President Biden Is Bad For America Because He Does Not Promote Responsibility!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Biden signed Into law his $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act on March 11, 2021 this law appropriated $28.6 billion to help America's restaurant businesses hurt by the Pandemic through a grant program called the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF). A lot of these businesses were economically decimated by Covid 19 and many of their owners were small business owners whose whole lives were tied up in their restaurant business. So it was a noble initiative this financial aid program, but just like the often seen progressive approach to governance the money was recklessly and irresponsibly spent. The Biden's Small Business Administration (SBA) divvied this $28 billion out to 105,000 restaurant business leaving at least tens of thousands of deserving and needy restaurant businesses getting nothing, not one penny. The SBA website reported that the agency received over 370,000 applications for this grant program; of course all these applications were not legitimate but excluding the ineligibles one can obviously see that the number of businesses and their American citizen owners that were treated unfairly by not getting a grant was huge. The Progressively run SBA to a large degree ran the program that the first approved got the grant for their qualified amount and when the money ran out, tough luck for you other applicants. The grant program should have been run in a responsible manner, the pot should have been divided into two pots based on the percentage of businesses in the initial round their demographic portion compared to the entire number of restaurant businesses in America; the initial round by statute was for racial minorities, women and veteran owners of such businesses. The SBA should have set a time table for the initial round and a time table for the second and final round and the grant distributions should not have been made until after the time table was over and all the applications were processed and the grant amount per application should have been a percent of the qualified amount based on the amount of the grant money in the pot compared to the total of all the qualified amount of all the applications approved in that round. This would have resulted in all the applicants being treated fairly because as it turns out now the applicants that got no grant money at all and deserved such grant money they really got the shaft considering the amount of grants given to some applicants, in the Philadelphia region one applicant got $10 million, another, $8.6 million , three got in the five million category pursuant to the Philadelphia Inquirer, which further reported that in this region half the grant money sent to this region when to just under ten percent of the recipients for this region!

If the Whitehouse was a responsible one it would bring about firings or demotions for the top authority figures in the SBA in charge of the reckless, abusive and unfair operation of this grant program. There should be consequences for irresponsible behavior; otherwise, such bad behavior continues. There probably won't be such consequences because the current occupant of the Presidency of the United States doesn't place much of a premium on being responsible; in promoting responsibility it shouldn't even be an issue that if you expect the Federal government to send you a portion every month of a $3000/year child tax credit and you can work that is you have the health status to be able to work and you are not going to school that you do actually work in order to qualify to receive this tax credit. Not for Progressive President Joseph Biden it is okay to not hold a job when you are able to work it is okay to sit home watching cable TV, chatting with your friends on your cell phone and waiting for the child credit money to be put on your debit card, this is Joe Biden's America all you Americans struggling to work at low wage jobs because that is all you can find and you are working to try to be responsible people you are fools it is an unnecessary effort your making pursuant to the current head of the Executive Branch of the United States of America!
The trump Nazis' cheeto-in-chief never took responsibility for any of his thousands of fvck-ups.

Your OP is nothing if not silly.


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