President Donald Trump- “The Storm Is Coming”. What is he implying?

In your dreams. Most Americans want to Make America Great Again not 'build back better' which, as we have seen, is an unmitigated disaster.
Most Americans would prefer migrants over MAGAts. MAGAts, of course, prefer to lie and cry and not con-tribute.
How the hell would I know, you're the hillbilly you tell me, Pete

Now go get the room ready for those illegals you'll be housing soon
Where's your personal responsibility? You also benefit from them feeding your ass, building and maintaining roads and bridges for your sorry ass, keeping a dry roof over your head, and maintaining our yards. Why should some one else do it? You get just as much from them as the next person. WTF are you?
He made the ambiguous post on Truth Social…(notice the Q lapel)
What do you think he’s asserting with such a post / image?
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It is called a "dog whistle."
Pansy-assed, weaklings like Trump use dog whistles like this one to signal his dim-witten moronic cult worshippers to respond/take action IF (fill in the blank) happens.

And then when they do (like on Jan. 6th, 2021) he has what is called "plausible deniability" because the record shows that "technically" he never "commanded" them to act (storm the Capitol, ect.).
Even though sure, they all heard the dog-whistle loud and clear.

In this way his clueless, idiot minions are the only ones taking the fall for doing his bidding.
They go to court to plead their cases.
Or even worse get shot and killed breaking into the U.S. Capitol in HIS name.
THEY sit in prison. Not him.

HE remains free to dog whistle to another NEW wave of extremely SLOW learners who will be more than willing to do his bidding.
No, you're going to support them. You want them, not me. Get at least four
Look, not that you have the horse sense to know up from down, it's all about doing what's right. Do you really believe in all your adorable fucking arrogance and ignorance, these folks want to be here with you? fuck no. But we forced them to come. Ever heard of right and wrong? Well this shit is wrong, and actions have consequences. Good luck fixing the fucked up mess we put these people in. Grow a spine, and admit we are the problem, not them; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -
We've done this rinse and repeat thing numerous times!

Idiot Trumptard asks "what crime?"
Then, when presented with crystal clear, unimpeachable PROOF of not one but numerous crimes idiot Trumptard refuses to even look at evidence but declares it is "fake and lacking credibility/authenticity."

Then idiot Trumptard circles back....

"WHAT crime(s)?

Guess there's just no fixing STUPID huh?
Trump likes headlines. So, he made one with a boneheaded threat which is typical Trump.

This is far more important as far as Trump is concerned.

Trump's federal judge who is in the process of interfering in the DOJ investigation of national security matters has approved the special master and is effectively slowing down the investigation of Trump's theft of classified documents.

The Times reports, "A federal judge on Thursday rejected the Justice Department’s request to resume a key part of its inquiry into former President Donald J. Trump’s handling of sensitive government records and appointed an outside arbiter to review thousands of documents seized last month from his Florida residence.

"The judge, Aileen M. Cannon, declined to lift any part of an order she issued last week that barred the department from using the documents, including about 100 marked classified, in its investigation until the arbiter, known as a special master, had completed a review.

"In her 10-page decision, Judge Cannon appointed a special master suggested by the Trump legal team and agreed upon by the government: Raymond J. Dearie, a semiretired judge from the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of New York.

"Judge Dearie will now have the authority to sift through more than 11,000 records the F.B.I. carted away from Mr. Trump’s estate, Mar-a-Lago, on Aug. 8. The move was a blow to the Justice Department, almost certain to significantly delay its investigation into whether the former president unlawfully retained national defense records or obstructed repeated attempts by federal officials to retrieve them."

In her order, Trump appointed Judge Cannon took pains to describe herself as mindful of the traditional reluctance of the judicial branch to intrude on executive authority in national security matters.

Then she did exactly that.

The Times continued, "She said that Judge Dearie should first look at the classified documents and “thereafter consider prompt adjustments to the court’s orders as necessary.” That raised the possibility that Judge Dearie might quickly clear the items and the F.B.I. would then regain unrestricted use of them in its criminal inquiry. In her order, Judge Cannon said the special master should try to finish his review by Nov. 30.

She did exactly what Trump's lawyers wanted her to do. The November mid-terms take place on November 8th.

However, her effectiveness in slowing things down has been marginalized by two important factors. The DOJ had possession of the classified documents for over three weeks before the judge's initial order. Also, as a matter of policy, the DOJ does not make any significant pronouncements within the 60 days before a general election.
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We've done this rinse and repeat thing numerous times!

Idiot Trumptard asks "what crime?"
Then, when presented with crystal clear, unimpeachable PROOF of not one but numerous crimes idiot Trumptard refuses to even look at evidence but declares it is "fake and lacking credibility/authenticity."

Then idiot Trumptard circles back....

"WHAT crime(s)?

Guess there's just no fixing STUPID huh?
:spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner:It's all they have left. If at first you don't succeed, ask the same stupid question that was already answered.
He's going to jail.
They've already tried that countless times.

They might try again, but they are not going to be successful, and it is going to make Biden look like the Fascist that he is, trying to imprison his political opponents, including his main one and a former president.

For this reason, I think it would be a good idea for Trump to formally declare he is running and quit hinting, but the GOP would prefer he wait until after the Mid Terms to announce.

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