Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is Preserving White supremacy.

Why not? That's why Hillary isn't in prison today.

Yes, clearly not using the right kind of email is FAR MORE SERIOUS than shooting a child.

Seriously, Fuck you Racist From Cleveland.

All results of an investigation are released to the pubic. There is nothing hidden anywhere. If there is something.....anything that's not presented to the grand jury, the media would pickup on it in a second. Even Racist Holder sent his minions to Ferguson and they didn't find any wrongdoing by the officer.

No, he found that a Federal Case couldn't be made. Not quite the same thing.

Right, he passed the gun range in the police academy just fine, but didn't meet the standards of this one guy from the suburbs. You libs will believe anything that seems to support your point.

That one guy in the Suburb said he had no business being a cop.

After he gunned down a child, no police department will ever hire him.

Looks like that one guy in the Suburb was right.
Why not? That's why Hillary isn't in prison today.

Yes, clearly not using the right kind of email is FAR MORE SERIOUS than shooting a child.

Seriously, Fuck you Racist From Cleveland.

All results of an investigation are released to the pubic. There is nothing hidden anywhere. If there is something.....anything that's not presented to the grand jury, the media would pickup on it in a second. Even Racist Holder sent his minions to Ferguson and they didn't find any wrongdoing by the officer.

No, he found that a Federal Case couldn't be made. Not quite the same thing.

Right, he passed the gun range in the police academy just fine, but didn't meet the standards of this one guy from the suburbs. You libs will believe anything that seems to support your point.

That one guy in the Suburb said he had no business being a cop.

After he gunned down a child, no police department will ever hire him.

Looks like that one guy in the Suburb was right.

That one guy in the Suburb said he had no business being a cop.

After he gunned down a child, no police department will ever hire him.

Looks like that one guy in the Suburb was right.

It looks like he was wrong--at least according to a Grand Jury.

No, he found that a Federal Case couldn't be made. Not quite the same thing.

Oh yes it is. The feds get involved to investigate civil rights violations which there were none. A police officer protected himself against a criminal. That's all they found. To cop hating leftists, it has nothing to do with the law. If leftists don't like what they see, that''s a reason to throw an innocent man in jail.

Yes, clearly not using the right kind of email is FAR MORE SERIOUS than shooting a child.

Seriously, Fuck you Racist From Cleveland.

Sorry, but when you lie under oath to the US Congress, that is a very serious thing, especially when she exposed US classified information to our foreign enemies. Who knows how much damage she did to our country. But of course because she's a Democrat, all is forgiven.

A police officer taking steps to protect himself from a 5'8" 180" 12 year old, we can't have that. But at least the case was heard by a grand jury, an impartial group of citizens, who said the officer broke no laws.
Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is An Act Of Preserving White supremacy.

The Democrats have become so radical left
sad to see
Oh yes it is. The feds get involved to investigate civil rights violations which there were none. A police officer protected himself against a criminal. That's all they found. To cop hating leftists, it has nothing to do with the law. If leftists don't like what they see, that''s a reason to throw an innocent man in jail.

He shot an unarmed kid. If that kid was white, he'd be in jail.

Sorry, but when you lie under oath to the US Congress, that is a very serious thing, especially when she exposed US classified information to our foreign enemies. Who knows how much damage she did to our country. But of course because she's a Democrat, all is forgiven.

Exccept you have no evidence any of that happened, but never mind.

On the other hand, with Tamir Rice, we do have a dead body.

A police officer taking steps to protect himself from a 5'8" 180" 12 year old, we can't have that. But at least the case was heard by a grand jury, an impartial group of citizens, who said the officer broke no laws.

You mean once again, a racist system whitewashes the murder of black people. And you wonder why they are upset.

Hey, if officer McShooty (who again, was fired from another police department for incompetence) felt threatened by a 12 year old child, maybe he needs to find something else to do for a living.

Not that anyone would hire him for anything at this point.
Not true, there have been numerous instances where people have complied with police orders, and were shot anyway.

Nope, not in justified shootings. Any police officer that shot and/or killed a suspect that complied with the orders of police are prosecuted and usually imprisoned.

And, of course, you have the contradictory cop screaming one thing, another screaming the opposite, a third screaming something else...that means they can blast him at any time.

And, of course, you have the contradictory cop screaming one thing, another screaming the opposite, a third screaming something else...that means they can blast him at any time.

Really? Have any examples you wish to share with us?
The problem is people like you live your life through the lens of race. The rest of us don't think that way. You wake up in the morning consumed with race, you go through your workday with race on your mind, you watch television at night with the thoughts of race, and you go to bed at night and dream of racism.

No, guy, the problem is, Black people are treated differently than white people and you know it. It's why Tamir Rice gets shot and Dylan Roof gets Burger King.

It's easy. Don't fight with the police. If you think you are being treated unfairly, then you take it up in a court of law with a lawyer.

If you live that'd that work for Freddie Gray?
Oh yes it is. The feds get involved to investigate civil rights violations which there were none. A police officer protected himself against a criminal. That's all they found. To cop hating leftists, it has nothing to do with the law. If leftists don't like what they see, that''s a reason to throw an innocent man in jail.

He shot an unarmed kid. If that kid was white, he'd be in jail.

Sorry, but when you lie under oath to the US Congress, that is a very serious thing, especially when she exposed US classified information to our foreign enemies. Who knows how much damage she did to our country. But of course because she's a Democrat, all is forgiven.

Exccept you have no evidence any of that happened, but never mind.

On the other hand, with Tamir Rice, we do have a dead body.

A police officer taking steps to protect himself from a 5'8" 180" 12 year old, we can't have that. But at least the case was heard by a grand jury, an impartial group of citizens, who said the officer broke no laws.

You mean once again, a racist system whitewashes the murder of black people. And you wonder why they are upset.

Hey, if officer McShooty (who again, was fired from another police department for incompetence) felt threatened by a 12 year old child, maybe he needs to find something else to do for a living.

Not that anyone would hire him for anything at this point.

You mean once again, a racist system whitewashes the murder of black people. And you wonder why they are upset.

Hey, if officer McShooty (who again, was fired from another police department for incompetence) felt threatened by a 12 year old child, maybe he needs to find something else to do for a living.

Not that anyone would hire him for anything at this point.

How is it a racist system when some of the jurors were black? There is no way to have an all white jury in Cleveland Ohio. All evidence was presented to the jury and the media. Nobody but you and your ilk found any negligence nor racism in the circumstance. But then again, most of us don't live our lives for racism either.

Correct, nobody would hire him now thanks to the leftists lynch mobs that don't believe in a civilized justice system.

Exccept you have no evidence any of that happened, but never mind.

On the other hand, with Tamir Rice, we do have a dead body.

So, you have a dead body proving nothing.

He shot an unarmed kid. If that kid was white, he'd be in jail.

So what would he have done against the law to a white kid that he didn't do to a black? White or black, you can't charge somebody for a crime they didn't commit without the risk of getting sued yourself like what's happening in Baltimore.
What "guaranteed privilege" is the crazy violent left talking about? The freaking hypocrites live in the freest most tolerant Nation in the world and all the lazy bastards do is complain about mythical guarantees they think they are entitled to.
Nah, he would just have suffered a "self inflicted" gunshot wound to the back, or died "resisting arrest".
How is it a racist system when some of the jurors were black? There is no way to have an all white jury in Cleveland Ohio. All evidence was presented to the jury and the media. Nobody but you and your ilk found any negligence nor racism in the circumstance. But then again, most of us don't live our lives for racism either.

Guy, this was a GRAND JURY. Grand juries do what the prosecutors tell them to do.

You know,
you can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.

Correct, nobody would hire him now thanks to the leftists lynch mobs that don't believe in a civilized justice system.

More like, they don't want to pay out seven figure settlements... Of course, if they had fired his partner, Officer McChokey when he put that lady in a chokehold, maybe this could have been avoided.
Guy, this was a GRAND JURY. Grand juries do what the prosecutors tell them to do.

You know,
you can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.

What the prosecutor does is present all evidence to the Grand Jury. That's it. The jury decides whether to indict based on the evidence presented before them. Because you don't like what they decided on doesn't make it fixed, rigged or biased.

Now if the officer broke the law (which is all a jury decides on) then by all means, tell me what law he broke. You can't because even you know the officer did nothing wrong. If Tamir didn't have anything on him, then they might have indicted him because there was no reason to use deadly force. But when an officer sees a guy put his hand down in front of his pants, start pulling out a butt of a gun, he did nothing wrong by firing at Tamir first. He was protecting himself and nobody can make a claim otherwise.
What the prosecutor does is present all evidence to the Grand Jury. That's it. The jury decides whether to indict based on the evidence presented before them. Because you don't like what they decided on doesn't make it fixed, rigged or biased.

Now if the officer broke the law (which is all a jury decides on) then by all means, tell me what law he broke. You can't because even you know the officer did nothing wrong. If Tamir didn't have anything on him, then they might have indicted him because there was no reason to use deadly force. But when an officer sees a guy put his hand down in front of his pants, start pulling out a butt of a gun, he did nothing wrong by firing at Tamir first. He was protecting himself and nobody can make a claim otherwise.

If it was a good shoot, why pay the family six million dollars?

If it was a good shoot, why isn't Officer McShooty back on the job?

This just shows why we need special prosecutors on these shooting cases involving cops, because the DA's are too in bed with the police to do them properly.
If it was a good shoot, why pay the family six million dollars?

If it was a good shoot, why isn't Officer McShooty back on the job?

This just shows why we need special prosecutors on these shooting cases involving cops, because the DA's are too in bed with the police to do them properly.

I'm fine with that, because you'd still have the same Grand Jury. Or do you want the family to be able to pick and choose who they want on the jury too?

The nearly all black city Council and Mayor gave that black irresponsible mother 6 million because it's all about politics. She shouldn't have gotten a dime, and now the rest of the city will have to suffer because of her inability to watch her own kid. But as we both know, rewarding irresponsibility is very common with Democrats.

Why is he not back on the job? Because of too many animals out there that want to kill him; people who don't belong in a civilized country with civilized people. It would cause too many problems for the police force because other officers could be targeted as well.
I'm fine with that, because you'd still have the same Grand Jury. Or do you want the family to be able to pick and choose who they want on the jury too?

It wouldn't have been the same grand jury. It would have been a grand jury being shown evidence of the cops guilt.

The nearly all black city Council and Mayor gave that black irresponsible mother 6 million because it's all about politics. She shouldn't have gotten a dime, and now the rest of the city will have to suffer because of her inability to watch her own kid. But as we both know, rewarding irresponsibility is very common with Democrats.

So you think that a mother should be terrified of the thought of their child playing with a gun being shot by an emotionally unstable cop? Well, I guess so, if your child is black.

Silly Darkies! Rights are for white people!

Why is he not back on the job? Because of too many animals out there that want to kill him; people who don't belong in a civilized country with civilized people. It would cause too many problems for the police force because other officers could be targeted as well.

Right. It has nothing to do with the fact that Officer McShooty has shown himself to be completely wrong for police work on TWO police departments. All 5000 or so Police Departments are all sucumbing to racist pressure not to hire this guy.
I'm fine with that, because you'd still have the same Grand Jury. Or do you want the family to be able to pick and choose who they want on the jury too?

It wouldn't have been the same grand jury. It would have been a grand jury being shown evidence of the cops guilt.

The nearly all black city Council and Mayor gave that black irresponsible mother 6 million because it's all about politics. She shouldn't have gotten a dime, and now the rest of the city will have to suffer because of her inability to watch her own kid. But as we both know, rewarding irresponsibility is very common with Democrats.

So you think that a mother should be terrified of the thought of their child playing with a gun being shot by an emotionally unstable cop? Well, I guess so, if your child is black.

Silly Darkies! Rights are for white people!

Why is he not back on the job? Because of too many animals out there that want to kill him; people who don't belong in a civilized country with civilized people. It would cause too many problems for the police force because other officers could be targeted as well.

Right. It has nothing to do with the fact that Officer McShooty has shown himself to be completely wrong for police work on TWO police departments. All 5000 or so Police Departments are all sucumbing to racist pressure not to hire this guy.

It wouldn't have been the same grand jury. It would have been a grand jury being shown evidence of the cops guilt.

Great, so show me, the news, the national media what the prosecutor did not show the Grand Jury. And please, by all means, guilt of what? What law did the officer break?

So you think that a mother should be terrified of the thought of their child playing with a gun being shot by an emotionally unstable cop? Well, I guess so, if your child is black.

Silly Darkies! Rights are for white people!

She didn't have the brains to stop her kid from going to the park across the street; a park frequently visited by police for gunfire and drug sales; a park littered with crime, with a realistic gun altered to make it look like a real gun by the removal of the colored tip? Yes, she should have been terrified by that.

I had a BB gun when I was his age. That gun wasn't allowed to leave the property. That's what responsible parents are for.

Right. It has nothing to do with the fact that Officer McShooty has shown himself to be completely wrong for police work on TWO police departments. All 5000 or so Police Departments are all sucumbing to racist pressure not to hire this guy.

You don't know that. He may very well be on another police department in the future after the hype dies down. Currently, the liberals dismantled the gazebo and are erecting it in the little punks honor as if he was some kind of hero.

That should stop kids in that neighborhood from doing the same thing: mom getting 6 mil for being a irresponsible parent and an alter for a kid that was trying to act bad with the police.

Then you wonder why we don't want Democrat leadership in our country???
What law did the officer break?

He shot an unarmed child.

You don't know that. He may very well be on another police department in the future after the hype dies down. Currently, the liberals dismantled the gazebo and are erecting it in the little punks honor as if he was some kind of hero.

Sorry, man, Officer McShooty is never working as a cop again. Nobody would take on that kind of liability.

and, yes, the people of the community are making sure that you don't ever forget what was done.

That should stop kids in that neighborhood from doing the same thing: mom getting 6 mil for being a irresponsible parent and an alter for a kid that was trying to act bad with the police.

again, Officer McShooty shot the kid two seconds after getting out of the car. I don't think that kid ever knew what hit him.

I should also point out his older sister was there with him when he was playing with a toy. the cops threw her in the back seat of the car so she wouldn't go screaming to the press that the police just murdered her brother.

But in your mind, it's irresponsible for a parent to let her child play in the park. Right.

Silly Darkie, rights are for White People!
What law did the officer break?

He shot an unarmed child.

You don't know that. He may very well be on another police department in the future after the hype dies down. Currently, the liberals dismantled the gazebo and are erecting it in the little punks honor as if he was some kind of hero.

Sorry, man, Officer McShooty is never working as a cop again. Nobody would take on that kind of liability.

and, yes, the people of the community are making sure that you don't ever forget what was done.

That should stop kids in that neighborhood from doing the same thing: mom getting 6 mil for being a irresponsible parent and an alter for a kid that was trying to act bad with the police.

again, Officer McShooty shot the kid two seconds after getting out of the car. I don't think that kid ever knew what hit him.

I should also point out his older sister was there with him when he was playing with a toy. the cops threw her in the back seat of the car so she wouldn't go screaming to the press that the police just murdered her brother.

But in your mind, it's irresponsible for a parent to let her child play in the park. Right.

Silly Darkie, rights are for White People!

again, Officer McShooty shot the kid two seconds after getting out of the car. I don't think that kid ever knew what hit him.

I should also point out his older sister was there with him when he was playing with a toy. the cops threw her in the back seat of the car so she wouldn't go screaming to the press that the police just murdered her brother.

But in your mind, it's irresponsible for a parent to let her child play in the park. Right.

Silly Darkie, rights are for White People!

The police always keep excited family members away from the scene. They need to conduct an investigation which a family member can screw up by moving the body around and possibly attacking the police officers causing more of a problem. Yet you created this fable that the police were trying to keep her from the press? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: You liberals have some imagination. It's not a wonder why you don't understand these situations.

Yes, it is irresponsible for a parent to let their kid go to a park that's widely known for crime with a realistic looking gun. Of course you're a liberal, so you probably do consider that responsible.

Sorry, man, Officer McShooty is never working as a cop again. Nobody would take on that kind of liability.

and, yes, the people of the community are making sure that you don't ever forget what was done.

So what was done? The kid started to pull out a realistic looking gun on police officers and was shot dead because of it. What are we to remember, how stupid this kid was? And what is the message here, that police should wait until a gun is pointed at them before they defend themselves? If that's the case, WTF would want to be a cop?

He shot an unarmed child.

I asked you what law he broke. There is no law stating that a police officer can't shoot somebody because they were pulling a gun on them that was a toy which the officer had no idea it was. No laws were broken here.
The police always keep excited family members away from the scene. They need to conduct an investigation which a family member can screw up by moving the body around and possibly attacking the police officers causing more of a problem. Yet you created this fable that the police were trying to keep her from the press?

Right. Because you clearly do that by locking someone in a car for hours and trying to intimidate her after you just shot her brother.

Again- the city paid 6 million dollars to the family. They didn't want a jury to ever hear this.

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