President Blames Boehner

whoa, stop the presses, Obambam the LEADER of this country BLAMES someone for his poor leadership AGAIN

this would all be over if boehner would allow a vote.

so who's fault is it then that the shut down is continuing?

It is the Dear leaders FAULT...he feels his signature FASCIST program,( the unaffordable no care act) is more IMPORTANT THAN any of you people...

doesn't that give you all the warm fuzzies?
whoa, stop the presses, Obambam the LEADER of this country BLAMES someone for his poor leadership AGAIN

this would all be over if boehner would allow a vote.

so who's fault is it then that the shut down is continuing?

It is the Dear leaders FAULT...he feels his signature FASCIST program,( the unaffordable no care act) is more IMPORTANT THAN any of you people...

doesn't that give you all the warm fuzzies?

if that's the way you feel. fact is if boehner put it to a vote the shutdown would be over.

so who is to blame?
You know, all this Obama hatred has really gotten old. Why don't all you fuckers just shut your god-damn mouths? You people are more of a problem to this country than he is. I don't support his policies. But then, I don't make up the most ridiculous shit to hate him over, like you fuckers do.

You're a bunch of butt-hurt idiots who are really too stupid to be even participating in the politics of this country. Go back to your goats and missionary life. This country has had it with your racist bullshit.

Boehner brought all this on himself. Not Obama.
You know, all this Obama hatred has really gotten old. Why don't all you fuckers just shut your god-damn mouths? You people are more of a problem to this country than he is. I don't support his policies. But then, I don't make up the most ridiculous shit to hate him over, like you fuckers do.

You're a bunch of butt-hurt idiots who are really too stupid to be even participating in the politics of this country. Go back to your goats and missionary life. This country has had it with your racist bullshit.

Boehner brought all this on himself. Not Obama.

lol, this post screams, butthurt and hateful...goats and missionary now giving charity is looked down on by you
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Boehner is screwed regardless of how things turn out.

Liberals never stop fantasizing, do you? Even with the yawn of the country, you can't deal.

The reality is that Boehner has actually started to build some credibility with those of us who aren't liberal RINOs. Nobody thought he would go this far. We're pleasantly surprised. But you just keep dreaming of government sprinkling fairy dust across the land and tucking you in at night.
Of course obama blames Boehner. He's certainly not going to take responsibility for anything. obama also has a compliant press on his side that will echo everything he says. When the presidunce says this impasse is the republican's fault, he is secure that a compliant media (seamlessly integrated into his regime) will repeat it endlessly.
We'll stop hating him when he stops screwing us.

And you said the same thing 5 years into the W Presidency? Right, Mr. Sheep? Here's a tip, Rain Man. MS-NBC sucks...
The difference is, you started saying this shit less than 10 days after his inaugaration in his first term. Before he had a chance to do anything to protest about. Which basically shows the nation all your criticisms were pre-planned and full of fucking shit.

I waited at least 2 years into Bush's Presidency to see what he would do in office before I started protesting his policies. And when I finally did, I didn't make up ludicrous bullshit to protest about.
We'll stop hating him when he stops screwing us.

And you said the same thing 5 years into the W Presidency? Right, Mr. Sheep? Here's a tip, Rain Man. MS-NBC sucks...
The difference is, you started saying this shit less than 10 days after his inaugaration in his first term. Before he had a chance to do anything to protest about. Which basically shows the nation all your criticisms were pre-planned and full of fucking shit.

I waited at least 2 years into Bush's Presidency to see what he would do in office before I started protesting his policies. And when I finally did, I didn't make up ludicrous bullshit to protest about.

The difference is that Obama did what he said he would do, advance socialism. W didn't do what he said he would do, which was advance capitalism.

I actually suspected that for both, which is why I voted for Harry Browne and opposed them both. Since Obama did what he said he would do, how exactly does that prove anything anyway? Sure, you were right, but you didn't give him a chance!

I'm trying to be embarrassed at your insight, I really am. But it's not working for me, I'm not.
The difference is that Obama did what he said he would do, advance socialism. W didn't do what he said he would do, which was advance capitalism.

I actually suspected that for both, which is why I voted for Harry Browne and opposed them both. Since Obama did what he said he would do, how exactly does that prove anything anyway? Sure, you were right, but you didn't give him a chance!

I'm trying to be embarrassed at your insight, I really am. But it's not working for me, I'm not.
You're fuckin' nuts!

If Obama was a socialist, there would be no $2 trillion/yr healthcare industry.

It would all be subsidized by the government.
The difference is that Obama did what he said he would do, advance socialism. W didn't do what he said he would do, which was advance capitalism.

I actually suspected that for both, which is why I voted for Harry Browne and opposed them both. Since Obama did what he said he would do, how exactly does that prove anything anyway? Sure, you were right, but you didn't give him a chance!

I'm trying to be embarrassed at your insight, I really am. But it's not working for me, I'm not.
You're fuckin' nuts!

If Obama was a socialist, there would be no $2 trillion/yr healthcare industry.

It would all be subsidized by the government.

This is the endless lie of leftists. The problem with that is that despite what you and Obama believe, Obama is not a dictator. He couldn't implement those things on his own.

So, I'll ask you the same question all the leftists pass on answering because you can't. When did he actually make a choice where he said no to socialism? That he went as close as he could get doesn't make him not a socialist.

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