Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

Actually, I'm doing quite a bit about it. I eat healthy, get plenty of rest, try to stay well hydrated, minimize alcohol consumption, things like that. You'd be amazed how infrequently you end up needing to fill a prescription when you are proactive about your health.
Have you asked your mom if you can move back home?
I'm pretty sure you weren't quite ready to leave the nest.
Give me back the taxes that went to your education you govt leach.
Says the fuck who enjoys the luxury of living in a stable country because of our govt. but doesnt want to pay for it.

I already pay for it ya schmuck.
How about you do your part.
Unlikely. You waste far more time on this forum than me. I'm not on here as much because I am out working. Yet you sit here daily spewing your BS against the govt while enjoying the stability it provides you.

What is this stability you keep talking about government providing? Did they buy you a sports bra?
You live in the greatest country in the world because we have a great govt dumb ass.

The middle class is going down the shitter and we have more people on gov assistance then ever in our history.
Is that really the road you want to keep going down?

The more the government does to "help" the worse it gets and the louder leftists scream the problem is there's still not enough government.

It's amazing how more government keeps making it worse, but a LOT more government will fix it. You know, like Obamacare. Wait, it's not better...
Have you asked your mom if you can move back home?
I'm pretty sure you weren't quite ready to leave the nest.
Give me back the taxes that went to your education you govt leach.
Says the fuck who enjoys the luxury of living in a stable country because of our govt. but doesnt want to pay for it.

I already pay for it ya schmuck.
How about you do your part.
Unlikely. You waste far more time on this forum than me. I'm not on here as much because I am out working. Yet you sit here daily spewing your BS against the govt while enjoying the stability it provides you.

What is this stability you keep talking about government providing? Did they buy you a sports bra?
You live in the greatest country in the world because we have a great govt dumb ass.

Now that's funny, we're a great country because of our government. The sheep is strong in this one...
We absolutely are a great country because of our govt. Our govt is all of us. What kind of country would we be without our strong federal govt. Kas?
You want the money back for the crappy education that I paid for? How does that make sense? BTW, I went to private schools a lot of the time. So I paid for your education and mine. And you still want more money? The greed just drips off your lips...
Says the greedy dick that benefitted from public education, then turns around and wants to eliminate it. Btw I went to private school as well.

Who the hell said anything about shutting down public schools?
Dude you're all over the place with your bullshit.
So you agree govt is a good thing providing public schools?

As long as liberals stop running em I'm okay with it.
Because we are getting screwed on our ROI at this point.
So you appreciate our socialist school system? Thank you for the admission ;)

Yeah...and our socialist road maintenance.
Dude you're an idiot,there are limits to what the government can stick it's nose in.
Give me back the taxes that went to your education you govt leach.
I already pay for it ya schmuck.
How about you do your part.
Unlikely. You waste far more time on this forum than me. I'm not on here as much because I am out working. Yet you sit here daily spewing your BS against the govt while enjoying the stability it provides you.

What is this stability you keep talking about government providing? Did they buy you a sports bra?
You live in the greatest country in the world because we have a great govt dumb ass.

The middle class is going down the shitter and we have more people on gov assistance then ever in our history.
Is that really the road you want to keep going down?

The more the government does to "help" the worse it gets and the louder leftists scream the problem is there's still not enough government.

It's amazing how more government keeps making it worse, but a LOT more government will fix it. You know, like Obamacare. Wait, it's not better...
Yeah we need to eliminate those govt regulations so the banks can do whatever and crash our economy again. Dumb ass.
You know, like Obamacare. Wait, it's not better...

You mean for YOU, Obama care didn't help. For quite a few people I know, Obama care has literally been a life saver.

A couple of those people reliably vote republicans. A couple vote dem. And a few don't vote at all. But they didn't have medical coverage before and they needed it. And now they do.

Terrible isn't it?
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years
It's up to the Democrats, they are the ones with all the power in DC, no doubt in bed with big Pharma . dumbass
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years
And Democrats are behind the effort to make pot prescription so they can get as many people legally hooked as well.

Marijuana is not addictive. It is very effective in managing chronic pain, and in dealing with the side effects of chemotherapy, as well as insomnia.

There are any number of uses for marijuana. Recent research found that marijuana use reduces damage to the heart in heart attacks.
Give me back the taxes that went to your education you govt leach.
I already pay for it ya schmuck.
How about you do your part.
Unlikely. You waste far more time on this forum than me. I'm not on here as much because I am out working. Yet you sit here daily spewing your BS against the govt while enjoying the stability it provides you.

What is this stability you keep talking about government providing? Did they buy you a sports bra?
You live in the greatest country in the world because we have a great govt dumb ass.

Now that's funny, we're a great country because of our government. The sheep is strong in this one...
We absolutely are a great country because of our govt. Our govt is all of us. What kind of country would we be without our strong federal govt. Kas?

depends what you mean by "strong." The issue is what they are doing
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years
And Democrats are behind the effort to make pot prescription so they can get as many people legally hooked as well.

Marijuana is not addictive. It is very effective in managing chronic pain, and in dealing with the side effects of chemotherapy, as well as insomnia.

There are any number of uses for marijuana. Recent research found that marijuana use reduces damage to the heart in heart attacks.
Well, you keep your magic dragon do yourself then...
Your opinions are not worth a shit.
Unlikely. You waste far more time on this forum than me. I'm not on here as much because I am out working. Yet you sit here daily spewing your BS against the govt while enjoying the stability it provides you.

What is this stability you keep talking about government providing? Did they buy you a sports bra?
You live in the greatest country in the world because we have a great govt dumb ass.

The middle class is going down the shitter and we have more people on gov assistance then ever in our history.
Is that really the road you want to keep going down?

The more the government does to "help" the worse it gets and the louder leftists scream the problem is there's still not enough government.

It's amazing how more government keeps making it worse, but a LOT more government will fix it. You know, like Obamacare. Wait, it's not better...
Yeah we need to eliminate those govt regulations so the banks can do whatever and crash our economy again. Dumb ass.

Government blackmailed banks to lower their standards, which I opposed, then government bailed them out when they failed, which I opposed. So this is all my fault.

You're an ideologue loon
You know, like Obamacare. Wait, it's not better...

You mean for YOU, Obama care didn't help. For quite a few people I know, Obama care has literally been a life saver.

A couple of those people reliably vote republicans. A couple vote dem. And a few don't vote at all. But they didn't have medical coverage before and they needed it. And now they do.

Terrible isn't it?

So were you asking me a serious question or you just wanted to be a dick?
but I find it hilarious thats what all liberals assume.

Not a liberal. Just find it strange that a forty something person who has their health would proudly proclaim how you quit working all ready.

Makes you rather unproductive. And you haven't been using your time to improve your skills arguing politics. Know how I know that? You suck at it.

Now impress me with some more of that Texas retirement wisdom. LMAO.

On top of that it is your kind that skews the UE labor particapation rate. Thanks a lot. Help lower that rate by getting a job. If you can work that is.
Government blackmailed banks to lower their standards,

For a person who thinks they are so smart, you sure say stupid things.

Blackmailed the banks eh? What's next; the CRA was the culprit? Or was in Bawney Frank? The most powerful gay guy EVER.
Able to cower republicans with a single smirk. LMAO.
but I find it hilarious thats what all liberals assume.

Not a liberal. Just find it strange that a forty something person who has their health would proudly proclaim how you quit working all ready.

Makes you rather unproductive. And you haven't been using your time to improve your skills arguing politics. Know how I know that? You suck at it.

Now impress me with some more of that Texas retirement wisdom. LMAO.

On top of that it is your kind that skews the UE labor particapation rate. Thanks a lot. Help lower that rate by getting a job. If you can work that is.

It's not like I'm living off the government so I really dont see how it's any of your business.
And I dont know about you but i'd rather go fishing,shooting or whatever the hell I want to do than to work.

I also find it strange that equate good health and working till you die....
Hmmmm....where have I heard the term useless eater?

Dont look now but your collective is showing.
What is this stability you keep talking about government providing? Did they buy you a sports bra?
You live in the greatest country in the world because we have a great govt dumb ass.

The middle class is going down the shitter and we have more people on gov assistance then ever in our history.
Is that really the road you want to keep going down?

The more the government does to "help" the worse it gets and the louder leftists scream the problem is there's still not enough government.

It's amazing how more government keeps making it worse, but a LOT more government will fix it. You know, like Obamacare. Wait, it's not better...
Yeah we need to eliminate those govt regulations so the banks can do whatever and crash our economy again. Dumb ass.

Government blackmailed banks to lower their standards, which I opposed, then government bailed them out when they failed, which I opposed. So this is all my fault.

You're an ideologue loon
Nope. The Gramm leach billey act loosened regulations, and repealing glass steagel loosened them some more. Of course you will say well those regulations had nothing to do with it! We need less! And you will continue being a moron.

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