President Obama is racist

OK, for the seventh time... you do read English, do you not? ... Where is this "indictment"?

Why would a POTUS criticize "African Americans", or for that matter, Euro Americans? What POTUS has ever done that?

Like i said, he's never missed an opportunity to criticize White People. I have not observed that same zealous criticism of African Americans from him. And there's clearly plenty to criticize in the current African American community.

-- and the world will note that the next quantifiable example you give of any of this will be the first one.

So much for that non-point.

Give us one example of him criticizing African American behavior in any way.
Like i said, he's never missed an opportunity to criticize White People. I have not observed that same zealous criticism of African Americans from him. And there's clearly plenty to criticize in the current African American community.

-- and the world will note that the next quantifiable example you give of any of this will be the first one.

So much for that non-point.

Give us one example of him criticizing African American behavior in any way.

It ain't my point, dood. As I just said, when do you remember ANY POTUS "criticizing African American behavior"? Or any other ethnic group?

Why would a POTUS do that? :cuckoo:

You've presented absolutely nothing here. You mutter vague impressions about "it seems" this and "it seems" that while offering absolutely ZERO examples of any of it. Then when BS is called you want to claim that the onus is suddenly on me to prove that the opposite exists? Are you insane?
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then Obama is president of black people only

That's not my perception, I get the impression he thinks he's the President of only those that agree with him, the rest of us (regardless of race or ethnicity) are just peons to be demonized when possible and plundered when needed.

"They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. that's the Chicago way" -- Sean Connery, The Untouchables

I'll buy that to a certain extent.

but those that agree with him that are not black are white guilters or dislike whitey.

that's the pattern

TMP= the enemy
-- and the world will note that the next quantifiable example you give of any of this will be the first one.

So much for that non-point.

Give us one example of him criticizing African American behavior in any way.

It ain't my point, dood. As I just said, when do you remember ANY POTUS "criticizing African American behavior"? Or any other ethnic group?

Why would a POTUS do that? :cuckoo:

IOW, why would Obama tell the truth?

BTW, Obama has criticized an ethnic group. Whitey
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Give us one example of him criticizing African American behavior in any way.

Ask him about Herman Caine or Walter Williams or Thomas Sowell, I'm sure you'll get all the "criticism" of those African-Americans you can handle in one sitting. :razz:

Seriously though he leveled criticism at the African-American community in that press conference.. go back and watch it.
I just have one suggestion. I think the MSM should begin labeling the President a 'White-African American.' I think it would remind everyone that the man is of mixed ethnicity. I think many have conveniently forgotten that while pushing their own agendas.
I just have one suggestion. I think the MSM should begin labeling the President a 'White-African American.' I think it would remind everyone that the man is of mixed ethnicity. I think many have conveniently forgotten that while pushing their own agendas.

Why should they do that? Did the MSM label Shrub a "White American"? Clinton? Bush? Reagan? Etc etc etc....

Why is it all about race? How many of us are NOT of "mixed ethnicity" anyway?
Like i said, he's never missed an opportunity to criticize White People. I have not observed that same zealous criticism of African Americans from him. And there's clearly plenty to criticize in the current African American community.

-- and the world will note that the next quantifiable example you give of any of this will be the first one.

So much for that non-point.

Give us one example of him criticizing African American behavior in any way.

Whenever he is addressing an assembly of black people, Obama uses ebonics. That would appear, to me, to be criticizing, by talking down to, African Americans.
Give us one example of him criticizing African American behavior in any way.

Ask him about Herman Caine or Walter Williams or Thomas Sowell, I'm sure you'll get all the "criticism" of those African-Americans you can handle in one sitting. :razz:

Seriously though he leveled criticism at the African-American community in that press conference.. go back and watch it.

I didn't observe that. But i'll go back and check it out. I only observed him criticizing White behavior. Thanks.
I just have one suggestion. I think the MSM should begin labeling the President a 'White-African American.' I think it would remind everyone that the man is of mixed ethnicity.

Just out of curiosity, what possible good would that accomplish? It would just stir the racial divisiveness pot and don't we have enough of that already?

Personally I wish the media would just spend some time pointing out the difference between reality and what his Administration claims is reality regarding policy, they can leave all the race-baiting nonsense alone.
I just have one suggestion. I think the MSM should begin labeling the President a 'White-African American.' I think it would remind everyone that the man is of mixed ethnicity. I think many have conveniently forgotten that while pushing their own agendas.

Why should they do that? Did the MSM label Shrub a "White American"? Clinton? Bush? Reagan? Etc etc etc....

Why is it all about race? How many of us are NOT of "mixed ethnicity" anyway?

I have a feeling you were all for the MSM's labeling George Zimmerman a 'White-Hispanic.' But i actually think it would be a positive to remind Americans that our President is of mixed ethnicity. Many have conveniently forgotten that fact.
-- and the world will note that the next quantifiable example you give of any of this will be the first one.

So much for that non-point.

Give us one example of him criticizing African American behavior in any way.

Whenever he is addressing an assembly of black people, Obama uses ebonics. That would appear, to me, to be criticizing, by talking down to, African Americans.

Obviously you're not that deep then. Leaving aside that you didn't offer an example, tweaking our vernacular for a specific audience is a normal part of speaking. We all do it. Our language and the terms we use constantly varies depending on whether we're speaking with friends informally, making a formal speech, or talking to a child or a dog or a person of the opposite sex, or an elderly person, or someone who's native language is not your own, or a colleague in your particular field of work. We have different versions of our own English (or any other language) for all of them.

None of that is "criticism". It's called speech.
Obviously, you know the situation is different. And he's not a 'black guy'. He's a white guy as well.

Alright, then what's the difference?

And where's your basis? You know, your standard on which the black-and-white guy falls short? Your count of how many times Romney or Reagan invoked their mothers? Or how many times O'bama mentioned his father in comparison? Where are those numbers again? I'm still looking. :eusa_whistle:

Just stating my observations. There has clearly been a coordinated effort by the MSM and Obama himself, to only acknowledge or exploit his African American heritage. There is barely even a slight mention of his White heritage. His white mom has been disappeared into oblivion. Like she never existed. I mean, the man is half White for God's sake. But you wouldn't know that, listening to him and the dumbed-down MSM. And i think that's a sad travesty. Because i think if it were discussed more, race relations would improve. But hey, just my opinion. You're entitled to your own.

Think of how many mixed race slaves could have escaped bondage if they would have just told their masters of their white heritage. If they would have just explained to their masters that they were half white they would have been let go.:eusa_whistle:
I just have one suggestion. I think the MSM should begin labeling the President a 'White-African American.' I think it would remind everyone that the man is of mixed ethnicity. I think many have conveniently forgotten that while pushing their own agendas.

Why should they do that? Did the MSM label Shrub a "White American"? Clinton? Bush? Reagan? Etc etc etc....

Why is it all about race? How many of us are NOT of "mixed ethnicity" anyway?

I have a feeling you were all for the MSM's labeling George Zimmerman a 'White-Hispanic.' But i actually think it would be a positive to remind Americans that our President is of mixed ethnicity. Many have conveniently forgotten that fact.

And I have a feeling you're a moron. I was and still am entirely uninterested in the ZimmerMartin bullshit story, and I don't care what his ethnicity is. Why are you obsessed with it?
Unfortunately, it looks that way. I mean i would hold a different opinion if i saw him criticizing African Americans a bit. But i just haven't seen that from him thus far. So far i've only seen him take every opportunity possible to criticize White People. Just my observation anyway.

Never forget he was inculcated with black liberation theology for 20 years. Add in the fraud that is Ivy League academia and you get a racist that KNOWS blacks can do no wrong. It's all the fault of whitey.

Time to pay. Prostrate yourself before The One.
Why should they do that? Did the MSM label Shrub a "White American"? Clinton? Bush? Reagan? Etc etc etc....

Why is it all about race? How many of us are NOT of "mixed ethnicity" anyway?

I have a feeling you were all for the MSM's labeling George Zimmerman a 'White-Hispanic.' But i actually think it would be a positive to remind Americans that our President is of mixed ethnicity. Many have conveniently forgotten that fact.

And I have a feeling you're a moron. I was and still am entirely uninterested in the ZimmerMartin bullshit story, and I don't care what his ethnicity is. Why are you obsessed with it?

Seems to be the discussion of the day. Why are you here right now on this thread? You're obviously here to discuss Race, no?
"Done" -- where? Are you slyly admitting that there's nothing there?

The president offers fixes indicating racism was involved here. There is no evidence of racism in this case but the president’s belief is that the people involved were white and whites are racist. In his statements about history drawing lines to say the white people are at fault for causing all the problems in the black community. Sure he does not say it right out but you can conclude that is what he is saying from what he is saying. That is animosity toward whites and that is racist. See the definition provided above that Sallow needed.

I already TOLD you what that definition is. And your task was to quote anywhere in the quote that such a value judgement was made, and you couldn't do it. All you have is your own hasty conclusions wrapped around "what else could it mean?".

"Sure he does not say it right out but you can conclude that is what he is saying from what he is saying" :rofl:

It is obvious what he is saying. My point is he does not have to say it to mean it. It is certainly implied throughout his entire speech. There is no question about that.
I have a feeling you were all for the MSM's labeling George Zimmerman a 'White-Hispanic.' But i actually think it would be a positive to remind Americans that our President is of mixed ethnicity. Many have conveniently forgotten that fact.

And I have a feeling you're a moron. I was and still am entirely uninterested in the ZimmerMartin bullshit story, and I don't care what his ethnicity is. Why are you obsessed with it?

Seems to be the discussion of the day. Why are you here right now on this thread? You're obviously here to discuss Race, no?

I'm looking for the basis of "racist". And a hundred posts later I got nothin'.
Which is all you're putting in too.
Alright, then what's the difference?

And where's your basis? You know, your standard on which the black-and-white guy falls short? Your count of how many times Romney or Reagan invoked their mothers? Or how many times O'bama mentioned his father in comparison? Where are those numbers again? I'm still looking. :eusa_whistle:

Just stating my observations. There has clearly been a coordinated effort by the MSM and Obama himself, to only acknowledge or exploit his African American heritage. There is barely even a slight mention of his White heritage. His white mom has been disappeared into oblivion. Like she never existed. I mean, the man is half White for God's sake. But you wouldn't know that, listening to him and the dumbed-down MSM. And i think that's a sad travesty. Because i think if it were discussed more, race relations would improve. But hey, just my opinion. You're entitled to your own.

Think of how many mixed race slaves could have escaped bondage if they would have just told their masters of their white heritage. If they would have just explained to their masters that they were half white they would have been let go.:eusa_whistle:

So Obama was a slave now? Was Martin a slave too. Let me ask you this, were there any slaves in history that was not black? The way everyone makes it sound is that blacks were the only slaves ever in history.
The president offers fixes indicating racism was involved here. There is no evidence of racism in this case but the president’s belief is that the people involved were white and whites are racist. In his statements about history drawing lines to say the white people are at fault for causing all the problems in the black community. Sure he does not say it right out but you can conclude that is what he is saying from what he is saying. That is animosity toward whites and that is racist. See the definition provided above that Sallow needed.

I already TOLD you what that definition is. And your task was to quote anywhere in the quote that such a value judgement was made, and you couldn't do it. All you have is your own hasty conclusions wrapped around "what else could it mean?".

"Sure he does not say it right out but you can conclude that is what he is saying from what he is saying" :rofl:

It is obvious what he is saying. My point is he does not have to say it to mean it. It is certainly implied throughout his entire speech. There is no question about that.

Sure, that's what you post now, but I know that what you really mean is that Russian circus freaks have infiltrated the Hostess Twinkie factory for the purpose of slipping LSD in them.

Hey, I kinda like this game.
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