Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

Actually I am smarter than both of you. Bitcoin is a currency you could use but you make excuses saying you will go to prison. Time to take some responsibility and get of the govt tit.

I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
Actually I am smarter than both of you. Bitcoin is a currency you could use but you make excuses saying you will go to prison. Time to take some responsibility and get of the govt tit.

I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
Nope no confiscation this isnt communism. Govt has a role in society though that will keep our capitalist system regualted and robust.
Our government has gone beyond the scope of what its role is allowed for in accordance with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. When our government allowed fraud to stand via erroneous record keeping and court committed fraud it went beyond the pail of justice. Adding insult to injury people within the government called me (the victim of major fraud and sabotage) a terrorist and gave the bankers a shitlad of taxpayers money. Now you just stated that the government had the right of confiscation. I disagree with you but if you can convince enough people that it is true with lies and deceit you may be able to convince some that you are correct. Personally though I will just call what you claim as bullshit and the more people that awaken to the fact that it is bullshit the more will agree with me and not you.

In defense of Bush he had no choice but to bailout the banksters and the auto industry. The banksters are extortionists and traitors.

Thats what happens when you deregulate the financial system.

The repeal of Glass-Steagal caused this. If bankers were honest it would not have happened but bankers have never been honest and their greed blurs their vision. It would probably be best for humanity to purge the world of bankster and corporatists. Clean up the gene pool.
What successful health care system would be better than what we have? Use an example of a better success.

OK asshole...

These Are The 36 Countries That Have Better Healthcare ...

US health care is the worst in the industrialized world and you can thank the corporations and slime like Florida governor Rick Scott.
So there are better systems we could employ... That is the point I am trying to make.
Sounds to me like commerce is looking for another means to get what they think should be their cut. Yes you are a troll.
Actually I am smarter than both of you. Bitcoin is a currency you could use but you make excuses saying you will go to prison. Time to take some responsibility and get of the govt tit.

I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
Actually I am smarter than both of you. Bitcoin is a currency you could use but you make excuses saying you will go to prison. Time to take some responsibility and get of the govt tit.

I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
Nope no confiscation this isnt communism. Govt has a role in society though that will keep our capitalist system regualted and robust.
Our government has gone beyond the scope of what its role is allowed for in accordance with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. When our government allowed fraud to stand via erroneous record keeping and court committed fraud it went beyond the pail of justice. Adding insult to injury people within the government called me (the victim of major fraud and sabotage) a terrorist and gave the bankers a shitlad of taxpayers money. Now you just stated that the government had the right of confiscation. I disagree with you but if you can convince enough people that it is true with lies and deceit you may be able to convince some that you are correct. Personally though I will just call what you claim as bullshit and the more people that awaken to the fact that it is bullshit the more will agree with me and not you.

In defense of Bush he had no choice but to bailout the banksters and the auto industry. The banksters are extortionists and traitors.

I would say lying lawyers with bought and paid for judges and insurance companies are just as big at robbing people as anyone. Just my personal opinion though.

Lawyers are merely tools of the criminal elite class.
I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
Nope no confiscation this isnt communism. Govt has a role in society though that will keep our capitalist system regualted and robust.
Our government has gone beyond the scope of what its role is allowed for in accordance with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. When our government allowed fraud to stand via erroneous record keeping and court committed fraud it went beyond the pail of justice. Adding insult to injury people within the government called me (the victim of major fraud and sabotage) a terrorist and gave the bankers a shitlad of taxpayers money. Now you just stated that the government had the right of confiscation. I disagree with you but if you can convince enough people that it is true with lies and deceit you may be able to convince some that you are correct. Personally though I will just call what you claim as bullshit and the more people that awaken to the fact that it is bullshit the more will agree with me and not you.

In defense of Bush he had no choice but to bailout the banksters and the auto industry. The banksters are extortionists and traitors.

I would say lying lawyers with bought and paid for judges and insurance companies are just as big at robbing people as anyone. Just my personal opinion though.

Lawyers are merely tools of the criminal elite class.
I have some really good friends who are attorneys and I respect them so I cannot put them all in that same category.
He's all good...he's going to invest in bit coins.
Nah I will stick to govt backed money, not the retarded libertarian solution.

Government backed money?'s a pro tip.
The government is 19 trillion in debt.
I think you might need to find a more solvent source...
Naw I'm good. Looks like you better get to it then.

Hmmmm..Down graded to AA for the first time since 1917.
You really should pay more attention.
Whine whine whine....get off your duff and start a cryptocurrency.

It's against the law, numskull. People have attempted to create their own gold backed currencies, and the FBI arrested them and put them in prison. Uncle Sam doesn't like competition.
I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
Nope no confiscation this isnt communism. Govt has a role in society though that will keep our capitalist system regualted and robust.
Our government has gone beyond the scope of what its role is allowed for in accordance with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. When our government allowed fraud to stand via erroneous record keeping and court committed fraud it went beyond the pail of justice. Adding insult to injury people within the government called me (the victim of major fraud and sabotage) a terrorist and gave the bankers a shitlad of taxpayers money. Now you just stated that the government had the right of confiscation. I disagree with you but if you can convince enough people that it is true with lies and deceit you may be able to convince some that you are correct. Personally though I will just call what you claim as bullshit and the more people that awaken to the fact that it is bullshit the more will agree with me and not you.

In defense of Bush he had no choice but to bailout the banksters and the auto industry. The banksters are extortionists and traitors.

I would say lying lawyers with bought and paid for judges and insurance companies are just as big at robbing people as anyone. Just my personal opinion though.

Lawyers are merely tools of the criminal elite class.

Government is an organized criminal class.
What successful health care system would be better than what we have? Use an example of a better success.

OK asshole...

These Are The 36 Countries That Have Better Healthcare ...

US health care is the worst in the industrialized world and you can thank the corporations and slime like Florida governor Rick Scott.
So there are better systems we could employ... That is the point I am trying to make.
Sounds to me like commerce is looking for another means to get what they think should be their cut. Yes you are a troll.
Eliminating the cut insurance companies take would be a good start.
Nah I will stick to govt backed money, not the retarded libertarian solution.

Government backed money?'s a pro tip.
The government is 19 trillion in debt.
I think you might need to find a more solvent source...
Naw I'm good. Looks like you better get to it then.

Hmmmm..Down graded to AA for the first time since 1917.
You really should pay more attention.
Whine whine whine....get off your duff and start a cryptocurrency.

It's against the law, numskull. People have attempted to create their own gold backed currencies, and the FBI arrested them and put them in prison. Uncle Sam doesn't like competition.
Bitcoin is illegal?
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

What should Republicans "do about it"? You are always screeching for somebody to "do something".
Let's look at what the Dims did.

They gave us Obamacare.

You know, the legislation Dims crammed down our throats even though Obama had to make immediate exemptions for his own law that he refused to follow.

You know, the legislation that Obama lied about in regards to reduced cost and keeping the same coverage etc.

The ink is not even dry from Obama's signing it into law and all we hear from Hillary and Bernie is the need to replace Obamacare with a single payer system.

You know what, instead of "getting things done" how about making sure that when you do "get things done" you actually stop lying about what it is your doing and stop screwing the American people like you did with Obama care which ended up being the largest tax increase on the Middle Class in US history? How about being accountable for the messes you make instead of just jumping into another massive piece of legislation?

I was laughing the other day as a woman I knew who was an avid Obama supporter was complaining that her insurance premiums when up an astounding $700. Never before had she seen such an increase. I just smiled and said, "If you think that's bad, wait till Bernie and Hillary get done with ya."

Yep, that really pissed her off.
Yep, those corporate health care costs will keep going up. And you will smile and smirk at people struggling to keep up with the prices like the dick that you are.

Wow, it turns out advancing the quality of medical care is expensive. Who saw that coming? We need to slow down research to the rate everyone can pay for it. Why cure or treat diseases if everyone can't afford it? no point in that
Yes we should let the cost and profits soar till no one can pay for it and a huge bubble bursts. And those sick people need to sell their house to pay. Nice sustainable plan you got there dumbass.

Obamacare was supposed to reduce the cost. When are you douche bags going to admit your schemes don't work?
Obamacare is flawed because it relies on public companies. They are a failure and obamacare is a shitty half measure to try and rein them in.

It's a failure because it relies on government and compulsion.
Government backed money?'s a pro tip.
The government is 19 trillion in debt.
I think you might need to find a more solvent source...
Naw I'm good. Looks like you better get to it then.

Hmmmm..Down graded to AA for the first time since 1917.
You really should pay more attention.
Whine whine whine....get off your duff and start a cryptocurrency.

It's against the law, numskull. People have attempted to create their own gold backed currencies, and the FBI arrested them and put them in prison. Uncle Sam doesn't like competition.
Bitcoin is illegal?

I think so. I do know that alternate currencies are illegal. People are in prison right now because they attempted to create one.
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

What should Republicans "do about it"? You are always screeching for somebody to "do something".
Good point. Both parties aren't doing to well for Americans these days
Naw I'm good. Looks like you better get to it then.

Hmmmm..Down graded to AA for the first time since 1917.
You really should pay more attention.
Whine whine whine....get off your duff and start a cryptocurrency.

It's against the law, numskull. People have attempted to create their own gold backed currencies, and the FBI arrested them and put them in prison. Uncle Sam doesn't like competition.
Bitcoin is illegal?

I think so. I do know that alternate currencies are illegal. People are in prison right now because they attempted to create one.
Yep. Some guy in New Hampshire I think got busted for that. I thought Bitcoin/electronic currency wasn't though.
Non-sequtur. You got your way, you made it worse. That's the point. Stop deflecting
Nope. My way eliminates the corporate failure, obamacare props it up. Stop deflecting about the failure of corporate health care.

He's your guy.

The failure is of government, not corporations. If you're referring to socialized medicine, that puts the whole system in the hands of the culprit. Yeah, government's going to keep advancing medicine.

So you want to go back to log cabins and get rid of all this cable/satellite and go back to over the air 3 channels too? Life is too complicated
It's the govt's fault that private health care costs so much? You are a special kind of stupid. We don't have govt healthcare dumb fuck. How did the govt fuck it up when they dont run it?

Yes, it is the governments fault that healthcare costs so much. For one thing, more than half of all healthcare in this country is provided by the government. For another, government regulations drive up the cost of healthcare. The FDA is the reason that a new drug costs $1 billion to bring to market.
Sounds like we have weak regulations then Other countries don't have that problem with better regulation.

Almost all the new drugs in the world are produced by the United States. If you want to make the US like Europe, you can say bye-bye to any new drugs coming on the market.
That he is. His argument is wow, you live in reality? That proves you wrong, you should go to jail or live in a cave or you don't believe what you are saying! Then liberals say they are the ones who live in reality, lol
Actually I am smarter than both of you. Bitcoin is a currency you could use but you make excuses saying you will go to prison. Time to take some responsibility and get of the govt tit.

I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
That he is. His argument is wow, you live in reality? That proves you wrong, you should go to jail or live in a cave or you don't believe what you are saying! Then liberals say they are the ones who live in reality, lol
Actually I am smarter than both of you. Bitcoin is a currency you could use but you make excuses saying you will go to prison. Time to take some responsibility and get of the govt tit.

I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
Nope no confiscation this isnt communism. Govt has a role in society though that will keep our capitalist system regualted and robust.
Our government has gone beyond the scope of what its role is allowed for in accordance with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. When our government allowed fraud to stand via erroneous record keeping and court committed fraud it went beyond the pail of justice. Adding insult to injury people within the government called me (the victim of major fraud and sabotage) a terrorist and gave the bankers a shitlad of taxpayers money. Now you just stated that the government had the right of confiscation. I disagree with you but if you can convince enough people that it is true with lies and deceit you may be able to convince some that you are correct. Personally though I will just call what you claim as bullshit and the more people that awaken to the fact that it is bullshit the more will agree with me and not you.

In defense of Bush he had no choice but to bailout the banksters and the auto industry. The banksters are extortionists and traitors.


Sure he had a choice. He could have let them fail.
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Actually I am smarter than both of you. Bitcoin is a currency you could use but you make excuses saying you will go to prison. Time to take some responsibility and get of the govt tit.

I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
Actually I am smarter than both of you. Bitcoin is a currency you could use but you make excuses saying you will go to prison. Time to take some responsibility and get of the govt tit.

I agree, get the corporate criminals and the bankers off the government tit, confiscate their ill gotten TRILLIONS and put them in prison where they belong.
Nope no confiscation this isnt communism. Govt has a role in society though that will keep our capitalist system regualted and robust.
Our government has gone beyond the scope of what its role is allowed for in accordance with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. When our government allowed fraud to stand via erroneous record keeping and court committed fraud it went beyond the pail of justice. Adding insult to injury people within the government called me (the victim of major fraud and sabotage) a terrorist and gave the bankers a shitlad of taxpayers money. Now you just stated that the government had the right of confiscation. I disagree with you but if you can convince enough people that it is true with lies and deceit you may be able to convince some that you are correct. Personally though I will just call what you claim as bullshit and the more people that awaken to the fact that it is bullshit the more will agree with me and not you.

In defense of Bush he had no choice but to bailout the banksters and the auto industry. The banksters are extortionists and traitors.

Thats what happens when you deregulate the financial system.

It wasn't deregulated.
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

dude we have had a democrat prezbo for the past 7 years

why the fuck did he allow it to happen

at what point will you people get it

Not interfering with Prescription Prices...

Guess what the socialist Europeans don't do this... The Governments in Europe negotiate prices per country, now they are talking about going EU federal on one big collective bargaining...

In Spain, regular Diclofenac (pain killer) (e.g. Voltaren 100 mg) you are talking about 10 cent a tablet and no need for prescription... I think it is about $1 tablet (ish) in US...

The thing is under equality law as a regular person I have to be offered the same price as the government so the government negotiates price.. Now the laugh is because it is done on state (country level) and we all travel between comparing prices... We bitch like hell if we are not the cheapest (Ireland isn't because we have all the major big Pharma guys employing thousands in a small country)....

Government steps in here for good... Is everything Gov do good? No, but this is one good area.

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