President Obama forgets to salute.

obama didn't forget. He meant to show that kind of contempt. If he had forgotten, he would have saluted when he came back. Instead he shook the man's hand signaling that his failure to salute was intentional.
obama, as commander in chief of our armed forces should salute NO ONE. Not ever. Protocol or not. It is an exhibition of how he truly feels. obama has obviously reconsidered the practice of the president showing some kind of respect for the military and concluded that they don't deserve it.

Seeing obama saluting men he despises has always pissed me off anyway. Someone should have come along and slapped that hand down long ago.

On the other hand, we do owe NY carbineer a thank you for pointing out that it was intentional.
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It didn't bother me that Obama didn't return the salute.

He came back out and apparently apologized.
obama didn't forget. He meant to show that kind of contempt. If he had forgotten, he would have saluted when he came back. Instead he shook the man's hand signaling that his failure to salute was intentional.

So I guess the other thousand times he did salute they were unintentional?

Your title as least intelligent poster on USMB remains intact.
obama didn't forget. He meant to show that kind of contempt. If he had forgotten, he would have saluted when he came back. Instead he shook the man's hand signaling that his failure to salute was intentional.

A president is a civilian. Why should he have to salute? Now if you're in the military, you're required to salute. You could say "he's commander in chief". That's correct however he's still a civilian. Furthermore a president is only commander in chief in war time. We haven't been in a declared war since WW2. Sure, we've been engaged in military actions for corporate profit and to satisfy our imperialistic goals, but a war declared by congress? Not since 1941. I'm surprised all you constitution spouting patriots don't know this. Or do you just worry about where the 2nd amendment sez you have the right to arm bears?
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obama didn't forget. He meant to show that kind of contempt. If he had forgotten, he would have saluted when he came back. Instead he shook the man's hand signaling that his failure to salute was intentional.

So I guess the other thousand times he did salute they were unintentional?

Your title as least intelligent poster on USMB remains intact.

The thousand times he did salute, it was intentional, it might have irritated him but he knew better. Now, he's more secure. He is not facing reelection and can let his contempt out for all to see.
You would think after five years they could take the INEXPERICNE of out him

But what did we expect when he was nothing more than a community AGITATOR all his life and just a name in the Illinois government who did nothing outstanding there either
Saluting is not a requirement. It isn't written down in a military rule book. The president saluting the military is a courtesy meant to convey respect for service. It was embarrassing to see him salute to begin with. obama is in his last term. He doesn't have to worry about the military vote. Why should he bother showing them any respect?
The President is a civilian, and there is no protocal calling for a civilian to salute the military, just as there is no protocal for a civilian to salute the flag. In fact, the president saluting the military is implying that the military is not subserviant to civilian authority, which I find downright scary.
He went back and shook his hand so what's the problem? If Obama did the perfect Military salute every time you'd still hate him. I can think of many other reasons to dislike the man, saluting or not saluting isn't one of them.

Sidebar: When did this tradition start anyway?

If you would have read the OP, you would have realized that I did not criticize him.

I very clearly stated that he went back and apologized to the marine and that it was obvious that he had something else on his mind.


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