President Obama Causes Outrage with Reference to ‘Polish Death Camp’

China invades Tibet..US tries to complain..tut tut..Iraq..

China invaded Tibet in 1949, you idiot (or 1240, depending on how you look at it). Brush up on some history between 'jobs' Swallow.
Well the White House apologized for the comment. So obviously you are full of shit.

Well duh, the White House under any presidency apologizes when people get offended.

“He was referring to Nazi death camps in German-occupied Poland,” Vietor said. “We regret this misstatement, which should not detract from the clear intention to honor Mr. Karski and those brave Polish citizens who stood on the side of human dignity in the face of tyranny.”

So the whole problem is people in Poland, who don't speak english, are being told Obama said something akin to "Polish run death camps."

No intelligent person would think "Polish death camps" meant anything other than what he meant - which was death camps IN Poland that were full of POLISH people.

Especially considering he was at an event HONORING a Polish person for his acts of bravery against the Nazi's in WWII.

All presidents who are monitored 24/7 will make slip ups. This one seems ridiculously harmless to me (and I have Jewish ancestry so the death camps are rather relavent to my history). Bush was a hell of a lot worse. Who cares? Focus on issues and not bad syntax.

To use the term "Polish death camp" has been a controversy for decades and has been denounced since 1989 by every Polish government.

It has nothing to do with intelligence whatsoever. It is an appalling and factually incorrect term.

Okay... So do you then assume that Obama a) Is a complete moron for not being aware of that or b) Intentionally said 'polish ['run'] death camps' while honoring a passed Polish citizen for his part in stopping the Nazi's?

If you don't think he intentionally meant to attack the Poles while honoring a Pole, then it was simply a grammatical mistake.

Do you not believe Bush made grammatical mistakes? And if so, do you mean to say he never said anything by mistake that was construed as 'offensive' while Obama, by chance, has?

So you surely campaigned when Bush said:

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

Do you not consider it offensive that Bush, even if by mistake, said he was going to HARM Americans!!!

Or are you simply siding along partisan lines blindly, and applying a blatant double standard?

I honestly don't give a fuck if Bush or Obama made mistakes in their speeches. That's just distraction for the sheep so they don't focus on real problems.
Well duh, the White House under any presidency apologizes when people get offended.

“He was referring to Nazi death camps in German-occupied Poland,” Vietor said. “We regret this misstatement, which should not detract from the clear intention to honor Mr. Karski and those brave Polish citizens who stood on the side of human dignity in the face of tyranny.”

So the whole problem is people in Poland, who don't speak english, are being told Obama said something akin to "Polish run death camps."

No intelligent person would think "Polish death camps" meant anything other than what he meant - which was death camps IN Poland that were full of POLISH people.

Especially considering he was at an event HONORING a Polish person for his acts of bravery against the Nazi's in WWII.

All presidents who are monitored 24/7 will make slip ups. This one seems ridiculously harmless to me (and I have Jewish ancestry so the death camps are rather relavent to my history). Bush was a hell of a lot worse. Who cares? Focus on issues and not bad syntax.

To use the term "Polish death camp" has been a controversy for decades and has been denounced since 1989 by every Polish government.

It has nothing to do with intelligence whatsoever. It is an appalling and factually incorrect term.

Okay... So do you then assume that Obama a) Is a complete moron for not being aware of that or b) Intentionally said 'polish ['run'] death camps' while honoring a passed Polish citizen for his part in stopping the Nazi's?

If you don't think he intentionally meant to attack the Poles while honoring a Pole, then it was simply a grammatical mistake.

Do you not believe Bush made grammatical mistakes? And if so, do you mean to say he never said anything by mistake that was construed as 'offensive' while Obama, by chance, has?

So you surely campaigned when Bush said:

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

Do you not consider it offensive that Bush, even if by mistake, said he was going to HARM Americans!!!

Or are you simply siding along partisan lines blindly, and applying a blatant double standard?

I honestly don't give a fuck if Bush or Obama made mistakes in their speeches. That's just distraction for the sheep so they don't focus on real problems.

This has nothing to do with Bush or any other President. This has to do with Obama and Obama alone.

This was a diplomatic faux pas. I have stated this from the beginning of my postings in this thread. And a foolish one. This is a very sensitive issue to the Poles. It has been for decades.

Level of seriousness #1 as compared to his horrid and long lasting insult to the United Kingdom by purposely and with petulant vindictiveness insulting the UK by sending the bust of Winston Churchill to Britain that rates a #10 on the richter scale of idiotic diplomatic blunders aka high end fuck ups.
People here joke about this, and dismiss Soetoro's incompetence... Personally I find it both disturbing and embarrassing for the American people. The World is laughing at us all, except Poland of course.

Combined with the scraping of the missile defense shield program in Europe by Papa Obama, developed by Bush, angered Poles as it signaled a key victory for Russia.

80 Billion dollars later and it still doesn't work.

Tell us again how fucking fiscally conservative you guys are..


Oh wait..can you say "Joint Strike Fighter"..

That was only 300 Billion.

Where's da plane, boss?

You are so gulliable Swallow.

It worked so poorly that Russia was scared shitless of it.

A defensive shield.....scared Russia.

Makes you wonder what Russia is up to. :eusa_whistle:
That doesn't change the fact that a clear majority of Poles opposed the missile scheme. Just because a government official feels a certain way doesn't mean he represents mass opinion.
But you yo-yos constantly tell us that Obama IS America.

So what you really mean is that any foreign official who disagrees with whatever stupid shit falls out of Obama's head doesn't matter.
Combined with the scraping of the missile defense shield program in Europe by Papa Obama, developed by Bush, angered Poles as it signaled a key victory for Russia.

80 Billion dollars later and it still doesn't work.

Tell us again how fucking fiscally conservative you guys are..


Oh wait..can you say "Joint Strike Fighter"..

That was only 300 Billion.

Where's da plane, boss?

You are so gulliable Swallow.

It worked so poorly that Russia was scared shitless of it.

A defensive shield.....scared Russia.

Makes you wonder what Russia is up to. :eusa_whistle:

They are not scared shitless of it you old gay fruity cocksucker.

What they didn't want was to be ringed by a missile system, capable of being used to carry warheads.

But you are to fucking stupid to figure that one out.

What an idiot. Mudpacker.
That doesn't change the fact that a clear majority of Poles opposed the missile scheme. Just because a government official feels a certain way doesn't mean he represents mass opinion.
But you yo-yos constantly tell us that Obama IS America.

So what you really mean is that any foreign official who disagrees with whatever stupid shit falls out of Obama's head doesn't matter.

Supporting evidence of said "constant" telling?
To use the term "Polish death camp" has been a controversy for decades and has been denounced since 1989 by every Polish government.

It has nothing to do with intelligence whatsoever. It is an appalling and factually incorrect term.

Okay... So do you then assume that Obama a) Is a complete moron for not being aware of that or b) Intentionally said 'polish ['run'] death camps' while honoring a passed Polish citizen for his part in stopping the Nazi's?

If you don't think he intentionally meant to attack the Poles while honoring a Pole, then it was simply a grammatical mistake.

Do you not believe Bush made grammatical mistakes? And if so, do you mean to say he never said anything by mistake that was construed as 'offensive' while Obama, by chance, has?

So you surely campaigned when Bush said:

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

Do you not consider it offensive that Bush, even if by mistake, said he was going to HARM Americans!!!

Or are you simply siding along partisan lines blindly, and applying a blatant double standard?

I honestly don't give a fuck if Bush or Obama made mistakes in their speeches. That's just distraction for the sheep so they don't focus on real problems.

This has nothing to do with Bush or any other President. This has to do with Obama and Obama alone.

This was a diplomatic faux pas. I have stated this from the beginning of my postings in this thread. And a foolish one. This is a very sensitive issue to the Poles. It has been for decades.

Level of seriousness #1 as compared to his horrid and long lasting insult to the United Kingdom by purposely and with petulant vindictiveness insulting the UK by sending the bust of Winston Churchill to Britain that rates a #10 on the richter scale of idiotic diplomatic blunders aka high end fuck ups.

80 Billion dollars later and it still doesn't work.

Tell us again how fucking fiscally conservative you guys are..


Oh wait..can you say "Joint Strike Fighter"..

That was only 300 Billion.

Where's da plane, boss?

You are so gulliable Swallow.

It worked so poorly that Russia was scared shitless of it.

A defensive shield.....scared Russia.

Makes you wonder what Russia is up to. :eusa_whistle:

They are not scared shitless of it you old gay fruity cocksucker.

What they didn't want was to be ringed by a missile system, capable of being used to carry warheads.

But you are to fucking stupid to figure that one out.

What an idiot. Mudpacker.

What part of "defensive shield" don't you understand????
You are so gulliable Swallow.

It worked so poorly that Russia was scared shitless of it.

A defensive shield.....scared Russia.

Makes you wonder what Russia is up to. :eusa_whistle:

They are not scared shitless of it you old gay fruity cocksucker.

What they didn't want was to be ringed by a missile system, capable of being used to carry warheads.

But you are to fucking stupid to figure that one out.

What an idiot. Mudpacker.

What part of "defensive shield" don't you understand????


The Russian aren't stupid. They know it could be retooled as a delivery system.
That doesn't change the fact that a clear majority of Poles opposed the missile scheme. Just because a government official feels a certain way doesn't mean he represents mass opinion.
But you yo-yos constantly tell us that Obama IS America.

So what you really mean is that any foreign official who disagrees with whatever stupid shit falls out of Obama's head doesn't matter.

Supporting evidence of said "constant" telling?

Obama is not America. Therefore, disagreeing with him is not treason.
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But you yo-yos constantly tell us that Obama IS America.

So what you really mean is that any foreign official who disagrees with whatever stupid shit falls out of Obama's head doesn't matter.

Supporting evidence of said "constant" telling?

Obama is not America. Therefore, disagreeing with him is not treason.


You linked a thread saying that Norquist's pledge is treason.

You linked a thread calling the GOP's "war on America" "treason".

You linked a thread about a guy saying "traitor" when Obama mentioned Romney's name.

Huge fail there on your part, Dave.
The poles are mad that they were pussies?

Well being a jackass with zero education like yourself, I see how you would say such a thing.

of all of the occupied countries the poles have probably the best record for resistance...the french laid down like whores, hence the jokes 60 years later, they do or did have a good propaganda machine, and they made it appear they were all over it…....ever heard of the Vichy gov. ?

You don’t have any idea of what I am talking about so crawl back under your rock dude.

As a general note;

obama hs once again given us an example as to just how ill educated he is for such a ‘genius’, he may have graduated in the top 35% of his class at Harvard law, but hes not very well read or historically grounded, his use of the term, in that particular sense, ‘Polish Concentration Camp’ I have in all of my reading and exchanges never ever heard of the native country being used as the identifier in that way, it is Bush like in its misapplication;), not that the media will call him on it.
oh yeah sure..we know what this board would like like if it had BEEN BUSH..
but it's the poor dear obama..waa

You have a lot of nerve criticizing Obama's mistakes when Bush embarrassed America for 8 years. And I am willing to bet that you voted for him, twice.

Remind me how he embarassed America. I think he embarassed liberal noobs like you because he actually stood for something and his leadership didnt come off a teleprompter written by George Soros.

He could barely speak properly. he was a warmonger and a torturer. Do you want more?
Over 200,000 Americans died liberating Europe from the Nazis.

How do you say 'You're welcome' in Polish?

Glad you guys finally did get around to joining the war :lol: Many died from many countries freeing Europe from Nazi rule.

Come on. Can't we just say this was a diplomatic faux pas that shouldn't have happened?

It's a screw up. Plain and simple.

Yes, we are admitting that and it is time to move on.

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