Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is Preserving White supremacy.

Then again many of these groups didn't have the disadvantages that black people had. Simply put the institutional racism against black people and Native Americans was much, much worse than for any other groups. You don't see it?

My white father could tell you stories about when he grew up that would make you cry. But what my father, grandfather, great grandfather, great great grandfather went through has nothing to do with me today. I was born in a free country with the availability to do anything I wanted to or was capable of doing. I've had my share of failures in life like anybody else, but I only blame myself for those failures and nobody else.

And? This isn't a reason for seeing problems that need solving. This appears to be the way of many, to simply decide they can't be bothered to solve problems, and then the problems just get worse and worse and they keep repeating the same thing over and over and over again.
Again, you're ignoring the fact that what has been done DOESN'T WORK. And mostly what we're talking now is about poverty and the system keeping many in poverty.

What is poverty? Poverty is not having enough money.

What is the solution to poverty? Money.

How does one get money? Getting a job, working a lot of hours if needed, and not spending on anything you don't need to spend money on.

Okay, and here's the thing. You have say 1 million people in poverty. Of those 1 million people maybe 10 can make it. So the right say "everyone can make it in America" because that's possible, any of them could possibly make it somehow. Usually it'll be the ones good at sport or singing that will make it. The rest live in a world devoid of hope. They see their parents lacking hope, their peers lacking hope and they too believe there is no hope. Why? Because really there is no hope. The laws are against them. They can't compete in business against large corporations who don't pay tax and get given money to set up business. The only business they can compete in is the drug business, and the govt decided that the only business they can compete in will get them locked up for a long time if they try and actually make some money and get their lives out of the gutter.

Do you see the problem here? The whole damn fucking system is against these people, then they get people like you telling them to work hard. What? Work hard in McDonalds for minimum wage and see how far that takes them.

Education is against them, as the richer kids go to the schools with the good teacher and with equipment. One thing essential to good education is also parents who care and the parents lost hope a long time ago, no one helped them either, and no one is helping the present bunch, it didn't work before and it's not working now and the rich are perfectly happy with that because it means lower wages, which in turn makes it harder to get out of poverty.

Sorry, your bullshit "everyone can make in America" is an excuse for doing nothing, and nothing, and nothing again.
And? This isn't a reason for seeing problems that need solving. This appears to be the way of many, to simply decide they can't be bothered to solve problems, and then the problems just get worse and worse and they keep repeating the same thing over and over and over again.

You can't solve a problem that others create for themselves. The only person that can solve a problem is the one that created the problem.

Nearly every problem in life does have a solution. But excuses solve nothing. Blame shifting solves nothing. I've yet to hear or read a book about a successful excuse makers. All excuse makers are failures.

As long as the Democrat party promotes "it's not your fault" then nobody will try to solve their problem. It's hopeless because there is nothing you can do about it so they were trained to think. Democrats want their followers to think that somebody else needs to solve "their" problems for them.
And? This isn't a reason for seeing problems that need solving. This appears to be the way of many, to simply decide they can't be bothered to solve problems, and then the problems just get worse and worse and they keep repeating the same thing over and over and over again.

You can't solve a problem that others create for themselves. The only person that can solve a problem is the one that created the problem.

Nearly every problem in life does have a solution. But excuses solve nothing. Blame shifting solves nothing. I've yet to hear or read a book about a successful excuse makers. All excuse makers are failures.

As long as the Democrat party promotes "it's not your fault" then nobody will try to solve their problem. It's hopeless because there is nothing you can do about it so they were trained to think. Democrats want their followers to think that somebody else needs to solve "their" problems for them.

I totally disagree. In other countries problems are solved by other people. I do agree that there needs to be some semblance of ownership in things that are done. However if you have a problem which included large corporations being given massive tax breaks and free money while small business owners are given nothing but a hard time, then how is anyone ever going to get this ownership when they're constantly knocked down at every turn by government policy at all levels?

You say all excuse makers are failures, but you're making excuses for not doing anything to solve the problem.

As I've said before about a Jamie Oliver program where he went to the "fattest city" in the US and tried to change school meals and was basically told at the end of it that he had to prove it could work, but they weren't going to allow him the chance to prove it, it's the American way now, just ignore the problems, give kids pizza for breakfast, make sure nothing makes much sense and then say "you have to solve your own problems".

Or like with the Native Americans, move them to rubbish land, destroy their crops, give them alcohol and then say "why don't they make it, they should solve their own problems" and laugh at them for being alcoholics because they lost all hope.

You don't seem to realize that these people are being told to make it on their own, and at every step they're being kicked down the steps. Time and time and time again.
Okay, and here's the thing. You have say 1 million people in poverty. Of those 1 million people maybe 10 can make it. So the right say "everyone can make it in America" because that's possible, any of them could possibly make it somehow. Usually it'll be the ones good at sport or singing that will make it. The rest live in a world devoid of hope. They see their parents lacking hope, their peers lacking hope and they too believe there is no hope. Why? Because really there is no hope. The laws are against them. They can't compete in business against large corporations who don't pay tax and get given money to set up business. The only business they can compete in is the drug business, and the govt decided that the only business they can compete in will get them locked up for a long time if they try and actually make some money and get their lives out of the gutter.

Do you see the problem here? The whole damn fucking system is against these people, then they get people like you telling them to work hard. What? Work hard in McDonalds for minimum wage and see how far that takes them.

Education is against them, as the richer kids go to the schools with the good teacher and with equipment. One thing essential to good education is also parents who care and the parents lost hope a long time ago, no one helped them either, and no one is helping the present bunch, it didn't work before and it's not working now and the rich are perfectly happy with that because it means lower wages, which in turn makes it harder to get out of poverty.

Sorry, your bullshit "everyone can make in America" is an excuse for doing nothing, and nothing, and nothing again.

If one is trying to make a living working at McDonald's, then apparently they are not trying at all because McDonald's will hire just about anybody.

The real problem we have with poverty is government. If you decide to fail, no problem, government will support you. If you have children you can't afford, no problem, taxpayers will support you. If you want to keep smoking pot so you can't get a better paying job, no problem, Democrats are pushing for a higher minimum wage so you don't have to quit drugs.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. How much money a school has doesn't make the school better, how involved the parents are and how hard the student tries to learn is what makes the difference. The United States of America spends the most per capita on students than any other industrialized country in the world, yet we have mediocre results to show for this spending.

As long as you promote this idiotic message that there is no hope, then many will just accept that. You were told from young on you were going to be a failure with no control over your future. You weren't born the right color, you weren't born in the right neighborhood, you weren't born in the right family, you weren't born in an area with new school buildings and top notch teachers.
Okay, and here's the thing. You have say 1 million people in poverty. Of those 1 million people maybe 10 can make it. So the right say "everyone can make it in America" because that's possible, any of them could possibly make it somehow. Usually it'll be the ones good at sport or singing that will make it. The rest live in a world devoid of hope. They see their parents lacking hope, their peers lacking hope and they too believe there is no hope. Why? Because really there is no hope. The laws are against them. They can't compete in business against large corporations who don't pay tax and get given money to set up business. The only business they can compete in is the drug business, and the govt decided that the only business they can compete in will get them locked up for a long time if they try and actually make some money and get their lives out of the gutter.

Do you see the problem here? The whole damn fucking system is against these people, then they get people like you telling them to work hard. What? Work hard in McDonalds for minimum wage and see how far that takes them.

Education is against them, as the richer kids go to the schools with the good teacher and with equipment. One thing essential to good education is also parents who care and the parents lost hope a long time ago, no one helped them either, and no one is helping the present bunch, it didn't work before and it's not working now and the rich are perfectly happy with that because it means lower wages, which in turn makes it harder to get out of poverty.

Sorry, your bullshit "everyone can make in America" is an excuse for doing nothing, and nothing, and nothing again.

If one is trying to make a living working at McDonald's, then apparently they are not trying at all because McDonald's will hire just about anybody.

The real problem we have with poverty is government. If you decide to fail, no problem, government will support you. If you have children you can't afford, no problem, taxpayers will support you. If you want to keep smoking pot so you can't get a better paying job, no problem, Democrats are pushing for a higher minimum wage so you don't have to quit drugs.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. How much money a school has doesn't make the school better, how involved the parents are and how hard the student tries to learn is what makes the difference. The United States of America spends the most per capita on students than any other industrialized country in the world, yet we have mediocre results to show for this spending.

As long as you promote this idiotic message that there is no hope, then many will just accept that. You were told from young on you were going to be a failure with no control over your future. You weren't born the right color, you weren't born in the right neighborhood, you weren't born in the right family, you weren't born in an area with new school buildings and top notch teachers.


I can choose McDonalds, or I can choose drug dealing.

One will earn me nothing, it gives me no hope, to raise a family I'd have to work 80 hours a week. Or I can earn that much money in a few hours a day work but take the risks of the people telling me to run my own business locking me up for running my own business.

I agree that welfare is part of the problem. Again, this is something stacked against people. You say people should just do it on their own, but kids get brought up into an environment where they believe money grows on trees. You can't just expect kids to then not believe this.

How much money a school has doesn't make it better, it's how you use the money. HOWEVER you have to look at the reality of inner city schools. People don't want to work in them. Why? Because the society around them is fucked up, the kids misbehave because all semblance of structure has been shot down because nothing has been done for generation after generation. Also the kids don't see school as an escape route, because for most it is not. They can't afford to go to college anyway, so they're stuck where they are.

Again, more reasons that poor people can't get out of their situation.

As for "idiotic message", come off it.

Government makes the conditions for these ghettos and encourages the ghetto, rather than trying to solve the problem.

Go to Europe, there are far less of these ghetto areas, though they're on the rise with immigration, but in many of these countries the problems are getting solved.
I totally disagree. In other countries problems are solved by other people. I do agree that there needs to be some semblance of ownership in things that are done. However if you have a problem which included large corporations being given massive tax breaks and free money while small business owners are given nothing but a hard time, then how is anyone ever going to get this ownership when they're constantly knocked down at every turn by government policy at all levels?

You say all excuse makers are failures, but you're making excuses for not doing anything to solve the problem.

As I've said before about a Jamie Oliver program where he went to the "fattest city" in the US and tried to change school meals and was basically told at the end of it that he had to prove it could work, but they weren't going to allow him the chance to prove it, it's the American way now, just ignore the problems, give kids pizza for breakfast, make sure nothing makes much sense and then say "you have to solve your own problems".

Or like with the Native Americans, move them to rubbish land, destroy their crops, give them alcohol and then say "why don't they make it, they should solve their own problems" and laugh at them for being alcoholics because they lost all hope.

You don't seem to realize that these people are being told to make it on their own, and at every step they're being kicked down the steps. Time and time and time again.

Then don't you see what the real problem is? Nobody is taking those steps. If nobody is taking those steps, how can you get knocked down three steps?

Back in 1980, I got my first apartment. At the time, I was fascinated by birds, so I hung a bird feeder on my back porch.

Winter died and spring came about, and I finally got to meet my elderly neighbor, and we began some small talk.

He brought up my bird feeder. He said "You know Ray, what you're doing for the birds is a very nice thing. But what you may not realize is that you may be doing them more harm than good. You see, feeding the birds in the winter time is a good thing because snow covers any available food. But if you leave that thing up all year long, the birds will depend on that feeder alone. If you decide to move or otherwise become disinterested in feeding the birds, they will parish."

It was years later where I realized the old mans words just didn't apply to birds. It applied to all animals including man. As long as government hangs that human feeder year round, those humans will never be able to take care of themselves.

I can choose McDonalds, or I can choose drug dealing.

One will earn me nothing, it gives me no hope, to raise a family I'd have to work 80 hours a week. Or I can earn that much money in a few hours a day work but take the risks of the people telling me to run my own business locking me up for running my own business.

I agree that welfare is part of the problem. Again, this is something stacked against people. You say people should just do it on their own, but kids get brought up into an environment where they believe money grows on trees. You can't just expect kids to then not believe this.

How much money a school has doesn't make it better, it's how you use the money. HOWEVER you have to look at the reality of inner city schools. People don't want to work in them. Why? Because the society around them is fucked up, the kids misbehave because all semblance of structure has been shot down because nothing has been done for generation after generation. Also the kids don't see school as an escape route, because for most it is not. They can't afford to go to college anyway, so they're stuck where they are.

Again, more reasons that poor people can't get out of their situation.

As for "idiotic message", come off it.

Government makes the conditions for these ghettos and encourages the ghetto, rather than trying to solve the problem.

Go to Europe, there are far less of these ghetto areas, though they're on the rise with immigration, but in many of these countries the problems are getting solved.

Right, Europe is solving their problems alright. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

When I got out of school I got a job; a minimum wage job. I left there for another minimum wage job. From there, another minimum wage job. When I got sick of working minimum wage jobs, I didn't even consider crime. I tried better paying jobs and learned things that helped me in the future.

I never had kids when I was younger--still don't have any kids today. I didn't want the expense of a family and decided to just support myself. Never been married so nobody ever sued me for anything. So the question is, why can't everybody do what I did?

There is no reason. Anybody can do what I did in life, in fact better because I have poor health. I eventually secured a trade, invested my money in real estate, and now I work full time as a tractor-trailer operator and a landlord to boot.

So again, what's stopping anybody from doing what I did?

I can choose McDonalds, or I can choose drug dealing.

One will earn me nothing, it gives me no hope, to raise a family I'd have to work 80 hours a week. Or I can earn that much money in a few hours a day work but take the risks of the people telling me to run my own business locking me up for running my own business.

I agree that welfare is part of the problem. Again, this is something stacked against people. You say people should just do it on their own, but kids get brought up into an environment where they believe money grows on trees. You can't just expect kids to then not believe this.

How much money a school has doesn't make it better, it's how you use the money. HOWEVER you have to look at the reality of inner city schools. People don't want to work in them. Why? Because the society around them is fucked up, the kids misbehave because all semblance of structure has been shot down because nothing has been done for generation after generation. Also the kids don't see school as an escape route, because for most it is not. They can't afford to go to college anyway, so they're stuck where they are.

Again, more reasons that poor people can't get out of their situation.

As for "idiotic message", come off it.

Government makes the conditions for these ghettos and encourages the ghetto, rather than trying to solve the problem.

Go to Europe, there are far less of these ghetto areas, though they're on the rise with immigration, but in many of these countries the problems are getting solved.

Right, Europe is solving their problems alright. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

When I got out of school I got a job; a minimum wage job. I left there for another minimum wage job. From there, another minimum wage job. When I got sick of working minimum wage jobs, I didn't even consider crime. I tried better paying jobs and learned things that helped me in the future.

I never had kids when I was younger--still don't have any kids today. I didn't want the expense of a family and decided to just support myself. Never been married so nobody ever sued me for anything. So the question is, why can't everybody do what I did?

There is no reason. Anybody can do what I did in life, in fact better because I have poor health. I eventually secured a trade, invested my money in real estate, and now I work full time as a tractor-trailer operator and a landlord to boot.

So again, what's stopping anybody from doing what I did?

Perhaps there is no reason anyone can't do what you did. Problem is hundreds of thousands AREN'T doing what you did, and there's the problem. Why not? Can you think why this isn't happening, especially in inner city areas?

Why didn't you consider crime? Perhaps because you had role models, you saw that it doesn't make much sense. But for some people, they don't have that, their role models are criminals. Again, another problem.

When the US went into Iraq in 2003 the soldiers were basically told that the Iraq people would welcome them in because the US soldiers and Armed Forces believed themselves to be the good guys. But the Iraqis didn't see it so.
In this situation you had to have the empathy of the Iraqis to understand.

In this situation we're talking about you need to try and understand it from a different perspective. Looking at it from YOUR perspective isn't going to help you understand the problems and you're then not going to see solutions.
I totally disagree. In other countries problems are solved by other people. I do agree that there needs to be some semblance of ownership in things that are done. However if you have a problem which included large corporations being given massive tax breaks and free money while small business owners are given nothing but a hard time, then how is anyone ever going to get this ownership when they're constantly knocked down at every turn by government policy at all levels?

You say all excuse makers are failures, but you're making excuses for not doing anything to solve the problem.

As I've said before about a Jamie Oliver program where he went to the "fattest city" in the US and tried to change school meals and was basically told at the end of it that he had to prove it could work, but they weren't going to allow him the chance to prove it, it's the American way now, just ignore the problems, give kids pizza for breakfast, make sure nothing makes much sense and then say "you have to solve your own problems".

Or like with the Native Americans, move them to rubbish land, destroy their crops, give them alcohol and then say "why don't they make it, they should solve their own problems" and laugh at them for being alcoholics because they lost all hope.

You don't seem to realize that these people are being told to make it on their own, and at every step they're being kicked down the steps. Time and time and time again.

Then don't you see what the real problem is? Nobody is taking those steps. If nobody is taking those steps, how can you get knocked down three steps?

Back in 1980, I got my first apartment. At the time, I was fascinated by birds, so I hung a bird feeder on my back porch.

Winter died and spring came about, and I finally got to meet my elderly neighbor, and we began some small talk.

He brought up my bird feeder. He said "You know Ray, what you're doing for the birds is a very nice thing. But what you may not realize is that you may be doing them more harm than good. You see, feeding the birds in the winter time is a good thing because snow covers any available food. But if you leave that thing up all year long, the birds will depend on that feeder alone. If you decide to move or otherwise become disinterested in feeding the birds, they will parish."

It was years later where I realized the old mans words just didn't apply to birds. It applied to all animals including man. As long as government hangs that human feeder year round, those humans will never be able to take care of themselves.

How do you know no one is taking these steps?

You're just assuming people aren't fighting to try and get out of the hole?

Again, I agree with what you're saying. However I don't think this helps with the initial problem.

People in inner cities do need the help over the winter, they need to be given a platform on which to build. Right now you're asking them to build in sand and they see others building in sand and their houses fall down. So they realize it's a waste of time.


Try this. Make large corporations pay MORE TAX than the smaller businesses. Don't throw money at the large corporations. Allow those small businesses to have the unfair advantage so they can take off rather than the large corporation to stifle competition.

Change education so that when kids leave school they can walk into a variety of jobs, like electricians, plumbers, builders etc, give them that sense of purpose from a young age instead of throwing literature at them and expecting them to give a shit.

Give them after school programs so they have a sense of purpose as kids and don't end up in crime. Help single parents to bring their kids up properly. Teach the kids to think about who they're going to marry, about sex education, about their future so they can plan instead of just stumbling through the dark making the same mistakes as their parents and grandparents.

Change things, make it happen so that these kids can become the future of the country and not the burden. You don't need to throw welfare at them, in fact the opposite.

I can choose McDonalds, or I can choose drug dealing.

One will earn me nothing, it gives me no hope, to raise a family I'd have to work 80 hours a week. Or I can earn that much money in a few hours a day work but take the risks of the people telling me to run my own business locking me up for running my own business.

I agree that welfare is part of the problem. Again, this is something stacked against people. You say people should just do it on their own, but kids get brought up into an environment where they believe money grows on trees. You can't just expect kids to then not believe this.

How much money a school has doesn't make it better, it's how you use the money. HOWEVER you have to look at the reality of inner city schools. People don't want to work in them. Why? Because the society around them is fucked up, the kids misbehave because all semblance of structure has been shot down because nothing has been done for generation after generation. Also the kids don't see school as an escape route, because for most it is not. They can't afford to go to college anyway, so they're stuck where they are.

Again, more reasons that poor people can't get out of their situation.

As for "idiotic message", come off it.

Government makes the conditions for these ghettos and encourages the ghetto, rather than trying to solve the problem.

Go to Europe, there are far less of these ghetto areas, though they're on the rise with immigration, but in many of these countries the problems are getting solved.

Right, Europe is solving their problems alright. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

When I got out of school I got a job; a minimum wage job. I left there for another minimum wage job. From there, another minimum wage job. When I got sick of working minimum wage jobs, I didn't even consider crime. I tried better paying jobs and learned things that helped me in the future.

I never had kids when I was younger--still don't have any kids today. I didn't want the expense of a family and decided to just support myself. Never been married so nobody ever sued me for anything. So the question is, why can't everybody do what I did?

There is no reason. Anybody can do what I did in life, in fact better because I have poor health. I eventually secured a trade, invested my money in real estate, and now I work full time as a tractor-trailer operator and a landlord to boot.

So again, what's stopping anybody from doing what I did?

Lack of ambition stops them. For example, most anyone can get financed by trucking companies to learn how to drive a big rig and then pay back the training while you work. Even some women do it. I see young, able bodied guys mooching money in parking lots. No ambition. Pure laziness.

I can choose McDonalds, or I can choose drug dealing.

One will earn me nothing, it gives me no hope, to raise a family I'd have to work 80 hours a week. Or I can earn that much money in a few hours a day work but take the risks of the people telling me to run my own business locking me up for running my own business.

I agree that welfare is part of the problem. Again, this is something stacked against people. You say people should just do it on their own, but kids get brought up into an environment where they believe money grows on trees. You can't just expect kids to then not believe this.

How much money a school has doesn't make it better, it's how you use the money. HOWEVER you have to look at the reality of inner city schools. People don't want to work in them. Why? Because the society around them is fucked up, the kids misbehave because all semblance of structure has been shot down because nothing has been done for generation after generation. Also the kids don't see school as an escape route, because for most it is not. They can't afford to go to college anyway, so they're stuck where they are.

Again, more reasons that poor people can't get out of their situation.

As for "idiotic message", come off it.

Government makes the conditions for these ghettos and encourages the ghetto, rather than trying to solve the problem.

Go to Europe, there are far less of these ghetto areas, though they're on the rise with immigration, but in many of these countries the problems are getting solved.

Right, Europe is solving their problems alright. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

When I got out of school I got a job; a minimum wage job. I left there for another minimum wage job. From there, another minimum wage job. When I got sick of working minimum wage jobs, I didn't even consider crime. I tried better paying jobs and learned things that helped me in the future.

I never had kids when I was younger--still don't have any kids today. I didn't want the expense of a family and decided to just support myself. Never been married so nobody ever sued me for anything. So the question is, why can't everybody do what I did?

There is no reason. Anybody can do what I did in life, in fact better because I have poor health. I eventually secured a trade, invested my money in real estate, and now I work full time as a tractor-trailer operator and a landlord to boot.

So again, what's stopping anybody from doing what I did?

Lack of ambition stops them. For example, most anyone can get financed by trucking companies to learn how to drive a big rig and then pay back the training while you work. Even some women do it. I see young, able bodied guys mooching money in parking lots. No ambition. Pure laziness.

Many people lack ambition. Maybe they don't want to be truck drivers. Maybe they have more ambition than that.
Try this. Make large corporations pay MORE TAX than the smaller businesses. Don't throw money at the large corporations. Allow those small businesses to have the unfair advantage so they can take off rather than the large corporation to stifle competition.

Change education so that when kids leave school they can walk into a variety of jobs, like electricians, plumbers, builders etc, give them that sense of purpose from a young age instead of throwing literature at them and expecting them to give a shit.

Give them after school programs so they have a sense of purpose as kids and don't end up in crime. Help single parents to bring their kids up properly. Teach the kids to think about who they're going to marry, about sex education, about their future so they can plan instead of just stumbling through the dark making the same mistakes as their parents and grandparents.

Change things, make it happen so that these kids can become the future of the country and not the burden. You don't need to throw welfare at them, in fact the opposite.

Sure you can change things if the liberals would not condemn it.

Newt Gingrich ran for the Republican nomination last election. He stated that not all kids are college ready. Those kids have no future because school didn't prepare them for anything other than college. He suggested a work study program (which was alive and well in the 70's) and was castigated for it claiming he wanted to see a return to child labor.

And this is what goes on in politics today.

Change school? Good luck with that thanks to the federal government and teachers unions.

Ask any high school student today what they know about the stock market? What they know about real estate? What they know about the commodities market? What they know about opening up a small business? What they know about compound interest? Do the letters CD mean anything to them other than a disc that contains music?

You'll be met with blank faces. Our schools do not teach kids about these things. In fact, if it were up to me, inner-city schools would have assemblies with police officers explaining how they were trained; how to respond to an officers command should they be in that position; what threat an officer faces when a subject does not respond to their demand and does something quite the opposite.

Our failed public schools leaves poor children with the belief they have no future.
Perhaps there is no reason anyone can't do what you did. Problem is hundreds of thousands AREN'T doing what you did, and there's the problem. Why not? Can you think why this isn't happening, especially in inner city areas?

Yes, because of Democrat policy.

Democrats have promoted single-parent households since the 70's. The problem is single-parent households are directly related to poverty. In the black community, over 70% of black children are born out of wedlock.

The other thing is that Democrats teach people that there is always a safety net no matter what mistakes you make in life. Pass the burden to the taxpayers and don't concern yourself with petty things like making mistakes.

My solution: If you apply for any public assistance, you don't get a dime until you are fixed. No more children on welfare because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You can't solve poverty by promoting those in poverty to have more welfare children. Those children learn that to survive in life, have poor children of their own. The more children you have, the bigger SNAP's card you get, the larger home you get, sometimes in the suburbs, the larger welfare check you get, more free medical care on Medicaid more Obama phones.......
Yes, yes, yes, very nice, I'm sure.

Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with Blacks fixing their own problems, rather than waiting for somebody else to do that for them.

If it hasn't happened in the last 150 years since Emancipation, I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon, eh?

Meh, the problem is you are too stupid to realize that the rich have taken so much away from you and gotten you to blame the darkies for it..
You're fighting a losing battle for more freebies for Blacks, from a White America that has reached the Donor Exhaustion point, and I'm the stupid one?

Uhhhh... yeah... sure, Joe... you tell 'em, tiger...
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...Perhaps it's time to make everyone in the country a part of the "American Dream", but I guess those living the dream want to have the poor there and unable to move up...

Groups of people (Blacks, Irish, Italians, Germans, Hispanics, Russians, Chinese, whatever) are not MADE a part of the American Dream.

Groups of people shake-off their disadvantages, bust their asses for a couple of generations, keep the faith, keep their mouths shut, and FIGHT TO BECOME part of that Dream.

Nobody is going to hand this to you.

Because of the obvious effects of skin-color or racial-identity in this country, you have already been accommodated, far and above that extended to other groups.

But nobody can (nor will they) grab that brass ring and hand that to you... for that, you've got to want it, and you've got to get off your dead-ass and reach for it... yourself.

It's a concept that, collectively, you have yet to master...

Individual Black folk who manage to shake off the inner-city ghetto mentality or the victim mentality and bust their asses to better themselves, are welcome elsewhere in America...

You can see that in America's suburbs and businesses across the country... skin-color counts for far less out there, nowadays, than the self-excusers amongst you still claim...

Other folks ( White, Hispanic, whatever ) have far more respect for a Black American who shows courage and gets out there and busts-ass, than some inner-city under-performer...

But America has grown very weary of listening to (so many of) you making excuses and whining and playing the Race Card and not taking responsibility for your own futures...

And you've just about hit the end of the line, with regard to the amount of accommodation or patience that the REST of America has left in reserve, in dealing with you...

Stop whining... stop making excuses... stop expecting help in fixing your problems, to come from outside your community... and start moving forward, in a hundred ways.

That, or continue to rot and stagnate in your Democratic Party -controlled Plantations... your choice... the rest of us will watch with interest, to see if you actually have it in you.

If you make it... even if it takes another generation or two... you'll find the rest of us waiting... and ready to applaud... but it's up to you now... we've already given what we can.

Time for you to stand or fall on your own feet.

Then again many of these groups didn't have the disadvantages that black people had. Simply put the institutional racism against black people and Native Americans was much, much worse than for any other groups. You don't see it?
You have already been given sufficient Extra Accommodation due to your skin-color or racial identity, and that's about all you can (or ever could) expect.

Again... stop making excuses... stand on your own two feet... you've just about hit the Donor Exhaustion point, with the rest of America.

Again, you're ignoring the fact that what has been done DOESN'T WORK. And mostly what we're talking now is about poverty and the system keeping many in poverty.
There is no conspiracy to keep you in poverty; other than the one you already know about...

Namely, the Democrats keeping you down on the farm plantation, and keeping you dependent upon them, so that you'll continue to vote to keep them in power...

Mind you, I do not pretend that the Republicans even care about you that much, however, you're being exploited by the Democrats, with your willing assent...

In reality, it's the Democrats that want to keep you barefoot and pregnant... the Republicans don't really give a shit about you one way or another...
Try this. Make large corporations pay MORE TAX than the smaller businesses. Don't throw money at the large corporations. Allow those small businesses to have the unfair advantage so they can take off rather than the large corporation to stifle competition.

Change education so that when kids leave school they can walk into a variety of jobs, like electricians, plumbers, builders etc, give them that sense of purpose from a young age instead of throwing literature at them and expecting them to give a shit.

Give them after school programs so they have a sense of purpose as kids and don't end up in crime. Help single parents to bring their kids up properly. Teach the kids to think about who they're going to marry, about sex education, about their future so they can plan instead of just stumbling through the dark making the same mistakes as their parents and grandparents.

Change things, make it happen so that these kids can become the future of the country and not the burden. You don't need to throw welfare at them, in fact the opposite.

Sure you can change things if the liberals would not condemn it.

Newt Gingrich ran for the Republican nomination last election. He stated that not all kids are college ready. Those kids have no future because school didn't prepare them for anything other than college. He suggested a work study program (which was alive and well in the 70's) and was castigated for it claiming he wanted to see a return to child labor.

And this is what goes on in politics today.

Change school? Good luck with that thanks to the federal government and teachers unions.

Ask any high school student today what they know about the stock market? What they know about real estate? What they know about the commodities market? What they know about opening up a small business? What they know about compound interest? Do the letters CD mean anything to them other than a disc that contains music?

You'll be met with blank faces. Our schools do not teach kids about these things. In fact, if it were up to me, inner-city schools would have assemblies with police officers explaining how they were trained; how to respond to an officers command should they be in that position; what threat an officer faces when a subject does not respond to their demand and does something quite the opposite.

Our failed public schools leaves poor children with the belief they have no future.

And as I've said many times, the biggest problem in the US are the two main parties, and the only way to change this is by changing the way people vote to PR for Congressional elections.
Perhaps there is no reason anyone can't do what you did. Problem is hundreds of thousands AREN'T doing what you did, and there's the problem. Why not? Can you think why this isn't happening, especially in inner city areas?

Yes, because of Democrat policy.

Democrats have promoted single-parent households since the 70's. The problem is single-parent households are directly related to poverty. In the black community, over 70% of black children are born out of wedlock.

The other thing is that Democrats teach people that there is always a safety net no matter what mistakes you make in life. Pass the burden to the taxpayers and don't concern yourself with petty things like making mistakes.

My solution: If you apply for any public assistance, you don't get a dime until you are fixed. No more children on welfare because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You can't solve poverty by promoting those in poverty to have more welfare children. Those children learn that to survive in life, have poor children of their own. The more children you have, the bigger SNAP's card you get, the larger home you get, sometimes in the suburbs, the larger welfare check you get, more free medical care on Medicaid more Obama phones.......

I disagree. You can find areas all over where both Republicans and Democrats have been, as you put it, "promoting single-parent households", this is not unique to Democrats.
...Perhaps it's time to make everyone in the country a part of the "American Dream", but I guess those living the dream want to have the poor there and unable to move up...

Groups of people (Blacks, Irish, Italians, Germans, Hispanics, Russians, Chinese, whatever) are not MADE a part of the American Dream.

Groups of people shake-off their disadvantages, bust their asses for a couple of generations, keep the faith, keep their mouths shut, and FIGHT TO BECOME part of that Dream.

Nobody is going to hand this to you.

Because of the obvious effects of skin-color or racial-identity in this country, you have already been accommodated, far and above that extended to other groups.

But nobody can (nor will they) grab that brass ring and hand that to you... for that, you've got to want it, and you've got to get off your dead-ass and reach for it... yourself.

It's a concept that, collectively, you have yet to master...

Individual Black folk who manage to shake off the inner-city ghetto mentality or the victim mentality and bust their asses to better themselves, are welcome elsewhere in America...

You can see that in America's suburbs and businesses across the country... skin-color counts for far less out there, nowadays, than the self-excusers amongst you still claim...

Other folks ( White, Hispanic, whatever ) have far more respect for a Black American who shows courage and gets out there and busts-ass, than some inner-city under-performer...

But America has grown very weary of listening to (so many of) you making excuses and whining and playing the Race Card and not taking responsibility for your own futures...

And you've just about hit the end of the line, with regard to the amount of accommodation or patience that the REST of America has left in reserve, in dealing with you...

Stop whining... stop making excuses... stop expecting help in fixing your problems, to come from outside your community... and start moving forward, in a hundred ways.

That, or continue to rot and stagnate in your Democratic Party -controlled Plantations... your choice... the rest of us will watch with interest, to see if you actually have it in you.

If you make it... even if it takes another generation or two... you'll find the rest of us waiting... and ready to applaud... but it's up to you now... we've already given what we can.

Time for you to stand or fall on your own feet.

Then again many of these groups didn't have the disadvantages that black people had. Simply put the institutional racism against black people and Native Americans was much, much worse than for any other groups. You don't see it?
You have already been given sufficient Extra Accommodation due to your skin-color or racial identity, and that's about all you can (or ever could) expect.

Again... stop making excuses... stand on your own two feet... you've just about hit the Donor Exhaustion point, with the rest of America.

Again, you're ignoring the fact that what has been done DOESN'T WORK. And mostly what we're talking now is about poverty and the system keeping many in poverty.
There is no conspiracy to keep you in poverty; other than the one you already know about...

Namely, the Democrats keeping you down on the farm plantation, and keeping you dependent upon them, so that you'll continue to vote to keep them in power...

Mind you, I do not pretend that the Republicans even care about you that much, however, you're being exploited by the Democrats, with your willing assent...

In reality, it's the Democrats that want to keep you barefoot and pregnant... the Republicans don't really give a shit about you one way or another...

No, I think you're wrong. Not totally wrong, just wrong. However the main two parties are more interested in themselves than anything else.

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