President Obama forgets to salute.

i am not a person who likes excuses. The Pres. Knows to salute the military and it should have become a habit without fail. His having something else on his mind or pre occupied, doesn't sit well with me. But then nothing this Muslim does sits well with me........he should be impeached by now.
Did anyone actually read the OP? I DID NOT GIVE HIM A HARD TIME FOR NOT SALUTING!

Jimminy Christmas! :D


The someone was not you Immie, it was the second person to post in the thread.

Among others.

For real.....people are not talking about you banging on the POTUS, Immie....they are talking to the nuts that didn't hedge their criticism. The world doesn't revolve around you dude.

Yes, it does. :)

I didn't see any demanding going on there. He asked for a couple of Marines to cover himself and the Prime Minister. And it took them about ten seconds to get to the podium; so, apparently they were right there standing by. Is that a problem? Really? You have an issue with that? Get a fucking life, pal.

You know that when the President "requests" something of the Military, it is considered an order, right?

Just as my son knows that if I "ask"' him to clean his room, mow the lawn, be home at a certain time that I expect it to happen. Just because I "asked" that doesn't give him the option of saying no or not doing it.

He's the CIC; so, yeah, a request is an order. And they signed up for duty. Therefore, they were expecting to take orders. But, an order is not a demand.

I can't believe you people are really going on about this. What a sad state your party is in.

I take it that you have never served in the military. An order is most definitely a demand.

In a poll this week, four in ten Republicans said Benghazi is the worst scandal in American history. Second worst: Kanye West snatching the mic from Taylor Swift.

If you think Benghazi is worse than slavery, the Trail of Tears, Japanese internment, Tuskegee, purposefully injecting Guatemalan mental patients with syphilis, lying about WMDs, and the fact that banks today are still foreclosing on mortgages they don't own...then your hard-on for Obama has lasted more than four hours, and you need to call a doctor.

Terribly distracted? For his entire Presidency, the duties and responsibilities of Being President have been a distraction from his Permanent Organizer-in-Chief Campaign (and fundraising).

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