President Obama's gun violence plan

The best thing about Obama's gun violence plan is him admitting in the SOTU address that it won't work.
I love #3. "Make Schools Safer."

Obama's economic plan: Make the economy good.

Obama's domestic plan: Make things good here.

Obama's foreign policy plan: Make things good there.

Gotta love liberals.
People cannot buy "military style" assault weapons so there is no need for a ban.
Let's pass a law forbidding the tempature from going about 80 degrees while we are at it. Then we can do something that won't actually stop global warming and wont stop gun violence at the same time!

Every other industrialized country limits or bans private gun ownership.

And they have a fraction of the crime we do.

Just like Conservatards have to ignore the rest of the world to pretend universal health care won't work, they have to ignore the rest of the world to pretend gun control won't work.

All criminologists studying the firearms issue reject simple comparisons of violent crime among foreign countries. It is impossible to draw valid conclusions without taking into account differences in each nation's collection of crime data, and their political, cultural, racial, religious, and economic disparities. Such factors are not only hard to compare, they are rarely, if ever, taken into account by "gun control" proponents.9

Only one scholar, attorney David Kopel, has attempted to evaluate the impact of "gun control" on crime in several foreign countries. In his book The Samurai, The Mountie and The Cowboy: Should America adopt the gun controls of other democracies?, named a 1992 Book of the Year by the American Society of Criminology, Kopel examined numerous nations with varying gun laws, and concluded: "Contrary to the claims of the American gun control movement, gun control does not deserve credit for the low crime rates in Britain, Japan, or other nations." He noted that Israel and Switzerland, with more widespread rates of gunownership, have crime rates comparable to or lower than the usual foreign examples. And he stated: "Foreign style gun control is doomed to failure in America. Foreign gun control comes along with searches and seizures, and with many other restrictions on civil liberties too intrusive for America. Foreign gun control...postulates an authoritarian philosophy of government fundamentally at odds with the individualist and egalitarian American ethos."10

America's high crime rates can be attributed to re volving-door justice. In a typical year in the U.S., there are 8.1 million serious crimes like homicide, assault, and burglary. Only 724,000 adults are arrested and fewer still (193,000) are convicted. Less than 150,000 are sentenced to prison, with 36,00 0 serving less than a year (U.S. News and World Report, July 31, 1989). A 1987 National Institute of Justice study found that the average felon released due to prison overcrowding commits upwards of 187 crimes per year, costing society approximately $430, 000.

Foreign countries are two to six times more effective in solving crimes and punishing criminals than the U.S. In London, about 20% of reported robberies end in conviction; in New York City, less than 5% result in conviction, and in those cases imprisonment is frequently not imposed. Nonetheless, England annually has twice as many homicides with firearms as it did before adopting its tough laws. Despite tight licensing procedures, the handgun-related robbery rate in Britain rose about 200% duri ng the past dozen years, five times as fast as in the U.S.

Part of Japan's low crime rate is explained by the efficiency of its criminal justice system, fewer protections of the right to privacy, and fewer rights for criminal suspects than exist in the United States. Japanese police routinely search citizens at will and twice a year pay "home visits" to citizens' residences. Suspect confession rate is 95% and trial conviction rate is over 99.9%. The Tokyo Bar Association has said that the Japanese police routinely "...engage in torture or illegal treatment. Even in cases where suspects claimed to have been tortured and their bodies bore the physical traces to back their claims, courts have still accepted their confessions." Neither the powers and secrecy of the police nor the docility of defense counsel would be acceptable to most Americans. In addition, the Japanese police understate the amount of crime, particularly covering up the problem of organized crime, in order to appear more efficient an d worthy of the respect the citizens have for the police.

Widespread respect for law and order is deeply ingrained in the Japanese citizenry. This cultural trait has been passed along to their descendants in the United States where the murder ratef or Japanese-Americans (who have access to firearms) is similar to that in Japan itself. If gun availability were a factor in crime rates, one would expect European crime rates to be related to firearms availability in those countries, but crime rat es are similar in European countries with high or relatively high gun ownership, such as Switzerland, Israel, and Norway, and in low availability countries like England and Germany. Furthermore, one would expect American violent crime rates to be more sim ilar to European rates in crime where guns are rarely used, such as rape, than in crimes where guns are often used, such as homicide. But the reverse is true: American non-gun violent crime rates exceed those of European countries.

9 Wright, et al ., Under the Gun: Weapons, Crime and Violence in America (N.Y.: Aldine, 1983).
10 Kopel, "The Samurai, The Mountie, and the Cowboy: Should America adopt the gun controls of other democracies?' (Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1992), 431-32.


Don't put that much time and effort into a liberal. They have already forgotten about this post by now.
What plan? It's not a plan, it's a fantasy. We all want to "make schools safer" and "increase access to mental health services" but we all know that "closing loopholes" and banning ugly weapons is not the solution. It's just a political game.
Let's pass a law forbidding the tempature from going about 80 degrees while we are at it. Then we can do something that won't actually stop global warming and wont stop gun violence at the same time!

Every other industrialized country limits or bans private gun ownership.

And they have a fraction of the crime we do.

Just like Conservatards have to ignore the rest of the world to pretend universal health care won't work, they have to ignore the rest of the world to pretend gun control won't work.

All criminologists studying the firearms issue reject simple comparisons of violent crime among foreign countries. It is impossible to draw valid conclusions without taking into account differences in each nation's collection of crime data, and their political, cultural, racial, religious, and economic disparities. Such factors are not only hard to compare, they are rarely, if ever, taken into account by "gun control" proponents.9


I'm ignoring the rest of your word cloud, because honestly, it's irrelevent.

The argument of the right wing is that prisons and guns make us safer, but we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world despite having the most prisons and the most guns.
Every other industrialized country limits or bans private gun ownership.

And they have a fraction of the crime we do.

Just like Conservatards have to ignore the rest of the world to pretend universal health care won't work, they have to ignore the rest of the world to pretend gun control won't work.

All criminologists studying the firearms issue reject simple comparisons of violent crime among foreign countries. It is impossible to draw valid conclusions without taking into account differences in each nation's collection of crime data, and their political, cultural, racial, religious, and economic disparities. Such factors are not only hard to compare, they are rarely, if ever, taken into account by "gun control" proponents.9


I'm ignoring the rest of your word cloud, because honestly, it's irrelevent.

The argument of the right wing is that prisons and guns make us safer, but we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world despite having the most prisons and the most guns.

The argument of the left wing is that money and government make us smarter, but we have the highest number of people who cannot read a statistical table in the world despite the having the largest budget in the world.
but we have the highest number of people who cannot read

that's why the Dear Leader puts out little pictures for his base to post like the op
The argument of the left wing is that money and government make us smarter, but we have the highest number of people who cannot read a statistical table in the world despite the having the largest budget in the world.

But that isn't true, guy. Most of the rest of the world spends MORE on education than we do. We're the country that short-changes education.
The argument of the left wing is that money and government make us smarter, but we have the highest number of people who cannot read a statistical table in the world despite the having the largest budget in the world.

But that isn't true, guy. Most of the rest of the world spends MORE on education than we do. We're the country that short-changes education.

Prune the money tree we need more to teach people to read.

My mom taught me to read for free before I hit school.

Most people who would cull their children as birth control aren't inclined to teach them to read.
The argument of the left wing is that money and government make us smarter, but we have the highest number of people who cannot read a statistical table in the world despite the having the largest budget in the world.

But that isn't true, guy. Most of the rest of the world spends MORE on education than we do. We're the country that short-changes education.

Prune the money tree we need more to teach people to read.

My mom taught me to read for free before I hit school.

Most people who would cull their children as birth control aren't inclined to teach them to read.

Why do you whacks try to impose your obsession with other people's genitals into every conversation?
The argument of the left wing is that money and government make us smarter, but we have the highest number of people who cannot read a statistical table in the world despite the having the largest budget in the world.

But that isn't true, guy. Most of the rest of the world spends MORE on education than we do. We're the country that short-changes education.

We spend more per student than any country in the world, and more in straight up total spending than any other country in the world. There is not a country on the planet that spends more on education than we do, so your silly belief that most countries spend more just proves me right.
Yes,lets take a look at Obummers home town,Chicago!
Toughest gun laws anywhere,yet it is the murder capital of the country.
The gun laws are working just fine,arent they?
Disarmed citizens,armed criminals.
Come on over,and take a walk through Chicago with me-it will be fun!
I will be armed-you can rely on your cell phone,ok?
Let's pass a law forbidding the tempature from going about 80 degrees while we are at it. Then we can do something that won't actually stop global warming and wont stop gun violence at the same time!

Every other industrialized country limits or bans private gun ownership.

And they have a fraction of the crime we do.

Just like Conservatards have to ignore the rest of the world to pretend universal health care won't work, they have to ignore the rest of the world to pretend gun control won't work.

Black control would reduce crime much more then gun control.
The argument of the left wing is that money and government make us smarter, but we have the highest number of people who cannot read a statistical table in the world despite the having the largest budget in the world.

But that isn't true, guy. Most of the rest of the world spends MORE on education than we do. We're the country that short-changes education.

We spend more per student than any country in the world, and more in straight up total spending than any other country in the world. There is not a country on the planet that spends more on education than we do, so your silly belief that most countries spend more just proves me right.

Not true.

We spend a lot of money under the guise of education that gets wasted. But as a percentage of GDP, we are actually behind the pack in the G-7

Expenditure per student, primary (% of GDP per capita) | Data | Table

Italy 25.2
United Kingdom 24.3
Japan 23.7
United States 22.6
France 18.5
Germany 17.8
(No figure available for Canada.)

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