President seeks to get rid of all nuclear weapons

Canada is right in our border. Shouldn't we nuke them first?

Absolutely agree. The alarmingly accurate documentary Canadian Bacon was right--the Canadians are amassing their population along our border, ready to march across at a moment's notice.

Canada is a nation of thugs that loots and riots because of hockey. Just think what those savages would be capable of if their government gave them carte blanche to destroy the lybyryl, enlightened United States with their backwards views and low corporate taxes.
Canada is right in our border. Shouldn't we nuke them first?

Absolutely agree. The alarmingly accurate documentary Canadian Bacon was right--the Canadians are amassing their population along our border, ready to march across at a moment's notice.

Canada is a nation of thugs that loots and riots because of hockey. Just think what those savages would be capable of if their government gave them carte blanche to destroy the lybyryl, enlightened United States with their backwards views and low corporate taxes.

Canadians cross our borders and drink our beer and steal our women
They also have Universal Healthcare which is the same thing as Communism

How can we allow a Communist state to exist right on our border?
First I seriously doubt it will ever happen second we haven't even been able to keep one country namely Iran from trying to develop nukes yet we're going to convince others to give there's up sorry I don't see it happening.
“It is my fervent goal and hope…that we will some day no longer have to rely on nuclear weapons to deter aggression and assure world peace. To that end the United States is now engaged in a serious and sustained effort to negotiate major reductions in levels of offensive nuclear weapons with the ultimate goal of eliminating these weapons from the face of the earth"

Well said Mr President!

How about some context? When did he say that and who was he talking to. I noticed you didn't provide a link.


So you refuse to ad context. Typical. How about he said this while we were in the midst of a nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union. Obama has the same rhetoric today, where it has become meaningless and outdated.

This is an open message board

You are free to challenge my quote from Reagan or add additional context. I am under no obligation to do so

Fine, I did add context to the quote. You're trying to say that Obama's view on nuclear weapons is identical to what Reagan's view was, when that isn't the case. Did our nuclear weapons stockpile grow under Reagan? Yes or no.

Reagan proposed the first START treaty
START I - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So? Under Reagan we saw an unprecedented surge in our nuclear arsenal. Obama has destroyed some of out nukes and would destroy more. Trying to draw parallel between the two is kind of ridicules.
“It is my fervent goal and hope…that we will some day no longer have to rely on nuclear weapons to deter aggression and assure world peace. To that end the United States is now engaged in a serious and sustained effort to negotiate major reductions in levels of offensive nuclear weapons with the ultimate goal of eliminating these weapons from the face of the earth"

Well said Mr President!

How about some context? When did he say that and who was he talking to. I noticed you didn't provide a link.


So you refuse to ad context. Typical. How about he said this while we were in the midst of a nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union. Obama has the same rhetoric today, where it has become meaningless and outdated.

This is an open message board

You are free to challenge my quote from Reagan or add additional context. I am under no obligation to do so

Fine, I did add context to the quote. You're trying to say that Obama's view on nuclear weapons is identical to what Reagan's view was, when that isn't the case. Did our nuclear weapons stockpile grow under Reagan? Yes or no.

Reagan proposed the first START treaty
START I - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So? Under Reagan we saw an unprecedented surge in our nuclear arsenal. Obama has destroyed some of out nukes and would destroy more. Trying to draw parallel between the two is kind of ridicules.

Actually, we saw a decrease in our nuclear arsenal under Reagan

Historical nuclear weapons stockpiles and nuclear tests by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Stupid move by a stupid liberal

If only obama was Caliph over the world. What a better place it would be. Life according to obama, everyplace.

Meanwhile more and more countries acquire more of this guy connected to reality at all?

Barry Obumbler the clueless strikes again.

What a fucking moron.

I don't know what you guys are talking about

Obama didn't say these things, Ron Reagan did

I was about to point that out.

Idiot RWs don't even know what their hero was about.

The treaty that Obama got signed was the very same that Reagan started.

Reagan said no one needed to own assault rifles.

OTOH, he also spent us into a hole and was on paid vacation during most of his presidency

He wasn't very smart but he wasn't a total loss either. But, we sure as hell can't afford anymore like him. For that matter, we can't afford Republicans, period.
Stupid move by a stupid liberal

If only obama was Caliph over the world. What a better place it would be. Life according to obama, everyplace.

Meanwhile more and more countries acquire more of this guy connected to reality at all?

Barry Obumbler the clueless strikes again.

What a fucking moron.

I don't know what you guys are talking about

Obama didn't say these things, Ron Reagan did
The stupid liberal was you, an admitted liar....

Are you still claiming Reagan was a "stupid liberal" then, or that I am a "stupid liberal" for supporting Reagan?
I never claimed anything other than you lie (by omission, clever twit) and when someone posted a "stupid liberal" I thought he meant you.

Gotta give RWs credit for their dancing skills.
Your little "gotcha" is rather hollow....Reagan wasnt eviscerating our nuke forces remember the Peacekeeper.... Obama is.

Wrong on both counts.

Reagan did indeed cut our nuclear weapons and the weapons Obama has cut were ALL out of date and/or in disrepair.

What Obama accomplished with that treaty was to give away NOTHING while getting what benefits us.
Stupid move by a stupid liberal

If only obama was Caliph over the world. What a better place it would be. Life according to obama, everyplace.

Meanwhile more and more countries acquire more of this guy connected to reality at all?

Barry Obumbler the clueless strikes again.

What a fucking moron.

I don't know what you guys are talking about

Obama didn't say these things, Ron Reagan did

I was about to point that out.

Idiot RWs don't even know what their hero was about.

The treaty that Obama got signed was the very same that Reagan started.

Reagan said no one needed to own assault rifles.

OTOH, he also spent us into a hole and was on paid vacation during most of his presidency

He wasn't very smart but he wasn't a total loss either. But, we sure as hell can't afford anymore like him. For that matter, we can't afford Republicans, period.


Conservative "idol" Ron Reagan supported total nuclear disarmament, banning assault rifles, tripling the national debt

Yet Conservatives rail against Obama

This president an idiot. The cat is out of the bag and he seeks to weaken his own country.

What happens if we need them to take out an asteroid?

We can send Bruce Willis
Canada is right in our border. Shouldn't we nuke them first?

Absolutely agree. The alarmingly accurate documentary Canadian Bacon was right--the Canadians are amassing their population along our border, ready to march across at a moment's notice.

Canada is a nation of thugs that loots and riots because of hockey. Just think what those savages would be capable of if their government gave them carte blanche to destroy the lybyryl, enlightened United States with their backwards views and low corporate taxes.

Canadians cross our borders and drink our beer and steal our women
They also have Universal Healthcare which is the same thing as Communism

How can we allow a Communist state to exist right on our border?

We all need to keep an eye out for the insidious Pine Needle Backs ...

Sorta like Wetbacks except they wear a lot of red plaid.
Stupid move by a stupid liberal

Isn't that what Reagan was trying to do? I seem to recall that Reagan took exception with arms control as being an endless series of treaties which formalized both sides holding on to large numbers of nuclear warheads aimed at each other. Wasn't he trying to essentially eliminate nuclear war by making increasingly massive cuts in the nukes both the US and the Soviets possessed?
Canada is right in our border. Shouldn't we nuke them first?

Absolutely agree. The alarmingly accurate documentary Canadian Bacon was right--the Canadians are amassing their population along our border, ready to march across at a moment's notice.

Canada is a nation of thugs that loots and riots because of hockey. Just think what those savages would be capable of if their government gave them carte blanche to destroy the lybyryl, enlightened United States with their backwards views and low corporate taxes.

Canadians cross our borders and drink our beer and steal our women
They also have Universal Healthcare which is the same thing as Communism

How can we allow a Communist state to exist right on our border?

We all need to keep an eye out for the insidious Pine Needle Backs ...

Sorta like Wetbacks except they wear a lot of red plaid.

Commie Bastards!

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