President Obama nominates Loretta Lynch as next Attorney General

Unlike you I don't post from racist websites or use other's words to state my opinion...

So, start quoting Taylor; he seems to utter non-sense a bit more fluently than you...

I need no one to bitch slap your black, racist ass.... the fact is, your a complete goon, that feels this country OWES you something because your black... You are a WASTE as a human, and undoubtedly live off the rest of us who continue to love this country for the EQUALITY it offers. Because you want to emulate a monkey, and live off your zoo caretakers, throwing you scraps, instead of educating yourself, and get off the VICTIM bicycle, you might end up with one of those high paying janitor jobs! Hell, if you get a gov't job, the obomanation guarantees you $10.10 an hour... $10 more than you are worth!

AKA...another Black person that has risen above me social-economically and I'm jealous.

BTW, box of rocks for brains Jared Taylor is editor of American Renaissance, and NOT the American Thinker.... you're so fucking stupid, you can't tell the difference... Go get the caretaker, you're do for a banana.... taken rectally!
You weren't even smart enough to discern the link I included...
You really don't know why people like me pass you by...smh

Most don't have the balls to confront me, second, they just don't know how to combat my little posters, third, and most importantly, they lack the intelligence to recognize the irony, and nuance of what I post! You... you're just lost in spsce!
Sure son...sure.
The turd's avatar and moniker give him away as a slug.
Unlike you I don't post from racist websites or use other's words to state my opinion...

So, start quoting Taylor; he seems to utter non-sense a bit more fluently than you...

I need no one to bitch slap your black, racist ass.... the fact is, your a complete goon, that feels this country OWES you something because your black... You are a WASTE as a human, and undoubtedly live off the rest of us who continue to love this country for the EQUALITY it offers. Because you want to emulate a monkey, and live off your zoo caretakers, throwing you scraps, instead of educating yourself, and get off the VICTIM bicycle, you might end up with one of those high paying janitor jobs! Hell, if you get a gov't job, the obomanation guarantees you $10.10 an hour... $10 more than you are worth!

AKA...another Black person that has risen above me social-economically and I'm jealous.

another affirmative action poster child whose race and gender got her job she really did not deserve (yet again)

AKA...I'm an average white guy that is jealous of my betters...
Shittydude, you were never in the running, stop your crying.

LOL, average? LOL
of course I was not in the running. no white male was no matter how much smarter they are compared to the AAPC
Sure son...sure.
Go cry with vaginalante.
Well time to view the Walking Dead.
You two losers keep other company while bemoaning the social rise of your betters...LOL.

Yes, you could certainly be part of that show!... But more suited to a ZOMBIE movie!
I need no one to bitch slap your black, racist ass.... the fact is, your a complete goon, that feels this country OWES you something because your black... You are a WASTE as a human, and undoubtedly live off the rest of us who continue to love this country for the EQUALITY it offers. Because you want to emulate a monkey, and live off your zoo caretakers, throwing you scraps, instead of educating yourself, and get off the VICTIM bicycle, you might end up with one of those high paying janitor jobs! Hell, if you get a gov't job, the obomanation guarantees you $10.10 an hour... $10 more than you are worth!

AKA...another Black person that has risen above me social-economically and I'm jealous.

another affirmative action poster child whose race and gender got her job she really did not deserve (yet again)

AKA...I'm an average white guy that is jealous of my betters...
Shittydude, you were never in the running, stop your crying.

LOL, average? LOL
of course I was not in the running. no white male was no matter how much smarter they are compared to the AAPC
Sure son...sure.
Go cry with vaginalante.

LOL, you aren't smart enough to even understand what is going on

and its not whitey's fault that you are a low grade piss ant
Well time to view the Walking Dead.
You two losers keep other company while bemoaning the social rise of your betters...LOL.

LOL, the walking dead didn't turn out to vote for your Dems.
Only you were stupid enough to believe actors dressed as zombies!!!

What are you talking about? Was this supposed to be some kind of a joke? It doesn't even make sense.

retardodark thinks someone being chosen by Obola Nairobi for a political job because they are the right political party and race means she is superior to non blacks
Well time to view the Walking Dead.
You two losers keep other company while bemoaning the social rise of your betters...LOL.

LOL, the walking dead didn't turn out to vote for your Dems.
Only you were stupid enough to believe actors dressed as zombies!!!

What are you talking about? Was this supposed to be some kind of a joke? It doesn't even make sense.

Chris, the box of rocks for brains, the black racist, can only TRY to intimidate whites if they let him!.... NO ONE should be scared of a scumbag calling you a racist!
Hey Liekhota, after reading this thread, I would ask you the opposite question of what you've been asking people

What makes you think this woman IS qualified without her answering any questions or any kind of hearing?

I'm sure the real answer is "she's a black woman" but I would like to hear what lies you tell on the subject.
must suck to be an OBAMA FLUFFER in this day and age

Tell us why you need to refer to your sexual proclivities, what's the relevance??

what are you-15?

and racist is a term guilty white liberals or stupid blacks use when they are outmatched intellectually (which is always)

To sum it up.
You are a closeted gay guy too scared to come out the closet.
Posted on a topic you know jack shit about.
Love to make reference to men giving other men blow jobs.
Is too stupid to know what a racist is.
Is too stupid to know he's a racist.
Is jealous that a Black female is professionally leaving him in the dust.
Was stupid enough to name himself, shittydude.

What is this? Someone should really report you. Nice and typical liberal trashiness.
Someone should report your ignorance of the posts made to me before you shoot your ignorant mouth off...
Typical Conservative stupidity...

Someone should report MY ignorance? Please, the only thing you've done here in this thread is be disgusting. You certainly haven't done a good job at defending the character of your attorney general, or your party.
Hey Liekhota, after reading this thread, I would ask you the opposite question of what you've been asking people

What makes you think this woman IS qualified without her answering any questions or any kind of hearing?

I'm sure the real answer is "she's a black woman" but I would like to hear what lies you tell on the subject.

I can't say anything about this poster's motivations, but isn't it unbelievable that people would base their decisions on such things? I wonder if they EVER take anything else into consideration? Personally, I like the fact that she is a woman, but I definitely want to read up more about her and find out where she stands on specific issues.
Hey Liekhota, after reading this thread, I would ask you the opposite question of what you've been asking people

What makes you think this woman IS qualified without her answering any questions or any kind of hearing?

I'm sure the real answer is "she's a black woman" but I would like to hear what lies you tell on the subject.

I can't say anything about this poster's motivations, but isn't it unbelievable that people would base their decisions on such things? I wonder if they EVER take hI tI definitely want to read up more about her and find out where she stands on specific issues.

I have read that she is actually fairly conservative. Many people who I respect are shocked that Obama nominated her.

I think she could be a great choice. I don't care which gender or which race she is.

I only say that Liekhota arguing that people shouldn't say she isn't a good choice before a hearing is stupid considering that he knows very little or nothing about her but thinks shes a great choice without a hearing.
AKA...another Black person that has risen above me social-economically and I'm jealous.

another affirmative action poster child whose race and gender got her job she really did not deserve (yet again)

AKA...I'm an average white guy that is jealous of my betters...
Shittydude, you were never in the running, stop your crying.

LOL, average? LOL
of course I was not in the running. no white male was no matter how much smarter they are compared to the AAPC
Sure son...sure.
Go cry with vaginalante.

LOL, you aren't smart enough to even understand what is going on

and its not whitey's fault that you are a low grade piss ant
And it's not a Black person's fault that you are only an average white guy lamenting the success of a superior Black Woman...
Last edited:
Well time to view the Walking Dead.
You two losers keep other company while bemoaning the social rise of your betters...LOL.

Yes, you could certainly be part of that show!... But more suited to a ZOMBIE movie!

remake of planet of the ape assholes

he'd be a baboon butt
How about a remake of Charlie Brown with soon to be A.G. Lynch as Lucy.
She seems to be making a fool of you even in her present role.
Well time to view the Walking Dead.
You two losers keep other company while bemoaning the social rise of your betters...LOL.

LOL, the walking dead didn't turn out to vote for your Dems.
Only you were stupid enough to believe actors dressed as zombies!!!

What are you talking about? Was this supposed to be some kind of a joke? It doesn't even make sense.

retardodark thinks someone being chosen by Obola Nairobi for a political job because they are the right political party and race means she is superior to non blacks
Yet it was you who ignorantly asserts that she's not qualified based on her race and your statement that NO Black person could ever be smarter than a white person.

Her career makes you look stupid...but then again, was there ever an intelligent racist.
Well time to view the Walking Dead.
You two losers keep other company while bemoaning the social rise of your betters...LOL.

LOL, the walking dead didn't turn out to vote for your Dems.
Only you were stupid enough to believe actors dressed as zombies!!!

What are you talking about? Was this supposed to be some kind of a joke? It doesn't even make sense.

retardodark thinks someone being chosen by Obola Nairobi for a political job because they are the right political party and race means she is superior to non blacks
Yet it was you who ignorantly asserts that she's not qualified based on her race and your statement that NO Black person could ever be smarter than a white person.

Her career makes you look stupid...but then again, was there ever an intelligent racist.

retardomark-I said she picked because she is a black female, not because she was the best and the brightest

that makes her less qualified than dozens of other DOJ managers and far less qualified than thousands of Democrat party attorneys in private practice

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