President Obama Causes Outrage with Reference to ‘Polish Death Camp’

*YOU* don't know what you're talking about in Reference to 'Auschwitz', DO YOU?:evil:

And Yes jews have been persecuted since biblical times...but THAt isn't the fucking subject, is it asswipe?:evil::eusa_hand:

The *TOPIC* of the thread is that Poles were "upset" by having the death camps referred to as "Polish".

Well they were.

Plenty of Polish people were in favor of what they were doing. As were many in Europe.

So..really..what's your point here?

That they were not in favor of ridding Poland of the Jews?

Heck..France was even in favor of ridding France of the Jews.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.



Wrong answer. It was more than a Mistake. Laugh all you want assface. :mad:

What was it then?
China invades Tibet..US tries to complain..tut tut..Iraq..

China invaded Tibet in 1949, you idiot (or 1240, depending on how you look at it). Brush up on some history between 'jobs' Swallow.

Sorry..little deal. You can't swallow my jiz..

World News: China sends troops to Tibetan areas -

Although you come from China..

You don't seem to know much about it.


Yeah, they sent MORE troops, Swallow. There have been PRC troops in Tibet every fucking day since they invaded in 1949, you ignorant fool.

And no, I'm not from China, you fucking idiot. I think your 'diet' is affecting your pea-brain, Swallow.
I find it interesting that the left finds this insult to the Poles to be a simple "faux pas" that should be overlooked but went nuts when McCain referred to Obama as "that one".

Who went nuts? I certainly did not, and I know of no liberals who did.
I find it interesting that the left finds this insult to the Poles to be a simple "faux pas" that should be overlooked but went nuts when McCain referred to Obama as "that one".

Because it is a simple faux pas. This is nothing compared to Reagan's trip to Bitburg.

And yeah, people got outraged over that because of the historical legacy of objectification of African-Americans. Same reason why referring to a black person as "boy" is wildly offensive.
I find it interesting that the left finds this insult to the Poles to be a simple "faux pas" that should be overlooked but went nuts when McCain referred to Obama as "that one".

Because it is a simple faux pas. This is nothing compared to Reagan's trip to Bitburg.

And yeah, people got outraged over that because of the historical legacy of objectification of African-Americans. Same reason why referring to a black person as "boy" is wildly offensive.

And you think Polish people haven't been historically screwed over enough to get upset about something like this?
how funny, we are always told Obama has uplifted our standing in the whole wide world.

but when he offends one of them, they are now the biggest piece of shit for being offended...

He has uplifted America's standing in the world, and one honest mistake does not nullify this.
When JFK said he was a jelly doughnut it was a Faux Pas. obama intended to insult Poland and he did. He does not consider Polish-Americans a numerous enough constituency to bother with.
I find it interesting that the left finds this insult to the Poles to be a simple "faux pas" that should be overlooked but went nuts when McCain referred to Obama as "that one".

Because it is a simple faux pas. This is nothing compared to Reagan's trip to Bitburg.

And yeah, people got outraged over that because of the historical legacy of objectification of African-Americans. Same reason why referring to a black person as "boy" is wildly offensive.

And you think Polish people haven't been historically screwed over enough to get upset about something like this?

Not really, because a lot of it is the lady protesting too much. The Nazi occupation sucked for Poland, but a lot of Poles ratted out their fellow citizens to the Nazis for no reason other than anti-Semitism and anti-Semitism still runs deep in Polish society today.
Because it is a simple faux pas. This is nothing compared to Reagan's trip to Bitburg.

And yeah, people got outraged over that because of the historical legacy of objectification of African-Americans. Same reason why referring to a black person as "boy" is wildly offensive.

And you think Polish people haven't been historically screwed over enough to get upset about something like this?

Not really.

Then you're ignorant of history.
You're the one who is ignorant of history if you think Poland is without blame re: the Holocaust.

Even day, anti-Semitism is rampant in the country. One of the reasons Poland is so butthurt over this is that it comes on the heels of a BBC documentary highlighting modern Polish anti-Semitism in the lead-up to Euro 2012.
Whether YOU think Poland is responsible or complicit in death camps is immaterial since what you think doesn't mean as much as a bean fart. Poland has taken offense and Polish people (some of whom are American voters) HAVE.

Do democrats feel that obama has raised the standard of America in the word? Is that a completely ridiculous statement?
China invaded Tibet in 1949, you idiot (or 1240, depending on how you look at it). Brush up on some history between 'jobs' Swallow.

Sorry..little deal. You can't swallow my jiz..

World News: China sends troops to Tibetan areas -

Although you come from China..

You don't seem to know much about it.


Yeah, they sent MORE troops, Swallow. There have been PRC troops in Tibet every fucking day since they invaded in 1949, you ignorant fool.

And no, I'm not from China, you fucking idiot. I think your 'diet' is affecting your pea-brain, Swallow.

You keep wanting to swallow my little China doll you.

And what part of China do you hail from?

Whether YOU think Poland is responsible or complicit in death camps is immaterial since what you think doesn't mean as much as a bean fart. Poland has taken offense and Polish people (some of whom are American voters) HAVE.

And I think the president should apologize to Poland for the slight for exactly that reason. It's just the right thing to do. That being said, the complex history of the issue (and that the error was made when honoring a member of the Polish resistance) should tell you it was a mistake by the speechwriter, not some act intended to piss off Poland.
Whether YOU think Poland is responsible or complicit in death camps is immaterial since what you think doesn't mean as much as a bean fart. Poland has taken offense and Polish people (some of whom are American voters) HAVE.

Do democrats feel that obama has raised the standard of America in the word? Is that a completely ridiculous statement?

How do you raise the "standard" of America in a word?

You guys only give a shit when anyone in the "world" takes offense..when it's Obama they take offense out.

Reagan..laid a wreath on the graves on Nazi soldiers..the world was pissed.

Bush invaded a country in the middle east for no reason..the world was pissed.

Not one of you conservatives even flinched.

In was John Bolton that wanted to tear down the UN.

So spare us.

You guys really don't give a shit about the world.

I doubt you've been outside this to visit beach resorts.
Whether YOU think Poland is responsible or complicit in death camps is immaterial since what you think doesn't mean as much as a bean fart. Poland has taken offense and Polish people (some of whom are American voters) HAVE.

Do democrats feel that obama has raised the standard of America in the word? Is that a completely ridiculous statement?

How do you raise the "standard" of America in a word?

You guys only give a shit when anyone in the "world" takes offense..when it's Obama they take offense out.

Reagan..laid a wreath on the graves on Nazi soldiers..the world was pissed.

Bush invaded a country in the middle east for no reason..the world was pissed.

Not one of you conservatives even flinched.

In was John Bolton that wanted to tear down the UN.

So spare us.

You guys really don't give a shit about the world.

I doubt you've been outside this to visit beach resorts.

what in the hell are you babbling about?what does that have to do with it?

seriously? :alcoholic:

and your Reagan comment, go ahead keep shitting yourself you never seem to get tired....:lol:

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