Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is Preserving White supremacy.

So what was done? The kid started to pull out a realistic looking gun on police officers and was shot dead because of it. What are we to remember, how stupid this kid was? And what is the message here, that police should wait until a gun is pointed at them before they defend themselves? If that's the case, WTF would want to be a cop?

I think you should wait a little more than 2 seconds to see if the kid acknowledges you. But, naw, Silly Darkie... RIGHTS ARE FOR WHITE PEOPLE.

I mean, if he were white, they'd have taken him to Burger King. Or let him occupy the park for a month like the jackasses in Oregon who were pointing guns.

Meanwhile, you have this little incident yesterday... I'd love to see you defend this one.

Come on, Racist From Cleveland, tell me how THIS was good police work.

Man Fatally Shot By Tulsa Police Had No Gun, Chief Says

We saw that Terence did not have any weapon. Terence did not make any sudden movements. We saw that Terence was not being belligerent," one of the attorneys for the family, Damario Solomon-Simmons, said at a news conference separate from one police held.

Tulsa Police Sgt. Shane Tuell confirmed that relatives were shown the recordings Sunday ahead of the planned public release.
I think you should wait a little more than 2 seconds to see if the kid acknowledges you. But, naw, Silly Darkie... RIGHTS ARE FOR WHITE PEOPLE.

I mean, if he were white, they'd have taken him to Burger King. Or let him occupy the park for a month like the jackasses in Oregon who were pointing guns.

Meanwhile, you have this little incident yesterday... I'd love to see you defend this one.

Come on, Racist From Cleveland, tell me how THIS was good police work.

Man Fatally Shot By Tulsa Police Had No Gun, Chief Says

We saw that Terence did not have any weapon. Terence did not make any sudden movements. We saw that Terence was not being belligerent," one of the attorneys for the family, Damario Solomon-Simmons, said at a news conference separate from one police held.

Tulsa Police Sgt. Shane Tuell confirmed that relatives were shown the recordings Sunday ahead of the planned public release.

Unlike a liberal, I wait to see all information available before I make my decision. I don't just go by a video tape from a helicopter and start riots because of what I "thought" happened. That's what uncivilized people do and they don't belong in civilized country either.
Unlike a liberal, I wait to see all information available before I make my decision. I don't just go by a video tape from a helicopter and start riots because of what I "thought" happened. That's what uncivilized people do and they don't belong in civilized country either.

Right. You see, in a 'civilized' country, you gather around in armed mobs and threaten the lives of federal officers... if you are white.

Because I don't recall your adherence to "Law and Order" when those assholes in Oregon or Nevada staged armed riots.
Right. You see, in a 'civilized' country, you gather around in armed mobs and threaten the lives of federal officers... if you are white.

Because I don't recall your adherence to "Law and Order" when those assholes in Oregon or Nevada staged armed riots.

Riots? What riots? I don't recall any riots.

Someday you will learn that more white suspects get shot by police than blacks. And while blacks make up only a sixth of the white population, they are involved in more violent crimes than white as a whole. Statistically, many more blacks should be shot by police than whites. So it's obvious that blacks are less likely to get shot by police than whites.

The reason you think differently is because you (like many on your side of politics) believe what the MSM tells you and don't look into what they don't tell you. So they paint this image that only unarmed blacks get shot by cops and you believe it.
Someday you will learn that more white suspects get shot by police than blacks. And while blacks make up only a sixth of the white population, they are involved in more violent crimes than white as a whole. Statistically, many more blacks should be shot by police than whites. So it's obvious that blacks are less likely to get shot by police than whites.

Yup, the litany of racism... if black people get shot, it's because they DESERVE it.. Even 12 year olds playing with toys and guys whose cars break down.
The reason you think differently is because you (like many on your side of politics) believe what the MSM tells you and don't look into what they don't tell you. So they paint this image that only unarmed blacks get shot by cops and you believe it.

No, guy, I believe it because I know enough cops to know how really racist most of them are...
Yup, the litany of racism... if black people get shot, it's because they DESERVE it.. Even 12 year olds playing with toys and guys whose cars break down.

So the grand juries are all racist even though many of them (in these black confrontations) are black themselves?

Anytime a suspect presents a potential threat to an officer and gets shot, yes, they deserve it. All justified shootings by police officers have one thing in common: the suspects didn't listen to the orders of the police. So how do we stop these police shootings? Listen to the orders of police and obey them exactly.
No, guy, I believe it because I know enough cops to know how really racist most of them are...

You don't know any cops. Who are you trying to kid?

The problem with you racist paranoids is anything is racist to you. Hello, Good Morning is racist to people like yourself.
All justified shootings by police officers have one thing in common: the suspects didn't listen to the orders of the police. So how do we stop these police shootings? Listen to the orders of police and obey them exactly.

Guy, if an ATF agent shot a white gun owner who didn't "obey his commands', you'd be up here screaming your fucking head off about how we don't have any freedoms. Don't give me that shit.

Also, Officer McShooty shot Tamir Rice 2 seconds after getting out of his car. What "orders" did he give, exactly?

You don't know any cops. Who are you trying to kid?

The problem with you racist paranoids is anything is racist to you. Hello, Good Morning is racist to people like yourself.

I know a lot of cops. My niece is married to one. And I've never seen a group more inclined to express casual racism.
Thread title bothers me and perpetuates a meme that hinders racial healing.

And to be fair I didn't read the op so maybe it served a purpose but I doubt it.
So in other words you decided to pop in, and start running your mouth without having a clue what you're talking about... You must be a liberal.
All justified shootings by police officers have one thing in common: the suspects didn't listen to the orders of the police. So how do we stop these police shootings? Listen to the orders of police and obey them exactly.

Guy, if an ATF agent shot a white gun owner who didn't "obey his commands', you'd be up here screaming your fucking head off about how we don't have any freedoms. Don't give me that shit.

Also, Officer McShooty shot Tamir Rice 2 seconds after getting out of his car. What "orders" did he give, exactly?

You don't know any cops. Who are you trying to kid?

The problem with you racist paranoids is anything is racist to you. Hello, Good Morning is racist to people like yourself.

I know a lot of cops. My niece is married to one. And I've never seen a group more inclined to express casual racism.

Guy, if an ATF agent shot a white gun owner who didn't "obey his commands', you'd be up here screaming your fucking head off about how we don't have any freedoms. Don't give me that shit.

Also, Officer McShooty shot Tamir Rice 2 seconds after getting out of his car. What "orders" did he give, exactly?

No I would not be screaming anything. I would wait for a full investigation and see what that investigation turned up, look at the evidence, and then decide. That's the way civilized people do things.

And as I pointed out repeatedly, more white suspects get shot by police officers than black, but because MSM controls the minds of liberals, you never see those shootings on the national news, do you?

I know a lot of cops. My niece is married to one. And I've never seen a group more inclined to express casual racism.

I would be willing to bet I know way more cops than you. In fact I work with one right now. He's a retired Cleveland cop. My friends son (who conducted our CCW class at my home) is now a police officer. I've never seen any blatant racism by any of them. Must just be in those liberal areas where you find that racism, huh?
No I would not be screaming anything. I would wait for a full investigation and see what that investigation turned up, look at the evidence, and then decide. That's the way civilized people do things.

Yeah, right guy. so why are you wingnuts still whining about Waco and Ruby Ridge 20 years later.

And as I pointed out repeatedly, more white suspects get shot by police officers than black, but because MSM controls the minds of liberals, you never see those shootings on the national news, do you?

Because they usually aren't anything egregious like shooting a 12 year old playing with a toy or a motorist whose car has broken down.

again, Tamir Rice gets shot, Dylan Roof gets taken to Burger King.
I would be willing to bet I know way more cops than you. In fact I work with one right now. He's a retired Cleveland cop. My friends son (who conducted our CCW class at my home) is now a police officer. I've never seen any blatant racism by any of them. Must just be in those liberal areas where you find that racism, huh?

NO, guy, the problem is you can't see your own racism, much less anyone else's.
Oh, you can see my racism? Since you're so good at spotting racism, what do you think about the brother of the guy police shot when he said this?

Typrical lib. So ignorant to the situation he didn't even know the cop that shot his brother was also black.
Oh, you can see my racism? Since you're so good at spotting racism, what do you think about the brother of the guy police shot when he said this?

I think he just lost his brother and he's angry. I'm sorry you can't see that, but that's probably because you don't see his humanity.
I think he just lost his brother and he's angry. I'm sorry you can't see that, but that's probably because you don't see his humanity.

Right. And if he was a white guy saying all black cops and blacks themselves were devils, you'd be calling him a racist in a heartbeat.
It would kind of depend on the circumstances... but there's that humanity thing again.

Utter bull, the circumstances wouldn't matter a bit to you. You'd be jumping up and down holding your breath you'd be so mad.

Here's the thing, this guys brother got killed, and the very first thought that came to him is that it was whiteys fault. Tell me this guy wasn't racist long before his brother got shot. Better still, tell me if this were a white guy saying the exact same thing only opposite, you wouldn't even consider how he came to that conclusion.
Utter bull, the circumstances wouldn't matter a bit to you. You'd be jumping up and down holding your breath you'd be so mad.

Here's the thing, this guys brother got killed, and the very first thought that came to him is that it was whiteys fault. Tell me this guy wasn't racist long before his brother got shot. Better still, tell me if this were a white guy saying the exact same thing only opposite, you wouldn't even consider how he came to that conclusion.

The thing is, white guys aren't routinely shot by police without consequence, so no white guy other than the most deranged racist would say something like that.

meanwhile, we have a whole list of black folks being shot by police without good cause and without consequences... Tulsa and Charlotte happening while we've been in the midst of this conversation.

And some racist cracker like you comes on here and makes excuses for the cops.
The thing is, white guys aren't routinely shot by police without consequence, so no white guy other than the most deranged racist would say something like that.

meanwhile, we have a whole list of black folks being shot by police without good cause and without consequences... Tulsa and Charlotte happening while we've been in the midst of this conversation.

And some racist cracker like you comes on here and makes excuses for the cops.

The Tulsa officer has been charged and she can face up to life in prison. The police are releasing video and audio of the guy with the gun in Charlotte. The police were screaming at him to put down his weapon. You can even hear his wife yelling at him not to do it. He and the guy in Tulsa had a rap sheet a mile long. And oh yes, he had seven children. I'm sure he worked very hard to support all seven of them.

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