicine, that puts the whole system in the hands of the culprit. Yeah, government's going to keep advancing medicine.

So you want to go back to log cabins and get rid of all this cable/satellite and go back to over the air 3 channels too? Life is too complicated
It's the govt's fault that private health care costs so much? You are a special kind of stupid. We don't have govt healthcare dumb fuck. How did the govt fuck it up when they dont run it?

Yes, it is the governments fault that healthcare costs so much. For one thing, more than half of all healthcare in this country is provided by the government. For another, government regulations drive up the cost of healthcare. The FDA is the reason that a new drug costs $1 billion to bring to market.
Sounds like we have weak regulations then Other countries don't have that problem with better regulation.
You trolling does not mean you have any real answers.

Government has such a stellar history of solving problems, obviously any problem means there wasn't enough government to do it right the first time
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

Let's look at what the Dims did.

They gave us Obamacare.

You know, the legislation Dims crammed down our throats even though Obama had to make immediate exemptions for his own law that he refused to follow.

You know, the legislation that Obama lied about in regards to reduced cost and keeping the same coverage etc.

The ink is not even dry from Obama's signing it into law and all we hear from Hillary and Bernie is the need to replace Obamacare with a single payer system.

You know what, instead of "getting things done" how about making sure that when you do "get things done" you actually stop lying about what it is your doing and stop screwing the American people like you did with Obama care which ended up being the largest tax increase on the Middle Class in US history? How about being accountable for the messes you make instead of just jumping into another massive piece of legislation?

I was laughing the other day as a woman I knew who was an avid Obama supporter was complaining that her insurance premiums when up an astounding $700. Never before had she seen such an increase. I just smiled and said, "If you think that's bad, wait till Bernie and Hillary get done with ya."

Yep, that really pissed her off.
Yep, those corporate health care costs will keep going up. And you will smile and smirk at people struggling to keep up with the prices like the dick that you are.

Wow, it turns out advancing the quality of medical care is expensive. Who saw that coming? We need to slow down research to the rate everyone can pay for it. Why cure or treat diseases if everyone can't afford it? no point in that
If only pharmaceutical companies made R&D their primary focus...

I would also guess that the people who come up with all of these miraculous cures make didley squat compared to the clueless fucking CEOs.
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

What has Obama done about it? Wasn't Obamacare supposed to solve all these problems?

that was the promise

When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans

Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

What has Obama done about it? Wasn't Obamacare supposed to solve all these problems?

that was the promise

When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans
Whats that great republican plan? Jack shit?
Seeing that the great democrat plan has turned to crap, the civilians begin pleading with the Republicans to fix the mess.
Who's been the president for the last 7 years? A Republican? No. Who designed our current healthcare system? Republicans? No. Wise up.

Obama's Obamacare made deals with the drug companies. there is nothing in Obamacare that lowers drug prices

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