Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

What is this stability you keep talking about government providing? Did they buy you a sports bra?
You live in the greatest country in the world because we have a great govt dumb ass.

Now that's funny, we're a great country because of our government. The sheep is strong in this one...
We absolutely are a great country because of our govt. Our govt is all of us. What kind of country would we be without our strong federal govt. Kas?
I don't won't your corrupted "strong government" that is run by corporate lackies, religious whackjobs or lobbyist that can rob me any time they feel like it to force other people to vaccinate their children with tainted crap, teach their children ideologies that go against their personal beliefs, receive immunity from their wicked deeds or steal whatever those corporate's want whenever they think they can get a new gig going. If that is what you want you need to go live in one of those oppressive regimes over where the people believe life is great because they get free school, free medical care (beheadings included for not being properly programmed) and plenty of controls each day telling them what they can and can't personally do.

Yes, democrats think our choices are to be controlled by corporations or bureaucrats, though their bureaucrats are controlled by corporations.

My choice in neither, I want free markets where I can fire bad service providers any time I want
Those democrats with their corporations! SO where are you going for your service? corporation?

Dumb ass
Obama went behind closed doors and made a deal with the drug companies, buying support for Obamacare.

Obama gives powerful drug lobby a seat at healthcare table

I am thinking that even those who support Capitalism do not support an industry getting special deals from the POTUS. It just isn't right, in my opinion.

One partial solution is this, make it law that the price of drugs is uniform across borders. Dumping drugs into Canada while Americans pay for all the research and development doesn't seem right, in my opinion.

The OP is a clear example of what is wrong with a lot of Americans, they forget the history. Or worse, they reinvent history in their own image. I see that some have reminded the OP who has been president for the last 7 years and I have heard of no bills being stopped addressing this situation.
but I find it hilarious thats what all liberals assume.

Not a liberal. Just find it strange that a forty something person who has their health would proudly proclaim how you quit working all ready.

Makes you rather unproductive. And you haven't been using your time to improve your skills arguing politics. Know how I know that? You suck at it.

Now impress me with some more of that Texas retirement wisdom. LMAO.

On top of that it is your kind that skews the UE labor particapation rate. Thanks a lot. Help lower that rate by getting a job. If you can work that is.
As much as I think at time HERWEGOAGAIN can be an ass you are worse. People who work hard could previously retire at forty if they worked hard and saved their pennies. If someone else is on call 24/7 for years and years decides to retire early that should be their own business not yours. Retiring early does not make anyone a loser nor does a free society require that everyone be a slave to some corporate entity in order to be a productive member of society. Actually
What is this stability you keep talking about government providing? Did they buy you a sports bra?
You live in the greatest country in the world because we have a great govt dumb ass.

Now that's funny, we're a great country because of our government. The sheep is strong in this one...
We absolutely are a great country because of our govt. Our govt is all of us. What kind of country would we be without our strong federal govt. Kas?
I don't won't your corrupted "strong government" that is run by corporate lackies, religious whackjobs or lobbyist that can rob me any time they feel like it to force other people to vaccinate their children with tainted crap, teach their children ideologies that go against their personal beliefs, receive immunity from their wicked deeds or steal whatever those corporate's want whenever they think they can get a new gig going. If that is what you want you need to go live in one of those oppressive regimes over where the people believe life is great because they get free school, free medical care (beheadings included for not being properly programmed) and plenty of controls each day telling them what they can and can't personally do.

Yes, democrats think our choices are to be controlled by corporations or bureaucrats, though their bureaucrats are controlled by corporations.

My choice in neither, I want free markets where I can fire bad service providers any time I want
Republicans have assisted and been complicit so I would hold many of them just as responsible for the mess we have at the moment.
Retiring early does not make anyone a loser nor does a free society require that everyone be a slave to some corporate entity in order to be a productive member of society.

Maybe you can explain why republicans get so wound up about the labor participation rate.

It's just people retiring early.
So were you asking me a serious question or you just wanted to be a dick?

Ask you a question? Why would I do that. Hell I could write your answers for you. Your position is that predictable.

So no, I was just pointing out that some of your preconceived ideas are wrong.

Is pointing out to you that you are wrong being a "dick" to you?
I am sure you think so.[/QUOTE
Yeah we need to eliminate those govt regulations so the banks can do whatever and crash our economy again. Dumb ass.

Government blackmailed banks to lower their standards, which I opposed, then government bailed them out when they failed, which I opposed. So this is all my fault.

You're an ideologue loon
Nope. The Gramm leach billey act loosened regulations, and repealing glass steagel loosened them some more. Of course you will say well those regulations had nothing to do with it! We need less! And you will continue being a moron.

That has nothing to do with what I said
") It has everything to do with it Kassie. You can ignore it all you want, but your deregulation/less govt fantasy lead to a massive crash we are still feeling the effects of.

It has everything to do with it Kassie. You can ignore it all you want, but your deregulation/less govt fantasy lead to a massive crash we are still feeling the effects of.

So government forcing banks to specifically do more sub prime lending then funding it had nothing to do with an economic crash that started with the collap. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up
When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans

When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans
Whats that great republican plan? Jack shit?

the thred is about the lest 7 years

explain that dickweed
For the last 7 years we still have corporate healthcare and the cost keeps rising. Dick ass.

A government defined, created, controlled and funded system is "corporate healthcare." You're just a new and improved kind of stupid
Which private health care company did the govt create you unbelievable dumb fuck?

I said "government ... system" not "private health care company," you unbelievable dumb fuck.

Your inability to read shows your government school education
What is this stability you keep talking about government providing? Did they buy you a sports bra?
You live in the greatest country in the world because we have a great govt dumb ass.

Now that's funny, we're a great country because of our government. The sheep is strong in this one...
We absolutely are a great country because of our govt. Our govt is all of us. What kind of country would we be without our strong federal govt. Kas?
I don't won't your corrupted "strong government" that is run by corporate lackies, religious whackjobs or lobbyist that can rob me any time they feel like it to force other people to vaccinate their children with tainted crap, teach their children ideologies that go against their personal beliefs, receive immunity from their wicked deeds or steal whatever those corporate's want whenever they think they can get a new gig going. If that is what you want you need to go live in one of those oppressive regimes over where the people believe life is great because they get free school, free medical care (beheadings included for not being properly programmed) and plenty of controls each day telling them what they can and can't personally do.

Yes, democrats think our choices are to be controlled by corporations or bureaucrats, though their bureaucrats are controlled by corporations.

My choice in neither, I want free markets where I can fire bad service providers any time I want
Free markets if they are actually free and not subsidized at every turn I believe would be best. Currently though the restrictions and regulations are being limited to taking out the small producers and it has been that way for a long while. FDA, EPA, the IRS and all the other agencies are infiltrated with partisan and special interest hacks. They all need cleaned out. These corporations do need to be regulated as they have gotten way too big and many are just way too corrupt. I could see someone making a few million dollars a year when they are the ones that actually built the companies or their families built these giant businesses but when those companies are sold out in shares publicly regulations need to be in place for their compensation schedules. The beast has gotten too big for its own britches and the country was not designed to have so many monopolies as it has now.
You live in the greatest country in the world because we have a great govt dumb ass.

Now that's funny, we're a great country because of our government. The sheep is strong in this one...
We absolutely are a great country because of our govt. Our govt is all of us. What kind of country would we be without our strong federal govt. Kas?
I don't won't your corrupted "strong government" that is run by corporate lackies, religious whackjobs or lobbyist that can rob me any time they feel like it to force other people to vaccinate their children with tainted crap, teach their children ideologies that go against their personal beliefs, receive immunity from their wicked deeds or steal whatever those corporate's want whenever they think they can get a new gig going. If that is what you want you need to go live in one of those oppressive regimes over where the people believe life is great because they get free school, free medical care (beheadings included for not being properly programmed) and plenty of controls each day telling them what they can and can't personally do.

Yes, democrats think our choices are to be controlled by corporations or bureaucrats, though their bureaucrats are controlled by corporations.

My choice in neither, I want free markets where I can fire bad service providers any time I want
Those democrats with their corporations! SO where are you going for your service? corporation?

Dumb ass

I have no idea what that means. Maybe you could try again and translate it from government educated gibberish to English?
It's not like I'm living off the government so I really dont see how it's any of your business.

Dude you are the one that put your information out there. You don't want your personal situation commented on, don't talk about personal matters.

At least thats the way I see it.

But you are still skewing the labor participation rate. You know, by not being productive when you are of an age to be productive.

I find it rather odd that retirement is a bad thing in your eyes.
Work till you drop dead,thats your call.
but I find it hilarious thats what all liberals assume.

Not a liberal. Just find it strange that a forty something person who has their health would proudly proclaim how you quit working all ready.

Makes you rather unproductive. And you haven't been using your time to improve your skills arguing politics. Know how I know that? You suck at it.

Now impress me with some more of that Texas retirement wisdom. LMAO.

On top of that it is your kind that skews the UE labor particapation rate. Thanks a lot. Help lower that rate by getting a job. If you can work that is.
As much as I think at time HERWEGOAGAIN can be an ass you are worse. People who work hard could previously retire at forty if they worked hard and saved their pennies. If someone else is on call 24/7 for years and years decides to retire early that should be their own business not yours. Retiring early does not make anyone a loser nor does a free society require that everyone be a slave to some corporate entity in order to be a productive member of society. Actually
You live in the greatest country in the world because we have a great govt dumb ass.

Now that's funny, we're a great country because of our government. The sheep is strong in this one...
We absolutely are a great country because of our govt. Our govt is all of us. What kind of country would we be without our strong federal govt. Kas?
I don't won't your corrupted "strong government" that is run by corporate lackies, religious whackjobs or lobbyist that can rob me any time they feel like it to force other people to vaccinate their children with tainted crap, teach their children ideologies that go against their personal beliefs, receive immunity from their wicked deeds or steal whatever those corporate's want whenever they think they can get a new gig going. If that is what you want you need to go live in one of those oppressive regimes over where the people believe life is great because they get free school, free medical care (beheadings included for not being properly programmed) and plenty of controls each day telling them what they can and can't personally do.

Yes, democrats think our choices are to be controlled by corporations or bureaucrats, though their bureaucrats are controlled by corporations.

My choice in neither, I want free markets where I can fire bad service providers any time I want
Republicans have assisted and been complicit so I would hold many of them just as responsible for the mess we have at the moment.

Thanks....I think.
You live in the greatest country in the world because we have a great govt dumb ass.

Now that's funny, we're a great country because of our government. The sheep is strong in this one...
We absolutely are a great country because of our govt. Our govt is all of us. What kind of country would we be without our strong federal govt. Kas?
I don't won't your corrupted "strong government" that is run by corporate lackies, religious whackjobs or lobbyist that can rob me any time they feel like it to force other people to vaccinate their children with tainted crap, teach their children ideologies that go against their personal beliefs, receive immunity from their wicked deeds or steal whatever those corporate's want whenever they think they can get a new gig going. If that is what you want you need to go live in one of those oppressive regimes over where the people believe life is great because they get free school, free medical care (beheadings included for not being properly programmed) and plenty of controls each day telling them what they can and can't personally do.

Yes, democrats think our choices are to be controlled by corporations or bureaucrats, though their bureaucrats are controlled by corporations.

My choice in neither, I want free markets where I can fire bad service providers any time I want
Free markets if they are actually free and not subsidized at every turn I believe would be best. Currently though the restrictions and regulations are being limited to taking out the small producers and it has been that way for a long while. FDA, EPA, the IRS and all the other agencies are infiltrated with partisan and special interest hacks. They all need cleaned out. These corporations do need to be regulated as they have gotten way too big and many are just way too corrupt. I could see someone making a few million dollars a year when they are the ones that actually built the companies or their families built these giant businesses but when those companies are sold out in shares publicly regulations need to be in place for their compensation schedules. The beast has gotten too big for its own britches and the country was not designed to have so many monopolies as it has now.

Isn't it ironic how Democrats always point to the most heavily government controlled industries as their proof that free markets don't work...
It's not like I'm living off the government so I really dont see how it's any of your business.

Dude you are the one that put your information out there. You don't want your personal situation commented on, don't talk about personal matters.

At least thats the way I see it.

But you are still skewing the labor participation rate. You know, by not being productive when you are of an age to be productive.

I find it rather odd that retirement is a bad thing in your eyes.
Work till you drop dead,thats your call.

With Democrat systems, that's all you can afford to do
Now that's funny, we're a great country because of our government. The sheep is strong in this one...
We absolutely are a great country because of our govt. Our govt is all of us. What kind of country would we be without our strong federal govt. Kas?
I don't won't your corrupted "strong government" that is run by corporate lackies, religious whackjobs or lobbyist that can rob me any time they feel like it to force other people to vaccinate their children with tainted crap, teach their children ideologies that go against their personal beliefs, receive immunity from their wicked deeds or steal whatever those corporate's want whenever they think they can get a new gig going. If that is what you want you need to go live in one of those oppressive regimes over where the people believe life is great because they get free school, free medical care (beheadings included for not being properly programmed) and plenty of controls each day telling them what they can and can't personally do.

Yes, democrats think our choices are to be controlled by corporations or bureaucrats, though their bureaucrats are controlled by corporations.

My choice in neither, I want free markets where I can fire bad service providers any time I want
Those democrats with their corporations! SO where are you going for your service? corporation?

Dumb ass

I have no idea what that means. Maybe you could try again and translate it from government educated gibberish to English?
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years
Democrats have been in charge. What are they doing about it? They had the White House, the House and Senate for some time and gave us obamadoesn'tcare. Why didn't that fix the problem? They then held the White House and the Senate for a while. Again, why didn't they fix it? They still have the White House. Why isn't Obama out there demanding that Congress take action?
It's not like I'm living off the government so I really dont see how it's any of your business.

Dude you are the one that put your information out there. You don't want your personal situation commented on, don't talk about personal matters.

At least thats the way I see it.

But you are still skewing the labor participation rate. You know, by not being productive when you are of an age to be productive.

I find it rather odd that retirement is a bad thing in your eyes.
Work till you drop dead,thats your call.

You're leaching off society because you can afford to fund your own retirement rather than work for the benefit of the people
We absolutely are a great country because of our govt. Our govt is all of us. What kind of country would we be without our strong federal govt. Kas?
I don't won't your corrupted "strong government" that is run by corporate lackies, religious whackjobs or lobbyist that can rob me any time they feel like it to force other people to vaccinate their children with tainted crap, teach their children ideologies that go against their personal beliefs, receive immunity from their wicked deeds or steal whatever those corporate's want whenever they think they can get a new gig going. If that is what you want you need to go live in one of those oppressive regimes over where the people believe life is great because they get free school, free medical care (beheadings included for not being properly programmed) and plenty of controls each day telling them what they can and can't personally do.

Yes, democrats think our choices are to be controlled by corporations or bureaucrats, though their bureaucrats are controlled by corporations.

My choice in neither, I want free markets where I can fire bad service providers any time I want
Those democrats with their corporations! SO where are you going for your service? corporation?

Dumb ass

I have no idea what that means. Maybe you could try again and translate it from government educated gibberish to English?
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.

Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
Retiring early does not make anyone a loser nor does a free society require that everyone be a slave to some corporate entity in order to be a productive member of society.

Maybe you can explain why republicans get so wound up about the labor participation rate.

It's just people retiring early.
Your talking about something different than retiring early from something that a person working for themselves did.
Between Republicans and Democrats the whole system is screwed at this point.
It's not like I'm living off the government so I really dont see how it's any of your business.

Dude you are the one that put your information out there. You don't want your personal situation commented on, don't talk about personal matters.

At least thats the way I see it.

But you are still skewing the labor participation rate. You know, by not being productive when you are of an age to be productive.

I find it rather odd that retirement is a bad thing in your eyes.
Work till you drop dead,thats your call.

With Democrat systems, that's all you can afford to do

Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

...about the same time that ObamaCare has been the law of the land.

Bush's fault, right?
It's not like I'm living off the government so I really dont see how it's any of your business.

Dude you are the one that put your information out there. You don't want your personal situation commented on, don't talk about personal matters.

At least thats the way I see it.

But you are still skewing the labor participation rate. You know, by not being productive when you are of an age to be productive.

I find it rather odd that retirement is a bad thing in your eyes.
Work till you drop dead,thats your call.

You're leaching off society because you can afford to fund your own retirement rather than work for the benefit of the people

Well now I just feel horrible......
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Also of course
I don't won't your corrupted "strong government" that is run by corporate lackies, religious whackjobs or lobbyist that can rob me any time they feel like it to force other people to vaccinate their children with tainted crap, teach their children ideologies that go against their personal beliefs, receive immunity from their wicked deeds or steal whatever those corporate's want whenever they think they can get a new gig going. If that is what you want you need to go live in one of those oppressive regimes over where the people believe life is great because they get free school, free medical care (beheadings included for not being properly programmed) and plenty of controls each day telling them what they can and can't personally do.

Yes, democrats think our choices are to be controlled by corporations or bureaucrats, though their bureaucrats are controlled by corporations.

My choice in neither, I want free markets where I can fire bad service providers any time I want
Those democrats with their corporations! SO where are you going for your service? corporation?

Dumb ass

I have no idea what that means. Maybe you could try again and translate it from government educated gibberish to English?
You said your choice is neither govt or corporations, free market.

Yes, I want free markets where I can fire companies who suck. What does "SO where are you going for your service?" What does that mean? Are you talking about hookers?
So what currency will you be using for your transaction? Barter? Gold in a cup? Will your currency be backed to maintain value in case of market changes? Trading pelts?

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