President Obama says he once broke a classmate's nose for calling him a racial slur

Yeah uh huh sure

This guy?

Was the other kid in a wheel chair?
Lol wtf.. is that 2 lb dumbbells? :lol:

Put it this way. O's in shit-ton better shape than the Orange Blob :)


Pretty common for the minority* kid to have to fight over some racial slur. Probably happens to white kids too just don't see it too often in america because most places whites are the majority.

My first real physical altercation i took a much smaller than me blonde kid by the neck and slammed his head against a locker a few times as hard as i could manage, dented the locker but he seemed alright beyond maybe slightly concussed. We were in the 6th grade. He was talking shit to me after 9/11 my kin are not muslim i did not like the insinuation from the little shit. He was alright but he had a habit of talking shit to people he should not. Had he not started saying sorry after the first couple i would have broken that kid he was half my weight at the time. 50/50 he spends his weekends getting shit faced then starting a fight with the biggest guy he can find.

You can only let that shit go so far or everyone will think they get to make jokes so you've gotta hit some one. Wasn't white supremacy if i had a lisp or something I'd have had to have done the same thing, probably a lot more often. That's how you get a monster like Tyson. But it happens all the time. Anyone who believes Barry just took getting called that then rose to the presidency is crazy. The man is a narcissist he's not just going to take insults lying down. His inability to do it got us Trump

Ironic that barry complains about some one asserting their status over another as he physically hurts them tho i'll give you that haha. The whole point of hurting them is to teach them your status is actually above theirs so they better shut the fuck up.
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Yeah uh huh sure

This guy?

Was the other kid in a wheel chair?
Lol wtf.. is that 2 lb dumbbells? :lol:

Put it this way. O's in shit-ton better shape than the Orange Blob :)



Obama is in good shape. Nobody should be "bulky" after 55.. Lean and mean is better. Poor Trump is breaking 300 pounds now. The men in my family are still slim and do low rep exercise and run marathons into their 70s. They don't finish in the top 20 anymore, but they finish and they play in church basketball leagues.

Yeah uh huh sure

This guy?

Was the other kid in a wheel chair?
Lol wtf.. is that 2 lb dumbbells? :lol:

Put it this way. O's in shit-ton better shape than the Orange Blob :)


For sure. But the Kenyan is still a pussy. And hes married to a dude.
Doesnt change that

lolol.. You sure are one sick Mofo.
Elaine Kagan got SCOTUS because she reminded Barack that she took the Bar exam for him
You are one fragile minded cuck aren't you...

Black man becomes president (winning both the popular and electoral votes, twice) -- is still MORE popular than your one term cult leader......and to compensate, you pull bullshit out of your ass about him not taking the bar exam...

Meanwhile in real life.......

Everything with you dic suckers is self projection....
He's not black moron. His mother is white.
how come this hasn't been mentioned before?

The standard liberal response to words it doesn't like: Violence.

Wonder he didn't squirt the SOB with lighter fluid and scratch a match.
Y'know, like they do in Portland!
how come this hasn't been mentioned before?

Doesn't matter. What he did to a classmate has nothing to do with now. I tire of people dredging up shit we ALL did when in school...grammar, high or college. None of us were fully cooked yet and did stupid shit, as Judge Judy says.
Obama is a bad ass
Not really. He wears a helmet when he rides a bicycle.
Gomer Bush wore a helmet but when Laura took the training wheels off, it wasn`t much help.

Better than riding a girls bike 5mph
View attachment 461346

Dude, That just maxed out my GheyDar bruh!!!!
Bottom line the U.S. has gone nuts!
But we got nukes!
This should make the rest of the World sleepless at nights!

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