Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

Let's look at what the Dims did.

They gave us Obamacare.

You know, the legislation Dims crammed down our throats even though Obama had to make immediate exemptions for his own law that he refused to follow.

You know, the legislation that Obama lied about in regards to reduced cost and keeping the same coverage etc.

The ink is not even dry from Obama's signing it into law and all we hear from Hillary and Bernie is the need to replace Obamacare with a single payer system.

You know what, instead of "getting things done" how about making sure that when you do "get things done" you actually stop lying about what it is your doing and stop screwing the American people like you did with Obama care which ended up being the largest tax increase on the Middle Class in US history? How about being accountable for the messes you make instead of just jumping into another massive piece of legislation?

I was laughing the other day as a woman I knew who was an avid Obama supporter was complaining that her insurance premiums when up an astounding $700. Never before had she seen such an increase. I just smiled and said, "If you think that's bad, wait till Bernie and Hillary get done with ya."

Yep, that really pissed her off.
Yep, those corporate health care costs will keep going up. And you will smile and smirk at people struggling to keep up with the prices like the dick that you are.

Wow, it turns out advancing the quality of medical care is expensive. Who saw that coming? We need to slow down research to the rate everyone can pay for it. Why cure or treat diseases if everyone can't afford it? no point in that
If only pharmaceutical companies made R&D their primary focus...

I would also guess that the people who come up with all of these miraculous cures make didley squat compared to the clueless fucking CEOs.

OK, pharmaceutical companies don't spend any money on R&D and don't cure anything, got it. You're the one who chose to talk in ridiculous extremes.

And your wanting to Jew the CEOs again has nothing to do with anything. So you think being normal now is being a Marxist?
Who's been the president for the last 7 years? A Republican? No. Who designed our current healthcare system? Republicans? No. Wise up.
There is nothing any democratic president could have done to keep those prices down. Republicans would block any measure doing that.
T's true that NO politicians have "done anything about it".

So good to see the unwashed clamouring for Nixonesque price controls. Of course you can't take the package have to accept wage controls, too.
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

Let's look at what the Dims did.

They gave us Obamacare.

You know, the legislation Dims crammed down our throats even though Obama had to make immediate exemptions for his own law that he refused to follow.

You know, the legislation that Obama lied about in regards to reduced cost and keeping the same coverage etc.

The ink is not even dry from Obama's signing it into law and all we hear from Hillary and Bernie is the need to replace Obamacare with a single payer system.

You know what, instead of "getting things done" how about making sure that when you do "get things done" you actually stop lying about what it is your doing and stop screwing the American people like you did with Obama care which ended up being the largest tax increase on the Middle Class in US history? How about being accountable for the messes you make instead of just jumping into another massive piece of legislation?

I was laughing the other day as a woman I knew who was an avid Obama supporter was complaining that her insurance premiums when up an astounding $700. Never before had she seen such an increase. I just smiled and said, "If you think that's bad, wait till Bernie and Hillary get done with ya."

Yep, that really pissed her off.
Yep, those corporate health care costs will keep going up. And you will smile and smirk at people struggling to keep up with the prices like the dick that you are.

Wow, it turns out advancing the quality of medical care is expensive. Who saw that coming? We need to slow down research to the rate everyone can pay for it. Why cure or treat diseases if everyone can't afford it? no point in that
If only pharmaceutical companies made R&D their primary focus...

I would also guess that the people who come up with all of these miraculous cures make didley squat compared to the clueless fucking CEOs.

OK, pharmaceutical companies don't spend any money on R&D and don't cure anything, got it. You're the one who chose to talk in ridiculous extremes.

And your wanting to Jew the CEOs again has nothing to do with anything. So you think being normal now is being a Marxist?
That's what you got from what I posted? Jeezus. The point is that they could cut a lot of fat out of the process (marketing and executive perks being the primary ones) and still do R&D.
Who's been the president for the last 7 years? A Republican? No. Who designed our current healthcare system? Republicans? No. Wise up.
There is nothing any democratic president could have done to keep those prices down. Republicans would block any measure doing that.

So you got total annihilation of the Republicans, Obamacare passed, and it's STILL the Republicans fault what happened under your watch and your plan? You people are un freaking believable.

If Obama shit in his pants, would that be the Republicans too?
Let's look at what the Dims did.

They gave us Obamacare.

You know, the legislation Dims crammed down our throats even though Obama had to make immediate exemptions for his own law that he refused to follow.

You know, the legislation that Obama lied about in regards to reduced cost and keeping the same coverage etc.

The ink is not even dry from Obama's signing it into law and all we hear from Hillary and Bernie is the need to replace Obamacare with a single payer system.

You know what, instead of "getting things done" how about making sure that when you do "get things done" you actually stop lying about what it is your doing and stop screwing the American people like you did with Obama care which ended up being the largest tax increase on the Middle Class in US history? How about being accountable for the messes you make instead of just jumping into another massive piece of legislation?

I was laughing the other day as a woman I knew who was an avid Obama supporter was complaining that her insurance premiums when up an astounding $700. Never before had she seen such an increase. I just smiled and said, "If you think that's bad, wait till Bernie and Hillary get done with ya."

Yep, that really pissed her off.
Yep, those corporate health care costs will keep going up. And you will smile and smirk at people struggling to keep up with the prices like the dick that you are.

Wow, it turns out advancing the quality of medical care is expensive. Who saw that coming? We need to slow down research to the rate everyone can pay for it. Why cure or treat diseases if everyone can't afford it? no point in that
If only pharmaceutical companies made R&D their primary focus...

I would also guess that the people who come up with all of these miraculous cures make didley squat compared to the clueless fucking CEOs.

OK, pharmaceutical companies don't spend any money on R&D and don't cure anything, got it. You're the one who chose to talk in ridiculous extremes.

And your wanting to Jew the CEOs again has nothing to do with anything. So you think being normal now is being a Marxist?
That's what you got from what I posted? Jeezus. The point is that they could cut a lot of fat out of the process (marketing and executive perks being the primary ones) and still do R&D.

CEO pay is such a tiny portion of their revenue. Even with all else held equal, it would have virtually zero impact on the costs to customers. I don't get the obsession with CEOs you people have, it's sick. And a good CEO can mean millions or billions to investors. Yet in discussion after discussion, you trot out CEOs. It's a sick obsession
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

Isn't that how long douchebag has been POTUS?? His ACA is the reason prices are going up. You should drop him and email and complain.
Who's been the president for the last 7 years? A Republican? No. Who designed our current healthcare system? Republicans? No. Wise up.
There is nothing any democratic president could have done to keep those prices down. Republicans would block any measure doing that.

So you got total annihilation of the Republicans, Obamacare passed, and it's STILL the Republicans fault what happened under your watch and your plan? You people are un freaking believable.

If Obama shit in his pants, would that be the Republicans too?
I'm not suggesting that Obama fixed the problem. He did at least dramatically increase the numbered of Insured. I'm saying democrats like Bernie are the only ones doing anything about changing Big Pharma for the better. Republcans, as always, will not do jack shit about it.
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

Isn't that how long douchebag has been POTUS?? His ACA is the reason prices are going up. You should drop him and email and complain.
Prices are going up but you're an idiot if you think it's because of ObamaCare.
Who's been the president for the last 7 years? A Republican? No. Who designed our current healthcare system? Republicans? No. Wise up.
There is nothing any democratic president could have done to keep those prices down. Republicans would block any measure doing that.

So you got total annihilation of the Republicans, Obamacare passed, and it's STILL the Republicans fault what happened under your watch and your plan? You people are un freaking believable.

If Obama shit in his pants, would that be the Republicans too?
I'm not suggesting that Obama fixed the problem. He did at least dramatically increase the numbered of Insured. I'm saying democrats like Bernie are the only ones doing anything about changing Big Pharma for the better. Republcans, as always, will not do jack shit about it.

If I bought cars with taxpayer money and gave them a way, I'd have increased the number of cars on the road too. The only people he insured were people he gave insurance too. And percentage wise, there weren't a lot of them. And the rest of us are paying through the nose for it both in increased medical costs and taxpayer money funding Obamacare welfare recipients.

None of you can explain the gain in that instead of paying their medical bills in ER rooms, now we're giving them insurance! That's better ... how?
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

What has Obama done about it? Wasn't Obamacare supposed to solve all these problems?

that was the promise

When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans

Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

What has Obama done about it? Wasn't Obamacare supposed to solve all these problems?

that was the promise

When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans
Whats that great republican plan? Jack shit?
Seeing that the great democrat plan has turned to crap, the civilians begin pleading with the Republicans to fix the mess.
I think your dreaming. The Republican party has just as many bought and paid for establishment people as Democrats. The majority of people are sick of both parties lying and stuffing their own coffers while telling the people what a good job they are doing (screwing) for them.
Who's been the president for the last 7 years? A Republican? No. Who designed our current healthcare system? Republicans? No. Wise up.
There is nothing any democratic president could have done to keep those prices down. Republicans would block any measure doing that.

So you got total annihilation of the Republicans, Obamacare passed, and it's STILL the Republicans fault what happened under your watch and your plan? You people are un freaking believable.

If Obama shit in his pants, would that be the Republicans too?
I'm not suggesting that Obama fixed the problem. He did at least dramatically increase the numbered of Insured. I'm saying democrats like Bernie are the only ones doing anything about changing Big Pharma for the better. Republcans, as always, will not do jack shit about it.

If I bought cars with taxpayer money and gave them a way, I'd have increased the number of cars on the road too. The only people he insured were people he gave insurance too. And percentage wise, there weren't a lot of them. And the rest of us are paying through the nose for it both in increased medical costs and taxpayer money funding Obamacare welfare recipients.

None of you can explain the gain in that instead of paying their medical bills in ER rooms, now we're giving them insurance! That's better ... how?
Oh really? 18 million newly insured isn't a lot? You do realize that among the people who actually use ObamaCare, the favorability rating of the law is high.
Yep, those corporate health care costs will keep going up. And you will smile and smirk at people struggling to keep up with the prices like the dick that you are.

Wow, it turns out advancing the quality of medical care is expensive. Who saw that coming? We need to slow down research to the rate everyone can pay for it. Why cure or treat diseases if everyone can't afford it? no point in that
If only pharmaceutical companies made R&D their primary focus...

I would also guess that the people who come up with all of these miraculous cures make didley squat compared to the clueless fucking CEOs.

OK, pharmaceutical companies don't spend any money on R&D and don't cure anything, got it. You're the one who chose to talk in ridiculous extremes.

And your wanting to Jew the CEOs again has nothing to do with anything. So you think being normal now is being a Marxist?
That's what you got from what I posted? Jeezus. The point is that they could cut a lot of fat out of the process (marketing and executive perks being the primary ones) and still do R&D.

CEO pay is such a tiny portion of their revenue. Even with all else held equal, it would have virtually zero impact on the costs to customers. I don't get the obsession with CEOs you people have, it's sick. And a good CEO can mean millions or billions to investors. Yet in discussion after discussion, you trot out CEOs. It's a sick obsession
What about all the other corporate bloat? The link I provided showed that marketing alone was almost twice what is spent on R&D. Then in addition to the CEO are all the other corporate weasels that want everybody to believe that they actually do something. Then there are layers upon layers of accounting and legal representation. Almost all of this would fall away in a single payer system.
Who's been the president for the last 7 years? A Republican? No. Who designed our current healthcare system? Republicans? No. Wise up.
There is nothing any democratic president could have done to keep those prices down. Republicans would block any measure doing that.

So you got total annihilation of the Republicans, Obamacare passed, and it's STILL the Republicans fault what happened under your watch and your plan? You people are un freaking believable.

If Obama shit in his pants, would that be the Republicans too?
I'm not suggesting that Obama fixed the problem. He did at least dramatically increase the numbered of Insured. I'm saying democrats like Bernie are the only ones doing anything about changing Big Pharma for the better. Republcans, as always, will not do jack shit about it.

If I bought cars with taxpayer money and gave them a way, I'd have increased the number of cars on the road too. The only people he insured were people he gave insurance too. And percentage wise, there weren't a lot of them. And the rest of us are paying through the nose for it both in increased medical costs and taxpayer money funding Obamacare welfare recipients.

None of you can explain the gain in that instead of paying their medical bills in ER rooms, now we're giving them insurance! That's better ... how?
Oh really? 18 million newly insured isn't a lot? You do realize that among the people who actually use ObamaCare, the favorability rating of the law is high.

Wow, people who are getting welfare like that they're getting other people's money? Who would have seen that coming? What a great day it is, thanks for letting me know about that completely unexpected event.

And 18 million is total enrollment, not newly insured as you claimed. Still, wow, the government massively took over healthcare for Americans in order to insure, 5% of the population! Wow!
Wow, it turns out advancing the quality of medical care is expensive. Who saw that coming? We need to slow down research to the rate everyone can pay for it. Why cure or treat diseases if everyone can't afford it? no point in that
If only pharmaceutical companies made R&D their primary focus...

I would also guess that the people who come up with all of these miraculous cures make didley squat compared to the clueless fucking CEOs.

OK, pharmaceutical companies don't spend any money on R&D and don't cure anything, got it. You're the one who chose to talk in ridiculous extremes.

And your wanting to Jew the CEOs again has nothing to do with anything. So you think being normal now is being a Marxist?
That's what you got from what I posted? Jeezus. The point is that they could cut a lot of fat out of the process (marketing and executive perks being the primary ones) and still do R&D.

CEO pay is such a tiny portion of their revenue. Even with all else held equal, it would have virtually zero impact on the costs to customers. I don't get the obsession with CEOs you people have, it's sick. And a good CEO can mean millions or billions to investors. Yet in discussion after discussion, you trot out CEOs. It's a sick obsession
What about all the other corporate bloat? The link I provided showed that marketing alone was almost twice what is spent on R&D. Then in addition to the CEO are all the other corporate weasels that want everybody to believe that they actually do something. Then there are layers upon layers of accounting and legal representation. Almost all of this would fall away in a single payer system.


A defender of ... government ... is upset about "corporate" bloat?

OMG, now that's comedy....

If only pharmaceutical companies made R&D their primary focus...

I would also guess that the people who come up with all of these miraculous cures make didley squat compared to the clueless fucking CEOs.

OK, pharmaceutical companies don't spend any money on R&D and don't cure anything, got it. You're the one who chose to talk in ridiculous extremes.

And your wanting to Jew the CEOs again has nothing to do with anything. So you think being normal now is being a Marxist?
That's what you got from what I posted? Jeezus. The point is that they could cut a lot of fat out of the process (marketing and executive perks being the primary ones) and still do R&D.

CEO pay is such a tiny portion of their revenue. Even with all else held equal, it would have virtually zero impact on the costs to customers. I don't get the obsession with CEOs you people have, it's sick. And a good CEO can mean millions or billions to investors. Yet in discussion after discussion, you trot out CEOs. It's a sick obsession
What about all the other corporate bloat? The link I provided showed that marketing alone was almost twice what is spent on R&D. Then in addition to the CEO are all the other corporate weasels that want everybody to believe that they actually do something. Then there are layers upon layers of accounting and legal representation. Almost all of this would fall away in a single payer system.


A defender of ... government ... is upset about "corporate" bloat?

OMG, now that's comedy....

Our medical industry makes government bloat look benign. Let me guess, you work in the medical industry.
There is nothing any democratic president could have done to keep those prices down. Republicans would block any measure doing that.

So you got total annihilation of the Republicans, Obamacare passed, and it's STILL the Republicans fault what happened under your watch and your plan? You people are un freaking believable.

If Obama shit in his pants, would that be the Republicans too?
I'm not suggesting that Obama fixed the problem. He did at least dramatically increase the numbered of Insured. I'm saying democrats like Bernie are the only ones doing anything about changing Big Pharma for the better. Republcans, as always, will not do jack shit about it.

If I bought cars with taxpayer money and gave them a way, I'd have increased the number of cars on the road too. The only people he insured were people he gave insurance too. And percentage wise, there weren't a lot of them. And the rest of us are paying through the nose for it both in increased medical costs and taxpayer money funding Obamacare welfare recipients.

None of you can explain the gain in that instead of paying their medical bills in ER rooms, now we're giving them insurance! That's better ... how?
Oh really? 18 million newly insured isn't a lot? You do realize that among the people who actually use ObamaCare, the favorability rating of the law is high.

Wow, people who are getting welfare like that they're getting other people's money? Who would have seen that coming? What a great day it is, thanks for letting me know about that completely unexpected event.

And 18 million is total enrollment, not newly insured as you claimed. Still, wow, the government massively took over healthcare for Americans in order to insure, 5% of the population! Wow!
Yep total enrollment. I guess that shows how popular the program is huh?
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years
Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years.

7 years ago obama took ofc

so according to your 'logic', it is his fault.
Yup corporate healthcare is a failure.
no it's not
You said it yourself, corporate health care doubles their prices in 7 years, fucking over Americans. Time to eliminate that shit.
no, I put the blame on government interference.
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

Ummmmm, I think you can blame obama and his admin for this particular debacle. Whine at them......
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

Ummmmm, I think you can blame obama and his admin for this particular debacle. Whine at them......
Oh really? And what should have Obama done about this? You people whine about any government interference on the private market. What could he have done that you would be okay with?

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