Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

Also of course
Yes, democrats think our choices are to be controlled by corporations or bureaucrats, though their bureaucrats are controlled by corporations.

My choice in neither, I want free markets where I can fire bad service providers any time I want
Those democrats with their corporations! SO where are you going for your service? corporation?

Dumb ass

I have no idea what that means. Maybe you could try again and translate it from government educated gibberish to English?
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.

Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

The same we all use....fake money that has no backing.
Now that's funny, we're a great country because of our government. The sheep is strong in this one...
We absolutely are a great country because of our govt. Our govt is all of us. What kind of country would we be without our strong federal govt. Kas?
I don't won't your corrupted "strong government" that is run by corporate lackies, religious whackjobs or lobbyist that can rob me any time they feel like it to force other people to vaccinate their children with tainted crap, teach their children ideologies that go against their personal beliefs, receive immunity from their wicked deeds or steal whatever those corporate's want whenever they think they can get a new gig going. If that is what you want you need to go live in one of those oppressive regimes over where the people believe life is great because they get free school, free medical care (beheadings included for not being properly programmed) and plenty of controls each day telling them what they can and can't personally do.

Yes, democrats think our choices are to be controlled by corporations or bureaucrats, though their bureaucrats are controlled by corporations.

My choice in neither, I want free markets where I can fire bad service providers any time I want
Free markets if they are actually free and not subsidized at every turn I believe would be best. Currently though the restrictions and regulations are being limited to taking out the small producers and it has been that way for a long while. FDA, EPA, the IRS and all the other agencies are infiltrated with partisan and special interest hacks. They all need cleaned out. These corporations do need to be regulated as they have gotten way too big and many are just way too corrupt. I could see someone making a few million dollars a year when they are the ones that actually built the companies or their families built these giant businesses but when those companies are sold out in shares publicly regulations need to be in place for their compensation schedules. The beast has gotten too big for its own britches and the country was not designed to have so many monopolies as it has now.

Isn't it ironic how Democrats always point to the most heavily government controlled industries as their proof that free markets don't work...
I'm not thinking a whole lot of either party at this point as I see them both scamming and playing the people for idiots and taking advantage of the ignorant and forcing the unwilling.
Hillary Takes Millions in Campaign Cash From ‘Enemies’

Since her first bid for Senate in 2000, Clinton has accepted nearly $1 million from drug and health companies and more than $2.7 million from the insurance field and its related sectors, according to an analysis of public records from the Center for Responsive Politics. While the analylinton wilsis did not include campaign finance figures for the 2016 cycle, some of the same donors and patterns can be seen in Clinton’s lone financial disclosure filed in July.

Like Shumer with Wall Street Hillary will talk the talk but not walk the walk.
Also of course
Yes, democrats think our choices are to be controlled by corporations or bureaucrats, though their bureaucrats are controlled by corporations.

My choice in neither, I want free markets where I can fire bad service providers any time I want
Those democrats with their corporations! SO where are you going for your service? corporation?

Dumb ass

I have no idea what that means. Maybe you could try again and translate it from government educated gibberish to English?
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.

Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

US Dollars. I'm a small government libertarian, not an anarchist. No where have I argued for anarchy, simpleton.

Liberals think in ridiculous extremes. Our choices are Marxism or anarchy. You also wonder what's wrong with Republicans that they are so black and white ...
Also of course
Those democrats with their corporations! SO where are you going for your service? corporation?

Dumb ass

I have no idea what that means. Maybe you could try again and translate it from government educated gibberish to English?
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.

Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

The same we all use....fake money that has no backing.

Yes, we need to go back to the gold standard. It's the only way to force fiscal responsibility on the government. Which is of course why the government ended it ...
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

Clearly it is time to eliminate the rich by any means. Republicans are the whores of the 1% and to a lesser degree so are the Dems. I don't think that voting for the lesser of the two evils will fix the problem.

The Solution:

A guillotine (/ˈɡɪlətiːn/; French: [ɡijɔtin]) is an apparatus designed for efficiently carrying out executions by beheading. The device consists of a tall, upright frame in which a weighted and angled blade is raised to the top and suspended.
Also of course
I have no idea what that means. Maybe you could try again and translate it from government educated gibberish to English?
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.

Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

The same we all use....fake money that has no backing.

Yes, we need to go back to the gold standard. It's the only way to force fiscal responsibility on the government. Which is of course why the government ended it ...

And to make matters worse we now have the cashless society proponents.
What a great idea!! We've already handed over our healthcare to the government,lets give them complete control by giving them the power to cut you off from your own money.
What could possibly go wrong?
Also of course
Those democrats with their corporations! SO where are you going for your service? corporation?

Dumb ass

I have no idea what that means. Maybe you could try again and translate it from government educated gibberish to English?
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.

Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

The same we all use....fake money that has no backing.
Oh you rely on the GOVT for sound money. What a big govt shill you are
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

Clearly it is time to eliminate the rich by any means. Republicans are the whores of the 1% and to a lesser degree so are the Dems. I don't think that voting for the lesser of the two evils will fix the problem.

The Solution:

A guillotine (/ˈɡɪlətiːn/; French: [ɡijɔtin]) is an apparatus designed for efficiently carrying out executions by beheading. The device consists of a tall, upright frame in which a weighted and angled blade is raised to the top and suspended.

Right, you think government is controlled by the rich, and you want more government.

Liar, you don't think that. The irony is you're right, the government is controlled by the rich. The only solution to that is less government. Making government more powerful just gives the rich more incentive to buy government and Politian's more power by controlling it and makes them take more of the rich's money to control them.

The irony you lie that you believe the truth. LOL
Also of course
I have no idea what that means. Maybe you could try again and translate it from government educated gibberish to English?
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.

Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

The same we all use....fake money that has no backing.
Oh you rely on the GOVT for sound money. What a big govt shill you are

Sound money is far from what we have.
So obviously the government hasnt delivered on that count.
It would be more accurate to say you're the gov shill since you trust them with their fake money that has no backing.
Also of course
Those democrats with their corporations! SO where are you going for your service? corporation?

Dumb ass

I have no idea what that means. Maybe you could try again and translate it from government educated gibberish to English?
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.

Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

US Dollars. I'm a small government libertarian, not an anarchist. No where have I argued for anarchy, simpleton.

Liberals think in ridiculous extremes. Our choices are Marxism or anarchy. You also wonder what's wrong with Republicans that they are so black and white ...
You said earlier the govt fucks everything up and shouldn't be trusted. Why do you trust big govt. with your money? No trust for healthcare but the very money you use daily, to live your life? Isn't the govt going to fuck up? Why don't you use pelts?
Also of course
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.

Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

The same we all use....fake money that has no backing.

Yes, we need to go back to the gold standard. It's the only way to force fiscal responsibility on the government. Which is of course why the government ended it ...

And to make matters worse we now have the cashless society proponents.
What a great idea!! We've already handed over our healthcare to the government,lets give them complete control by giving them the power to cut you off from your own money.
What could possibly go wrong?
Everything but it does look like its headed that away.
Also of course
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.

Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

The same we all use....fake money that has no backing.

Yes, we need to go back to the gold standard. It's the only way to force fiscal responsibility on the government. Which is of course why the government ended it ...

And to make matters worse we now have the cashless society proponents.
What a great idea!! We've already handed over our healthcare to the government,lets give them complete control by giving them the power to cut you off from your own money.
What could possibly go wrong?

Nothing, our money will be in the hands of well meaning representatives of the people who only love and want to care for us having been freed from the greed of a capitalist system. You know, like happened in places like Russia and Maoist China. And today North Korea and Cuba still living in those utopian paradises we reject
Also of course
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.

Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

The same we all use....fake money that has no backing.
Oh you rely on the GOVT for sound money. What a big govt shill you are

Sound money is far from what we have.
So obviously the government hasnt delivered on that count.
It would be more accurate to say you're the gov shill since you trust them with their fake money that has no backing.
Also of course
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.

Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

The same we all use....fake money that has no backing.
Oh you rely on the GOVT for sound money. What a big govt shill you are

Sound money is far from what we have.
So obviously the government hasnt delivered on that count.
It would be more accurate to say you're the gov shill since you trust them with their fake money that has no backing.
So if the govt money isn't sound why do you use it? Are you stupid? Or just pansy that lets govt take care of you?
Also of course
I have no idea what that means. Maybe you could try again and translate it from government educated gibberish to English?
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.

Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

US Dollars. I'm a small government libertarian, not an anarchist. No where have I argued for anarchy, simpleton.

Liberals think in ridiculous extremes. Our choices are Marxism or anarchy. You also wonder what's wrong with Republicans that they are so black and white ...
You said earlier the govt fucks everything up and shouldn't be trusted. Why do you trust big govt. with your money? No trust for healthcare but the very money you use daily, to live your life? Isn't the govt going to fuck up? Why don't you use pelts?

Yes, you mentioned your standard that if I don't want to be a Marxist like you then my other option is anarchy, there is nothing in the middle.

I also told you I don't support our current monetary system, we need to bring back the gold standard.

Tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because they aren't all black and white like you are.
Also of course
Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

The same we all use....fake money that has no backing.
Oh you rely on the GOVT for sound money. What a big govt shill you are

Sound money is far from what we have.
So obviously the government hasnt delivered on that count.
It would be more accurate to say you're the gov shill since you trust them with their fake money that has no backing.
Also of course
Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

The same we all use....fake money that has no backing.
Oh you rely on the GOVT for sound money. What a big govt shill you are

Sound money is far from what we have.
So obviously the government hasnt delivered on that count.
It would be more accurate to say you're the gov shill since you trust them with their fake money that has no backing.
So if the govt money isn't sound why do you use it? Are you stupid? Or just pansy that lets govt take care of you?

You do understand it's against the law to use a made up currency right?
Go ahead and give it a try and we'll see if they'll let you post from a federal penitentiary.
Holy crap you're a dolt.....
Also of course
Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

The same we all use....fake money that has no backing.
Oh you rely on the GOVT for sound money. What a big govt shill you are

Sound money is far from what we have.
So obviously the government hasnt delivered on that count.
It would be more accurate to say you're the gov shill since you trust them with their fake money that has no backing.
Also of course
Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

The same we all use....fake money that has no backing.
Oh you rely on the GOVT for sound money. What a big govt shill you are

Sound money is far from what we have.
So obviously the government hasnt delivered on that count.
It would be more accurate to say you're the gov shill since you trust them with their fake money that has no backing.
So if the govt money isn't sound why do you use it? Are you stupid? Or just pansy that lets govt take care of you?

You forgot the rim shot
Also of course
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

The same we all use....fake money that has no backing.
Oh you rely on the GOVT for sound money. What a big govt shill you are

Sound money is far from what we have.
So obviously the government hasnt delivered on that count.
It would be more accurate to say you're the gov shill since you trust them with their fake money that has no backing.
Also of course
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

The same we all use....fake money that has no backing.
Oh you rely on the GOVT for sound money. What a big govt shill you are

Sound money is far from what we have.
So obviously the government hasnt delivered on that count.
It would be more accurate to say you're the gov shill since you trust them with their fake money that has no backing.
So if the govt money isn't sound why do you use it? Are you stupid? Or just pansy that lets govt take care of you?

You do understand it's against the law to use a made up currency right?
Go ahead and give it a try and we'll see if they'll let you post from a federal penitentiary.
Holy crap you're a dolt.....

That he is. His argument is wow, you live in reality? That proves you wrong, you should go to jail or live in a cave or you don't believe what you are saying! Then liberals say they are the ones who live in reality, lol
Also of course
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.

Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

US Dollars. I'm a small government libertarian, not an anarchist. No where have I argued for anarchy, simpleton.

Liberals think in ridiculous extremes. Our choices are Marxism or anarchy. You also wonder what's wrong with Republicans that they are so black and white ...
You said earlier the govt fucks everything up and shouldn't be trusted. Why do you trust big govt. with your money? No trust for healthcare but the very money you use daily, to live your life? Isn't the govt going to fuck up? Why don't you use pelts?

Yes, you mentioned your standard that if I don't want to be a Marxist like you then my other option is anarchy, there is nothing in the middle.

I also told you I don't support our current monetary system, we need to bring back the gold standard.

Tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because they aren't all black and white like you are.
Thinking govt health care is a good idea doesn't make me a Marxist, just a realist. Why don't you set up your own gold exchange instead of being a lazy ass relying on govt for your needs. Pull yourself up from your bootstraps and stop being a taker.
This country will spend the next fifty years trying to untangle the mess that has been made through bogus securities and forced bullshit that has come out the D.C. and the judiciary. The sad part of that is most won't have a clue why because it will not be taught in the public school system what went wrong and why.

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