President declares: Every gun that is made, every warship launched is a theft from the hungry

The President was right when he said that

All Military expenditures come at a price
Stupid tautology worthy of Obama and his supporters, but hardly a salient political point. Really!;)

What is wrong with what the president said?

Isn't he in a position to know the impact of military expenditures?

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Stupid tautology worthy of Obama and his supporters, but hardly a salient political point. Really!;)

What is wrong with what the president said?

Isn't he in a position to know the impact of military expenditures?
"The President was right when he said that

All Military expenditures come at a price"

"FFS, even an idiot like you must be aware that an expenditure is a price. You were having another one of your "moments" no doubt. God, that's beyond stupid!
Stupid tautology worthy of Obama and his supporters, but hardly a salient political point. Really!;)

What is wrong with what the president said?

Isn't he in a position to know the impact of military expenditures?
"The President was right when he said that

All Military expenditures come at a price"

"FFS, even an idiot like you must be aware that an expenditure is a price. You were having another one of your "moments" no doubt. God, that's beyond stupid!

It is a case of priorities of a nation

Is it more important to have the biggest military toys or the best schools and healthcare for the people?
Stupid tautology worthy of Obama and his supporters, but hardly a salient political point. Really!;)

What is wrong with what the president said?

Isn't he in a position to know the impact of military expenditures?
"The President was right when he said that

All Military expenditures come at a price"

"FFS, even an idiot like you must be aware that an expenditure is a price. You were having another one of your "moments" no doubt. God, that's beyond stupid!

It is a case of priorities of a nation

Is it more important to have the biggest military toys or the best schools and healthcare for the people?
At least that's a rudimentary argument. Spare us the brilliance of declaring that military expenditures come at a price. I mean you thought that was profound ffs!
When the Soviet Union fell, contrary to the belief system of many, defense spending fell and fell and kept falling.

It wasn't until we were horribly attacked that it went back up.

Hell, in Europe, protected by the powerful United States, average defense spending is from our European allies in NATO is running at 1.6%.

YOu remove immediate threats and First World democratic societies will be happy to spend the money elsewhere.

We have a larger military than the next ten countries combined.....who is the threat?

Other nations seem to understand they can build schools, hospitals and feed their people while we build bigger and better military hardware

Sure they can you dimwit because they expect America to defend them if they ever come under attack so their money can be used on other things besides defense. They feel they don't have to spend on defense, they expect America to defend them.

Jesus your a fucking idiot.

Jesus your a fucking idiot

Even an idiot knows the difference between your and you're

HIs point that many nations skimp on Defense Spending because they know that the US will keep the peace is valid and serious.

YOu are an ass for ignoring a serious point to focus on grammar.
The US isn't "keeping the peace". They're the ones who are starting wars.

From Canada?

Let me ask you something.

What is the most likely military threat to Canada that drives your military spending, and why are you so safe despite your low levels of spending?
When the Soviet Union fell, contrary to the belief system of many, defense spending fell and fell and kept falling.

It wasn't until we were horribly attacked that it went back up.

Hell, in Europe, protected by the powerful United States, average defense spending is from our European allies in NATO is running at 1.6%.

YOu remove immediate threats and First World democratic societies will be happy to spend the money elsewhere.

We have a larger military than the next ten countries combined.....who is the threat?

Other nations seem to understand they can build schools, hospitals and feed their people while we build bigger and better military hardware

Sure they can you dimwit because they expect America to defend them if they ever come under attack so their money can be used on other things besides defense. They feel they don't have to spend on defense, they expect America to defend them.

Jesus your a fucking idiot.

Jesus your a fucking idiot

Even an idiot knows the difference between your and you're

HIs point that many nations skimp on Defense Spending because they know that the US will keep the peace is valid and serious.

YOu are an ass for ignoring a serious point to focus on grammar.
When you call someone a fucking idiot, you need to be certain your grammar is above reproach

Ewe can't bee two careful ...Ewe no?
When the Soviet Union fell, contrary to the belief system of many, defense spending fell and fell and kept falling.

It wasn't until we were horribly attacked that it went back up.

Hell, in Europe, protected by the powerful United States, average defense spending is from our European allies in NATO is running at 1.6%.

YOu remove immediate threats and First World democratic societies will be happy to spend the money elsewhere.

Spending more money for the military was a psychological defense mechanism that had little to do with the actual threat. Spending more money for the military while cutting taxes was fiscally irresponsible, and contributed to our current economic problems.
It is a case of priorities of a nation

Is it more important to have the biggest military toys or the best schools and healthcare for the people?

I vote for the best schools and healthcare. The War in Vietnam should have been avoided. The invasion of Iraq should have avoided.

9/11 made the invasion of Afghanistan politically necessary, but it does not seem to have done any good. Sooner or later we will leave. The Taliban will come back, or maybe ISIS.
The US isn't "keeping the peace". They're the ones who are starting wars.

From Canada?

Let me ask you something.

What is the most likely military threat to Canada that drives your military spending, and why are you so safe despite your low levels of spending?

The Canadians are safe because they do not threaten anyone.

They are safe because their friend and neighbor is the most powerful country the world has ever known.
I like the quote from President Eisenhower posted by the OP. I also like this comment made by Ike in a letter to this brother: "Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."

Nevertheless, I wish Adlai Stevenson had been president from 1953 to 1960.

Eisenhower was responsible for the Iranian Revolution of 1979, and the War in Vietnam. In 1953 he directed the CIA to orchestrate the overthrow of the democratic government of Iran, and install the Shah as absolute monarch. The Shah was never a popular leader. The Iranians hated us for forcing him onto them. When he was overthrown they demonstrated their hatred.

In 1954 Eisenhower refused to sign and honor the Geneva Agreement of 1954. That called for an election to unify Vietnam to be held in July 1956. In his memoirs Eisenhower admitted that Ho Chi Minh would have won that election by 80% of the vote.
The US isn't "keeping the peace". They're the ones who are starting wars.

The US has been voted as the most significant threat to world peace in a survey across 68 different countries. Anti-American sentiment was not only recorded in antagonistic countries, but also in many allied NATO partners like Turkey and Greece.

A global survey conducted by the Worldwide Independent Network and Gallup at the end of 2013 revealed strong animosity towards the US’s role as the world’s policeman. Citizens across over 60 nations were asked: “Which country do you think is the greatest threat to peace in the world today?”

The US topped the list, with 24 percent of people believing America to be the biggest danger to peace. Pakistan came second, with 8 percent of the vote and was closely followed by China with 6 percent. Afghanistan, Iran, Israel and North Korea came in joint fourth place with 5 percent of the vote.
US the biggest threat to world peace in 2013 poll RT News

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