President Obama is a FAR less radical President than either Bush or Reagan.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
President Obama has basically been painting in the lines with regards to both the constitution and remaining, when possible, consistent with the prior administration.

Neither Reagan nor Bush did that.

In fact, they were far more radical Presidents.

-Reagan made deals with terrorists in Iran, bargaining arms for hostages.
-Reagan violated the Boland amendment and funded the contras.
-Reagan promised to lower the debt and deficit yet went on a wild military spending spree and issued tax cuts to the wealthy.

-Bush immediately violated international agreements and began testing anti-ballistic missiles.
-Bush issued two major tax cuts despite not having support from the Democrats, one during the time of war.
-Bush started the "Bush Doctrine" which lowered the bar for US aggression and military action.
-Bush engaged in openly advocated for the torture of prisoners of war.

Those are just the short lists.
Your proposition is completely subjective.

I'll see your Reagan rant and raise you an Obama one.

Obama is arming and funding known terrorists. Aiding and providing comfort. Treason.
Obama tells the American people that they dont need "assault weapons" then gives them to terrorists and the mexican cartels.
Obama has waived the ban on funding terrorists inorder to provide said aid above.
Obama promised to cut the deficit in half in his first term. Voted against and called deficit spending and debt accumulation a failure in leadership and unpatriotic. Then never cut the deficit at all and continues to spend worse than Reagan did.

Obama has ignored constitutional law and continues to fund a coup military in egypt. Also providing arms to hostile nations.
Obama has raised taxes and still can not manage to meet his obligations in funding.
Obama allowed and fostered the senate to strip and rebuild a (budget) house bill in order to get ACA into law. Without negotiations with republicans in the house.
Obama had lobbyists write his signature bill. Even though he vowed to be the most open and transparent admin evah.
Obama intorduced the Obama doctrine of advancing military action in 7 countries by proxy. Also vaulting regime change in libya.
Obama openly assassinates American citizens abroad via a kill list. Without due process.
Obama openly continues to assassinate women and children and other innocents in his drone program.
Obama tried to keep the Iraq war going passed the Bush end date.
Obama escalated the Afghan war. Creating more casualties in that war than Bush.

And this is the extremely short list.
President Obama has expanded government though instituting an individual mandate, stating every citizen within the confines of the United States MUST purchase and carry health care. A government stance never before heard of (much less a path even CONSIDERED for government to be taking) since the foundation of this country. I'd say that makes Obama even more radical.
Here ya go Sallow, how about these?

Scandals of Obama

1. IRS targets Obama’s enemies
2. Benghazi
3. Watching the AP
4. Rosengate
5. Potential Holder perjury I
6. The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme
7. Potential Holder Perjury II
8. Sebelius demands payment
9. The Pigford scandal
10. GSA gone wild
11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World
12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act
13. Solyndra
14. AKA Lisa Jackson
15. The New Black Panthers
16. Waging war all by myself
17. Biden bullies the press
18. AKPD not A-OK
19. Sestak, we’ll take care of you
20. I’ll pass my own laws
21. The hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer
22. An American Political Prisoner
23. Get rid of inconvenient Igs
24. Influence peddling

The Obama Scandal List: Two Dozen and Counting | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
Your proposition is completely subjective.

I'll see your Reagan rant and raise you an Obama one.

Obama is arming and funding known terrorists. Aiding and providing comfort. Treason.


After what Reagan did with the Iranian terrorists? And arming the Muj?

I don't think you folks understand the terms "radical" and "unprecedented".


It means "never been done before"..
Here ya go Sallow, how about these?

Scandals of Obama

1. IRS targets Obama’s enemies
2. Benghazi
3. Watching the AP
4. Rosengate
5. Potential Holder perjury I
6. The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme
7. Potential Holder Perjury II
8. Sebelius demands payment
9. The Pigford scandal
10. GSA gone wild
11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World
12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act
13. Solyndra
14. AKA Lisa Jackson
15. The New Black Panthers
16. Waging war all by myself
17. Biden bullies the press
18. AKPD not A-OK
19. Sestak, we’ll take care of you
20. I’ll pass my own laws
21. The hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer
22. An American Political Prisoner
23. Get rid of inconvenient Igs
24. Influence peddling

The Obama Scandal List: Two Dozen and Counting | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

These are mostly made up crapola from the right wing.

But lets take one of them.

"Fast and Furious" was a lighter version of "Wide Receiver".

Lighter, in that unlike "Wide Receiver" it never introduced new government guns into the mix.

It just watched and tracked illegal sales.

That's not radical.
President Obama has expanded government though instituting an individual mandate, stating every citizen within the confines of the United States MUST purchase and carry health care. A government stance never before heard of (much less a path even CONSIDERED for government to be taking) since the foundation of this country. I'd say that makes Obama even more radical.


You don't know the meaning of the word.

The government has been expanded many times.

Starting with the creation of a full time army. Then when Jefferson decided to spend tax money on warships.

And it hasn't stopped in the slightest.
I don't think you folks understand the terms "radical" and "unprecedented".


It means "never been done before"..

So, in your small mind Obama's treason is OK if some previous president did something similar? :cuckoo:

He hasn't committed any treason whatsoever.

Unlike Reagan.

I keep reading your posts hoping that you get something correct, but to no avail! :cuckoo:
Here ya go Sallow, how about these?

Scandals of Obama

1. IRS targets Obama’s enemies
2. Benghazi
3. Watching the AP
4. Rosengate
5. Potential Holder perjury I
6. The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme
7. Potential Holder Perjury II
8. Sebelius demands payment
9. The Pigford scandal
10. GSA gone wild
11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World
12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act
13. Solyndra
14. AKA Lisa Jackson
15. The New Black Panthers
16. Waging war all by myself
17. Biden bullies the press
18. AKPD not A-OK
19. Sestak, we’ll take care of you
20. I’ll pass my own laws
21. The hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer
22. An American Political Prisoner
23. Get rid of inconvenient Igs
24. Influence peddling

The Obama Scandal List: Two Dozen and Counting | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

These are mostly made up crapola from the right wing.

But lets take one of them.

"Fast and Furious" was a lighter version of "Wide Receiver".

Lighter, in that unlike "Wide Receiver" it never introduced new government guns into the mix.

It just watched and tracked illegal sales.

That's not radical.

You're dead serious aren't you?? You have no idea what the word, "radical" means do you?? Why would Saul Alinsky write a book for "Radicals" if he was the only one doing it?? Jesus, you had to have graduated from government schools. :cuckoo:

adjective: radical

(esp. of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.
"a radical overhaul of the existing regulatory framework"
synonyms: thoroughgoing, thorough, complete, total, comprehensive, exhaustive, sweeping, far-reaching, wide-ranging, extensive, across the board, profound, major, stringent, rigorous More
"radical reform"
antonyms: superficial
forming an inherent or fundamental part of the nature of someone or something.
"the assumption of radical differences between the mental attributes of literate and nonliterate peoples"
synonyms: fundamental, basic, essential, quintessential; More
structural, deep-seated, intrinsic, organic, constitutive
"radical differences between the two theories"
antonyms: minor
(of surgery or medical treatment) thorough and intended to be completely curative.
characterized by departure from tradition; innovative or progressive.
"a radical approach to electoral reform"
2. advocating or based on thorough or complete political or social reform; representing or supporting an extreme section of a political party.
"a radical American activist"
synonyms: revolutionary, progressive, reformist, revisionist, progressivist; More
extreme, extremist, fanatical, militant, diehard, hard-core
"a radical political movement"
antonyms: reactionary, moderate, conservative
of or relating to the root of something, in particular.
of the root of a number or quantity.
denoting or relating to the roots of a word.
belonging to the root of a chord.
of, or springing direct from, the root or stem base of a plant.
very good; excellent.
"Okay, then. Seven o'clock. Radical!"

noun: radical; plural noun: radicals

a person who advocates thorough or complete political or social reform; a member of a political party or part of a party pursuing such aims.
synonyms: revolutionary, progressive, reformer, revisionist; More
Last edited:

I know exactly what it means.

And I displayed, why one of your "scandals" wasn't radical in the slightest.

You may want to refute that with some facts.

Like "Fast and Furious" was never tried before.

You'd be wrong.

But what the would be an attempt.
President Obama has expanded government though instituting an individual mandate, stating every citizen within the confines of the United States MUST purchase and carry health care. A government stance never before heard of (much less a path even CONSIDERED for government to be taking) since the foundation of this country. I'd say that makes Obama even more radical.


You don't know the meaning of the word.

The government has been expanded many times.

Starting with the creation of a full time army. Then when Jefferson decided to spend tax money on warships.

And it hasn't stopped in the slightest.

When you fundamentally change the course of this country from its foundational view of the "role" of government, yes that's pretty radical.

The constitution specifically allows for the funding of the military.

Congress therefor provides funding, for every aspect of military existence from operations to equipment. The specific responsibility , " raise and support Armies," and , "provide and maintain a Navy, " are specifically out lines in Section 8. Additionally appropriating funding for this provision is stated as not to exceed a period of, "two years, " without review by the Congress for the appropriation of funding.

The actual use of the military Constitutionally is the sole responsibility of the Executive Branch and specifically The President of The United States as Commander in Chief. Article II, Section 2 specifically states that , "The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States."As Commander in Chief, the President is the appointed governmental head of the military and as stated in the Constitution he, " he may require the Opinion, " of Department Heads in his responsibility as Commander in Chief, but he alone is the sole Constitutionally appointed officer of the government for the military and responsible for the military, "when called into the actual Service of the United States."

Government however, has not been granted the position to force it's citizens to purchase anything, nowhere can anything close to that be found in our Framer's intention for government nor for this nation.
President Obama has expanded government though instituting an individual mandate, stating every citizen within the confines of the United States MUST purchase and carry health care. A government stance never before heard of (much less a path even CONSIDERED for government to be taking) since the foundation of this country. I'd say that makes Obama even more radical.


You don't know the meaning of the word.

The government has been expanded many times.

Starting with the creation of a full time army. Then when Jefferson decided to spend tax money on warships.

And it hasn't stopped in the slightest.

When you fundamentally change the course of this country from its foundational view of the "role" of government, yes that's pretty radical.

The constitution specifically allows for the funding of the military.

Congress therefor provides funding, for every aspect of military existence from operations to equipment. The specific responsibility , " raise and support Armies," and , "provide and maintain a Navy, " are specifically out lines in Section 8. Additionally appropriating funding for this provision is stated as not to exceed a period of, "two years, " without review by the Congress for the appropriation of funding.

The actual use of the military Constitutionally is the sole responsibility of the Executive Branch and specifically The President of The United States as Commander in Chief. Article II, Section 2 specifically states that , "The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States."As Commander in Chief, the President is the appointed governmental head of the military and as stated in the Constitution he, " he may require the Opinion, " of Department Heads in his responsibility as Commander in Chief, but he alone is the sole Constitutionally appointed officer of the government for the military and responsible for the military, "when called into the actual Service of the United States."

Government however, has not been granted the position to force it's citizens to purchase anything, nowhere can anything close to that be found in our Framer's intention for government nor for this nation.

He thinks "Radical" means it's never been done before! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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