President Obama Causes Outrage with Reference to ‘Polish Death Camp’

Please, exactly how good and friendly Poland has been to Jews over the centuries.
poland was home to the largest, most 'free' jew. communities for CENTURIES , larger than Germany......we can start there....and you?
I find it interesting that the left finds this insult to the Poles to be a simple "faux pas" that should be overlooked but went nuts when McCain referred to Obama as "that one".

Because it is a simple faux pas. This is nothing compared to Reagan's trip to Bitburg.

And yeah, people got outraged over that because of the historical legacy of objectification of African-Americans. Same reason why referring to a black person as "boy" is wildly offensive.

Just saw this, I had forgotten what a dope you where way back when you first got here.
Why don't you provide a link that shows the centuries old tradition of cleansing Polish Jews?
poland was home to the largest, most 'free' jew. communities for CENTURIES , larger than Germany......we can start there....and you?

How about you start with modern times.

There are under 30K (maybe) Jews currently living in Poland. Mexico has a bigger Jewish community.
poland was home to the largest, most 'free' jew. communities for CENTURIES , larger than Germany......we can start there....and you?

Yeah, mostly because it had an unstable government that didn't have the time to go on genocidal sprees. When they did have a stable government though, things got bad fast...
Whether YOU think Poland is responsible or complicit in death camps is immaterial since what you think doesn't mean as much as a bean fart. Poland has taken offense and Polish people (some of whom are American voters) HAVE.

Do democrats feel that obama has raised the standard of America in the word? Is that a completely ridiculous statement?

How do you raise the "standard" of America in a word?

You guys only give a shit when anyone in the "world" takes offense..when it's Obama they take offense out.

Reagan..laid a wreath on the graves on Nazi soldiers..the world was pissed.

Bush invaded a country in the middle east for no reason..the world was pissed.

Not one of you conservatives even flinched.

In was John Bolton that wanted to tear down the UN.

So spare us.

You guys really don't give a shit about the world.

I doubt you've been outside this to visit beach resorts.

what in the hell are you babbling about?what does that have to do with it?

seriously? :alcoholic:

and your Reagan comment, go ahead keep shitting yourself you never seem to get tired....:lol:


It's conservatives like you that "shit themselves".

Like Ted "The Patriot" Nugent..did to avoid Vietnam.

poland was home to the largest, most 'free' jew. communities for CENTURIES , larger than Germany......we can start there....and you?

Yeah, mostly because it had an unstable government that didn't have the time to go on genocidal sprees. When they did have a stable government though, things got bad fast...

Giving this guy a history lesson is like lecturing to a rock.

Well..the rock doesn't spew nonsense..

So with the have a bit more fun.
poland was home to the largest, most 'free' jew. communities for CENTURIES , larger than Germany......we can start there....and you?

How about you start with modern times.

There are under 30K (maybe) Jews currently living in Poland. Mexico has a bigger Jewish community.

And they have close to 100k after the Second World War. Why fewer today? They expelled around 10k in 1968 and I'm guessing the rest took that as a signal to get the hell out.
Sorry..little deal. You can't swallow my jiz..

World News: China sends troops to Tibetan areas -

Although you come from China..

You don't seem to know much about it.


Yeah, they sent MORE troops, Swallow. There have been PRC troops in Tibet every fucking day since they invaded in 1949, you ignorant fool.

And no, I'm not from China, you fucking idiot. I think your 'diet' is affecting your pea-brain, Swallow.

You keep wanting to swallow my little China doll you.

And what part of China do you hail from?


Do you think you can cover your ignorance that way, Swallow? It's not working, Swallow.
You're the one who is ignorant of history if you think Poland is without blame re: the Holocaust.

So you think obama said it on purpose and was accurate? Is that your position?

No. I think the speechwriter screwed up and Obama should apologize. The formulation "Polish death camps" makes it sound like Poland was running the camps. I'm saying Polish officials get so upset about it is because they're really touchy about anti-Semitism, especially in light of the BBC documentary about Polish soccer fans.
Yeah, they sent MORE troops, Swallow. There have been PRC troops in Tibet every fucking day since they invaded in 1949, you ignorant fool.

And no, I'm not from China, you fucking idiot. I think your 'diet' is affecting your pea-brain, Swallow.

You keep wanting to swallow my little China doll you.

And what part of China do you hail from?


Do you think you can cover your ignorance that way, Swallow? It's not working, Swallow.

Why do you keep asking to suck my dirty little china girl?

Sailors and dock workers not enough?

Or they don't like the "Sucky Sucky no Fucky.." rule you go by.

Let me break it down for you..

Me no rike fags..
Me no rike rittle fag..
China invades Tibet..US tries to complain..tut tut..Iraq..

China invaded Tibet in 1949, you idiot (or 1240, depending on how you look at it). Brush up on some history between 'jobs' Swallow.

Sorry..little deal. You can't swallow my jiz..

World News: China sends troops to Tibetan areas -

Although you come from China..

You don't seem to know much about it.


We call it Tibet, China calls it their southwest province.

What was your point again?
They are not scared shitless of it you old gay fruity cocksucker.

What they didn't want was to be ringed by a missile system, capable of being used to carry warheads.

But you are to fucking stupid to figure that one out.

What an idiot. Mudpacker.

What part of "defensive shield" don't you understand????


The Russian aren't stupid. They know it could be retooled as a delivery system.

Why would we retool it as a delivery system? We have all sorts of delivery systems that don't have to be retooled, can actually carry nukes, and have a much larger range. Only a foreign government trying to score political points, or an idiot, would argue that we could retool it.

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