President Biden's Complete And Historic COVID disaster


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Joe Biden Has Created an Atmosphere Of Continuous Manipulation and Fear Through Un-Constitutional Mandates And Fear-Mongering

Biden openly declared Americans were spreading disinformation about COVID-19 and threatened to take action against them; however, it has been Biden and his administration (Biden, Psaki, Fauci, etc…) who have spread lies and misinformation about the COVID-19 virus.

- Fauci repeatedly declared ‘follow the science’ and proclaimed when anyone criticized HIM they were criticizing science because he was / represented science, despite his continuous flip-flopping and being proven wrong. (Fauci was proven to have committed perjury before Congress and to have funded CCP Gain of Function testing that produced the virus.

- The Biden administration repeatedly told Americans to wear cloth masks and even mandated the wearing of masks. While masks do prevent droplets from flying around they do not protect people from getting the virus. Masks, according to doctors, worn for extended periods of time, do physical and psychological harm to children.

- Biden spread division, hatred, and fear by demonizing Americans who have not gotten the vaccine. Biden is literally killing Americans by claiming Vaccinated Americans can NOT get or spread the virus. Biden has declared ONLY the unvaccinated can get the virus, the only ones spreading the virus, and the only ones dying from the virus. THIS IS A BLATANT LIE! COVID-19 vaccines do NOT protect / prevent people from catching COVID-19 – it helps lessen the symptoms / severity of the effects of the virus. Vaccines help prevent infected people from having to go to the hospital and protect hospitalized people from being incubated.

- The Biden administration withheld life-saving drugs and the anti-body treatment from states / cities that refused to comply with Biden’s Un-Constitutional vaccine mandates. Americans literally died because of life-saving drugs were withheld due to ‘Politics’ / the Democrats’ agenda, proving Biden and his handlers were / are willing to sacrifice American lives IOT ‘herd’ Americans into compliance with illegal, Un-Constitutional mandates. “Comply with the mandate, get the vaccine, or DIE!”

- The Biden administration’s quarantine, mask, and vaccine mandates are Un-Constitutional, violating Americans’ civil and Constitutional Rights; however, Biden criminally rejected the courts’ rulings and told businesses to ignore the courts’ and to continue enforcing his illegal mandates, firing anyone who has not complied. The mandates trampled Americans’ civil and Constitutional Rights, they bankrupted and destroyed over 60% of all minority-owned small businesses.

- The Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine policy is a failed ‘One Size Fits All’ Mandate that strips Americans of personal choice and management of their own personal health care. The decision to take the COVID vaccine should be a personal decision made between an individual and their doctor, a decision based on what treatment is in the individual’s best medical interest, especially when many Americans have personal medical conditions that could jeopardize Americans’ health if they take the vaccine. Biden and Democrats, instead, are declaring Americans’ personal right of personal medical / health care choice is forfeit and the government should have the final say.

- Again, Biden is literally causing Americans to die and / or suffer heart damage with his vaccine mandate. “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that for every million doses, there have been 67 cases of heart inflammation in boys 12 to 17 (nine in girls of that age group), 56 in those aged 18 to 24 (six in girls), and 20 in males 25 to 29 (three in girls). That means the risk is quite low.” Comparatively, the mortality rate for COVID-19 is 0.08%, consisting of mainly elderly people with pre-existing conditions and people with immune deficiency conditions. More and more professional athletes have been reported in the news as having collapsed on the field, in the middle of playing their sport, and then diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination. The world free-diving champion was recently diagnosed with heart damage after taking the vaccine, ending his career. The odds of such an extremely physically gifted individual catching and dying of COVID-19 in the 1st place was infinitesimal, so he really did not have to take the risk of taking the vaccine. He did so any way, and now he has a heart condition that has ended his record-setting/holding career in his prime.

- Recently the Biden administration declared they did not see the Delta Variant or Omicron mutation coming. That’s not hard to believe since Democrats, to include the Democrat-Run House Intel Committee that SHOULD HAVE seen COVID-19 coming failed to see the coming pandemic but did not because they were distracted with House Speaker Pelosi’s 1st failed Impeachment attempt, an Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses, an Impeachment during which House Intel Committee Chairman D-Adam Schiff was caught criminally manufacturing false evidence.

- President Biden’s and VP Harris’ claim that the Biden administration did not see the Delta variant and Omicron mutation coming are LIES, lies almost immediately debunked by the CDC who declared they knew it was coming not long after they were discovered. The head of the CDC publicly stated they saw them coming and had been preparing for it. The WHO warned the US approximately 25 November 2021 about the Omicron virus mutation that posed a high risk of infection surges around the globe. So neither Biden nor Harris had any clue the last 2 mutations of COVID-19 were coming and had no clue what the CDC knew or was doing to prepare for them, despite the fact that in the middle of a pandemic one would think the President of the United States, the Vice President, and the CDC would all be on the same page.

- COVID-19’s mortality rate is supposedly 0.08%; however, many / most people who had the virus and died had pre-existing conditions / illnesses. The deaths of people who had heart attacks and cancer and also had COVID-19 were inaccurately credited to COVID-19. The COVID-19 death rates were also skewed by the deaths of thousands and thousands of elderly Americans who were intentionally ‘murdered’ by Democrat Governors who intentionally packed virus-infected patients into nursing homes. NY Gov Cuomo, for example, publicly declared the elderly were most likely to die from the virus…before instituting a policy mandating virus-infected seniors be placed in nursing homes. Biden selected transgender Rachel Levine to be United States Assistant Secretary for Health, despite Levine and her Pa nursing home policies being responsible for more nursing home deaths in Pa than Cuomo in NY. DEMOCRAT SKEWING THE COVID-19 MORTALITY RATE: According to the NY Times, At least 184,000 coronavirus deaths have been reported among residents and employees of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities for older adults in the United States.

- President engaged in MASSIVE fear-mongering when he warned Americans they were in for a ‘Winter of Death’ due to the rapidly-spreading Omicron. While Biden is right about how much faster the new COVIDS-19 mutation spreads that COVID-19, he is absolutely, 1000% WRONG about the mortality rate of Omicron (0.008 %). While Biden attempts to scare the hell out of Americans right before Christmas, as Fauci threatens to ‘cancel Christmas’ and attempts to tell Americans who they can and cannot have at their house during Christmas, the FACT is the symptoms of Omicron are SORE JOINTS AND BEING TIRED. THAT’S IT. THE SEASONAL FLU CAUSES WORSE SYMPTOMS AND MORE DEATHS. DESPITE OMICRON NOW BEING THE DOMINANT U.S. STRAIN OF COVID – 73% OF ALL CASES, THE CDC IS REPORTING THERE ARE NO DEATHS IN THE UNITED STATES DUE TO OMICRON…YET JOE BIDEN IT DECLARING WE ARE IN FOR THE ‘WINTER OF DEATH’, THAT UNVACCINATED AMERICANS WILL BE THE REASON FOR THE COMING MASS INCREASE IN DEATHS, THAT HE IS CONSIDERING MORE QUARANTINE, MASK MANDATES, AND A NEW VACCINE MANDATE THAT CONSISTS OF ‘FULLY VACCINATED’ BEING CHANGED TO MEAN HAVING BOTH VACCINE SHOTS AND A BOOSTER SHOT. OMICRON PATIENTS HAVE 80% LOWER RISK OF HOSPITALIZATION THAN COVID-19 INFECTED PATIENTS.

Latest Study: Omicron Patients have 80% Lower Risk of Hospitalization

EVERY educated person in the world knows when viruses mutate they get WEAKER. Omicron is the 2nd mutation (supposedly). The symptoms of Omicron are NON-LIFE-THREATENING ACHY JOINTS and BEING TIRED.

- The Biden administration is predicting a ‘Winter of Death’ due to Omicron.

- Biden is again demonizing unvaccinated Americans and blaming them for the coming Omicron ‘Winter of Death’.

- Biden insists every American has to get vaccinated to defeat the new variant…and if Americans don’t get vaccinated he is considering imposing mandates again.

- Although the risk of heart damage / conditions from the vaccine is not ‘high’, BUT the decision is still to get a vaccine / vaccine booster that does have the risk of heart damage – no matter how ‘slight’ - against a virus that has a 0.008% mortality rate, whose symptoms are achy joints and being tired, OR don’t get the vaccine, have achy joints and be tired for a little while with no risk whatsoever of heart damage.

Considering the fact that every time a virus mutates it gets weaker, I have heard that the newest mutation of COVID has already been discovered and is spreading even faster than Omicron. The symptoms include intestinal discomfort resulting in extremely embarrassing malodorous flatulence lasting 12 hours, approximate 20 seconds of blushing immediately after, and simultaneous hiccups. Have no fear, though – Dr. Fauci says they already have a vaccine for it, with the negligible potential side-effects consisting of rectal bleeding, genital warts, excretory organ cysts, bladder cancer, mammary gland and derriere Elephantiasis, and rapid proboscis gigantism in politicians every time they tell a lie.

Nearly One-Third of U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Are Linked to Nursing Homes

Pennsylvania’s Nursing Home COVID-19 Scandal - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Omicron: WHO warns of 'high infection risk' around globe

Biden admin announces travel ban for South Africa and 7 other countries, citing new variant
Biden ignored the fact that COVID-19 came from his CCP financial benefactor’s and ‘string-pullers’ lab, that the CCP leaked the virus and then attempted to hide it as long as they could. Biden (and Democrats) ignored how China blocked all travel from the Wuhan province to anywhere else in China because they knew how bad COVID-19 was and did not want it to spread in China….but continued to allow the virus toi spread all over the world by refusing to close the international airport and shut down international flights from Wuhan to Europe and the US. Biden ignored where COVID-19 came from, who tried to hide it, who sought to stop the spread within its own country but allowed it to spread and become a pandemic without warning any other nation of what they knew had been unleashed and was spreading…and he and Democrats blamed President Trump instead of Xi and China.

Biden declared President Trump – not Xi – was responsible for every American death on his watch….and NOW Biden is responsible for EVERY American death that has occurred on HIS watch … and MORE AMERICANS HAVE DIED ON BIDEN’S WATCH, DUE TO HIS FAILED POLICIES AND HANDLING OF THE PANDEMIC, THAN DIED DURING TRUMP’S PRESIDENCY!

Biden not only declared President Trump’s life-saving Wuhan travel ban ‘XENOIPHOBIC’, he led the Democrat opposition to Trump’s Travel Ban. He led Democrats in attempting to pass legislation that would strip the United States President of powers he could use to protect the country and save American lives.

- Later Joe Biden publicly claimed the Wuhan Travel Ban was the right thing to do. Obviously after his handlers talked to Biden about this move, Biden flip-flopped, reversed, and again claimed the move was racist / xenophobic.

- NOW President Biden has jumped at the news released by South Africa, warning the latest mutation of COVID-19 was discovered, that it spread much faster than COVID-19 but is much less dangerous. The WHO warned the US about a new variant approximately around 25 NOVEMBER. ‘Early evidence suggests Omicron has a higher re-infection risk. The foreign ministry made the statement as countries around the world restricted travel from southern Africa as details of the spread emerged.’

Who gave Biden the advice to almost immediately issue a Travel Ban against a nation and section of the world where a new virus was found? FAUCI! Biden immediately followed Fauci’s advice and instituted the Travel Ban….immediately causing a firestorm of criticism by numerous groups. Several groups torched Biden for imposing a ‘RACIST’ Travel Ban on African nations, especially since South Africa’s medical and science community was immediately sharing info on the new mutation (unlike what the CCP did when COVID-19 leaked). South Africa shared the only symptoms of Omicron was achy joints and being tired (the same symptoms of OLD AGE or extremely weak flu). South Africa immediately claimed they were being punished for alerting the world quickly, and Biden was faced with another instance of being vulnerable to being called a ‘racist’.

Conservatives immediately pounced on the fact that Biden had called Trump’s travel ban ‘Xenophobic’ but now here was Biden imposing a travel ban on African nations. When WH Spokesperson Jen Psaki was asked why Trump’s life-saving travel ban was ‘Xenophobic’ but Biden’s own travel ban is not, Psaki sputtered, stammered, and basically managed to spit out an incoherent statement that amounted to saying Trump’s travel ban was ‘xenophobic’ because Trump instituted it and Biden’s was not because Biden instituted the African travel ban.

Fauci has been a combination ‘albatross’ and ‘millstone’ hanging around Biden’s neck. Fauci has prognosticated so many events, decisions, & outcomes only to be proven wrong and flip-flopping. He has been like the ‘Beavis’ or ‘Butthead’ of COVID-19 advisors. He was called to testify before Congress numerous times, only to be crucified and exposed as a liar / perjurer. He was exposed as having helped fund the CCP’s Gain of Function biological / COVID testing and forced to admit the way he attempted to justify claiming he had NOT funded Gain of Function testing was because he and his group had CHANGED THE DEFINITION OF ‘GAIN OF FUNCTION TESTING’ so they could NOT be accused of doing it. Now, in the latest Fauci F*-Up, President Biden and VP Harris declared publicly they never saw the Delta Variant or Omicron coming and were not prepared….only to have the CDC respond by saying they knew they were coming, expected them, and had been planning for them. And Biden’s top COVID Advisor / Expert? Fauci declared he saw / knew they were coming….he just failed to brief the President.

- Fauci responded with a ‘save-face’ comment – ‘Uh…um…of course I saw them coming, knew they were coming….uh, ummm’. If he did and failed to brief the President he failed to do his job. His bosses, Boden and Harris, were left hanging out in front of the world, telling the world they never saw them coming…showing the world that Biden’s Cabinet / Administration doesn’t closely collaborate . communicate, and set their bosses up to look like clueless idiots.

- If I was Biden and did not see these coming, if I said this publicly only to hear my top advisor respond by saying he knew it but filed to share that information and left me hanging in front of the world, admitting I never saw them coming because my advisors f*ed me, Fauci would have been immediately fired as soon as I got out of sight of the media.
President Joe Biden Has Created an Atmosphere Of Continuous Manipulation and Fear Through Un-Constitutional Mandates And Fear-Mongering

Biden openly declared Americans were spreading disinformation about COVID-19 and threatened to take action against them; however, it has been Biden and his administration (Biden, Psaki, Fauci, etc…) who have spread lies and misinformation about the COVID-19 virus.

- Fauci repeatedly declared ‘follow the science’ and proclaimed when anyone criticized HIM they were criticizing science because he was / represented science, despite his continuous flip-flopping and being proven wrong. (Fauci was proven to have committed perjury before Congress and to have funded CCP Gain of Function testing that produced the virus.

- The Biden administration repeatedly told Americans to wear cloth masks and even mandated the wearing of masks. While masks do prevent droplets from flying around they do not protect people from getting the virus. Masks, according to doctors, worn for extended periods of time, do physical and psychological harm to children.

- Biden spread division, hatred, and fear by demonizing Americans who have not gotten the vaccine. Biden is literally killing Americans by claiming Vaccinated Americans can NOT get or spread the virus. Biden has declared ONLY the unvaccinated can get the virus, the only ones spreading the virus, and the only ones dying from the virus. THIS IS A BLATANT LIE! COVID-19 vaccines do NOT protect / prevent people from catching COVID-19 – it helps lessen the symptoms / severity of the effects of the virus. Vaccines help prevent infected people from having to go to the hospital and protect hospitalized people from being incubated.

- The Biden administration withheld life-saving drugs and the anti-body treatment from states / cities that refused to comply with Biden’s Un-Constitutional vaccine mandates. Americans literally died because of life-saving drugs were withheld due to ‘Politics’ / the Democrats’ agenda, proving Biden and his handlers were / are willing to sacrifice American lives IOT ‘herd’ Americans into compliance with illegal, Un-Constitutional mandates. “Comply with the mandate, get the vaccine, or DIE!”

- The Biden administration’s quarantine, mask, and vaccine mandates are Un-Constitutional, violating Americans’ civil and Constitutional Rights; however, Biden criminally rejected the courts’ rulings and told businesses to ignore the courts’ and to continue enforcing his illegal mandates, firing anyone who has not complied. The mandates trampled Americans’ civil and Constitutional Rights, they bankrupted and destroyed over 60% of all minority-owned small businesses.

- The Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine policy is a failed ‘One Size Fits All’ Mandate that strips Americans of personal choice and management of their own personal health care. The decision to take the COVID vaccine should be a personal decision made between an individual and their doctor, a decision based on what treatment is in the individual’s best medical interest, especially when many Americans have personal medical conditions that could jeopardize Americans’ health if they take the vaccine. Biden and Democrats, instead, are declaring Americans’ personal right of personal medical / health care choice is forfeit and the government should have the final say.

- Again, Biden is literally causing Americans to die and / or suffer heart damage with his vaccine mandate. “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that for every million doses, there have been 67 cases of heart inflammation in boys 12 to 17 (nine in girls of that age group), 56 in those aged 18 to 24 (six in girls), and 20 in males 25 to 29 (three in girls). That means the risk is quite low.” Comparatively, the mortality rate for COVID-19 is 0.08%, consisting of mainly elderly people with pre-existing conditions and people with immune deficiency conditions. More and more professional athletes have been reported in the news as having collapsed on the field, in the middle of playing their sport, and then diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination. The world free-diving champion was recently diagnosed with heart damage after taking the vaccine, ending his career. The odds of such an extremely physically gifted individual catching and dying of COVID-19 in the 1st place was infinitesimal, so he really did not have to take the risk of taking the vaccine. He did so any way, and now he has a heart condition that has ended his record-setting/holding career in his prime.

- Recently the Biden administration declared they did not see the Delta Variant or Omicron mutation coming. That’s not hard to believe since Democrats, to include the Democrat-Run House Intel Committee that SHOULD HAVE seen COVID-19 coming failed to see the coming pandemic but did not because they were distracted with House Speaker Pelosi’s 1st failed Impeachment attempt, an Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses, an Impeachment during which House Intel Committee Chairman D-Adam Schiff was caught criminally manufacturing false evidence.

- President Biden’s and VP Harris’ claim that the Biden administration did not see the Delta variant and Omicron mutation coming are LIES, lies almost immediately debunked by the CDC who declared they knew it was coming not long after they were discovered. The head of the CDC publicly stated they saw them coming and had been preparing for it. The WHO warned the US approximately 25 November 2021 about the Omicron virus mutation that posed a high risk of infection surges around the globe. So neither Biden nor Harris had any clue the last 2 mutations of COVID-19 were coming and had no clue what the CDC knew or was doing to prepare for them, despite the fact that in the middle of a pandemic one would think the President of the United States, the Vice President, and the CDC would all be on the same page.

- COVID-19’s mortality rate is supposedly 0.08%; however, many / most people who had the virus and died had pre-existing conditions / illnesses. The deaths of people who had heart attacks and cancer and also had COVID-19 were inaccurately credited to COVID-19. The COVID-19 death rates were also skewed by the deaths of thousands and thousands of elderly Americans who were intentionally ‘murdered’ by Democrat Governors who intentionally packed virus-infected patients into nursing homes. NY Gov Cuomo, for example, publicly declared the elderly were most likely to die from the virus…before instituting a policy mandating virus-infected seniors be placed in nursing homes. Biden selected transgender Rachel Levine to be United States Assistant Secretary for Health, despite Levine and her Pa nursing home policies being responsible for more nursing home deaths in Pa than Cuomo in NY. DEMOCRAT SKEWING THE COVID-19 MORTALITY RATE: According to the NY Times, At least 184,000 coronavirus deaths have been reported among residents and employees of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities for older adults in the United States.

- President engaged in MASSIVE fear-mongering when he warned Americans they were in for a ‘Winter of Death’ due to the rapidly-spreading Omicron. While Biden is right about how much faster the new COVIDS-19 mutation spreads that COVID-19, he is absolutely, 1000% WRONG about the mortality rate of Omicron (0.008 %). While Biden attempts to scare the hell out of Americans right before Christmas, as Fauci threatens to ‘cancel Christmas’ and attempts to tell Americans who they can and cannot have at their house during Christmas, the FACT is the symptoms of Omicron are SORE JOINTS AND BEING TIRED. THAT’S IT. THE SEASONAL FLU CAUSES WORSE SYMPTOMS AND MORE DEATHS. DESPITE OMICRON NOW BEING THE DOMINANT U.S. STRAIN OF COVID – 73% OF ALL CASES, THE CDC IS REPORTING THERE ARE NO DEATHS IN THE UNITED STATES DUE TO OMICRON…YET JOE BIDEN IT DECLARING WE ARE IN FOR THE ‘WINTER OF DEATH’, THAT UNVACCINATED AMERICANS WILL BE THE REASON FOR THE COMING MASS INCREASE IN DEATHS, THAT HE IS CONSIDERING MORE QUARANTINE, MASK MANDATES, AND A NEW VACCINE MANDATE THAT CONSISTS OF ‘FULLY VACCINATED’ BEING CHANGED TO MEAN HAVING BOTH VACCINE SHOTS AND A BOOSTER SHOT. OMICRON PATIENTS HAVE 80% LOWER RISK OF HOSPITALIZATION THAN COVID-19 INFECTED PATIENTS.

Latest Study: Omicron Patients have 80% Lower Risk of Hospitalization
Gateway Pundit...How quaint.
On Christmas Day, the number of COVID deaths under 11 months of Biden will surpass the number of COVID deaths in Trump's final 12 months. (1)

Not that either Biden or Trump caused COVID, of course. That was Fauci, China, and the Globalists who did that. We are talking about their response to the pandemic. Biden had vaccines; Trump had only one and only for one month.

Biden has vaccinated the majority of Americans, yet the Winter surge is predicted to be far worse than ever before (2)

It's all complete nonsense, of course. The vaccines never work for respiratory viruses which mutate quickly. Had influenza vaccines for decades, and they do not work well either, despite being tuned at least annually.

Get vaccinated, and you still have to wear a mask. What more does one with a brain need to know?

Over 90% of the population 12-or-older in the United Kingdom has been vaccinated and 55% have received their first (of many) booster shots. Despite being “protected” from Covid-19, they are experiencing their worst surge in cases since the beginning of the pandemic, prompting many to question whether the “vaccines” actually do anything to stop or even slow the spread. (3)

The mandates are all about control. Nothing to do with safety. We must all resist the mandates, all of us, 100% of the time. Then we get back to normal quickly; it is the only way. Tyrants will be tyrants.

Join me.

1) Template:COVID-19 pandemic data/United States medical cases chart - Wikipedia (Click "Jan" to see Trump's 1/20/2021 number)
Currently 765,773 deaths. 384,359 under Trump.

2) IHME | COVID-19 Projections

3) Ultra-VAXXED and "Boostered" UK Seeing QUADRUPLE the Covid Cases They Had Before Anyone Was "Vaccinated" ⋆ 🔔 The Liberty Daily
Gateway Pundit...How quaint.
GWP is only one of the sources....but its the one you idiots cling to in an attempt to smear sources when you can't debunk what is being reported.

It is miles above your primary source, the rag whose employees lie, attempt to cover up crimes, masturbate on-air, sexually harass and assault co-workers, and engage in pedophilia and child sex trafficking - CNN.
GWP is only one of the sources....but its the one you idiots cling to in an attempt to smear sources when you can't debunk what is being reported.

It is miles above your primary source, the rag whose employees lie, attempt to cover up crimes, masturbate on-air, sexually harass and assault co-workers, and engage in pedophilia and child sex trafficking - CNN.
Sure thing Sherlock.

Latest Study: Omicron Patients have 80% Lower Risk of Hospitalization

He might be correct: the sickness and death toll from those who got the mRNA/DNA gene therapy treatments over the past 6 to 10 months are starting to see some serious side effects...Hospitals above capacity in many regions even though COVID hospitalizations are on the decrease across the board. It won't be all of them (I pray), but even 2 or 3% getting bad side effects over the next year will cause a massive problem at the hospitals.

I have no doubt that if it does happen, the media will blame COVID and the unvaccinated, no matter how many investigative reports or statistics say otherwise.
There are ZERO deaths from this new variant.
As viruses mutate they get weaker.
Sure, it a spreads faster...
...hut the symptoms are
Achy joints and being tired
'Winter of Death'?
No - 'Winter of Achy Joints & Being Tired'
Getting Omicron is safer than being vaccinated.

If they would have listened to Trump from the start and provided early treatment to the infected with hydroxychloroquine and IVM, hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved. Fauci and his obsession with pushing vaccines destroyed any chance we ever had of beating COVID. He's still the biggest obstacle undermining our COVID efforts.
If they would have listened to Trump from the start and provided early treatment to the infected with hydroxychloroquine and IVM, hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved. Fauci and his obsession with pushing vaccines destroyed any chance we ever had of beating COVID. He's still the biggest obstacle undermining our COVID efforts.
Yes, that's correct. Trump's hcq directly competes with vaccine additive ALC-0315. Fau Chi knows this scientific fact.

Omicron evolved from rodents, so slowly evidence is accumulating for the elucidation of the origin of the communist virus.
Yes, that's correct. Trump's hcq directly competes with vaccine additive ALC-0315. Fau Chi knows this scientific fact.

Omicron evolved from rodents, so slowly evidence is accumulating for the elucidation of the origin of the communist virus.
At this point, we can only lament that Biden's and Fauci's thinking ability didn't evolve nearly as quickly as the variants. Or maybe they're just playing dumb. Or maybe it's something more than playing.
President Joe Biden Has Created an Atmosphere Of Continuous Manipulation and Fear Through Un-Constitutional Mandates And Fear-Mongering

Biden openly declared Americans were spreading disinformation about COVID-19 and threatened to take action against them; however, it has been Biden and his administration (Biden, Psaki, Fauci, etc…) who have spread lies and misinformation about the COVID-19 virus.

- Fauci repeatedly declared ‘follow the science’ and proclaimed when anyone criticized HIM they were criticizing science because he was / represented science, despite his continuous flip-flopping and being proven wrong. (Fauci was proven to have committed perjury before Congress and to have funded CCP Gain of Function testing that produced the virus.

- The Biden administration repeatedly told Americans to wear cloth masks and even mandated the wearing of masks. While masks do prevent droplets from flying around they do not protect people from getting the virus. Masks, according to doctors, worn for extended periods of time, do physical and psychological harm to children.

- Biden spread division, hatred, and fear by demonizing Americans who have not gotten the vaccine. Biden is literally killing Americans by claiming Vaccinated Americans can NOT get or spread the virus. Biden has declared ONLY the unvaccinated can get the virus, the only ones spreading the virus, and the only ones dying from the virus. THIS IS A BLATANT LIE! COVID-19 vaccines do NOT protect / prevent people from catching COVID-19 – it helps lessen the symptoms / severity of the effects of the virus. Vaccines help prevent infected people from having to go to the hospital and protect hospitalized people from being incubated.

- The Biden administration withheld life-saving drugs and the anti-body treatment from states / cities that refused to comply with Biden’s Un-Constitutional vaccine mandates. Americans literally died because of life-saving drugs were withheld due to ‘Politics’ / the Democrats’ agenda, proving Biden and his handlers were / are willing to sacrifice American lives IOT ‘herd’ Americans into compliance with illegal, Un-Constitutional mandates. “Comply with the mandate, get the vaccine, or DIE!”

- The Biden administration’s quarantine, mask, and vaccine mandates are Un-Constitutional, violating Americans’ civil and Constitutional Rights; however, Biden criminally rejected the courts’ rulings and told businesses to ignore the courts’ and to continue enforcing his illegal mandates, firing anyone who has not complied. The mandates trampled Americans’ civil and Constitutional Rights, they bankrupted and destroyed over 60% of all minority-owned small businesses.

- The Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine policy is a failed ‘One Size Fits All’ Mandate that strips Americans of personal choice and management of their own personal health care. The decision to take the COVID vaccine should be a personal decision made between an individual and their doctor, a decision based on what treatment is in the individual’s best medical interest, especially when many Americans have personal medical conditions that could jeopardize Americans’ health if they take the vaccine. Biden and Democrats, instead, are declaring Americans’ personal right of personal medical / health care choice is forfeit and the government should have the final say.

- Again, Biden is literally causing Americans to die and / or suffer heart damage with his vaccine mandate. “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that for every million doses, there have been 67 cases of heart inflammation in boys 12 to 17 (nine in girls of that age group), 56 in those aged 18 to 24 (six in girls), and 20 in males 25 to 29 (three in girls). That means the risk is quite low.” Comparatively, the mortality rate for COVID-19 is 0.08%, consisting of mainly elderly people with pre-existing conditions and people with immune deficiency conditions. More and more professional athletes have been reported in the news as having collapsed on the field, in the middle of playing their sport, and then diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination. The world free-diving champion was recently diagnosed with heart damage after taking the vaccine, ending his career. The odds of such an extremely physically gifted individual catching and dying of COVID-19 in the 1st place was infinitesimal, so he really did not have to take the risk of taking the vaccine. He did so any way, and now he has a heart condition that has ended his record-setting/holding career in his prime.

- Recently the Biden administration declared they did not see the Delta Variant or Omicron mutation coming. That’s not hard to believe since Democrats, to include the Democrat-Run House Intel Committee that SHOULD HAVE seen COVID-19 coming failed to see the coming pandemic but did not because they were distracted with House Speaker Pelosi’s 1st failed Impeachment attempt, an Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses, an Impeachment during which House Intel Committee Chairman D-Adam Schiff was caught criminally manufacturing false evidence.

- President Biden’s and VP Harris’ claim that the Biden administration did not see the Delta variant and Omicron mutation coming are LIES, lies almost immediately debunked by the CDC who declared they knew it was coming not long after they were discovered. The head of the CDC publicly stated they saw them coming and had been preparing for it. The WHO warned the US approximately 25 November 2021 about the Omicron virus mutation that posed a high risk of infection surges around the globe. So neither Biden nor Harris had any clue the last 2 mutations of COVID-19 were coming and had no clue what the CDC knew or was doing to prepare for them, despite the fact that in the middle of a pandemic one would think the President of the United States, the Vice President, and the CDC would all be on the same page.

- COVID-19’s mortality rate is supposedly 0.08%; however, many / most people who had the virus and died had pre-existing conditions / illnesses. The deaths of people who had heart attacks and cancer and also had COVID-19 were inaccurately credited to COVID-19. The COVID-19 death rates were also skewed by the deaths of thousands and thousands of elderly Americans who were intentionally ‘murdered’ by Democrat Governors who intentionally packed virus-infected patients into nursing homes. NY Gov Cuomo, for example, publicly declared the elderly were most likely to die from the virus…before instituting a policy mandating virus-infected seniors be placed in nursing homes. Biden selected transgender Rachel Levine to be United States Assistant Secretary for Health, despite Levine and her Pa nursing home policies being responsible for more nursing home deaths in Pa than Cuomo in NY. DEMOCRAT SKEWING THE COVID-19 MORTALITY RATE: According to the NY Times, At least 184,000 coronavirus deaths have been reported among residents and employees of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities for older adults in the United States.

- President engaged in MASSIVE fear-mongering when he warned Americans they were in for a ‘Winter of Death’ due to the rapidly-spreading Omicron. While Biden is right about how much faster the new COVIDS-19 mutation spreads that COVID-19, he is absolutely, 1000% WRONG about the mortality rate of Omicron (0.008 %). While Biden attempts to scare the hell out of Americans right before Christmas, as Fauci threatens to ‘cancel Christmas’ and attempts to tell Americans who they can and cannot have at their house during Christmas, the FACT is the symptoms of Omicron are SORE JOINTS AND BEING TIRED. THAT’S IT. THE SEASONAL FLU CAUSES WORSE SYMPTOMS AND MORE DEATHS. DESPITE OMICRON NOW BEING THE DOMINANT U.S. STRAIN OF COVID – 73% OF ALL CASES, THE CDC IS REPORTING THERE ARE NO DEATHS IN THE UNITED STATES DUE TO OMICRON…YET JOE BIDEN IT DECLARING WE ARE IN FOR THE ‘WINTER OF DEATH’, THAT UNVACCINATED AMERICANS WILL BE THE REASON FOR THE COMING MASS INCREASE IN DEATHS, THAT HE IS CONSIDERING MORE QUARANTINE, MASK MANDATES, AND A NEW VACCINE MANDATE THAT CONSISTS OF ‘FULLY VACCINATED’ BEING CHANGED TO MEAN HAVING BOTH VACCINE SHOTS AND A BOOSTER SHOT. OMICRON PATIENTS HAVE 80% LOWER RISK OF HOSPITALIZATION THAN COVID-19 INFECTED PATIENTS.

Latest Study: Omicron Patients have 80% Lower Risk of Hospitalization
New and Improved Joe Biden:

Twice The Lies, Double The Stupid, Now with 50% More Satan.
There are ZERO deaths from this new variant.
As viruses mutate they get weaker.
Sure, it a spreads faster...
...hut the symptoms are
Achy joints and being tired
'Winter of Death'?
No - 'Winter of Achy Joints & Being Tired'
Getting Omicron is safer than being vaccinated.

Just you wait. You are going to be really scared when The Megatron Variant comes out. Scared enough to bow down to Faux Xiden!

Comply or Die!
President Joe Biden Has Created an Atmosphere Of Continuous Manipulation and Fear Through Un-Constitutional Mandates And Fear-Mongering

Biden openly declared Americans were spreading disinformation about COVID-19 and threatened to take action against them; however, it has been Biden and his administration (Biden, Psaki, Fauci, etc…) who have spread lies and misinformation about the COVID-19 virus.

- Fauci repeatedly declared ‘follow the science’ and proclaimed when anyone criticized HIM they were criticizing science because he was / represented science, despite his continuous flip-flopping and being proven wrong. (Fauci was proven to have committed perjury before Congress and to have funded CCP Gain of Function testing that produced the virus.

- The Biden administration repeatedly told Americans to wear cloth masks and even mandated the wearing of masks. While masks do prevent droplets from flying around they do not protect people from getting the virus. Masks, according to doctors, worn for extended periods of time, do physical and psychological harm to children.

- Biden spread division, hatred, and fear by demonizing Americans who have not gotten the vaccine. Biden is literally killing Americans by claiming Vaccinated Americans can NOT get or spread the virus. Biden has declared ONLY the unvaccinated can get the virus, the only ones spreading the virus, and the only ones dying from the virus. THIS IS A BLATANT LIE! COVID-19 vaccines do NOT protect / prevent people from catching COVID-19 – it helps lessen the symptoms / severity of the effects of the virus. Vaccines help prevent infected people from having to go to the hospital and protect hospitalized people from being incubated.

- The Biden administration withheld life-saving drugs and the anti-body treatment from states / cities that refused to comply with Biden’s Un-Constitutional vaccine mandates. Americans literally died because of life-saving drugs were withheld due to ‘Politics’ / the Democrats’ agenda, proving Biden and his handlers were / are willing to sacrifice American lives IOT ‘herd’ Americans into compliance with illegal, Un-Constitutional mandates. “Comply with the mandate, get the vaccine, or DIE!”

- The Biden administration’s quarantine, mask, and vaccine mandates are Un-Constitutional, violating Americans’ civil and Constitutional Rights; however, Biden criminally rejected the courts’ rulings and told businesses to ignore the courts’ and to continue enforcing his illegal mandates, firing anyone who has not complied. The mandates trampled Americans’ civil and Constitutional Rights, they bankrupted and destroyed over 60% of all minority-owned small businesses.

- The Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine policy is a failed ‘One Size Fits All’ Mandate that strips Americans of personal choice and management of their own personal health care. The decision to take the COVID vaccine should be a personal decision made between an individual and their doctor, a decision based on what treatment is in the individual’s best medical interest, especially when many Americans have personal medical conditions that could jeopardize Americans’ health if they take the vaccine. Biden and Democrats, instead, are declaring Americans’ personal right of personal medical / health care choice is forfeit and the government should have the final say.

- Again, Biden is literally causing Americans to die and / or suffer heart damage with his vaccine mandate. “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that for every million doses, there have been 67 cases of heart inflammation in boys 12 to 17 (nine in girls of that age group), 56 in those aged 18 to 24 (six in girls), and 20 in males 25 to 29 (three in girls). That means the risk is quite low.” Comparatively, the mortality rate for COVID-19 is 0.08%, consisting of mainly elderly people with pre-existing conditions and people with immune deficiency conditions. More and more professional athletes have been reported in the news as having collapsed on the field, in the middle of playing their sport, and then diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination. The world free-diving champion was recently diagnosed with heart damage after taking the vaccine, ending his career. The odds of such an extremely physically gifted individual catching and dying of COVID-19 in the 1st place was infinitesimal, so he really did not have to take the risk of taking the vaccine. He did so any way, and now he has a heart condition that has ended his record-setting/holding career in his prime.

- Recently the Biden administration declared they did not see the Delta Variant or Omicron mutation coming. That’s not hard to believe since Democrats, to include the Democrat-Run House Intel Committee that SHOULD HAVE seen COVID-19 coming failed to see the coming pandemic but did not because they were distracted with House Speaker Pelosi’s 1st failed Impeachment attempt, an Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses, an Impeachment during which House Intel Committee Chairman D-Adam Schiff was caught criminally manufacturing false evidence.

- President Biden’s and VP Harris’ claim that the Biden administration did not see the Delta variant and Omicron mutation coming are LIES, lies almost immediately debunked by the CDC who declared they knew it was coming not long after they were discovered. The head of the CDC publicly stated they saw them coming and had been preparing for it. The WHO warned the US approximately 25 November 2021 about the Omicron virus mutation that posed a high risk of infection surges around the globe. So neither Biden nor Harris had any clue the last 2 mutations of COVID-19 were coming and had no clue what the CDC knew or was doing to prepare for them, despite the fact that in the middle of a pandemic one would think the President of the United States, the Vice President, and the CDC would all be on the same page.

- COVID-19’s mortality rate is supposedly 0.08%; however, many / most people who had the virus and died had pre-existing conditions / illnesses. The deaths of people who had heart attacks and cancer and also had COVID-19 were inaccurately credited to COVID-19. The COVID-19 death rates were also skewed by the deaths of thousands and thousands of elderly Americans who were intentionally ‘murdered’ by Democrat Governors who intentionally packed virus-infected patients into nursing homes. NY Gov Cuomo, for example, publicly declared the elderly were most likely to die from the virus…before instituting a policy mandating virus-infected seniors be placed in nursing homes. Biden selected transgender Rachel Levine to be United States Assistant Secretary for Health, despite Levine and her Pa nursing home policies being responsible for more nursing home deaths in Pa than Cuomo in NY. DEMOCRAT SKEWING THE COVID-19 MORTALITY RATE: According to the NY Times, At least 184,000 coronavirus deaths have been reported among residents and employees of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities for older adults in the United States.

- President engaged in MASSIVE fear-mongering when he warned Americans they were in for a ‘Winter of Death’ due to the rapidly-spreading Omicron. While Biden is right about how much faster the new COVIDS-19 mutation spreads that COVID-19, he is absolutely, 1000% WRONG about the mortality rate of Omicron (0.008 %). While Biden attempts to scare the hell out of Americans right before Christmas, as Fauci threatens to ‘cancel Christmas’ and attempts to tell Americans who they can and cannot have at their house during Christmas, the FACT is the symptoms of Omicron are SORE JOINTS AND BEING TIRED. THAT’S IT. THE SEASONAL FLU CAUSES WORSE SYMPTOMS AND MORE DEATHS. DESPITE OMICRON NOW BEING THE DOMINANT U.S. STRAIN OF COVID – 73% OF ALL CASES, THE CDC IS REPORTING THERE ARE NO DEATHS IN THE UNITED STATES DUE TO OMICRON…YET JOE BIDEN IT DECLARING WE ARE IN FOR THE ‘WINTER OF DEATH’, THAT UNVACCINATED AMERICANS WILL BE THE REASON FOR THE COMING MASS INCREASE IN DEATHS, THAT HE IS CONSIDERING MORE QUARANTINE, MASK MANDATES, AND A NEW VACCINE MANDATE THAT CONSISTS OF ‘FULLY VACCINATED’ BEING CHANGED TO MEAN HAVING BOTH VACCINE SHOTS AND A BOOSTER SHOT. OMICRON PATIENTS HAVE 80% LOWER RISK OF HOSPITALIZATION THAN COVID-19 INFECTED PATIENTS.

Latest Study: Omicron Patients have 80% Lower Risk of Hospitalization

Fascists gotta fascist.
On Christmas Day, the number of COVID deaths under 11 months of Biden will surpass the number of COVID deaths in Trump's final 12 months. (1)

Not that either Biden or Trump caused COVID, of course. That was Fauci, China, and the Globalists who did that. We are talking about their response to the pandemic. Biden had vaccines; Trump had only one and only for one month.

Biden has vaccinated the majority of Americans, yet the Winter surge is predicted to be far worse than ever before (2)

It's all complete nonsense, of course. The vaccines never work for respiratory viruses which mutate quickly. Had influenza vaccines for decades, and they do not work well either, despite being tuned at least annually.

Get vaccinated, and you still have to wear a mask. What more does one with a brain need to know?

Over 90% of the population 12-or-older in the United Kingdom has been vaccinated and 55% have received their first (of many) booster shots. Despite being “protected” from Covid-19, they are experiencing their worst surge in cases since the beginning of the pandemic, prompting many to question whether the “vaccines” actually do anything to stop or even slow the spread. (3)

The mandates are all about control. Nothing to do with safety. We must all resist the mandates, all of us, 100% of the time. Then we get back to normal quickly; it is the only way. Tyrants will be tyrants.

Join me.

1) Template:COVID-19 pandemic data/United States medical cases chart - Wikipedia (Click "Jan" to see Trump's 1/20/2021 number)
Currently 765,773 deaths. 384,359 under Trump.

2) IHME | COVID-19 Projections

3) Ultra-VAXXED and "Boostered" UK Seeing QUADRUPLE the Covid Cases They Had Before Anyone Was "Vaccinated" ⋆ 🔔 The Liberty Daily
Apparently the best treatment is the horse dewormer.....that has worked for decades against all kinds of infections....and is the one that seems to work in every case of COVID it's been tried on.
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Apparently the best treatment is the horse dewormer.....that has worked for decades against all kinds of infections....and is the one that they seems to work in every case of COVID it's been tried on.
As you know, Ivermectin has been prescribed to humans 100s of millions of times as an antiparasitic medication. Parasitic infestations in humans include head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis. In veterinary medicine, the medication is used to prevent and treat heartworm and acariasis, among other indications.

Many doctors report remarkable success in treating COVID infections with it, often accompanied with Vitamin D and Zinc.

When I had COVID, I just let my fever treat it, as I do with any other flu-like virus. I was very sick for a couple of days, and then started getting better rather quickly, just like the occasional bad flu which I also take nothing for.

As you also know, the media likes to brand any effective treatments as some kind of quack remedy, which is why they falsely propel the narrative that Ivermectin use in humans as experimenting with horse dewormer. Effective treatments would not be successful in pushing the vaccines, which, ironically, are the real snake oil.

There are ZERO deaths from this new variant.
As viruses mutate they get weaker.
Sure, it a spreads faster...
...hut the symptoms are
Achy joints and being tired
'Winter of Death'?
No - 'Winter of Achy Joints & Being Tired'
Getting Omicron is safer than being vaccinated.

Triggered much? Your late to the party hero Trump just endorsed vaccines & getting the booster, asscrack. He also said the shots don't kill people. Now you can call your rabid dogs off Fauci & let the guy live in peace.

And enjoy that shit sanwich as your eating your own words at the same time now that Trump has blown your bullshit theories about Fauci & the vaccines all to hell, Clown.

Heartbreak is hard to deal with but you'll be ok.

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