President Obama forgets to salute.

The President is a civilian, and there is no protocal calling for a civilian to salute the military, just as there is no protocal for a civilian to salute the flag. In fact, the president saluting the military is implying that the military is not subserviant to civilian authority, which I find downright scary.

PLEASE obama, stop saluting the military from this day forward. PLEASE. ANYTHING that can be used to bash you with is a good thing, not a bad thing.
Clearly this was an accident as he went back and shook the guy's hand and spoke to him for a bit.

I knew somebody was going to start a thread on this and express faux outrage; I'm just surprised it took this long.

You too... Don't taz Me Bro, you should have actually read the OP.

I suppose nobody told him he's supposed to salute? After all, nobody tells him anything else apparently.

Maybe a friendly news reporter can do a story on TV so he can watch it and find out how to behave.
Didn't take long for the GOP hate machine to fire itself up did it?

Try reading the OP. There was no hate at all in my post. As I said in the OP, it was obvious he had something else on his mind. He honored both the individual marine and the armed forces by returning to apologize for his inattention.

Saluting is not a requirement. It isn't written down in a military rule book. The president saluting the military is a courtesy meant to convey respect for service. It was embarrassing to see him salute to begin with. obama is in his last term. He doesn't have to worry about the military vote. Why should he bother showing them any respect?

I agree. It is not a requirement. It is tradition and a show of respect.

As stated in the OP, I don't think he intended any slight at all. It was, in fact, refreshing to see him recognize what had happened and to return to that soldier and show him the respect that he was entitled to.

You have to love it...they whine over and over, the OBAMA HATE MACHINE

you should of been here when a shoe was thrown at Bush..or he tripped, how about when he choked on something...that was a real hater day

man it grown as old as them saying he IS BLACK and that is why...........................they hate Obama, they hate Obama, they hate Obama
No big deal. If he was ex-military, he probably wouldn't have forgotten. I expect he has a lot on his mind right now.
While I can't stand the man, he DID realize what he had done and went back to shake the Marine's hand and apologize.

There are far worse things he's doing to the military than that! :evil:
Watch the video and let's see the partisans come out of the woodwork.

Obama forgets to salute while boarding Marine One - CBS News Video

Now, my comment on this.

The salute is a sign of respect. The President should have returned the respect that was paid to him by the marine. However, I don't believe this was an intended slight against the marine. It certainly appeared to me that the President had something on his mind as he entered Marine One and then realized what had happened and returned apparently to apologize to the Marine.

Can't blame the man for being pre-occupied.


PS sorry if a thread has already been started on this. I did a search but did not come up with anything.

Presidents are not in uniform, so they are not required to salute. I remember Reagan/Bush getting some flack for saluting, but the general consensus was that the president can do what he wants, and that a salute was nothing more than a sign of respect.
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Watch the video and let's see the partisans come out of the woodwork.

Obama forgets to salute while boarding Marine One - CBS News Video

Now, my comment on this.

The salute is a sign of respect. The President should have returned the respect that was paid to him by the marine. However, I don't believe this was an intended slight against the marine. It certainly appeared to me that the President had something on his mind as he entered Marine One and then realized what had happened and returned apparently to apologize to the Marine.

Can't blame the man for being pre-occupied.


PS sorry if a thread has already been started on this. I did a search but did not come up with anything.

Presidents are not in uniform, so they are not required to salute. I remember Bush getting some flack for saluting, but the general consensus was that the president can do what he wants, and that a salute was nothing more than a sign of respect.

Read on my friend. I stated that later on: post 46.

He went back and shook his hand so what's the problem? If Obama did the perfect Military salute every time you'd still hate him. I can think of many other reasons to dislike the man, saluting or not saluting isn't one of them.

Sidebar: When did this tradition start anyway?

That is a good question. I actually recall when it was expected that presidents not to return a salute, and now someone is giving Obama a hard time for not saluting. To be honest, I actually admire him more for coming back out and shaking his hand than I would if he had simply saluted out of reflex, it shows he was actually thinking about the corporal as a person, not a piece of furniture.
Clearly this was an accident as he went back and shook the guy's hand and spoke to him for a bit.

I knew somebody was going to start a thread on this and express faux outrage; I'm just surprised it took this long.

You, quite obviously, did not read the OP. I guess that makes you the source of the faux outrage here, not Immy.
He went back and shook his hand so what's the problem? If Obama did the perfect Military salute every time you'd still hate him. I can think of many other reasons to dislike the man, saluting or not saluting isn't one of them.

Sidebar: When did this tradition start anyway?

That is a good question. I actually recall when it was expected that presidents not to return a salute, and now someone is giving Obama a hard time for not saluting. To be honest, I actually admire him more for coming back out and shaking his hand than I would if he had simply saluted out of reflex, it shows he was actually thinking about the corporal as a person, not a piece of furniture.

Did anyone actually read the OP? I DID NOT GIVE HIM A HARD TIME FOR NOT SALUTING!

Jimminy Christmas! :D

He went back and shook his hand so what's the problem? If Obama did the perfect Military salute every time you'd still hate him. I can think of many other reasons to dislike the man, saluting or not saluting isn't one of them.

Sidebar: When did this tradition start anyway?

That is a good question. I actually recall when it was expected that presidents not to return a salute, and now someone is giving Obama a hard time for not saluting. To be honest, I actually admire him more for coming back out and shaking his hand than I would if he had simply saluted out of reflex, it shows he was actually thinking about the corporal as a person, not a piece of furniture.

Did anyone actually read the OP? I DID NOT GIVE HIM A HARD TIME FOR NOT SALUTING!

Jimminy Christmas! :D


not to worry dear, any mention of the Dear leader and they whine he is being picked on by them meanies..
he did go back and apologize, I give him credit for that
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He went back and shook his hand so what's the problem? If Obama did the perfect Military salute every time you'd still hate him. I can think of many other reasons to dislike the man, saluting or not saluting isn't one of them.

Sidebar: When did this tradition start anyway?

It started with Reagan the fantasy general. He settled for saluting because his first choice,

to adorn himself in a full dress military regalia ala some South American strongman,

was strongly opposed by his handlers.


Talk about partisan rewriting of history.
Clearly this was an accident as he went back and shook the guy's hand and spoke to him for a bit.

I knew somebody was going to start a thread on this and express faux outrage; I'm just surprised it took this long.

You too... Don't taz Me Bro, you should have actually read the OP.


I'm talking about the people saying it was intentional. I was speaking in general terms.
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When did the others forget to Salute a Marine?

As Commander in Chief, he should learn on his first day about military protocol. Saluting is part of that protocol. He should salute, he is their Commander.

It is not protocol for the president to salute. In fact it is not protocol for anyone in civilian dress to salute, including active duty military.

The expert proves why he is not on the White House consulting staff, again.
Watch the video and let's see the partisans come out of the woodwork.

Obama forgets to salute while boarding Marine One - CBS News Video

Now, my comment on this.

The salute is a sign of respect. The President should have returned the respect that was paid to him by the marine. However, I don't believe this was an intended slight against the marine. It certainly appeared to me that the President had something on his mind as he entered Marine One and then realized what had happened and returned apparently to apologize to the Marine.

Can't blame the man for being pre-occupied.


PS sorry if a thread has already been started on this. I did a search but did not come up with anything.

Presidents are not in uniform, so they are not required to salute. I remember Reagan/Bush getting some flack for saluting, but the general consensus was that the president can do what he wants, and that a salute was nothing more than a sign of respect.

As The Commander-in-Chief of the United States, it has always been customary for the president to return salutes. :salute:
Watch the video and let's see the partisans come out of the woodwork.

Obama forgets to salute while boarding Marine One - CBS News Video

Now, my comment on this.

The salute is a sign of respect. The President should have returned the respect that was paid to him by the marine. However, I don't believe this was an intended slight against the marine. It certainly appeared to me that the President had something on his mind as he entered Marine One and then realized what had happened and returned apparently to apologize to the Marine.

Can't blame the man for being pre-occupied.


PS sorry if a thread has already been started on this. I did a search but did not come up with anything.

Presidents are not in uniform, so they are not required to salute. I remember Bush getting some flack for saluting, but the general consensus was that the president can do what he wants, and that a salute was nothing more than a sign of respect.

Read on my friend. I stated that later on: post 46.


I saw.

I generally read from front to back. If I did it the other way I would never end up answering something that has already been said.

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