President Obama forgets to salute.

He went back and shook his hand so what's the problem? If Obama did the perfect Military salute every time you'd still hate him. I can think of many other reasons to dislike the man, saluting or not saluting isn't one of them.

Sidebar: When did this tradition start anyway?

That is a good question. I actually recall when it was expected that presidents not to return a salute, and now someone is giving Obama a hard time for not saluting. To be honest, I actually admire him more for coming back out and shaking his hand than I would if he had simply saluted out of reflex, it shows he was actually thinking about the corporal as a person, not a piece of furniture.

Did anyone actually read the OP? I DID NOT GIVE HIM A HARD TIME FOR NOT SALUTING!

Jimminy Christmas! :D


The someone was not you Immie, it was the second person to post in the thread.

Among others.
He went back and shook his hand so what's the problem? If Obama did the perfect Military salute every time you'd still hate him. I can think of many other reasons to dislike the man, saluting or not saluting isn't one of them.

Sidebar: When did this tradition start anyway?

That is a good question. I actually recall when it was expected that presidents not to return a salute, and now someone is giving Obama a hard time for not saluting. To be honest, I actually admire him more for coming back out and shaking his hand than I would if he had simply saluted out of reflex, it shows he was actually thinking about the corporal as a person, not a piece of furniture.

When to Salute

The salute is a courteous exchange of greetings, with the junior member always saluting first. When returning or rendering an individual salute, the head and eyes are turned toward the Colors or person saluted. When in ranks, the position of attention is maintained unless otherwise directed.

Military personnel in uniform are required to salute when they meet and recognize persons entitled (by grade) to a salute except when it is inappropriate or impractical (in public conveyances such as planes and buses, in public places such as inside theaters, or when driving a vehicle).

Persons Entitled to a Salute

The President of the United States (Commander-in-Chief)
Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers
Any Medal of Honor Recipient
Officers of Friendly Foreign Countries
From U.S. Military Salutes
Strange, I only know of one that stopped his speech and demanded that a Marine be sent over with an umbrella...


Link to what? That Obama stopped his speech and called for the Marines to sent over with umbrellas?

[ame=]Obama Orders Marines to Hold Umbrellas for Him While They Stand in the Rain - YouTube[/ame]

Obama breaches Marine umbrella protocol | The Daily Caller

The commander in chief of the American armed forces today forced a violation of Marine Corps regulations, so he wouldn’t get wet.

According to Marine Corps regulation MCO P1020.34F of the Marine Corps Uniform Regulations chapter 3, a male Marine is not allowed to carry an umbrella while in uniform. There is no provision in the Marine Corps uniform regulation guidelines that allows a male Marine to carry an umbrella.

Nevertheless, during a press conference under a light drizzle with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan this morning, President Obama allowed the First Head to be protected from the elements by an umbrella held by a male Marine corporal.

The relevant portion of the regulation reads, “3035. UMBRELLAS (Female Marines). Female Marines may carry an all-black, plain standard or collapsible umbrella at their option during inclement weather with the service and dress uniforms. It will be carried in the left hand so that the hand salute can be properly rendered. Umbrellas may not be used/carried in formation nor will they be carried with the utility uniform.”

Items not expressly delineated as authorized components of the Marine Corps uniform are prohibited. Male Marines are informed never to carry an umbrella from the earliest phases of training.

Not even the President of the United States can request a Marine to carry an umbrella without the express consent of the Commandant of the Marine Corps, according to the Marine Corps Manual.
Watch the video and let's see the partisans come out of the woodwork.

Obama forgets to salute while boarding Marine One - CBS News Video

Now, my comment on this.

The salute is a sign of respect. The President should have returned the respect that was paid to him by the marine. However, I don't believe this was an intended slight against the marine. It certainly appeared to me that the President had something on his mind as he entered Marine One and then realized what had happened and returned apparently to apologize to the Marine.

Can't blame the man for being pre-occupied.


PS sorry if a thread has already been started on this. I did a search but did not come up with anything.

Presidents are not in uniform, so they are not required to salute. I remember Reagan/Bush getting some flack for saluting, but the general consensus was that the president can do what he wants, and that a salute was nothing more than a sign of respect.

As The Commander-in-Chief of the United States, it has always been customary for the president to return salutes. :salute:

It actually hasn't been customary, Eisenhower never returned salutes because he was ingrained in the military culture and probably felt it was inappropriate to salute if he was not in uniform.
Strange, I only know of one that stopped his speech and demanded that a Marine be sent over with an umbrella...


Link to what? That Obama stopped his speech and called for the Marines to sent over with umbrellas?

I didn't see any demanding going on there. He asked for a couple of Marines to cover himself and the Prime Minister. And it took them about ten seconds to get to the podium; so, apparently they were right there standing by. Is that a problem? Really? You have an issue with that? Get a fucking life, pal.
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That is a good question. I actually recall when it was expected that presidents not to return a salute, and now someone is giving Obama a hard time for not saluting. To be honest, I actually admire him more for coming back out and shaking his hand than I would if he had simply saluted out of reflex, it shows he was actually thinking about the corporal as a person, not a piece of furniture.

Did anyone actually read the OP? I DID NOT GIVE HIM A HARD TIME FOR NOT SALUTING!

Jimminy Christmas! :D


The someone was not you Immie, it was the second person to post in the thread.

Among others.

For real.....people are not talking about you banging on the POTUS, Immie....they are talking to the nuts that didn't hedge their criticism. The world doesn't revolve around you dude.

Link to what? That Obama stopped his speech and called for the Marines to sent over with umbrellas?

I didn't see any demanding going on there. He asked for a couple of Marines to cover himself and the Prime Minister. And it took them about ten seconds to get to the podium; so, apparently they were right there standing by. Is that a problem? Really? You have an issue with that? Get a fucking life, pal.

You know that when the President "requests" something of the Military, it is considered an order, right?

Just as my son knows that if I "ask"' him to clean his room, mow the lawn, be home at a certain time that I expect it to happen. Just because I "asked" that doesn't give him the option of saying no or not doing it.
That is an innovation that was begun by Ronald Reagan. Dwight Eisenhower, a real general, knew that the salute is for the uniform, and as president he was not wearing one. An exchange of salutes was out of order.

At Ease, Mr. President

Reagan's decision raised eyebrows at the time....

John Kline, then Reagan's military aide and now a Minnesota congressman, advised him that it went against military protocol for presidents to return salutes.

Kline said in a 2004 op-ed piece in The Hill that Reagan ultimately took up the issue with Gen. Robert Barrow, then commandant of the Marine Corps.

Barrow told Reagan that as commander in chief of the armed forces, he was entitled to offer a salute -- or any sign of respect he wished -- to anyone he wished, Kline wrote....

To salute or not to salute, that's Obama's question

IOW, one more thing not only wingnuts but even our so-called Liberal Media are making a fuss over that doesn't mean shit.
He went back and shook his hand so what's the problem? If Obama did the perfect Military salute every time you'd still hate him. I can think of many other reasons to dislike the man, saluting or not saluting isn't one of them.

Sidebar: When did this tradition start anyway?

What do you think is the problem? The tradition of the salute can be traced as far back as the Roman Empire. If by logic a salute is a sign of respect; a handshake just doesn't cut it, now does it? Our soldiers deserve to know if their Commander in Chief is on their side or not.

Even the smallest things he doesn't do shows how little regard he has for the bigger things. When you shake a man's hand, you won't look him in the eye. When you salute a man, you can see into his very soul.
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Link to what? That Obama stopped his speech and called for the Marines to sent over with umbrellas?

I didn't see any demanding going on there. He asked for a couple of Marines to cover himself and the Prime Minister. And it took them about ten seconds to get to the podium; so, apparently they were right there standing by. Is that a problem? Really? You have an issue with that? Get a fucking life, pal.

You know that when the President "requests" something of the Military, it is considered an order, right?

Just as my son knows that if I "ask"' him to clean his room, mow the lawn, be home at a certain time that I expect it to happen. Just because I "asked" that doesn't give him the option of saying no or not doing it.

He's the CIC; so, yeah, a request is an order. And they signed up for duty. Therefore, they were expecting to take orders. But, an order is not a demand.

I can't believe you people are really going on about this. What a sad state your party is in.
He did not salute. He returned however, chatted with the Marine and shook his hand.

The no problem in the first place problem was thus immediately and satisfactorily solved within moments.

I remain ever ready to piss on Obama's reputation for the massive amount of crap he does so poorly.

But I cannot manage to give a half a shit about something this inconsequential.

There's plenty of important material to work with to discuss the ineptitude of Pres. Obama.
He went back and shook his hand so what's the problem? If Obama did the perfect Military salute every time you'd still hate him. I can think of many other reasons to dislike the man, saluting or not saluting isn't one of them.

Sidebar: When did this tradition start anyway?

What do you think is the problem? The tradition of the salute can be traced as far back as the Roman Empire. If by logic a salute is a sign of respect; a handshake just doesn't cut it, now does it? Our soldiers deserve to know if their Commander in Chief is on their side or not.

Even the smallest things he doesn't do shows how little regard he has for the bigger things. When you shake a man's hand, you're not looking in his eyes. When you salute a man, you can see into his very soul.

Has anyone told you lately what a worthless RW nutbag hack you are?

Because you are.

He went back and shook his hand so what's the problem? If Obama did the perfect Military salute every time you'd still hate him. I can think of many other reasons to dislike the man, saluting or not saluting isn't one of them.

Sidebar: When did this tradition start anyway?

What do you think is the problem? The tradition of the salute can be traced as far back as the Roman Empire. If by logic a salute is a sign of respect; a handshake just doesn't cut it, now does it? Our soldiers deserve to know if their Commander in Chief is on their side or not.

Even the smallest things he doesn't do shows how little regard he has for the bigger things. When you shake a man's hand, you're not looking in his eyes. When you salute a man, you can see into his very soul.

Has anyone told you lately what a worthless RW nutbag hack you are?

Because you are.


Uhhh, what? It's interesting how you had nothing productive to say but to troll.

Has anyone told you how much of a left wing nutbag you are?

Because you are. :)

Not very productive, now is it? Negged.
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Well it looks like the salute thing isn't going anyplace, so what now? How about the birth certificate thing but this time with a little more pizzass; maybe get Sheriff Joe or Trump to add a few words, and in the background a few dancing girls? Gotta be something.
Maybe they can catch a snapshot of Obama picking his nose. Oh the outrage!!!!
Overall, there are bigger things to worry about. Saluting while important, doesn't contribute to the bigger misdeeds President Obama has perpetrated. It would be nice if he did salute our service members properly, but whatever.

Lets talk about things that really matter.
Or sneezing without covering his mouth. Oh the humanity!!!!!
Well it looks like the salute thing isn't going anyplace, so what now? How about the birth certificate thing but this time with a little more pizzass; maybe get Sheriff Joe or Trump to add a few words, and in the background a few dancing girls? Gotta be something.

Or, maybe we can get the dildo in chief to say something about the IRS scandal that happened under HIs watch to a select politically identified group of people?

Or, maybe we can get him to stop stone walling what happened regarding Benghazi.

Maybe we can get him to come clean on the horrendous attempt to muzzle news reproters and shit on the First amendment in the process?

OR, perhaps we can get him to stop trying to invoke executive privilege over his retarded AG's plan to run guns to Mexican gangs resulting in the murder of Americans?

Perhaps he can finally intervene on behalf of some Border Agents who have been legally mauled by our buffoonish Federal judicial system at the hands of his own Administration's Department of Justice?

I know he's your hero and all, but fuck him -- and fuck yourself for even wanting to toss his salad, you dope.
Maybe they can catch a snapshot of Obama picking his nose. Oh the outrage!!!!

^ old news.


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