President Obama is racist

The statement the president made on Friday proves without a doubt that he is a racist. The think that the experiences he described could have only been experienced by blacks is a racist statement. I experienced many of those things and I’m white. My closest friends were all white growing up with the exception of one late who looked white. We experienced all the things the president described because we dressed and acted like hoodlums. To think the only thing that could explain the behaviors he described was racism was in fact itself racist. Then to ignore all the evidence to the contrary that Zimmerman is a racist is also a sign that the president is a racist. If it had been a white kid shot by a black man in the same circumstances it would have never made the news and would have never even went to trial. There is racism alright but the President and others believe that this could have only have happened because of racism should look in the mirror to see the racist.

You should know that in posting this thread you have exposed your ignorance (failure to understand the depth and nature of racism in America); your conclusion is patently absurd and dishonest for you have no way of knowing an outcome when the facts are changed.

IMO you're a monger of hate and fear and not very good at it.

ah there it is, that RUDE rude rude...good of you to prove me right
see I can jump from thread to thread just to put down too...carry on with your rude self

Oh stop being a silly hysteric. Telling the truth is rarely rude, and only when the recipient can't do anything about the truth. You for example are ugly, not necessarily your personal appearance for that would be something very hard to change. Your hate for those who disagree with you is visceral and ugly and something you could change if you had an open mind and the intelligence to understand why they hold opinions which differ from your own.
And I have a feeling you're a moron. I was and still am entirely uninterested in the ZimmerMartin bullshit story, and I don't care what his ethnicity is. Why are you obsessed with it?

Seems to be the discussion of the day. Why are you here right now on this thread? You're obviously here to discuss Race, no?

I'm looking for the basis of "racist". And a hundred posts later I got nothin'.
Which is all you're putting in too.

What's your point? You're obviously very interested in the Race topic. You've posted several times on this thread. You're of the opinion Obama is not racist. We got that. But others have different opinions. You'll just have to deal with that. It's a Message Board after all.
Seems to be the discussion of the day. Why are you here right now on this thread? You're obviously here to discuss Race, no?

I'm looking for the basis of "racist". And a hundred posts later I got nothin'.
Which is all you're putting in too.

What's your point? You're obviously very interested in the Race topic. You've posted several times on this thread. You're of the opinion Obama is not racist. We got that. But others have different opinions. You'll just have to deal with that. It's a Message Board after all.

I said this before but again, I cannot have an opinion that a negative exists. What I came for is to find a basis to support any of the fatuous folderol in here. I didn't expect to find any such basis, and I got what I expected. The only unusual part is frankly your peppering of so many posts to say absolutely nothing. Most people, pumping a dry well, would just give up. :dunno:
In my analysis, it's all about creating a perception and a character. It's obvious Barack Obama and most of the MSM have focused heavily on his African American heritage. Acknowledging his White heritage only gets in the way of their invented character and narrative. He's an African American, and that's that. But of course he's also a White American. That just doesn't play as well though. They have their narrative to support their agenda.

I can't say whether or not Obama is racist. However, i can say that he seems a bit indifferent to White People. And only he can tell you why he feels that way. His White Family has supported and helped him achieve all of his success. Maybe it does get back to his Mother. Maybe he does harbor ill feelings and perhaps even hate for her. So i would say at this point, it's an indifference. Does that = Racist? Just can't say.
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A racist believes his race is superior to others. Which is why most of the GOP is racist, not Obama. Just wants fairness and justice. The poor rich! The poor whites! Pub dupes.
I'm looking for the basis of "racist". And a hundred posts later I got nothin'.
Which is all you're putting in too.

What's your point? You're obviously very interested in the Race topic. You've posted several times on this thread. You're of the opinion Obama is not racist. We got that. But others have different opinions. You'll just have to deal with that. It's a Message Board after all.

I said this before but again, I cannot have an opinion that a negative exists. What I came for is to find a basis to support any of the fatuous folderol in here. I didn't expect to find any such basis, and I got what I expected. The only unusual part is frankly your peppering of so many posts to say absolutely nothing. Most people, pumping a dry well, would just give up. :dunno:

:lol: No, you love discussing race. So quit trying to Bullshit us. But you're gonna have to learn how to deal with differing opinions on Message Boards. It's what they're all about.
I already TOLD you what that definition is. And your task was to quote anywhere in the quote that such a value judgement was made, and you couldn't do it. All you have is your own hasty conclusions wrapped around "what else could it mean?".

"Sure he does not say it right out but you can conclude that is what he is saying from what he is saying" :rofl:

It is obvious what he is saying. My point is he does not have to say it to mean it. It is certainly implied throughout his entire speech. There is no question about that.

Sure, that's what you post now, but I know that what you really mean is that Russian circus freaks have infiltrated the Hostess Twinkie factory for the purpose of slipping LSD in them.

Hey, I kinda like this game.

So you are saying that his speech Friday did not in no way say white racism is the reason for everything? What exactly was Obama talking about when he was talking about history? What was Obama talking about when he mentioned race training for the police force. There was not proof of racism in this case. No agency has found any racism in this case at all. Not the police, FBI, prosecution team, no one at all. So Obama is saying they did not find anything because they are all racist and need training?
A racist believes his race is superior to others. Which is why most of the GOP is racist, not Obama. Just wants fairness and justice. The poor rich! The poor whites! Pub dupes.

So that is the only definition that qualifies as a racist. The Democrats feel the black community is a lesser people and therefore need their constant help to survive. They feel all other races can survive without help. So tell me who is racist? The GOP who believes everyone is good enough to take care of themselves or the Democrat party that feel the black community needs help in order to compete with all the other races?
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What's your point? You're obviously very interested in the Race topic. You've posted several times on this thread. You're of the opinion Obama is not racist. We got that. But others have different opinions. You'll just have to deal with that. It's a Message Board after all.

I said this before but again, I cannot have an opinion that a negative exists. What I came for is to find a basis to support any of the fatuous folderol in here. I didn't expect to find any such basis, and I got what I expected. The only unusual part is frankly your peppering of so many posts to say absolutely nothing. Most people, pumping a dry well, would just give up. :dunno:

:lol: No, you love discussing race. So quit trying to Bullshit us. But you're gonna have to learn how to deal with differing opinions on Message Boards. It's what they're all about.

Actually I haven't been discussing race; I've been discussing logic. Or should I say, the dearth thereof.

When you form an opinion, you have to be able to explain it. When you can't, you're firing blanks.
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A racist believes his race is superior to others. Which is why most of the GOP is racist, not Obama. Just wants fairness and justice. The poor rich! The poor whites! Pub dupes.

Long gone. You describe a bigot.

A racist uses race as a basis for decisions. Good or ill, when race is the pivot point for an act or opinion, you're a racist.

Want to NOT be a racist? Judge EVERYONE on the content of their character. That's almost impossible.
I said this before but again, I cannot have an opinion that a negative exists. What I came for is to find a basis to support any of the fatuous folderol in here. I didn't expect to find any such basis, and I got what I expected. The only unusual part is frankly your peppering of so many posts to say absolutely nothing. Most people, pumping a dry well, would just give up. :dunno:

:lol: No, you love discussing race. So quit trying to Bullshit us. But you're gonna have to learn how to deal with differing opinions on Message Boards. It's what they're all about.

Actually I haven't been discussing race; I've been discussing logic. Or should I say, the dearth thereof.

When you form an opinion, you have to be able to explain it. When you can't, you're firing blanks.

No, that's just your reaction to not agreeing with others' opinions. You've merely stated your opinion as well. You believe Obama is not racist. We got that. You got anything else to add?
It is obvious what he is saying. My point is he does not have to say it to mean it. It is certainly implied throughout his entire speech. There is no question about that.

Sure, that's what you post now, but I know that what you really mean is that Russian circus freaks have infiltrated the Hostess Twinkie factory for the purpose of slipping LSD in them.

Hey, I kinda like this game.

So you are saying that his speech Friday did not in no way say white racism is the reason for everything? What exactly was Obama talking about when he was talking about history?

Uh... when he was talking about history he was talking about history. Imagine that; something being what it is.

What was Obama talking about when he mentioned race training for the police force.

Where do you see anything about "race training"?
Do you mean profiling?

There was not proof of racism in this case. No agency has found any racism in this case at all. Not the police, FBI, prosecution team, no one at all. So Obama is saying they did not find anything because they are all racist and need training?

Nobody but you claimed there was racism so there's nothing to "prove" or "disprove".

Do you not get the difference between racism and profiling?
:lol: No, you love discussing race. So quit trying to Bullshit us. But you're gonna have to learn how to deal with differing opinions on Message Boards. It's what they're all about.

Actually I haven't been discussing race; I've been discussing logic. Or should I say, the dearth thereof.

When you form an opinion, you have to be able to explain it. When you can't, you're firing blanks.

No, that's just your reaction to not agreeing with others' opinions. You've merely stated your opinion as well. You believe Obama is not racist. We got that. You got anything else to add?

Once again, you're drawing a conclusion that because I challenge you to support your view and you can't, that I must therefore hold the opposite view.
There's no basis for that conclusion either.

I think you're out of your league.
Actually I haven't been discussing race; I've been discussing logic. Or should I say, the dearth thereof.

When you form an opinion, you have to be able to explain it. When you can't, you're firing blanks.

No, that's just your reaction to not agreeing with others' opinions. You've merely stated your opinion as well. You believe Obama is not racist. We got that. You got anything else to add?

Once again, you're drawing a conclusion that because I challenge you to support your view and you can't, that I must therefore hold the opposite view.
There's no basis for that conclusion either.

I think you're out of your league.

It's all opinion. That's what Message Boards are all about. I think your own bitterness & bigotry is beginning to bleed through. You'll be sounding like that ole Franco nutter any minute now. Your true self will eventually present itself. Seen it so many times before on Message Boards. Anyway, take care. :)
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Sure, that's what you post now, but I know that what you really mean is that Russian circus freaks have infiltrated the Hostess Twinkie factory for the purpose of slipping LSD in them.

Hey, I kinda like this game.

So you are saying that his speech Friday did not in no way say white racism is the reason for everything? What exactly was Obama talking about when he was talking about history?

Uh... when he was talking about history he was talking about history. Imagine that; something being what it is.

What was Obama talking about when he mentioned race training for the police force.

Where do you see anything about "race training"?
Do you mean profiling?

There was not proof of racism in this case. No agency has found any racism in this case at all. Not the police, FBI, prosecution team, no one at all. So Obama is saying they did not find anything because they are all racist and need training?

Nobody but you claimed there was racism so there's nothing to "prove" or "disprove".

Do you not get the difference between racism and profiling?

Oh so all this talk about the injustice for Martin has nothing to do with race or proclaimed racism? So why is the president spending his time talking about race? Logic you say but you are truly lacking. Maybe you are not reading the speech Obama gave or maybe you really cannot see the racial tones throughout his speech. More likely is that you do see them you are just choosing to pretend they do not exist. Whether or not you wish to accept them or not they are there and it was the only thing given in his speech with the only exception being the stand your ground law which he immediately made it racial as well by saying people would be afraid of Martin being able to stand his ground against Zimmerman. But I’m sorry it falls short. Everyone in Florida cannot just shoot someone because they think someone may be following them.
Logic you say but you are truly lacking. Maybe you are not reading the speech Obama gave or maybe you really cannot see the racial tones throughout his speech. More likely is that you do see them you are just choosing to pretend they do not exist. Whether or not you wish to accept them or not they are there and it was the only thing given in his speech with the only exception being the stand your ground law which he immediately made it racial as well by saying people would be afraid of Martin being able to stand his ground against Zimmerman. But I’m sorry it falls short. Everyone in Florida cannot just shoot someone because they think someone may be following them.

It's just a wank. Avoid getting drawn into 'debate' with this intellectually dishonest fraud.
No, that's just your reaction to not agreeing with others' opinions. You've merely stated your opinion as well. You believe Obama is not racist. We got that. You got anything else to add?

Once again, you're drawing a conclusion that because I challenge you to support your view and you can't, that I must therefore hold the opposite view.
There's no basis for that conclusion either.

I think you're out of your league.

It's all opinion. That's what Message Boards are all about. I think your own bitterness & bigotry is beginning to bleed through. You'll be sounding like that ole Franco nutter any minute now. Your true self will eventually present itself. Seen it so many times before on Message Boards. Anyway, take care. :)

"Bitterness"? Moi? I have nothing to be bitter about-- I'm not the guy floating wispy impressions that I can't back up. If you're resigning all I can say is... about time.
So you are saying that his speech Friday did not in no way say white racism is the reason for everything? What exactly was Obama talking about when he was talking about history?

Uh... when he was talking about history he was talking about history. Imagine that; something being what it is.

Where do you see anything about "race training"?
Do you mean profiling?

There was not proof of racism in this case. No agency has found any racism in this case at all. Not the police, FBI, prosecution team, no one at all. So Obama is saying they did not find anything because they are all racist and need training?

Nobody but you claimed there was racism so there's nothing to "prove" or "disprove".

Do you not get the difference between racism and profiling?

Oh so all this talk about the injustice for Martin has nothing to do with race or proclaimed racism? So why is the president spending his time talking about race? Logic you say but you are truly lacking. Maybe you are not reading the speech Obama gave or maybe you really cannot see the racial tones throughout his speech. More likely is that you do see them you are just choosing to pretend they do not exist. Whether or not you wish to accept them or not they are there and it was the only thing given in his speech with the only exception being the stand your ground law which he immediately made it racial as well by saying people would be afraid of Martin being able to stand his ground against Zimmerman. But I’m sorry it falls short. Everyone in Florida cannot just shoot someone because they think someone may be following them.

Martin who?

I told you before-- if you have evidence of racism in that quote (or bring in a new one if you like), just highlight it (I read the whole thing; you won't). Same as the RadioRefugee; he came up short too.

Obama clearly expresses an indifference to White People. It's obvious he embraces the Black half of his ethnicity. He takes shots at White People quite often. He does not do the same with Black People. But why is that? His White family members have certainly been very good to him. He did not suffer under their care. So now the question is, does his indifference = Racism? I guess everyone has to decide that for themselves.

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