President Donald Trump ERUPTS: "I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS!"

Exactly !!

Trump now has more power with Barr

And this will bring a lot more strong patriots to help destroy the whole crooked deep state
Someone is funding and organizing these so-called caravans. Whomever that is, they're the people who need dealt with.
This is where it got started. Financing by George soros .
International Migrant Rights Collective

Now its expanded into the cartels bringing the invasion north on buses. In exchange the invader has loyalty to the cartel bringing them. Most of the invaders belonged to a cartel anyway. They just strengthen whatever gang they are put in contact with.
He's right.

Treason is the only crime specifically defined in the Constitution itself. Democrats are openly using the power of their positions to give aid and comfort to foreign invaders, and this exactly meets the Constitutional definition of treason.
He's 100% right.

The Dems don't seem to care that these illegals cost we tax payers billions every year. They also don't give a shit that American's are murdered, raped and robbed by these illegals every year. That would change if one of their loved ones suffered that fate.

We have an National Emergency on the border with thousand of illegals and fake asylum seekers at our border.

We need a wall to keep them out. Once up we can them boot those that are here back to Mexico.

I sure wonder how the Dem's don't think we have a National Emergency. We've had one for decades. Glad Trump is trying to do something about it.
I think they ought to open the border, round up every god damned beaner and send them to Alaska. They wanted to come to the USA, Alaska is the USA, right?
We see countries around the world like Japan that need younger workers. And let me tell you something, if we don’t get this right, in 20 or 30 years the United states is going to be begging immigrants to come to make a youthful and vibrant workforce. We need them today more than ever before
The Democrats and Media are guilty of Sedition due to their failed Russia coup. They are also traitors if they don not support securing our border like ever other developed nation in the world does.
Someone is funding and organizing these so-called caravans. Whomever that is, they're the people who need dealt with.
This is where it got started. Financing by George soros .
International Migrant Rights Collective

Now its expanded into the cartels bringing the invasion north on buses. In exchange the invader has loyalty to the cartel bringing them. Most of the invaders belonged to a cartel anyway. They just strengthen whatever gang they are put in contact with.
We see countries around the world like Japan that need younger workers. And let me tell you something, if we don’t get this right, in 20 or 30 years the United states is going to be begging immigrants to come to make a youthful and vibrant workforce. We need them today more than ever before

Horse shit.

The reason those Countries need young workers is because their own people aren't reproducing fast enough.

And the reason they aren't is because of the idiotic system they have.

Young people have to live at home into their 30's very often. In many Countries, virtually always.

Why? Because they can't land a worthwhile job until they're in their 30's and because housing costs are prohibitive. So they live in mommy and daddy's basement.

Kind hard to start a family in your mommy's basement. Well, unless you're a dimocrap. They'll start one in a back alley then run away from the responsibility of raising the child, leaving it to wander the streets like a feral cat.

Got side-tracked.

Anyway, those Countries brought that shit on themselves. We don't have that problem too badly yet. But we're heading there.

We really don't need Darwin to tell us what's next, do we?
Someone is funding and organizing these so-called caravans. Whomever that is, they're the people who need dealt with.
This is where it got started. Financing by George soros .
International Migrant Rights Collective

Now its expanded into the cartels bringing the invasion north on buses. In exchange the invader has loyalty to the cartel bringing them. Most of the invaders belonged to a cartel anyway. They just strengthen whatever gang they are put in contact with.
They kicked Soros out of Europe for trying to start shit like this over there.

Don't the dummies on the Left know that Socialism and Open Borders are Incompatible?
Exactly !!

Trump now has more power with Barr

And this will bring a lot more strong patriots to help destroy the whole crooked deep state

Too bad he wasted 2 years on that on useless Jeff Sessions.

Yep the state of Alabama should not allow sessions back in the state

He clearly was protecting the high treason criminals

Bama should tell sessions keep your azz in DC !!!

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