President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union Address

Of course. You also believe humans can change their gender and people are causing global warming.

This country was built on immigration

Lowlife bigots like yourself are what we have to worry about.
Didnt matter

Conservatives of the day still treated them like scum and spread lies and misinformation of how dangerous they were to regular Americans
It most certainly does matter. You preach that no one is above the law, then ignore lawbreakers. That's mental illness.
In Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler argued that one should not evaluate a political message by the effect it has on one’s own self, but by the effect it has on its chosen audience. He also claimed that for most people feelings matter more than facts

With this in mind, I will try to evaluate President Biden’s State of the Union Speech. I may be more able to do this than many people because I agree with GOP on its most popular issues, which are its stands on crime, race, and immigration. I agree with the Democrats on progressive taxation and legal abortion. These are strong issues for the Democrats.

On several occasions I have demonstrated that most Americans would like a more progressive tax system than the one we have.

According to Gallup, 51% of Americans want abortion to be legal under some circumstances, 34% want abortion to be legal under all circumstances. Only 13% want abortion to be illegal under all circumstances.


Nevertheless, many Republican politicians favor an absolute ban on abortion, so I think Biden was correct in stating his support for legal abortion. He seemed to be spending too much time stating his support for IVF. I had to go to the internet to learn that IVF stands for “in vitro fertilization." I doubt that is a salient issue for most Americans.

On the issue of race, Americans oppose racial reparations by 68% to 30%.

Black and White Americans are far apart in their views of reparations for slavery

On the issue of affirmative action in university admissions, Americans favor the recent Supreme Court decision by 68% to 32%. Even most blacks favor it by 52% by 48%.

Post-Affirmative Action, Views on Admissions Differ by Race

On the issue of crime, Americans favor capital punishment for murder by 53% to 44%.

Death Penalty

32% of Americans think prison sentences are too short. 28% think they are too long.

U.S. public divided over whether people convicted of crimes spend too much or too little time in prison

41% of Americans want immigration to be reduced. 26% want more immigrants.


On the issues of crime, race, and immigration a Democrat politician who wants to appeal to a national audience needs to tread lightly. I think Biden did that in his speech.

“WASHINGTON, D.C. -- While still negative overall, Gallup’s Economic Confidence Index has improved each of the past two months to its highest point in two years, reflecting improved views of both current economic conditions and the economy’s direction. However, a steady majority of Americans continue to say recent price increases have created financial hardship for them. WASHINGTON, D.C. -- While still negative overall, Gallup’s Economic Confidence Index has improved each of the past two months to its highest point in two years, reflecting improved views of both current economic conditions and the economy’s direction. However, a steady majority of Americans continue to say recent price increases have created financial hardship for them.”

Economic Mood Improves, but Inflation Still Vexing Americans

I will wait for fact checkers to judge the accuracy of Biden’s assertions about good economic numbers. If his assertions are accurate, and if things keep improving. the economy should be a strong issue for him in November.

(After writing this ^ it seems that stumbler has already done this in his comment #21, and that Biden's assertions are largely accurate.)

Biden needed to tread lightly on the war in Gaza, because Democrats are more likely to support the Palestinians than Israel.

I think Biden did this, combining his long time support for Israel with his belief that the Israeli Defense Force has over reacted in its response to the recent Hamas attack.

I disagree with Biden’s support for a two state solution in the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Nevertheless, I liked the speech. It reaffirmed my decision to vote for him in November.

I agree with Hitler that what matters is what most people thought and felt about Biden’s State of the Union Speech.

“A 56% majority of Americans who watched President Biden’s State of the Union address say that his economic policies will move the US in the right direction, according to a CNN Poll of speech watchers conducted by SSRS, with 44% saying that his policies will move things in the wrong direction.

“That’s an improvement from a survey conducted in the days before the speech, when 55% of those same people said Biden’s economic proposals would move things in the wrong direction.” 56% majority of Americans,things in the wrong direction.

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