President Obama is racist

The statement the president made on Friday proves without a doubt that he is a racist. The think that the experiences he described could have only been experienced by blacks is a racist statement. I experienced many of those things and I’m white. My closest friends were all white growing up with the exception of one late who looked white. We experienced all the things the president described because we dressed and acted like hoodlums. To think the only thing that could explain the behaviors he described was racism was in fact itself racist. Then to ignore all the evidence to the contrary that Zimmerman is a racist is also a sign that the president is a racist. If it had been a white kid shot by a black man in the same circumstances it would have never made the news and would have never even went to trial. There is racism alright but the President and others believe that this could have only have happened because of racism should look in the mirror to see the racist.

You should know that in posting this thread you have exposed your ignorance (failure to understand the depth and nature of racism in America); your conclusion is patently absurd and dishonest for you have no way of knowing an outcome when the facts are changed.

IMO you're a monger of hate and fear and not very good at it.

ah there it is, that RUDE rude rude...good of you to prove me right
see I can jump from thread to thread just to put down too...carry on with your rude self
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You're continuing to present flawed analogies. Apples & Oranges.

Not at all -- I'm inviting you to explain why the bar for the black guy is set differently.

Obviously, you know the situation is different. And he's not a 'black guy'. He's a white guy as well.

Alright, then what's the difference?

And where's your basis? You know, your standard on which the black-and-white guy falls short? Your count of how many times Romney or Reagan invoked their mothers? Or how many times O'bama mentioned his father in comparison? Where are those numbers again? I'm still looking. :eusa_whistle:
Not at all -- I'm inviting you to explain why the bar for the black guy is set differently.

Obviously, you know the situation is different. And he's not a 'black guy'. He's a white guy as well.

Alright, then what's the difference?

And where's your basis? You know, your standard on which the black-and-white guy falls short? Your count of how many times Romney or Reagan invoked their mothers? Or how many times O'bama mentioned his father in comparison? Where are those numbers again? I'm still looking. :eusa_whistle:

Just stating my observations. There has clearly been a coordinated effort by the MSM and Obama himself, to only acknowledge or exploit his African American heritage. There is barely even a slight mention of his White heritage. His white mom has been disappeared into oblivion. Like she never existed. I mean, the man is half White for God's sake. But you wouldn't know that, listening to him and the dumbed-down MSM. And i think that's a sad travesty. Because i think if it were discussed more, race relations would improve. But hey, just my opinion. You're entitled to your own.
He clearly avoids acknowledging his White heritage. I really don't remember hearing him mention his White Mother. And that's pretty strange. But on the other hand, he's always very quick to acknowledge or exploit his Black heritage. I understand the MSM pretending he's not White. They're evil corrupt miscreants. But i still don't get why he himself pretends he's not White. Is it all about hate for his Mother? Or is it simply he made his whole career by only acknowledging his Black heritage? Maybe it's both? Who knows?

the only time i have heard of him talking about his white heritage was

during a radio interview when he threw his grandma under the bus as a racist

And once again, ipse dixit. Where did O'bama say his grandmother was racist?
You do know you have to document this or you have no point, right?

ok, then what about the "typical white person" comment?

what was the implication other than ALL white people are racist?
Obviously, you know the situation is different. And he's not a 'black guy'. He's a white guy as well.

Alright, then what's the difference?

And where's your basis? You know, your standard on which the black-and-white guy falls short? Your count of how many times Romney or Reagan invoked their mothers? Or how many times O'bama mentioned his father in comparison? Where are those numbers again? I'm still looking. :eusa_whistle:

Just stating my observations. There has clearly been a coordinated effort by the MSM and Obama himself, to only acknowledge or exploit his African American heritage. There is barely even a slight mention of his White heritage. His white mom has been disappeared into oblivion. Like she never existed. I mean, the man is half White for God's sake. But you wouldn't know that, listening to him and the dumbed-down MSM. And i think that's a sad travesty. Because i think if it were discussed more, race relations would improve. But hey, just my opinion. You're entitled to your own.

And for about the sixth time, these opinions/observations are based on......... what?

Where did O'bama or anyone else say his mom "never existed"?
Where did Mitt Romney or anyone else say his mom "never existed"?
Where is any POTUS, unless he's either in a drugstore buying a Mother's Day card or talking to his genealogist, required to talk about his mother?

On what do you base this? Can't answer, can you?
Most of you folks seriously do not understand racism.

Part and parcel with racism..and perhaps it's most important characteristic is ascribing behavior to skin color and features.

And feeling that your "race" is superior.

Simply pointing out not racism.

Neither is following one's survival instincts.
the only time i have heard of him talking about his white heritage was

during a radio interview when he threw his grandma under the bus as a racist

And once again, ipse dixit. Where did O'bama say his grandmother was racist?
You do know you have to document this or you have no point, right?

ok, then what about the "typical white person" comment?

what was the implication other than ALL white people are racist?

And where is that implication? Can you quote it?

Far as I know that line was talking about his grandmother's fear upon seeing black people in the street. Fear is not racist; it's a stereotype. Now if you've got some quote where he says she believed black people are inferior-- a value judgement-- , then you've got a point. But a stereotype born of social profiling won't cut it.

Is the term "value judgement" like, some obscure concept? Seems rather elusive for some here. :dunno:
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And once again, ipse dixit. Where did O'bama say his grandmother was racist?
You do know you have to document this or you have no point, right?

ok, then what about the "typical white person" comment?

what was the implication other than ALL white people are racist?

And where is that implication? Can you quote it?

Far as I know that line was talking about his grandmother's fear upon seeing black people in the street. Fear is not racist; it's a stereotype. Now if you've got some quote where he says she believed black people are inferior-- a value judgement-- , then you've got a point. But a stereotype born of social profiling won't cut it.

Is the term "value judgement" like, some obscure concept? Seems rather elusive for some here. :dunno:

double standards ^
He clearly avoids acknowledging his White heritage. I really don't remember hearing him mention his White Mother. And that's pretty strange. But on the other hand, he's always very quick to acknowledge or exploit his Black heritage. I understand the MSM pretending he's not White. They're evil corrupt miscreants. But i still don't get why he himself pretends he's not White. Is it all about hate for his Mother? Or is it simply he made his whole career by only acknowledging his Black heritage? Maybe it's both? Who knows?

the only time i have heard of him talking about his white heritage was

during a radio interview when he threw his grandma under the bus as a racist

He rarely mentions his Mother. And that's very strange. Most people enjoy talking about their Mothers. It's like she never existed.

Maybe that's because the pics of his mom the intereweb are not office safe.

His mom was a pron star, his dad a communist, his grandparents communists, his uncle a drug dealer, his brother lives in a hut, and his aunt is a welfare refugee.

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Fact is, he does seem to indict White People whenever he gets the chance. By contrast, I've never observed him criticizing African Africans. So, is he Racist? Maybe? If true, that would be very very sad. His own Mother was a White person. And his White Grandparents helped him achieve all of his success.
ok, then what about the "typical white person" comment?

what was the implication other than ALL white people are racist?

And where is that implication? Can you quote it?

Far as I know that line was talking about his grandmother's fear upon seeing black people in the street. Fear is not racist; it's a stereotype. Now if you've got some quote where he says she believed black people are inferior-- a value judgement-- , then you've got a point. But a stereotype born of social profiling won't cut it.

Is the term "value judgement" like, some obscure concept? Seems rather elusive for some here. :dunno:

double standards ^

^^ makes no sense.
The think that the experiences he described could have only been experienced by blacks is a racist statement.

I saw that press conference and I don't recall him saying that (i.e. "could have ONLY been experienced by blacks"), I assume he was talking specifically about African-Americans because he happens to be an African-American so one would think he had some expertise on the subject, if on the other hand he were to talk about what some other racial or ethnic groups routinely experience one might be justified for calling his expertise into question. :dunno:
Fact is, he does seem to indict White People whenever he gets the chance. By contrast, I've never observed him criticizing African Africans. So, is he Racist? Maybe? If true, that would be very very sad. His own Mother was a White person. And his White Grandparents helped him achieve all of his success.

OK, for the seventh time... you do read English, do you not? ... Where is this "indictment"?

Why would a POTUS criticize "African Americans", or for that matter, Euro Americans? What POTUS has ever done that?
And where is that implication? Can you quote it?

Far as I know that line was talking about his grandmother's fear upon seeing black people in the street. Fear is not racist; it's a stereotype. Now if you've got some quote where he says she believed black people are inferior-- a value judgement-- , then you've got a point. But a stereotype born of social profiling won't cut it.

Is the term "value judgement" like, some obscure concept? Seems rather elusive for some here. :dunno:

double standards ^

^^ makes no sense.

because you have no sense
Fact is, he does seem to indict White People whenever he gets the chance. By contrast, I've never observed him criticizing African Africans. So, is he Racist? Maybe? If true, that would be very very sad. His own Mother was a White person. And his White Grandparents helped him achieve all of his success.

OK, for the seventh time... you do read English, do you not? ... Where is this "indictment"?

Why would a POTUS criticize "African Americans", or for that matter, Euro Americans? What POTUS has ever done that?

Like i said, he's never missed an opportunity to criticize White People. I have not observed that same zealous criticism of African Americans from him. And there's clearly plenty to criticize in the current African American community.
The think that the experiences he described could have only been experienced by blacks is a racist statement.

I saw that press conference and I don't recall him saying that (i.e. "could have ONLY been experienced by blacks"), I assume he was talking specifically about African-Americans because he happens to be an African-American so one would think he had some expertise on the subject, if on the other hand he were to talk about what some other racial or ethnic groups routinely experience one might be justified for calling his expertise into question. :dunno:

then Obama is president of black people only
Fact is, he does seem to indict White People whenever he gets the chance.

I don't pay much attention when he talks anymore since most of the time he doesn't seem to know what he's talking about but on those occasions that I have given him any attention it seems to me that he saves his indictments and demonizing for those that don't agree with him :)rolleyes:), can't really recall anything he's said specifically indicting "White People" though.
The think that the experiences he described could have only been experienced by blacks is a racist statement.

I saw that press conference and I don't recall him saying that (i.e. "could have ONLY been experienced by blacks"), I assume he was talking specifically about African-Americans because he happens to be an African-American so one would think he had some expertise on the subject, if on the other hand he were to talk about what some other racial or ethnic groups routinely experience one might be justified for calling his expertise into question. :dunno:

then Obama is president of black people only

Unfortunately, it looks that way. I mean i would hold a different opinion if i saw him criticizing African Americans a bit. But i just haven't seen that from him thus far. So far i've only seen him take every opportunity possible to criticize White People. Just my observation anyway.
Fact is, he does seem to indict White People whenever he gets the chance. By contrast, I've never observed him criticizing African Africans. So, is he Racist? Maybe? If true, that would be very very sad. His own Mother was a White person. And his White Grandparents helped him achieve all of his success.

OK, for the seventh time... you do read English, do you not? ... Where is this "indictment"?

Why would a POTUS criticize "African Americans", or for that matter, Euro Americans? What POTUS has ever done that?

Like i said, he's never missed an opportunity to criticize White People. I have not observed that same zealous criticism of African Americans from him. And there's clearly plenty to criticize in the current African American community.

-- and the world will note that the next quantifiable example you give of any of this will be the first one.

So much for that non-point.
then Obama is president of black people only

That's not my perception, I get the impression he thinks he's the President of only those that agree with him, the rest of us (regardless of race or ethnicity) are just peons to be demonized when possible and plundered when needed.

"They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. that's the Chicago way" -- Sean Connery, The Untouchables

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