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President Obama tells Medvedev-‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility'

As an independent, and watching polls and talking to people, i don't think obama has a pray in the next election. The way things are going and the things he is doing is totally against it.
I know i won't be voting for him. I am voting all incumbants out. We need to take all those career politicians out of office. All of them.
No, he's right. It makes us look bad. It's like airing your dirty family laundry in front of visitors.

Russian president lobs 'Hollywood' charge at Romney

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev tweaked Mitt Romney for his characterization of Russia as the "No. 1 geopolitical foe" of the United States, saying the comments did not reflect the current relationship between the two countries.

"It is very reminiscent of Hollywood and also of a certain phase in Russian-U.S. relations," Medvedev said at the end of the nuclear security summit in South Korea Tuesday.

Medvedev urged Romney to take the current climate into account if he hopes to win the presidential election.

"My first advice is to listen to reason when they formulate their positions. Reason never harmed a presidential candidate," Medvedev said. "My other advice is to check their watches from time to time: it is 2012, not the mid-1970s."

Russian president lobs ‘Hollywood’ charge at Romney – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

That's embarrassing!!!
I don't get it the president said what he did and you attack Romney using one of the offenders in the plot to destroy America? You defend obama ARE YOU AN AMERICAN?

It's all way over your pointed head, sonny.
Fatass you're to damn stupid to push away from the table. You're to damn busy feeding your fat face with WIC foods to understand that obama is bad for this country. Is Government cheese fattening?
Boehner chides Romney for criticizing Obama while abroad

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) took a slight dig Tuesday at Mitt Romney for criticizing President Obama while the president was out of the country.

Boehner suggested it was inappropriate for Romney, the front-running GOP presidential contender, to take aim at Obama's exchange with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, when Obama signaled to his outgoing Russian counterpart after a meeting in South Korea that he would have more "flexibility" to negotiate on missile defense after this fall's elections.

"Clearly while the president is overseas, he's at a conference and while the president is overseas I think it's appropriate that people not be critical of him or our country," Boehner said in response to a question from NBC News about whether he agreed with Romney's assessment that Russia is the "number one geopolitical foe" of the United States.

First Read - Boehner chides Romney for criticizing Obama while abroad

I must reluctantly agree that Boehner has a point. This POTUS is such a radical piece of human waste that we tend to forget what the Office really means to the rest of the world.

You're an idiot.
I don't get it the president said what he did and you attack Romney using one of the offenders in the plot to destroy America? You defend obama ARE YOU AN AMERICAN?

It's all way over your pointed head, sonny.
Fatass you're to damn stupid to push away from the table. You're to damn busy feeding your fat face with WIC foods to understand that obama is bad for this country. Is Government cheese fattening?

Still making a fool of yoursef. I am not the only one that reads your responses. That's the best you can do?? You're pathetic.
Well no TPS..that's not what that means.

It means he can focus more time on various issues without the burden of an election campaign.

Translation: I can't do my job and get re-elected at the same time.

Ollie, c'mon dude.

Bush invaded Panama after the mid-terms back in 1989. Do you honestly believe that he couldn't have gone in anytime during that Fall and had largely the same result? Of course he could have. One of the reasons he waited until after the midterms because it was thought to be politically advantageous to do so.

Presidents do this all the time; most do not do it with a live microphone in their proximity.

Wow... Really??? So the left believes that:

1. Barry didn't do anything that Bush 41 didn't do in regards to Operation Just Cause in December of 1989. The only difference is that Barry's mike was on.
2. That Russia openly wants to be our friend and ally. But of course, those evil right wingers just won't let the cold war go.
3. That missle defense really doesn't work.
4. That missle defensive batteries in Poland and the Czech Republic are actually 'first strike' capable.

Okay, I hope that in the past two posts that I've made on this thread, I have sufficiently addressed #3 and #4. So let's look at #1 and #2 now.

Operation Just Cause happened in December of 1989 AFTER several incidents occurred, giving President Bush no alternative but to go into Panama. I realize that for the left, the death of a Marine is not a big thing, but in December of 1989, a gentleman by the name of Lt. Paz was stopped, assaulted and when he tried to flee, was shot to death by the PDF. Also in December of 1989, a Navy officer and his wfie were stopped, the officer assaulted and his wife threatened with sexual assault by the PDF. Two other incidents of harrassment and assault of six US military personnel occurred in December of 1989. And of course, let's not forget that General Noriega had stated in a speech that Panama was "at war" with the United States. It was only AFTER these incidents that President Bush was forced to go into Panama. To have begun the operation before the mid terms would have placed it BEFORE these incidents occurred. So I'm afraid your analogy is false.

It's obvious that most do not get as much pleasure as I do from reading obscure books. However, if you did, you would find that nations have a collective psyche that guides its policies, just like individuals. In America, we have been accused in more than one instance of having a 'cowboy' mentality. This stems from the frontier life that saw the development of this nation. Russians have admitted a very strong and understandable fear of not being taken seriously and an inherent fear of invasion. Understandably so. Napolean and Hitler, among others, invaded Russia and each was more brutal and barbaric than the one before it. Let's remember that the United States sent troops to Russia to fight along side the "White" Russians and cossacks during the Bolchevick Revolution in 1917. In response to comments and actions from European royalty at the time, Peter, Catherine and the czars spent tons of money making Moscow look and act more "European". You want to make the Russians do the worst possible thing at a time when you need them to be on board? Ignore them or make them feel that they are not 'important.' The Russians are sending advisors to Syria at a time when the world is condeming Assad's brutality. Why? The answer is that the Russians want to be and will make it so that they are a player that MUST be dealt with.

Although the Soviet empire collapsed, the Russians, and more specifically Vladimir Putin (ex-KGB) isn't about to let the United States or anyone else for that matter dictate what happens without their input. They WILL be a major player... PERIOD. The 'cold war' that took place between 1947 and 1992 may be over, but Russia's need to be the stick that stirs the pot, is not. Discount them at your peril. They will be your friends IF it suits them.
It's all way over your pointed head, sonny.
Fatass you're to damn stupid to push away from the table. You're to damn busy feeding your fat face with WIC foods to understand that obama is bad for this country. Is Government cheese fattening?

Still making a fool of yoursef. I am not the only one that reads your responses. That's the best you can do?? You're pathetic.

How foolish of you to think I thought you were the only one that can read what I post. It's foolish to defend obama with all the facts are against him. Only a fool would do that.
Fatass you're to damn stupid to push away from the table. You're to damn busy feeding your fat face with WIC foods to understand that obama is bad for this country. Is Government cheese fattening?

Still making a fool of yoursef. I am not the only one that reads your responses. That's the best you can do?? You're pathetic.

How foolish of you to think I thought you were the only one that can read what I post. It's foolish to defend obama with all the facts are against him. Only a fool would do that.

Well, I don't think that all of the facts are against him. I have not known you to be the least bit objective about this president.
Still making a fool of yoursef. I am not the only one that reads your responses. That's the best you can do?? You're pathetic.

How foolish of you to think I thought you were the only one that can read what I post. It's foolish to defend obama with all the facts are against him. Only a fool would do that.

Well, I don't think that all of the facts are against him. I have not known you to be the least bit objective about this president.

You're deaf also. What is there to be objective about when you use facts?
Ollie, c'mon dude.

Bush invaded Panama after the mid-terms back in 1989. Do you honestly believe that he couldn't have gone in anytime during that Fall and had largely the same result? Of course he could have. One of the reasons he waited until after the midterms because it was thought to be politically advantageous to do so.

Presidents do this all the time; most do not do it with a live microphone in their proximity.

What this bozo has done, and continues to do is so incredibly treasonous and so incredibly damaging to OUR country (yes, YOURS and mine, and all the rest here), that it is almost min-boggling that any SANE person would still defend him. Even more impossible to absorb is that any SANE, REASONABLE individual would continue to pull the Bush did it bullshit card.
Obama is a traitor. Obama hates this country, everything is stands for, and every man, woman, and child who claims to be an American.

Drama queen.

Bush didn't do anything traitorous and neither did our President Obama. Politics plays a role in all decisions made by presidents. To think otherwise is particularly naive. President Obama's problem is that he showed you, apparently, unsophisticated and naive people how the sausage is made. Also look for the price of gasoline to stabilize over the next few months before the election. This is 'probably' going to be the result of some behind the scenes arm twisting by the President. You likely won't hear about it but you've heard it here first.

Oh, I fully expect that flaccid piece of shit you so honor to do everything and anything to manipulate the price of fuel before the election. Right now, people are getting a bit testy about prices at the pumps, prices resulting at least partially because of your monkey-in-a-business suit's policies regarding energy production and use in this country. Because many people are waking up and becoming aware of just how detrimental his ideology is to our way of life and our standard of living, he's feeling the heat and getting a bit nervous about his reelection.
What we heard him say reflected his true voice. He asked the leader of another country to persuade his replacement to postpone important negotiations until after our elections. Why? Because O'bozo will be a lame duck president (if he wins) and he will no doubt fast-track his dismantling of this Nation.

Oh, yeah, if he does succeed in manipulating prices before the election, and should he indeed be reelected, I guarantee you, we will see fuel prices rising to well over $5/gal after November. He'll just suck some of his Wall Street buddies' dicks and have them back off the oil speculation until after the election.
I don't get it the president said what he did and you attack Romney using one of the offenders in the plot to destroy America? You defend obama ARE YOU AN AMERICAN?

It's all way over your pointed head, sonny.
Fatass you're to damn stupid to push away from the table. You're to damn busy feeding your fat face with WIC foods to understand that obama is bad for this country. Is Government cheese fattening?

Only when eaten without the appropriate whine.
Well, I don't think that all of the facts are against him. I have not known you to be the least bit objective about this president.

This was a serious stumble for your little tin god.

How much it will hurt him is yet to be seen. It SHOULD be the end of his political career, but many Americans don't grasp international politics and the reality of Putin rebuilding the Soviet Empire.

I have a lot of criticism of Jim Wright, because he was a traitor and all. BUT I will say that I am convinced that Wright truly believed that the people of the USA would be better off under Soviet Rule, that he sought to have the USA fall to the USSR based on a sincere belief that World Communism under the Soviets was the best outcome.

Is that the position of Obama? That Americans would be better off ruled by Russia?
Well, I don't think that all of the facts are against him. I have not known you to be the least bit objective about this president.

This was a serious stumble for your little tin god.

How much it will hurt him is yet to be seen. It SHOULD be the end of his political career, but many Americans don't grasp international politics and the reality of Putin rebuilding the Soviet Empire.

I have a lot of criticism of Jim Wright, because he was a traitor and all. BUT I will say that I am convinced that Wright truly believed that the people of the USA would be better off under Soviet Rule, that he sought to have the USA fall to the USSR based on a sincere belief that World Communism under the Soviets was the best outcome.

Is that the position of Obama? That Americans would be better off ruled by Russia?

The sad thing is Obama probably knew exactly what he was doing...whispering to a microphone...he's playing games with our national security...trying to get people to react so he can wag his finger and lecture us some more...and now the Russian President is scoffing at our concerns. Thanks Obama...thanks a lot!

Many analysts have urged President Obama to consider one of the various proposals that would allow Iran to continue enriching uranium, though perhaps under somewhat stronger supervision.

One of these is the so-called Russian proposal, under which Iran would address the IAEA's questions in phases and the West would reciprocally ease sanctions.

Nukes | Shadow Government

Iran in Latin America is no laughing matter...


On his current tour of Latin American outliers, Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stopped in Venezuela this week to share a belly-laugh with his compañero Hugo Chávez over the supposed nuclear threat either of their countries poses to the civilized world.

Gesticulating outside the presidential palace, Chávez said, "That hill will open up and a big atomic bomb will come out," with Ahmadinejad adding that any bomb they would build together would be fueled by "love."

A couple of real cut-ups.

While their mockery should fall flat amongst most sober observers, the fact remains that much of Washington is still unable to grasp the nature and dimensions of the Iranian threat in Latin America.
How foolish of you to think I thought you were the only one that can read what I post. It's foolish to defend obama with all the facts are against him. Only a fool would do that.

Well, I don't think that all of the facts are against him. I have not known you to be the least bit objective about this president.

You're deaf also. What is there to be objective about when you use facts?

You ignore facts. All of you right wingers. Just like your motley group of candidates.
aka I can do what I want.

President Obama Asks Medvedev for ‘Space’ on Missile Defense — ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’

SEOUL, South Korea — At the tail end of his 90 minute meeting with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev Monday, President Obama said that he would have “more flexibility” to deal with controversial issues such as missile defense, but incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to give him “space.”

The exchange was picked up by microphones as reporters were let into the room for remarks by the two leaders.
The exchange:

President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.

President Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…

President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.


Aka, after the election, the American people won't be able to stop me disarming missile defense and leaving this country defenseless.

Remember this and vote.

November 2012 is coming.

"Nous sommes trahis!" (We are betrayed!)
Well no TPS..that's not what that means.

It means he can focus more time on various issues without the burden of an election campaign.

NO...it was telling Putin to Chill...and Obama would be onboard continuing to sell us OUT after he is re-elected.


He knows that....
Thus the energy the Liberal must put into rationalization.
How can you be sure that both you and the Russians aren't being fooled? A "free hand" to do what? It doesn't seem like he's promised them anything except telling them a truism that doesn't mean anything one way or the other. It's like checking at poker. Doesn't mean you aren't going to go "all-in" the next go-round.

Shhhh.... you're interrupting their fantasy

I think the usual USMB rw suspects enjoy foaming at the mouth over trifles. The President knows that he has very little in the competition- dept from the wingers.

Well, if you had no trouble supporting the slaughter of a young girl at Chappaquiddick, and a rapist, you'll have none supporting a traitor.
No matter how you twist it or how Obama attempts to make a joke out of it we have heard him telling the Russians to wait until after he is re-elected. What are they supposed to wait for Mr president? The world wants the truth. (Like we would ever hear that from this administration)

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