President-elect Joe Biden is planning executive orders that would sweepingly reverse Trump's biggest policies

I do see the right and far right trying to change voter laws to further disenfranchise voters, especially the black vote, in places like Georgia for example. Biden has to act to prevent that, because no one is trying to stop the white Republican vote.
Democrats are.

With Republicans controlling a majority of the state legislatures in most of the states thats a blatantly dishonest statement on your part and you know it so stop trolling.
Then don't you think it's odd how Democrat-controlled precincts in swing states have not been allowing poll watchers to keep an eye on the count? How thousands of votes (all for Democrats, a statistical impossibility) magically appear overnight?

No. You don't think it's odd at all. Because you don't think at all.
The American worker and taxpayer are about to get the shaft from Biden. Having anticipated this disaster, I'm positioned well. I feel sorry for the kids but I ask myself why? They're the dumb fucks who elected these assholes. So millenials will be the generation who destroyed America and Philly will go from the cradle of liberty to the cradle of communism. Millenials and Philly suck.
His one executive order against saying white privilege needs to go, its a denial of reality.
Joe is the epitome of White Privilege.
You are just too stupid to see it.

How so? He grew up poor, he's the exception to white privilege as a white man.
Joseph H. Biden, an oil businessman from Baltimore, Maryland, were of English, French, and Irish descent.[12][7]:8

Biden's father was initially wealthy but had suffered several financial setbacks by the time Biden was born; for several years the family lived with Biden's maternal grandparents.[13] Scranton fell into economic decline during the 1950s and Biden's father could not find steady work.[14] Beginning in 1953, the family lived for several years in an apartment in Claymont, Delaware, then moved to a house in Wilmington, Delaware.[13] Joe Biden Sr. later became a successful used car salesman, maintaining the family a middle-class lifestyle.[13][14][15]
Looks pretty middle class to me. A few years of hard times doesn't describe poor.
You do realize his privilege has more to do with decades in the DC club.
He doesn't give a shit about you, but maintaining his status among the elite.
Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.
Says the wingnut who nodded along with Trumps presidency-by-executive order.
It's a LANDSLIDE and Trump is a LOOOOOOSER
It's funny the way leftists completely ignore the meanings of words.
You mean we don't know what losers and suckers mean, spouting out of the lunatics mouth?

We don't even have an official vote count yet, dumbass.
Looks like President-Elect Biden will end up with the same EC total - 306 - that Trump had.

Trump had 3 million less votes than Hillary.
Biden will end up with 5 million more votes than Trump.

Trump claimed LANDSLIDE. You nodded and drooled with zero pushback.

This is going to be a rough and sad 8 years for you. :auiqs.jpg:

This is to be expected and should happen. Let the cleaning up begin...

God willing, this is a moot point
Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.
Says the wingnut who nodded along with Trumps presidency-by-executive order.
My views on the matter are irrelevant.
Truest thing you’ve ever said on this forum.

I'm just pointing out yet another glaring leftist hypocrisy.

I can understand why you're feeling your toes stepped on. But you can't.


And SO many more.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Yes, Trump's been hypocritical about EOs.

I'm not sure why you believe that negates your hypocrisy, but I understand you'll grasp at anything, no matter how pathetic.

Trump and everyone who went along with that hypocrisy, including you.

Please point out your non-existing posts criticizing Dear Leader for his XOs.

Again...and I'll type s l o w l y for views are irrelevant. I'm pointing out the left's hypocrisy on EOs.

And as desperate as you are to deflect, it shows you're well aware of your hypocrisy.
I do see the right and far right trying to change voter laws to further disenfranchise voters, especially the black vote, in places like Georgia for example. Biden has to act to prevent that, because no one is trying to stop the white Republican vote.
Democrats are.

With Republicans controlling a majority of the state legislatures in most of the states thats a blatantly dishonest statement on your part and you know it so stop trolling.
Then don't you think it's odd how Democrat-controlled precincts in swing states have not been allowing poll watchers to keep an eye on the count? How thousands of votes (all for Democrats, a statistical impossibility) magically appear overnight?

No. You don't think it's odd at all. Because you don't think at all.

Dear dumbman, state legislatures make up the voter laws in each state, not the majority in the precincts, what are you not getting, or are you just plain uneducated about who makes the voters laws in each state? You just keep making a jackass out of yourself over and over again.
Just old job data gone is the left GOP new order ... :icon_sjung:
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Mr Biden....
Tear down that wall!
Not sure the wall will get torn down, but he certainly can make it easy for the illegals.
Path to citizenship
Yes, because criminals should be rewarded with citizenship. Fuck all those stupid morons who followed the law to come here legally.

"Here's your citizenship papers, your first welfare check, and your Democratic Party voter card."

No, because hardworking people should be rewarded with citizenship.
Hardworking criminals.

You spit on legal immigrants when you demand citizenship for illegals.

At worse illegal trespassers.

Hey......what are you doing on my property?
Cutting your grass sir

Lock him up!
I know this will come as a shock to you, but trespassing is illegal.

Just go ahead and admit the only reason you want them here is so they can vote Democrat. You don't give a shit about them as people; they're just lever-pullers.
Except, Democrats lost Hispanic votes. Get your lies straight.
Illegals don't vote, that's what Democrats have been saying for years -- while they keep promising illegals free shit for voting Democrat.

I think you put your foot in your mouth and you're trying to do damage control. You thought illegals voted.
They do, but it's not reported on CNN, and you've been told not to believe it, so there we are.
Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.
Says the wingnut who nodded along with Trumps presidency-by-executive order.
It's a LANDSLIDE and Trump is a LOOOOOOSER
It's funny the way leftists completely ignore the meanings of words.
You mean we don't know what losers and suckers mean, spouting out of the lunatics mouth?

We don't even have an official vote count yet, dumbass.
Looks like President-Elect Biden will end up with the same EC total - 306 - that Trump had.

Trump had 3 million less votes than Hillary.
Biden will end up with 5 million more votes than Trump.

Trump claimed LANDSLIDE. You nodded and drooled with zero pushback.

This is going to be a rough and sad 8 years for you. :auiqs.jpg:
Biden won't make the 8 years, doubtful 4 years. Kam doesn't have the charisma for a victory
at the polls. You people might want to look towards 2024 with something fresh.

This is to be expected and should happen. Let the cleaning up begin...

Bring back the bureaucratic bogging down of American business! Make America's Economy Anemic Again!
Mr Biden....
Tear down that wall!
Not sure the wall will get torn down, but he certainly can make it easy for the illegals.
Path to citizenship
Yes, because criminals should be rewarded with citizenship. Fuck all those stupid morons who followed the law to come here legally.

"Here's your citizenship papers, your first welfare check, and your Democratic Party voter card."

No, because hardworking people should be rewarded with citizenship.
Hardworking criminals.

You spit on legal immigrants when you demand citizenship for illegals.

At worse illegal trespassers.

Hey......what are you doing on my property?
Cutting your grass sir

Lock him up!
I know this will come as a shock to you, but trespassing is illegal.

Just go ahead and admit the only reason you want them here is so they can vote Democrat. You don't give a shit about them as people; they're just lever-pullers.
Except, Democrats lost Hispanic votes. Get your lies straight.
Illegals don't vote, that's what Democrats have been saying for years -- while they keep promising illegals free shit for voting Democrat.

I think you put your foot in your mouth and you're trying to do damage control. You thought illegals voted.
They do, but it's not reported on CNN, and you've been told not to believe it, so there we are.

Now you're just going to make up unsupported BS, I'm done here, the state legislatures make up the voting laws and in most states they are controlled by Republicans. They make up rules and still lose by their own rules, lol
So the question is........what did the Trump supporters get after 4 years of Trump.

No Hillary. I will most certainly give them that one.

A few new miles of new wall.

That's about it.

Trump like Obama before him could have made some real differences but both blew it.
You forgot 3 conservative justices, That was the sole reason I voted for him first time.

People have pinned their hopes on this for decades with little actual change.

50 years later abortion is still legal and will remain legal and despite having what was supposed to be a liberal court the Democrats were able to do nothing about guns.
Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.
Says the wingnut who nodded along with Trumps presidency-by-executive order.
It's a LANDSLIDE and Trump is a LOOOOOOSER
It's funny the way leftists completely ignore the meanings of words.
You mean we don't know what losers and suckers mean, spouting out of the lunatics mouth?

We don't even have an official vote count yet, dumbass.
Looks like President-Elect Biden will end up with the same EC total - 306 - that Trump had.

Trump had 3 million less votes than Hillary.
Biden will end up with 5 million more votes than Trump.

Trump claimed LANDSLIDE. You nodded and drooled with zero pushback.

This is going to be a rough and sad 8 years for you. :auiqs.jpg:
Biden won't make the 8 years, doubtful 4 years. Kam doesn't have the charisma for a victory
at the polls. You people might want to look towards 2024 with something fresh.

True but neither does Joe. Sadly "Democrat" gets you to about 47% of the vote no matter how you are or how terrible
Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.
Says the wingnut who nodded along with Trumps presidency-by-executive order.
It's a LANDSLIDE and Trump is a LOOOOOOSER
It's funny the way leftists completely ignore the meanings of words.
You mean we don't know what losers and suckers mean, spouting out of the lunatics mouth?

We don't even have an official vote count yet, dumbass.
Looks like President-Elect Biden will end up with the same EC total - 306 - that Trump had.

Trump had 3 million less votes than Hillary.
Biden will end up with 5 million more votes than Trump.

Trump claimed LANDSLIDE. You nodded and drooled with zero pushback.

This is going to be a rough and sad 8 years for you. :auiqs.jpg:
Not really. I don't operate on emotion like you leftists. I got along well under the Obama clusterfuck, I'll do okay under Harris/Biden.

And you? You'll blame every Harris/Biden fuckup on Trump, just like you'll be told to do.
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Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.
Says the wingnut who nodded along with Trumps presidency-by-executive order.
It's a LANDSLIDE and Trump is a LOOOOOOSER
It's funny the way leftists completely ignore the meanings of words.
You mean we don't know what losers and suckers mean, spouting out of the lunatics mouth?

We don't even have an official vote count yet, dumbass.
306 was a landslide when your moron beat Hillary He said so himself You think him throwing shit up against the wall will give him the presidency??
If you believe this election was truly fair and honest, you won't mind recounts.

But you don't want recounts.
Who is against recounts? Recount them as many times as you like. But then when you lose don’t go run and hide like a little bitch - stand up like a man and declare Joe Biden President-Elect. Personally, I don’t think you’re capable.

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