President Biden to Speak to Nation Today

Biden says he will get 100 million vaccines in 60 days not 100


The idiot Joe Biden has done nothing concerning the production of vaccines. It was President Trump who set that into motion, and the pharma companies can only produce what they can produce.

All I'm seeing is an old man who barely has enough mental capacity to read a pre-prepared speech from a teleprompter. He acts like he performed some miracle in distributing the vaccines from the manufacturer to the people, but Trump would have done that anyway. And he would have done it more efficiently.

Nothing to see in his speech, except that it was probably deliberately written in 5-7 word sentences. That's about all he can handle without fucking up.

He walked off the stage without answering any questions, and Tucker called it "strange" and surreal." My wife called the speech "bizzare."
Biden signs $1.9 trillion Covid relief bill, clearing way for stimulus checks, vaccine aid

President Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package Thursday afternoon as Washington moves to send fresh aid this month.

With his signature, the president checks off his first priority in the White House. He also will give a primetime address Thursday describing how the country will proceed in fighting the virus a year after the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic.

The plan will send direct payments of up to $1,400 to most Americans. Direct deposits will start hitting Americans’ bank accounts as soon as this weekend, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday.

The bill will also extend a $300 per week unemployment insurance boost until Sept. 6 and expand the child tax credit for a year. It will also put nearly $20 billion into Covid-19 vaccinations, $25 billion into rental and utility assistance and $350 billion into state, local and tribal relief.

“This historic legislation is about rebuilding the backbone of this country,” Biden said before signing the legislation. “And giving people in this nation, working people, middle class folks, the people who built this country, a fighting chance.”

I wonder what his remarks will look like? Thank you for the money, Mr. President.
go get a job you fucking loser, you think that money is free dip?
Biden says he will get 100 million vaccines in 60 days not 100


The idiot Joe Biden has done nothing concerning the production of vaccines. It was President Trump who set that into motion, and the pharma companies can only produce what they can produce.

All I'm seeing is an old man who barely has enough mental capacity to read a pre-prepared speech from a teleprompter. He acts like he performed some miracle in distributing the vaccines from the manufacturer to the people, but Trump would have done that anyway. And he would have done it more efficiently.

Nothing to see in his speech, except that it was probably deliberately written in 5-7 word sentences. That's about all he can handle without fucking up.

Tucker called it "strange" and surreal."
Do you mean Private Citizen Trump?
We had it on and I was kinda paying attention. Nothing major but I'm pretty sure he didn't call anyone a stupid name so that's good.

Pretty hard to stray from the topic when his speech was written in short sentences.

We had it on and I was kinda paying attention. Nothing major but I'm pretty sure he didn't call anyone a stupid name so that's good.

Pretty hard to stray from the topic when his speech was written in short sentences.

Short simple sentences and sentence fragments....Practiced for days and sprinkle a stiff dose of amphetamines on top.
It's amusing how y'all can totally dis a man and his speech three hours before he gives it.

Don't get me wrong, I've never seen the former prez on tv. So I figure that all of the naysayers won't see the one tonight. It's cool.
Do you recall Trump's STOU speeches? You goldfish memory hypocrite
Like I said, I never saw him on TV, so I can't recall that which I did not see and hear.
Biden signs $1.9 trillion Covid relief bill, clearing way for stimulus checks, vaccine aid

President Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package Thursday afternoon as Washington moves to send fresh aid this month.

With his signature, the president checks off his first priority in the White House. He also will give a primetime address Thursday describing how the country will proceed in fighting the virus a year after the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic.

The plan will send direct payments of up to $1,400 to most Americans. Direct deposits will start hitting Americans’ bank accounts as soon as this weekend, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday.

The bill will also extend a $300 per week unemployment insurance boost until Sept. 6 and expand the child tax credit for a year. It will also put nearly $20 billion into Covid-19 vaccinations, $25 billion into rental and utility assistance and $350 billion into state, local and tribal relief.

“This historic legislation is about rebuilding the backbone of this country,” Biden said before signing the legislation. “And giving people in this nation, working people, middle class folks, the people who built this country, a fighting chance.”

EDIT: Can watch it here if desired...8pm EST

I wonder what his remarks will look like? Thank you for the money, Mr. President.
No questions from reporters, of course.
I think Trump's exchanges with the media have put an end to that for the foreseeable future. But the past 4 years showed that whatever portion of the media that is not interested in being part of a WH propaganda program can still point criticism to whatever part of president's policy they find lacking.

The sad thing is you actually believe this.
Yeah, sure he can, he can't even remember his own picks for important positions.
Funny...i don't recall you cultists whining about Trump doing that. But cultists will cult...

Trump was in front of the cameras whether he was covered or not by the Prog dominated media a thousand times more then Beijing Biden. Biden has a track record of not being "all there". To steal an election to put this into office is beyond dangerous.

Biden has better knowledge of key issues than Dumb Donnie ever did.

Biden actually knows how to read and pays attention at briefings.
Imagine a President who actually listens to Scientists instead of lecturing them about injecting disinfectants

How the hell would you know anything about that worthless, dementia ridden ass sitter? You know him? True, he sat on his ass in the Senate for how many years again? 47? 48?

I like your assertion that Biden "knows how to read and play attention in briefings". The asshole can't stay awake long enough to read or pay attention in ANY briefing.

Let's get real here.

Joe Biden is among the most respected Senators of his era.

Along with Ted Kennedy, John McCain, Bob Dole, John Kerry ....

You admire all the biggest scumbags in the Senate.

Name any more accomplished Senators

I can't name one who plagiarized as much as xiden.
Yeah, sure he can, he can't even remember his own picks for important positions.
Funny...i don't recall you cultists whining about Trump doing that. But cultists will cult...

Trump was in front of the cameras whether he was covered or not by the Prog dominated media a thousand times more then Beijing Biden. Biden has a track record of not being "all there". To steal an election to put this into office is beyond dangerous.

Biden has better knowledge of key issues than Dumb Donnie ever did.

Biden actually knows how to read and pays attention at briefings.
Imagine a President who actually listens to Scientists instead of lecturing them about injecting disinfectants

How the hell would you know anything about that worthless, dementia ridden ass sitter? You know him? True, he sat on his ass in the Senate for how many years again? 47? 48?

I like your assertion that Biden "knows how to read and play attention in briefings". The asshole can't stay awake long enough to read or pay attention in ANY briefing.

Let's get real here.

Joe Biden is among the most respected Senators of his era.

Along with Ted Kennedy, John McCain, Bob Dole, John Kerry ....

You admire all the biggest scumbags in the Senate.

Name any more accomplished Senators

I can't name one who plagiarized as much as xiden.

Yeah, sure he can, he can't even remember his own picks for important positions.
Funny...i don't recall you cultists whining about Trump doing that. But cultists will cult...

Trump was in front of the cameras whether he was covered or not by the Prog dominated media a thousand times more then Beijing Biden. Biden has a track record of not being "all there". To steal an election to put this into office is beyond dangerous.

Biden has better knowledge of key issues than Dumb Donnie ever did.

Biden actually knows how to read and pays attention at briefings.
Imagine a President who actually listens to Scientists instead of lecturing them about injecting disinfectants

How the hell would you know anything about that worthless, dementia ridden ass sitter? You know him? True, he sat on his ass in the Senate for how many years again? 47? 48?

I like your assertion that Biden "knows how to read and play attention in briefings". The asshole can't stay awake long enough to read or pay attention in ANY briefing.

Let's get real here.

Joe Biden is among the most respected Senators of his era.

Along with Ted Kennedy, John McCain, Bob Dole, John Kerry ....

You admire all the biggest scumbags in the Senate.

Name any more accomplished Senators

I can't name one who plagiarized as much as xiden.


Your hero xiden. The most plagiarizing Senator in history.
It's amusing how y'all can totally dis a man and his speech three hours before he gives it.

Don't get me wrong, I've never seen the former prez on tv. So I figure that all of the naysayers won't see the one tonight. It's cool.
Do you recall Trump's STOU speeches? You goldfish memory hypocrite
Like I said, I never saw him on TV, so I can't recall that which I did not see and hear.
Same. Stopped wathcing any Government stuff for the 4 years he was President.
Dementia Riddled *Joe's slacked jawed blank stares in between lines were just spooky.

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