Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is Preserving White supremacy.

It's in the video; the same video the GJ seen and determined that he did have that gun in his hand.

So you don't have a picture, then...

Wait... here's a picture.


Looks like his hands are in his coat pockets to me.
It's in the video; the same video the GJ seen and determined that he did have that gun in his hand.

So you don't have a picture, then...

Wait... here's a picture.


Looks like his hands are in his coat pockets to me.

Yes, and the police didn't even exit their vehicle yet. So here's the enhanced video narrated by The CNN reporter. She slows down the video to show him pulling the gun out of his pants just before he got shot.

Yes, and the police didn't even exit their vehicle yet. So here's the enhanced video narrated by The CNN reporter. She slows down the video to show him pulling the gun out of his pants just before he got shot.

That's now what Im seeing, nor is it what the experts determined, right before Cleveland wrote out a BIG OLD CHECK to the family.

Hope you like paying bigger taxes!
That's now what Im seeing, nor is it what the experts determined, right before Cleveland wrote out a BIG OLD CHECK to the family.

Hope you like paying bigger taxes!

That's why it's fruitless to show you anything; you only see what you want to see.

Rice seen the cops coming so he turned away to put the gun in his pants. When he figured he hid the gun properly, he turned around and walked towards where the police were going to stop their car. When the car stopped, he reached in his pants again to retrieve the gun, and that's when he got shot. You can see how high his shoulder went up as he was pulling the gun out, and that's what the video expert pointed out. He did not have his hand in his pocket just before he got shot.

So here's what took place. The police got a call about a man waiving a gun around in a park known for drug and violent activity. As police were pulling up, they seen the suspect turn around quickly and start walking towards the police car. His hands were in his pockets. As the police stopped the car and exited the vehicle, Rice quickly took his hand out of his pocket, went to the front of his pants and began pulling out a gun.
That's why it's fruitless to show you anything; you only see what you want to see.

Yes, all I see is a dead child. Hey, here's a picture of that CHILD in case anyone forgot.


Rice seen the cops coming so he turned away to put the gun in his pants. When he figured he hid the gun properly, he turned around and walked towards where the police were going to stop their car. When the car stopped, he reached in his pants again to retrieve the gun, and that's when he got shot. You can see how high his shoulder went up as he was pulling the gun out, and that's what the video expert pointed out. He did not have his hand in his pocket just before he got shot.

Why would he do any of that? It was A FUCKING TOY!!!!
Yes, it's sad that a child made a deadly mistake. But what can you do? Bad parenting is bad parenting and you can't stop that.

No, actually, an inept bully wiht a gun and badge made a mistake.
The idiotic bureaucrat who hired him without checking into his background made a mistake.

The child just had the bad luck to be born black in a racist country.
No, actually, an inept bully wiht a gun and badge made a mistake.
The idiotic bureaucrat who hired him without checking into his background made a mistake.

The child just had the bad luck to be born black in a racist country.

Getting shot by the police has nothing to do with luck. Getting shot by police means you didn't listen to them and presented some kind of threat. The officer made no mistake at all. Somebody was pulling a gun on him and he felt the need to defend himself.
Yes, it's sad that a child made a deadly mistake. But what can you do? Bad parenting is bad parenting and you can't stop that.

No, actually, an inept bully wiht a gun and badge made a mistake.
The idiotic bureaucrat who hired him without checking into his background made a mistake.

The child just had the bad luck to be born black in a racist country.

If you ever get mugged or become the victim of crime, I hope an "inept bully with a gun and badge" shows you why America needs police officers by saving your sorry hide.

You spelled realist wrong.

8 years ago, I figured out just how quickly big corporations could fuck up your life, no matter how white you are, no matter how educated you are, no matter how many hours you put in...

And then I stopped voting Republican.

But they've still convinced you that Darkie still wants half your cookie.

I doubt you've ever "figured out" anything. You're as stupid as a stump

"You're as stupid as a stump"

Well Leftist stumps have IQ's of 240 or something, we know this because they've told people that they have :rolleyes-41:

Oh wait, hold on I forgot :eusa_doh:
Yes, it's sad that a child made a deadly mistake. But what can you do? Bad parenting is bad parenting and you can't stop that.

No, actually, an inept bully wiht a gun and badge made a mistake.
The idiotic bureaucrat who hired him without checking into his background made a mistake.

The child just had the bad luck to be born black in a racist country.

What is racist is Leftist SJW saying that only white people are racist, whilst thinking that thugs like BLM shouting about how they hate white people, "Kill whitey", "Kill white police officers", "all white people are devils" etc none of that is racist.

There are no more pure racists than the Leftist Extremists, they are mostly white themselves, they even hate themselves, they're level of pathological self-hatred has now reached the full spectrum range of mental illness and nobody cares what these psychologically messed up and Socially crippled freaks think anymore.
Getting shot by the police has nothing to do with luck. Getting shot by police means you didn't listen to them and presented some kind of threat. The officer made no mistake at all. Somebody was pulling a gun on him and he felt the need to defend himself.

1) Wasn't pulling a gun
2) Didn't have enough time to make any kind of valid threat assessment in less than 2 seconds
3) Didn't give the kid any orders to listen to. He just shot him.

Enough is enough.
What is racist is Leftist SJW saying that only white people are racist, whilst thinking that thugs like BLM shouting about how they hate white people, "Kill whitey", "Kill white police officers", "all white people are devils" etc none of that is racist.

There's an argument to be made that you can't be racist if you lack the political and institutioonal power to carry it out. I don't personally subscribe to that, but it's out there.

Yes, some BLM protestors are over the top. Doesn't mean that they don't have a valid complaint. Just like the fact the Unabomber was an asshole doesn't mean we shouldn't be concerned about the environment.

There are no more pure racists than the Leftist Extremists, they are mostly white themselves, they even hate themselves, they're level of pathological self-hatred has now reached the full spectrum range of mental illness and nobody cares what these psychologically messed up and Socially crippled freaks think anymore.

You see, you were near a point on the first paragraph, and then you just went off the rails.

This isn't about being a social justice warrior. YOu talk to me about cornrows and safe spaces, I will laugh at you.

But your children being shot by thug cops and then the cops cover it up.. Um, yeah, that's a valid complaint.
1) Wasn't pulling a gun
2) Didn't have enough time to make any kind of valid threat assessment in less than 2 seconds
3) Didn't give the kid any orders to listen to. He just shot him.

Enough is enough.

1. Was pulling a gun as the video showed and by the officers testimony.
2. Pulling a gun on a police officer is a threat.
3. No evidence that the officer didn't give any orders. You are just making that up.
Yes, it's sad that a child made a deadly mistake. But what can you do? Bad parenting is bad parenting and you can't stop that.

No, actually, an inept bully wiht a gun and badge made a mistake.
The idiotic bureaucrat who hired him without checking into his background made a mistake.

The child just had the bad luck to be born black in a racist country.


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