President non grata

Quite simple. You named all A-listers of the world's political elite. They hate him because he threatens their power. In the case of the Bushes he figuratively kicked them into the dustbin of history.
He threatens the power of the late Senator McCain? He threatens the power of the Duke of Cambridge and his wife? He threatens the power of the wife of the 41st president of the United States?

Or is just a massive tool unwelcome among polite society?

Which makes more sense?
You just named some prominent members of the One World Order. They hate Trump because he ain't one of them.He doesn't need any of that rabble.
Honor, courage, character, duty. Had Trump demonstrated any of those aspects of maturity, he wouldn't need a fairy tale like "One World Order" to hide behind.

So why didn't you vote for McCain over Obama???

Trump was excluded from John McCain's funeral. He was excluded from Barbara Bush's funeral. He was explicitly not invited to the royal wedding in May.

Can anyone please explain, given all his "winning", why he is such a social outcast? Why is he unable to be permitted to act as the head of state? Is it something he said?
Fuck the Establishment , and fuck your village
And that's the attitude polite, civilized, educated, cosmopolitan and mature people find so disgusting. Don't expect a whole batch of invitations to anything short of Wrestlemania any time soon.
I think it's fine if President Trump does not make the invite list of this party or that funeral. He is too busy fixing all the screw ups of Presidents before him anyway.
What's he doing this week? Fumbling the response to the death of McCain and bitching about his Google searches.
Trump was excluded from John McCain's funeral. He was excluded from Barbara Bush's funeral. He was explicitly not invited to the royal wedding in May.

Can anyone please explain, given all his "winning", why he is such a social outcast? Why is he unable to be permitted to act as the head of state? Is it something he said?
Maybe his breath is really bad?
Trump challenged and overcame the ststus quo. He prevented Jebbie from taking his turn.

Just look at what England is doing to itself ! The royal family should be ashamed of what they have let the country become.

In being excluded from the McCain funeral, Trump is in good company. McCain wanted everyone who helped him in his failed presidential campaign excluded. He was always a vindictive sort. To all descriptions John McCain was a petty and cruel man.

All in all Trump should be proud of who doesn't want him.
Do political victories now require petulant and capricious behavior? Have we devolved from statesmanship to churlishness? Is this devolution to be celebrated? Is there no longer room in this narrow minded society for decent human respect, maturity, humility and forgiveness?

This take no prisoners notion of politics is really a house on fire. It cannot, and certainly should not stand. Not if mature people have anything to say.
Shitstain obama killed statesmanship when he gave voters the finger.
Quite simple. You named all A-listers of the world's political elite. They hate him because he threatens their power. In the case of the Bushes he figuratively kicked them into the dustbin of history.
He threatens the power of the late Senator McCain? He threatens the power of the Duke of Cambridge and his wife? He threatens the power of the wife of the 41st president of the United States?

Or is just a massive tool unwelcome among polite society?

Which makes more sense?
He threatens Wall Street, moron.
And Wall Street owns all the polite politicians you love.
By the way, did I forget to mention you're a moron?
Quite simple. You named all A-listers of the world's political elite. They hate him because he threatens their power. In the case of the Bushes he figuratively kicked them into the dustbin of history.
He threatens the power of the late Senator McCain? He threatens the power of the Duke of Cambridge and his wife? He threatens the power of the wife of the 41st president of the United States?

Or is just a massive tool unwelcome among polite society?

Which makes more sense?
You can keep your polite society. He is a threat to entrenched power and John McCain, The Bushes and the British Royals are all long standing members. I'm sure his blunt manner also pisses them off, so be it. He is a President for the real Americans not the elites and their worshippers.
You insult "real" Americans. Who are they? Trump supporters? Are you confusing patriotism for political tribalism?

His blunt manner is actually an embarrassment. We expect better from four year olds than we expect from Trump.
Because Liberals like polite liars.
Quite simple. You named all A-listers of the world's political elite. They hate him because he threatens their power. In the case of the Bushes he figuratively kicked them into the dustbin of history.
He threatens the power of the late Senator McCain? He threatens the power of the Duke of Cambridge and his wife? He threatens the power of the wife of the 41st president of the United States?

Or is just a massive tool unwelcome among polite society?

Which makes more sense?
You just named some prominent members of the One World Order. They hate Trump because he ain't one of them.He doesn't need any of that rabble.
All Trump has ever wanted is to be loved by them, by the rich and famous... but he has always been an outcast, because of his lack of character and classlessness. He thought his tax cut for the billionaires would earn him a position of status among the wealthiest, for once and for all..... but they still view him, as white trash.... while enjoying their tax cuts.

It has nothing to do with a one world order. This is the story of his life.... he so wants to be loved and wanted, starting with his parents who kicked him out and sent him to Military boarding school...

He also wants the Press to love him, unconditionally.... his lashing out on them, is because he is not getting that undeserved love....

Honestly, I really am starting to feel sorry for him.....
I have a feeling that as we speak, Trump is under his bed, crying, sucking his thumb and blowing snot bubbles, poor baby.

Not under the bed silly Willy, in front of the TV! :D
AS the saying goes....

Money can't buy you love!

porn stars, playmates, whores, catch n kill tabloid stories, the presidency etc....certainly!

but not LOVE!
Trump was excluded from John McCain's funeral. He was excluded from Barbara Bush's funeral. He was explicitly not invited to the royal wedding in May.

Can anyone please explain, given all his "winning", why he is such a social outcast? Why is he unable to be permitted to act as the head of state? Is it something he said?
He can not be trusted and is generally viewed by sensible people to be a rude, crude, no character, big-mouthed creepy guy with no redeeming value. A self-centered boor as well. A man who no matter what, crudely demands to be the primary focus and center of attention.
Quite simple. You named all A-listers of the world's political elite. They hate him because he threatens their power. In the case of the Bushes he figuratively kicked them into the dustbin of history.
He threatens the power of the late Senator McCain? He threatens the power of the Duke of Cambridge and his wife? He threatens the power of the wife of the 41st president of the United States?

Or is just a massive tool unwelcome among polite society?

Which makes more sense?
He threatens Wall Street, moron.
And Wall Street owns all the polite politicians you love.
By the way, did I forget to mention you're a moron?
Gee. He cites Wall Street as a metric of his economic success.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

And does calling me a moron make your point about impoliteness as a virtue stand up to intellectual scrutiny?
Trump was excluded from John McCain's funeral. He was excluded from Barbara Bush's funeral. He was explicitly not invited to the royal wedding in May.

Can anyone please explain, given all his "winning", why he is such a social outcast? Why is he unable to be permitted to act as the head of state? Is it something he said?


Trump tells people what he really thinks and how feels about things that is something the political establishment doesn't know how to handle.
The 'political establishment' can handle honest criticism. What mature, reasonable people cannot abide is the rudeness of a petulant child in the guise of the President of the United States of America.

Why must we confuse telling people what he thinks with responsible behavior? Why must we accept churlishness as statecraft? Why must we excuse the rudeness of a jerk as the acceptable comportment of the head of state? Would you allow your own child to behave so badly? Why then would you excuse a 71 year old man invested with the power and authority of the President to do so?
Trump tells people what he really thinks and how feels about things that is something the political establishment doesn't know how to handle.
The 'political establishment' can handle honest criticism. What mature, reasonable people cannot abide is the rudeness of a petulant child in the guise of the President of the United States of America.

Why must we confuse telling people what he thinks with responsible behavior? Why must we accept churlishness as statecraft? Why must we excuse the rudeness of a jerk as the acceptable comportment of the head of state? Would you allow your own child to behave so badly? Why then would you excuse a 71 year old man invested with the power and authority of the President to do so?
The political establishment has already proven they can’t handle it they have spent so many years all reading from the same script they can’t deal with someone who won’t read the script. Trump is not going to be the person everyone else tells him to be the sooner people come to terms with that the better.
Trump was excluded from John McCain's funeral. He was excluded from Barbara Bush's funeral. He was explicitly not invited to the royal wedding in May.

Can anyone please explain, given all his "winning", why he is such a social outcast? Why is he unable to be permitted to act as the head of state? Is it something he said?
He wasnt excluded from Barbara’s funeral. He didn’t go. You loons are hilarious.
Quite simple. You named all A-listers of the world's political elite. They hate him because he threatens their power. In the case of the Bushes he figuratively kicked them into the dustbin of history.
He threatens the power of the late Senator McCain? He threatens the power of the Duke of Cambridge and his wife? He threatens the power of the wife of the 41st president of the United States?

Or is just a massive tool unwelcome among polite society?

Which makes more sense?
You just named some prominent members of the One World Order. They hate Trump because he ain't one of them.He doesn't need any of that rabble.
All Trump has ever wanted is to be loved by them, by the rich and famous... but he has always been an outcast, because of his lack of character and classlessness. He thought his tax cut for the billionaires would earn him a position of status among the wealthiest, for once and for all..... but they still view him, as white trash.... while enjoying their tax cuts.

It has nothing to do with a one world order. This is the story of his life.... he so wants to be loved and wanted, starting with his parents who kicked him out and sent him to Military boarding school...

He also wants the Press to love him, unconditionally.... his lashing out on them, is because he is not getting that undeserved love....

Honestly, I really am starting to feel sorry for him.....

Your words in your post could NOT have been more correct & SPOT ON.

Trump has an eternal NEED to be accepted & to feel accepted, because he has been rejected his entire life.

Trump thrives on adulation, excessive admiration; Donald HAS TO BE the center of attention, or if he is not, he goes crazy.

This is what most people don't realize: Our president IS CRAZY and NO ONE wants a crazy person around.
Trump was excluded from John McCain's funeral. He was excluded from Barbara Bush's funeral. He was explicitly not invited to the royal wedding in May.

Can anyone please explain, given all his "winning", why he is such a social outcast? Why is he unable to be permitted to act as the head of state? Is it something he said?

who cares

bitter old rino gone
I'm sure Trump couldn't care less if he as invited to McCain's funeral.

McCain made no secret of the fact he disliked Trump and made every effort to attack the man.

Who the hell cares who was at McCain's funeral. Most people couldn't give a rats ass.

Neither do I.
Quite simple. You named all A-listers of the world's political elite. They hate him because he threatens their power. In the case of the Bushes he figuratively kicked them into the dustbin of history.
He threatens the power of the late Senator McCain? He threatens the power of the Duke of Cambridge and his wife? He threatens the power of the wife of the 41st president of the United States?

Or is just a massive tool unwelcome among polite society?

Which makes more sense?
You just named some prominent members of the One World Order. They hate Trump because he ain't one of them.He doesn't need any of that rabble.
All Trump has ever wanted is to be loved by them, by the rich and famous... but he has always been an outcast, because of his lack of character and classlessness. He thought his tax cut for the billionaires would earn him a position of status among the wealthiest, for once and for all..... but they still view him, as white trash.... while enjoying their tax cuts.

It has nothing to do with a one world order. This is the story of his life.... he so wants to be loved and wanted, starting with his parents who kicked him out and sent him to Military boarding school...

He also wants the Press to love him, unconditionally.... his lashing out on them, is because he is not getting that undeserved love....

Honestly, I really am starting to feel sorry for him.....

" Honestly, I really am starting to feel sorry for him..... " I was going to rate you a Winner until that last sentence. POTUS deserves all the negative, hateful garbage that is and has been heaped upon him. I have zero empathy or sympathy for the bone spur drama queen. IMHO.

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