Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is Preserving White supremacy.

Blacks in America are WORSE OFF TODAY than when Obama took office and yet he still got like 97% of their votes anyway 2012 BECAUSE THEY HAD TO VOTE FOR THEIR OWN RACE. Any white guy that had that level of support among whites and the New York Slimes would be screaming RACISM!~ from dawn to dusk, but it is acceptable from our "poor little" black population.

No they didn't have to. But your side ran a guy who was a member of a racist cult who dismissed them as unimportant because they don't pay income taxes.
Oh, boo-hoo and cry me a frigging river...

Blacks constitute twelve (12%) percent of the total US population...

A fact that we tend to forget, when White Folk drive through the Democratic Party Black-Folk Plantations we call America's Inner Cities...

There's a vast, gigantic America outside of those self-inflicted shit-holes...

A vast, gigantic America that is far too busy with life - earning a living, bettering one's self, positioning our kids for the future, enjoying life - to worry about this shit...

Hell, Blacks aren't even the Dominant Minority in this country any longer...

Hispanics now constitute sixteen (16%) percent of the US population, versus twelve (12%) percent Black, per the US Census...

Perhaps the time has come, to stop listening to the Blacks pissing and moaning and making excuse No. 8,246 for their under-performing, and start paying attention to HIspanics...

After all, Hispanics have far deeper roots in Western Culture, languages, history, philosophy and affinity, and are far more hard-working, as a broad class of people...

Hispanics won't whine and cry and huddle in shit-holes for 150 years and make endless excuses, with their hands out for freebies, and demanding 40 acres and a mule...

Hispanics will get out there, mix it up, and work and fight like hell, to claim their piece of the future in this country... a refreshing change from Blacks...

Perhaps it's also time to start planting dog-whistles amongst our young, to convey the understanding that the Minority Future in this country lies with Hispanics, not Blacks...

It's what happens when you (collectively, as a broad class) sit in shit-holes for 150 years, and refuse to take responsibility for your own destiny, and everyone else tires of it...

It's what happens when you (collectively) start eating your young - with the God-less and soul-less amongst you killing you in vast numbers, and you blaming everyone but yourselves...

Eventually, under-performing has consequences... welcome to yours.

Perhaps it's time to make everyone in the country a part of the "American Dream", but I guess those living the dream want to have the poor there and unable to move up.

You use the "boohoo cry me a river" sort of typical attitude of those not interested in dealing with reality.
YOUR reality... not OURS... the rest of us (outside those Democratic Plantations) are far too busy with life, to worry about unimportant shit like that...

Don't like what's happening with you? Stop the killing. Start busting your asses to fix it. Start living. And, fer Crissakes... stop the phukking whining.

In other words you couldn't give a damn about other human beings.

As for the whining, well... aren't you lot good at it?
Stop relying upon the kindness of strangers, and rely upon your own heart and soul and strength and vision... stop sucking off the collective teat... it's going dry.

Stop pissing and moaning and blaming everyone but yourselves... get off your dead asses, and fix your problems.

Problem is society is too complex for that simplistic attitude, and it didn't work in the past and isn't working now. So why beat a dead horse when you know it's not working?
Stop making excuses... get off your dead asses and fix your own problems... the rest of us are just about done with you (collectively) and your never-ending excuse-making.

Man-up... stand a stand... fix your problems... and, believe me, they are your problems... not ours... wake us up, when you're ready to join society as effective players, eh?
Groups of people (Blacks, Irish, Italians, Germans, Hispanics, Russians, Chinese, whatever) are not MADE a part of the American Dream.


Right.... You know what, those other groups didn't get dragged over here in chains.

They didn't have to deal with 100 years of Jim Crow.

Now, I'm positive when Grandpa Ludwig came over here from Germany and changed the pronunciation of our last name and called himself Louis instead of Ludwig, he was responding to bias against German-Americans between the World Wars.

But eventually, no one cared. We still use the American pronunciation, though.

Blacks, though.. Guess what, they can't stop being black that easily.
Old news, and more excuse-making.

Bore, bore, bore.

Suck it up, buttercup, and fix your problems; the rest of us are simply sick and tired of listening to your (collective) incessant whining and bullshit excuses.

Fix your problems.

Not our problems... yours.

The time for excuses is drawing to a close; whether that be 2016 (unlikely), or 2020, or 2024... but, soon, and profoundly.

Your Gravy Train is going to derail, and that, sooner, rather than later.
Old news, and more excuse-making.

Bore, bore, bore.

Suck it up, buttercup, and fix your problems; the rest of us are simply sick and tired of listening to your (collective) incessant whining and bullshit excuses.

Fix your problems.

Not our problems... yours.

The time for excuses is drawing to a close; whether that be 2016 (unlikely), or 2020, or 2024... but, soon, and profoundly.

Your Gravy Train is going to derail, and that, sooner, rather than later.

Guy, the thing that makes you stupid is that you think you aren't on the gravy train the rich are trying to derail...
No they didn't have to. But your side ran a guy who was a member of a racist cult who dismissed them as unimportant because they don't pay income taxes.

At least he didn't imply that they were all racist, belonged to a basket of deplorables, or sitting home in their mothers basement.
Right.... You know what, those other groups didn't get dragged over here in chains.

They didn't have to deal with 100 years of Jim Crow.

Now, I'm positive when Grandpa Ludwig came over here from Germany and changed the pronunciation of our last name and called himself Louis instead of Ludwig, he was responding to bias against German-Americans between the World Wars.

But eventually, no one cared. We still use the American pronunciation, though.

Blacks, though.. Guess what, they can't stop being black that easily.

Sure they can. But the fact is they don't want to.

I have to laugh when I tell people of the noticeable changes that took place here when it started to turn black. One of them was listening to the police scanner. When this was a white neighborhood and police called in the name of a contact, they would pronounce the first name and spell the last. Sort of like Karen Siflern, first name Karen, last name S.I.F.L.E.R.N.

After it turned black, the cops had to spell the first name and pronounce the last. Quamiella Jones. First name Q.U.A.M.I.E.L.L.A, last name Jones common spelling.

Blacks are different in every way to whites. It's not skin color. It's the way they dress, the way they act, the way they drive, the way they talk, the colors they paint their houses, and yes, even their names, everything about them is different right down to how they view authority in our country.
Then again many of these groups didn't have the disadvantages that black people had. Simply put the institutional racism against black people and Native Americans was much, much worse than for any other groups. You don't see it?

My white father could tell you stories about when he grew up that would make you cry. But what my father, grandfather, great grandfather, great great grandfather went through has nothing to do with me today. I was born in a free country with the availability to do anything I wanted to or was capable of doing. I've had my share of failures in life like anybody else, but I only blame myself for those failures and nobody else.
One, no evidence Officer McShooty said that.
Two, yes, quitting before they can complete the paperwork to fire you is getting fired.

I mean, we've established you, like most Trump supporters, are an angry hateful racist with misdirected rage. But when you sit around and applaud the murder of a child due to a series of fuckups by law enforcement, I have to honestly wonder what the fuck is wrong with you as a human being.

And your hatred of police officers is what makes me wonder about people like you.

It's been proven over and over again the officer acted in self-defense. It's what the investigation revealed, it's what the recording revealed, it's what the forensic scientists revealed, it's what the grand jury agreed to.

Calling an apple cart a tree does not make it a tree. It's still an apple cart. Therefore calling a self-defense shooting murder does not make it murder.
Groups of people (Blacks, Irish, Italians, Germans, Hispanics, Russians, Chinese, whatever) are not MADE a part of the American Dream.


Right.... You know what, those other groups didn't get dragged over here in chains.

They didn't have to deal with 100 years of Jim Crow.

Now, I'm positive when Grandpa Ludwig came over here from Germany and changed the pronunciation of our last name and called himself Louis instead of Ludwig, he was responding to bias against German-Americans between the World Wars.

But eventually, no one cared. We still use the American pronunciation, though.

Blacks, though.. Guess what, they can't stop being black that easily.
More excuses.

Get off your dead asses.

Fix your own problems.

Nobody else is going to do that for you.

Haven't you figured that out by now, after 150 years?

Old news, and more excuse-making.

Bore, bore, bore.

Suck it up, buttercup, and fix your problems; the rest of us are simply sick and tired of listening to your (collective) incessant whining and bullshit excuses.

Fix your problems.

Not our problems... yours.

The time for excuses is drawing to a close; whether that be 2016 (unlikely), or 2020, or 2024... but, soon, and profoundly.

Your Gravy Train is going to derail, and that, sooner, rather than later.

Guy, the thing that makes you stupid is that you think you aren't on the gravy train the rich are trying to derail...
Yes, yes, yes, very nice, I'm sure.

Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with Blacks fixing their own problems, rather than waiting for somebody else to do that for them.

If it hasn't happened in the last 150 years since Emancipation, I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon, eh?
At least he didn't imply that they were all racist, belonged to a basket of deplorables, or sitting home in their mothers basement.

And which one of those statements isn't accurate, fuckstick?

And your hatred of police officers is what makes me wonder about people like you.

It's been proven over and over again the officer acted in self-defense. It's what the investigation revealed, it's what the recording revealed, it's what the forensic scientists revealed, it's what the grand jury agreed to.

Yes, it was a fairly thorough cover up, and except for the dead child with a bullet hole in him, it might even convince a stupid person.

Guys like McShooty make it WORSE for the good cops. The community doesn't trust them. I am surethat every civilian who called the cops on Tamir now feel just awful about it. You think they'll call the next time they see something going down? Nope.

Therefore calling a self-defense shooting murder does not make it murder.

it's not "self-defense" when there wasn't a threat.

Yes, yes, yes, very nice, I'm sure.

Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with Blacks fixing their own problems, rather than waiting for somebody else to do that for them.

If it hasn't happened in the last 150 years since Emancipation, I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon, eh?

Meh, the problem is you are too stupid to realize that the rich have taken so much away from you and gotten you to blame the darkies for it..
At least he didn't imply that they were all racist, belonged to a basket of deplorables, or sitting home in their mothers basement.

And which one of those statements isn't accurate, fuckstick?

And your hatred of police officers is what makes me wonder about people like you.

It's been proven over and over again the officer acted in self-defense. It's what the investigation revealed, it's what the recording revealed, it's what the forensic scientists revealed, it's what the grand jury agreed to.

Yes, it was a fairly thorough cover up, and except for the dead child with a bullet hole in him, it might even convince a stupid person.

Guys like McShooty make it WORSE for the good cops. The community doesn't trust them. I am surethat every civilian who called the cops on Tamir now feel just awful about it. You think they'll call the next time they see something going down? Nope.

Therefore calling a self-defense shooting murder does not make it murder.

it's not "self-defense" when there wasn't a threat.


it's not "self-defense" when there wasn't a threat.


One more time: the officer had absolutely no way of knowing it was a toy gun. The kid even ripped off the colored tip on the site to make it even more realistic looking.

Yes, it was a fairly thorough cover up, and except for the dead child with a bullet hole in him, it might even convince a stupid person.

Guys like McShooty make it WORSE for the good cops. The community doesn't trust them. I am surethat every civilian who called the cops on Tamir now feel just awful about it. You think they'll call the next time they see something going down? Nope.

It's their community, they can do what they like. Let me ask: do you think a 185 lbs 5'8" "child" is capable of pulling a trigger on a gun? His age is irrelevant. The officer seen a very realistic gun being pulled on him and he reacted properly. Or do you think police should ask for ID before defending themselves?

And which one of those statements isn't accurate, fuckstick?

Glad to see that you agree with Hil-liar. In fact, you should hang a sign on your front porch that this is the way liberals feel about anybody that doesn't agree with them. All of America should know the contempt of liberals before they go out and vote this year.

t's their community, they can do what they like. Let me ask: do you think a 185 lbs 5'8" "child" is capable of pulling a trigger on a gun? His age is irrelevant. The officer seen a very realistic gun being pulled on him and he reacted properly. Or do you think police should ask for ID before defending themselves?

McShoooty couldn't handle himself on a gun range, which is why he was fired. He clearly couldn't make a good judgement call here, either.
Glad to see that you agree with Hil-liar. In fact, you should hang a sign on your front porch that this is the way liberals feel about anybody that doesn't agree with them. All of America should know the contempt of liberals before they go out and vote this year.

I don't have contempt for "all Americans", just you dumb white trash fucksticks who don't care how bad the rich fuck them, as long as they get to lord it over the darkies... Trump, a con artist by nature, knows suckers when he sees them.

I have even more contempt for people who KNOW what Trump is, but vote for him because he's the only candidate you have...
I don't have contempt for "all Americans", just you dumb white trash fucksticks who don't care how bad the rich fuck them, as long as they get to lord it over the darkies... Trump, a con artist by nature, knows suckers when he sees them.

I have even more contempt for people who KNOW what Trump is, but vote for him because he's the only candidate you have...

Correct, just like you'll vote for Hillary for the same reason.
McShoooty couldn't handle himself on a gun range, which is why he was fired. He clearly couldn't make a good judgement call here, either.

So what was a good judgement call, wait until the gun is pointed at you and the first bullet comes out?
...Perhaps it's time to make everyone in the country a part of the "American Dream", but I guess those living the dream want to have the poor there and unable to move up...

Groups of people (Blacks, Irish, Italians, Germans, Hispanics, Russians, Chinese, whatever) are not MADE a part of the American Dream.

Groups of people shake-off their disadvantages, bust their asses for a couple of generations, keep the faith, keep their mouths shut, and FIGHT TO BECOME part of that Dream.

Nobody is going to hand this to you.

Because of the obvious effects of skin-color or racial-identity in this country, you have already been accommodated, far and above that extended to other groups.

But nobody can (nor will they) grab that brass ring and hand that to you... for that, you've got to want it, and you've got to get off your dead-ass and reach for it... yourself.

It's a concept that, collectively, you have yet to master...

Individual Black folk who manage to shake off the inner-city ghetto mentality or the victim mentality and bust their asses to better themselves, are welcome elsewhere in America...

You can see that in America's suburbs and businesses across the country... skin-color counts for far less out there, nowadays, than the self-excusers amongst you still claim...

Other folks ( White, Hispanic, whatever ) have far more respect for a Black American who shows courage and gets out there and busts-ass, than some inner-city under-performer...

But America has grown very weary of listening to (so many of) you making excuses and whining and playing the Race Card and not taking responsibility for your own futures...

And you've just about hit the end of the line, with regard to the amount of accommodation or patience that the REST of America has left in reserve, in dealing with you...

Stop whining... stop making excuses... stop expecting help in fixing your problems, to come from outside your community... and start moving forward, in a hundred ways.

That, or continue to rot and stagnate in your Democratic Party -controlled Plantations... your choice... the rest of us will watch with interest, to see if you actually have it in you.

If you make it... even if it takes another generation or two... you'll find the rest of us waiting... and ready to applaud... but it's up to you now... we've already given what we can.

Time for you to stand or fall on your own feet.

Then again many of these groups didn't have the disadvantages that black people had. Simply put the institutional racism against black people and Native Americans was much, much worse than for any other groups. You don't see it?
You have already been given sufficient Extra Accommodation due to your skin-color or racial identity, and that's about all you can (or ever could) expect.

Again... stop making excuses... stand on your own two feet... you've just about hit the Donor Exhaustion point, with the rest of America.

Again, you're ignoring the fact that what has been done DOESN'T WORK. And mostly what we're talking now is about poverty and the system keeping many in poverty.
Again, you're ignoring the fact that what has been done DOESN'T WORK. And mostly what we're talking now is about poverty and the system keeping many in poverty.

What is poverty? Poverty is not having enough money.

What is the solution to poverty? Money.

How does one get money? Getting a job, working a lot of hours if needed, and not spending on anything you don't need to spend money on.

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