President Assad: The Russian role has redrawn the international political map


Nov 14, 2012

President Assad highlighted the Russian role in achieving victories both on the battlefields and regarding the international diplomacy in talks with a Russian delegation visiting Damascus. The steadfastness of the Syrian people and army and the effective support of Syria´s allies, mainly Russia, he stressed, resulted in the elimination of large numbers of terrorists and the safeguarding of many areas in Syria.
Russia is a super power following a strategy that is based on adherence to principles and values and compliance with the international law, President Assad underlined.
The Russian delegation on their part said that the Russian parliament supports Syria´s resilience and determination to maintain their state. They stated that the economic and terrorist war on Syria is the result of Syria´s will to maintain independence and sovereignty that also can be seen on the basis of the Syrians´ activity regarding the upcoming parliamentary elections.

President Assad: The Russian role has redrawn the international political map
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Yo, Vlad - it already and has been a chaos, ya idiot...

Kremlin warns deposing Assad would create 'total chaos' in Syria
June 17, 2016 -- Russia warned the United States that overthrowing the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad would create 'total chaos,' but said it would support incorporating members of Syria's opposition into the government.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Friday that overthrowing Assad could make "the region plunge in total chaos." At the same time, Russian President Vladimir Putin said incorporating Syrian opposition into the government may be an effective move, if approached carefully. "It is also necessary not to go over the top in this case and it is necessary to proceed from present-day realities and avoid seeking the declaration of unfulfillable, unachievable goals," Putin said. "It is necessary to act accurately, step by step, gradually achieving the trust of all conflicting parties. If this happens, and I believe that this will happen all the same, the sooner, the better, and then it will be possible to move farther and talk about subsequent elections and full settlement."

The comments come just hours after a leaked internal memo showed 51 U.S. diplomats signed a "dissent channel cable." The memo repeatedly called for "targeted military strikes" on the Syrian government as it continues to violate cease-fire agreements in the country's five-year civil war. The memo calls for "a judicious use of stand-off and air weapons, which would undergird and drive a more focused and hard-nosed U.S.-led diplomatic process." Peskov said the Kremlin "knows nothing" about the memo and would not comment about it specifically. "There are such general media reports. That's why we cannot say anything about it, of course. We do not have any reliable information on this so far," he said.

Kremlin warns deposing Assad would create 'total chaos' in Syria

See also:

U.S. diplomats urge strikes against Syrian President Assad
June 17, 2016 -- More than 50 U.S. State Department diplomats signed an internal memo urging the United States to use military force against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government.
The 51 career diplomats who signed the "dissent channel cable" repeatedly called for "targeted military strikes" against the Syrian government as it continues to violate cease-fire agreements in the country's five-year civil war. The memo calls for "a judicious use of stand-off and air weapons, which would undergird and drive a more focused and hard-nosed U.S.-led diplomatic process." The memo also faulted Assad for not allowing humanitarian efforts, such as food and medical supplies, in the war-torn country.

The memo amounts to a scathing critique of President Barack Obama's longstanding policy of not taking sides in the Syrian War. Obama has continually refused direct U.S. military involvement, saying it would only add to the violence and not improve the situation in the country. The diplomats said the policy of ignoring Assad has fed the Islamic State, leading to the massive refugee crisis across Europe. The White House has depended on Secretary of State John Kerry to lead the diplomatic efforts to end the conflict but Assad has felt no pressure to negotiate, the memo said. Diplomats said the government's barrel bombing of civilians is the "root cause of the instability that continues to grip Syria and the broader region."


Seig heil!​

"Failure to stem Assad's flagrant abuses will only bolster the ideological appeal of groups such as Daesh, even as they endure tactical setbacks on the battlefield," the memo said, using an alternative name for the Islamic State, also known as ISIS and ISIL. Kerry himself has pushed for a stronger reaction from the United States. Obama, backed by his military leaders, has raised questions about what would happen if Assad was forced out. The memo does not address that scenario.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the dissent channel, established during the Vietnam War for employees to post policy disagreements, is "an important vehicle that the secretary, as well as the department institutionally, values and respects that allows department employees to express policy views candidly and privately to senior leadership." The State Department has 30 to 60 days to respond. "We are aware of a dissent channel cable written by a group of State Department employees regarding the situation in Syria. We are reviewing the cable now, which came up very recently, and I am not going to comment on the contents," Kirby said.

U.S. diplomats urge strikes against Syrian President Assad
It is tactfully useful to know that the U.S. State Dept. is rotten with neocons.

Dear Vlad, hope you are reading this.
Who's running that country anyhow? The Russian invaders who only care about their bases in Syria? Or the genocidal mass murderer Assad who's killed over 300,000 of his own people while losing 2/3 of his country? There is no "Syria" as we knew it any longer. It will eventually be divided into three or four once the dust settles.

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