President Blames Boehner

'the people' didn't support a government shutdown over defunding the aca. you know that.

there is an acceptable way to amend and change a bill. if 'the people' really are on the side of the republicans why haven't they attempted to make those changes?

NOT TRUE. You did not support it.

I DID.and still support.
well you're an idiot.

you're also in the minority.
Most Americans against defunding Obamacare: CNBC survey - NBC

That doesn't say most Americans are against de-funding obamacare. Seriously, did you even read the first paragraph?
if the shoe fits.

does anyone honestly believe that if a clean cr went to vote in the house it wouldn't pass today?

So you believe the president can tell the speaker how to run the house?

i believe the president is right and that if speaker boehner allowed a vote it would pass.

The president can go fuck himself. If he wants to be speaker he can resign and run for congress.
NOT TRUE. You did not support it.

I DID.and still support.
well you're an idiot.

you're also in the minority.
Most Americans against defunding Obamacare: CNBC survey - NBC

That doesn't say most Americans are against de-funding obamacare. Seriously, did you even read the first paragraph?
yes i did. more are against defunding than for it, especially when it comes at the cost of a government shut down.
And here we have it folks....the entire left doesn't consider IF it should pass...just that, well...because Obama said should pass with no questions asked.

BAA BAA Sheep.

Not really. Whether the issue is obamacare, or some other law that was legally enacted, is irrelevant. Cruz elevated the issue to whether 15 senators and 30-40 reps can be allowed to shut down the govt because they don't like a LAW. They left Obama no room for compromise, and are frankly surprised Obama didn't cave, like he always has before.

They miscalculated. His legacy is Obamacare, but if he caves on this, his legacy will be the potus who abandoned representative democracy.

What utter bullshit... ACA was shoved through with an eleventh hour parliamentary trick... it doesn't enjoy anywhere near majority support, it is riddled with cronyism, special deals for Obama supporters, companies are running from it, it is driving premiums up, many of the exchanges aren't even working yet, etc.

People overwhelmingly don't want this. .you and your lefty minions need to get over it.

DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHY THE GOP SUCKS? You can't even elect a majority to repeal this? You have to resort to shutting down the govt to even respond to a law you find so ... illegitmate. This is DITCH you idiots have driven the gop into. We are irrelevant as a national party unless we shut down the govt, because our ideas are so BAT SHIT CRAZY, because Bachman, Cruz, Henserling, DeLay et al are BATSHIT CRAZY.
I'll take that as admission that you know i'm right.

Blaming republicans is the democrat MO. 13 years running constant blame game, no sign of an end in sight.

Oh, phfft. Don't be silly.

You can take it as a sign that I can't stand to see a grown man cry.


Jeebus, Corky. Are you drinking this early?

What is it you don't understand? The Affordable Healthcare Act is law, it was passed and must now be funded. So where do you blame Democrats because Republicans refuse to fund it?

The Republican's MO has been to obstruct, Jesus, they are now trying to screw the government even more by not funding what the majority of Americans elected a President on. Obama ran on the Affordable Health Care Act and won the election, what part of that do you and the dummies in DC not understand?
Oh, shit! That's gonna leave a mark.

Obama Pins Government Shutdown on Boehner - ABC News

President Barack Obama says House Speaker John Boehner is the only thing standing in the way of reopening the federal government.

Apparently, yesterday the President made it clear that Boehner is standing in the way of the vote that would allow this stalemate to end.
He is. If he were to bring it to a vote, his TP's would be defeated soundly and this crap would be over. Boehner is a sorry ass Speaker and deserves to have his rear kicked from here to Siberia.
Oh, shit! That's gonna leave a mark.

Obama Pins Government Shutdown on Boehner - ABC News

Apparently, yesterday the President made it clear that Boehner is standing in the way of the vote that would allow this stalemate to end.

President Barack Obama says House Speaker John Boehner is the only thing standing in the way of reopening the federal government.

Obama is speaking at a small business just outside of Washington on the third day of the shutdown. He says Boehner is preventing a vote on a funding bill because he doesn't want to anger "extremists" in his party.

Well - he's right. ALL Boehner had to do was let the vote go to the floor, and he folded like a cheap suit.

At any point, Mr. Boehner could have stopped it. Had he put on the floor a simple temporary spending resolution to keep the government open, without the outrageous demands to delay or defund the health reform law, it could easily have passed the House with a strong majority — including with sizable support from Republican members, many of whom are aware of how badly this collapse will damage their party.

But Mr. Boehner refused. He stood in the well of the House and repeated the tired falsehood that the Affordable Care Act was killing jobs. He came up with a series of increasingly ridiculous demands: defund the health law, delay it for a year, stop its requirement that employers pay for contraception, block the medical device tax, delay the individual mandate for a year, strip Congressional employees of their health subsidies. All were instantly rejected by the Senate. “They’ve lost their minds,” Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader, said of the House Republicans. “They keep trying to do the same thing over and over again.”

Finally, at the last minute, when there was still time to end the charade with a straightforward spending bill, Mr. Boehner made the most absurd demand of all: an immediate conference committee with the Senate. Suddenly, with less than an hour left, he wanted to set up formal negotiations?

For six months, the Senate has been demanding a conference with the House on the 2014 budget — talks that might have prevented the impasse in the first place. But the House leadership has adamantly refused, knowing it would not succeed in getting all the cuts to taxes and spending that it demands. For Mr. Boehner to call for a conference near midnight was the height of hypocrisy.

He deserves whatever befalls him.

John Boehner, between a rock and a hard place on shutdown and debt limit - The Washington Post

Boehner’s leadership team has on three occasions this year watched the Democrats effectively become the ruling party by passing key legislation that most Republicans opposed.

On New Year’s Day, the House approved a tax package that preserved lower rates for all workers except the rich, securing just 85 Republican votes, or 40 percent of Boehner’s caucus. A few weeks later, just 49 Republicans supported federal disaster aid for Mid-Atlantic states ravaged by Hurricane Sandy, and in late February, 87 Republicans supported a bill to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act.

Those votes left Boehner in as weak a position as any speaker in modern times. By August, he and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) were counseling their rank and file against trying to scuttle the government funding bill, which expired at midnight Monday, the end of the fiscal year. The leaders wanted to pivot to the fight on the debt ceiling, and they kept crafting options that would transfer some of that political energy from the government funding fight to the debt-limit clash.

“They got blown away,” said Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.), one of the agitators against Boehner who opposed the speaker’s reelection bid.

And I still can't bring myself to feel for the guy. :eusa_boohoo:

You mean Obama blamed someone else for something? omgnoway!
ObamaCare was the single greatest issue of the 2008 and 2012 election.

Obama won both elections.

Indeed, in 2012 Romney, who promised to repeal ObamaCare by executive order, lost by 5 million votes.

The Republicans lost on the issue of Health Care.

As a result, the Affordable Care Act was legally passed by both houses, and it survived a Constitutional challenge in the Supreme Court.

Rather than accepting this Constitutionally sanctioned outcome, the Republican Party has resorted to hostage taking. They're trying to destroy a law which they do not have the votes to destroy. They're using budget tricks to find away around the Constitution.

They have contempt for constitutional and democratic outcomes.

They believe in the Constitution only when it protects laws they like.

They are the opposite of principled. They are to be pitied.

They are using propaganda to reverse the outcome of two elections. They are using lies and scare tactics.

Same thing happened with Social Security and Medicare. Republicans said that Social Security and Medicare would destroy the country and lead to pure socialism. The opposite has happened. Generations of seniors have benefited from these programs, and the free market has thrived alongside them. Republican seniors in places like Florida LOVE Social Security and Medicare. Ayn Rand and William F Buckley cashed every Social Security check they received. This is why the Republicans must crush ObamaCare before peopleget a taste of the benefits. The last thing the GOP needs is yet another successful government program which pulls more citizens into the democratic orbit. FYI: Republicans have been conditioned to ignore the upside of the New Deal. Social Security (and later Medicare) virtually ended poverty amongst the elderly. It also took the financial burden of parental care off the children of seniors. This meant that American families had more money for consumption, which stimulated economic growth. By crushing these incredibly successful and popular support system, middle class families will have even less money to spend - and, consequently, they will buy even fewer goods on the market, which means the capitalist will have to layoff even more workers. Republicans simply don't understand the multiplier effect of programs which boost middle class purchasing power.

But let's face facts. The Republican Party is being squeezed by shifting demographics. The USA is becoming less white. The Republican party simply cannot afford for the Democrats to pass another program that helps Americans. FYI: Republicans are not afraid that ObamaCare will destroy the country RATHER they're afraid that voters will like it, which means the GOP will never be able to kill it. Imagine if they were able to kill government work programs before Ronald Reagan's father was saved by a government job during the Great Depression? There's a lesson here. Sometimes if you save an American family during hard times, that family goes on to do great things. Maybe it was a good thing that FDR didn't call the Reagan's welfare queens. Maybe it was a good thing that FDR helped the Reagan's when they were struggling terribly.
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He is an adult,

The Toddler in Chief?

Hardly. Adults take responsibility for their decisions. Obama has never "manned up" about anything.

Now I don't give a shit who anybody has sex with - BUT this is why I objected to a gay many as president, he lacks the testosterone needed to act like a man.

it's the dimwitted GOP that needs to be replaced for their feckless behavior, and they most probably will be! :muahaha:

We need a leader with some balls. What did Putin call Obama? "That prancing little fairy?" We know he has no balls.
Now that the public has had a little taste of obamacare, it turned out to be foul. We don't get to have a do over election so we have to stop it in other ways. obama blaming Boehner is nothing new. This presidunce blames everyone else for everything he does. When he farts he probably blames Sasha.
whoa, stop the presses, Obambam the LEADER of this country BLAMES someone for his poor leadership AGAIN

this would all be over if boehner would allow a vote.

so who's fault is it then that the shut down is continuing?

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